Gan Cao / Glycyrrhiza / Licorice root



性味: 味甘,性平。

归经: 归心、肺、脾、胃经。

功效: 补脾益气,清热解毒,祛痰止咳,缓急止痛,调和诸药。

主治: 用于脾胃虚弱,倦怠乏力,心悸气短,咳嗽痰多,脘腹、四肢挛急疼痛,痈肿疮毒,缓解药物毒性、烈性。

禁忌: 不宜与海藻、京大戟、红大戟、甘遂、芫花同用。

Gan Cao / Glycyrrhiza / Licorice root

Licorice root may have potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial effects. Early research suggests that, as a result, it may ease upper respiratory infections, treat ulcers, and aid digestion, among other benefits.
It may:

  • Aid diabetes. ... 
  • Reduce menopause symptoms. ... 
  • Boost weight loss. ... 
  • Help treat hepatitis C.

Licorice contains more than 20 triterpenoids and nearly 300 flavonoids. Among them, two triterpenes, GL and GA have been reported to have antiviral effects. They can weaken virus activities by inhibiting virus gene expression and replication, reducing adhesion force and stress, and reducing HMGB1 binding to DNA.

The taste is sweet and mild in nature. It enters Guixin [lung 9 acupuncture point], and Lung, Spleen, and Stomach meridians. 

Effects: To invigorate the spleen and qi, clear away heat and detoxify, eliminate phlegm and relieve cough, relieve emergency and relieve pain, used to blend “harmonize” various herbal ingredients in a formula. 

Indications: It is used for spleen and stomach weakness, fatigue, palpitation, shortness of breath, coughing and excessive sputum, abdominal and extremity contractures, acute pain, carbuncle swelling and wound toxicity. It has been used for relieving drug toxicity and increasing herbal potency. 

Caution: Not suitable for use with seaweed, Beijing Euphorbia, Red Euphorbia (i.e., poisonous flowering plants in the spurge family), Kansui [Kansui (jian shui), also called lye water or alkaline salt, is an alkaline solution that regulates acidity in the process of dough making. Chinese alkaline solution – It contains potassium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate (or baking soda).] and Daphne [an evergreen shrub.]

Product form

甘草片 性味: 味甘,性平。 归经: 归心、肺、脾、胃经。 功效: 补脾益气,清热解毒,祛痰止咳,缓急止痛,调和诸药。 主治: 用于脾胃虚弱,倦怠乏力,心悸气短,咳嗽痰多,脘腹、四肢挛急疼痛,痈肿疮毒,缓解药物毒性、烈性。 禁忌: 不宜与海藻、京大戟、红大戟、甘遂、芫花同用。 Gan Cao / Glycyrrhiza / Licorice root Licorice root may have potent antioxidant,... Read more

SKU: 410035ORIGIN: China
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    性味: 味甘,性平。

    归经: 归心、肺、脾、胃经。

    功效: 补脾益气,清热解毒,祛痰止咳,缓急止痛,调和诸药。

    主治: 用于脾胃虚弱,倦怠乏力,心悸气短,咳嗽痰多,脘腹、四肢挛急疼痛,痈肿疮毒,缓解药物毒性、烈性。

    禁忌: 不宜与海藻、京大戟、红大戟、甘遂、芫花同用。

    Gan Cao / Glycyrrhiza / Licorice root

    Licorice root may have potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial effects. Early research suggests that, as a result, it may ease upper respiratory infections, treat ulcers, and aid digestion, among other benefits.
    It may:

    • Aid diabetes. ... 
    • Reduce menopause symptoms. ... 
    • Boost weight loss. ... 
    • Help treat hepatitis C.

    Licorice contains more than 20 triterpenoids and nearly 300 flavonoids. Among them, two triterpenes, GL and GA have been reported to have antiviral effects. They can weaken virus activities by inhibiting virus gene expression and replication, reducing adhesion force and stress, and reducing HMGB1 binding to DNA.

    The taste is sweet and mild in nature. It enters Guixin [lung 9 acupuncture point], and Lung, Spleen, and Stomach meridians. 

    Effects: To invigorate the spleen and qi, clear away heat and detoxify, eliminate phlegm and relieve cough, relieve emergency and relieve pain, used to blend “harmonize” various herbal ingredients in a formula. 

    Indications: It is used for spleen and stomach weakness, fatigue, palpitation, shortness of breath, coughing and excessive sputum, abdominal and extremity contractures, acute pain, carbuncle swelling and wound toxicity. It has been used for relieving drug toxicity and increasing herbal potency. 

    Caution: Not suitable for use with seaweed, Beijing Euphorbia, Red Euphorbia (i.e., poisonous flowering plants in the spurge family), Kansui [Kansui (jian shui), also called lye water or alkaline salt, is an alkaline solution that regulates acidity in the process of dough making. Chinese alkaline solution – It contains potassium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate (or baking soda).] and Daphne [an evergreen shrub.]

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