Figwort Root / Radix Scrophulariae / Xuan Shen (16oz)


玄参 16oz









  • 内服:煎汤,9~15g;或入丸、散。
  • 外用:适量,捣敷或研末调敷。






  • 1.将猪肝洗净,与玄参同放铝锅内,加水适量,煮1小时,捞出猪肝,切成小片备用。
  • 2.将锅内加菜渍,放入葱、姜,稍炒一下,再放入猪肝片。
  • 3.将酱油,白糖、料酒少许,加原汤少许,收汁,勾入水豆粉
  • 4.将透明汤汁倒入猪肝片中,拌匀即成。

服法:佐餐食功效 养肝明目。


Figwort Root / Xuan Shen (16oz)

Figwort is a good diuretic and blood cleansing herb. It has mild laxative and analgesic (suppress pain) properties. It helps stimulate the liver, heart, and blood circulation. Used to treat skin disorders the herb is often combined with yellow dock (Rumex Crispus). 

Also known as the Chinese figwort, Scrophularia grows in the Zhejiang and Sichuan provinces of China. The root is used medicinally and is harvested in the winter... It clears heat toxins, eliminates nodules, and benefits the throat. . . . Scrophularia should not be used in cases with weakness of the spleen and stomach, especially when the patient has a poor appetite or diarrhea is present. It also should not be combined with the herb black hellebore (li lu). As always, make sure to consult with a qualified health care provider before taking Scrophularia or any other herbal remedy or dietary supplement.

From the manufacturer: 

The taste is sweet, bitter, salty; it is slightly cold in nature and its effects. It is the root of the Scrophulariaceae plant Scrophulariaceae. It is used to clear heat and cool blood, nourish yin and reduce fire, eliminate troubles, and detoxify. It has been used to cure fever, yin [deficiency], polydipsia, spotting, bone steaming, restless night sleep, spontaneous sweating, body sweating, constipation, vomiting and bleeding, sore throat, carbuncle, scrofula, warm toxin spotting, red eyes, diphtheria, sore toxin. It enters the Lung, Stomach, and Kidney meridians. 

Dosage: Oral administration: Decoction, 9~15g; or into pills or powder.

External use: appropriate amount, mashed or pulverized to apply. 

Cautions: Those with wet spleen and stomach and loose stools with spleen deficiency should not take it.

Diet therapy  

Figwort stewed pork liver  


15 grams of Figwort, 500 grams of pork liver, vegetable oil, green onions, ginger, soy sauce, sugar, rice wine, water soy flour, each amount [according to taste]      

  1. Wash [and soak] the pig liver, put it in an aluminum pot with Figwort, add the appropriate amount of water, cook for 1 hour, remove the liver, cut into small pieces for later use.     
  2. Add vegetables to the pot, add green onions and ginger, simmer for a while, and then add pork liver slices.     
  3. Add soy sauce, sugar, a little cooking wine, add a little original soup, collect the juice
  4. Pour the transparent soup into the liver slices, mix well and serve. 
  5.  Nourishes liver and improves eyesight. It is suitable for dry eyes, dim vision, night blindness, and chronic liver disease with insufficient liver yin.
Product form

玄参 16oz 重台、正马、玄台、鹿肠、鬼藏、馥草、黑参、野脂麻、元参、山当归、水萝卜 性味 味甘;苦;咸;性微寒 功效 为玄参科植物玄参的根。清热凉血,滋阴降火,除烦,解毒。治热病伤阴,舌绎烦渴,发斑,骨蒸劳热,夜寐不宁,自汗盗汗,津伤便秘,吐血衄血,咽喉肿痛,痈肿,瘰疬,温毒发斑、目赤、白喉、疮毒。 经脉 归肺经;胃经;肾经 用法用量 内服:煎汤,9~15g;或入丸、散。 外用:适量,捣敷或研末调敷。 注意禁忌 脾胃有湿及脾虚便溏者忌服。 食疗方 玄参炖猪肝 玄参15克,猪肝500克,菜油,葱,生姜,酱油,白糖,黄酒,水豆粉各适量。 1.将猪肝洗净,与玄参同放铝锅内,加水适量,煮1小时,捞出猪肝,切成小片备用。 2.将锅内加菜渍,放入葱、姜,稍炒一下,再放入猪肝片。 3.将酱油,白糖、料酒少许,加原汤少许,收汁,勾入水豆粉... Read more

SKU: 400367ORIGIN: China
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    玄参 16oz









    • 内服:煎汤,9~15g;或入丸、散。
    • 外用:适量,捣敷或研末调敷。






    • 1.将猪肝洗净,与玄参同放铝锅内,加水适量,煮1小时,捞出猪肝,切成小片备用。
    • 2.将锅内加菜渍,放入葱、姜,稍炒一下,再放入猪肝片。
    • 3.将酱油,白糖、料酒少许,加原汤少许,收汁,勾入水豆粉
    • 4.将透明汤汁倒入猪肝片中,拌匀即成。

    服法:佐餐食功效 养肝明目。


    Figwort Root / Xuan Shen (16oz)

    Figwort is a good diuretic and blood cleansing herb. It has mild laxative and analgesic (suppress pain) properties. It helps stimulate the liver, heart, and blood circulation. Used to treat skin disorders the herb is often combined with yellow dock (Rumex Crispus). 

    Also known as the Chinese figwort, Scrophularia grows in the Zhejiang and Sichuan provinces of China. The root is used medicinally and is harvested in the winter... It clears heat toxins, eliminates nodules, and benefits the throat. . . . Scrophularia should not be used in cases with weakness of the spleen and stomach, especially when the patient has a poor appetite or diarrhea is present. It also should not be combined with the herb black hellebore (li lu). As always, make sure to consult with a qualified health care provider before taking Scrophularia or any other herbal remedy or dietary supplement.

    From the manufacturer: 

    The taste is sweet, bitter, salty; it is slightly cold in nature and its effects. It is the root of the Scrophulariaceae plant Scrophulariaceae. It is used to clear heat and cool blood, nourish yin and reduce fire, eliminate troubles, and detoxify. It has been used to cure fever, yin [deficiency], polydipsia, spotting, bone steaming, restless night sleep, spontaneous sweating, body sweating, constipation, vomiting and bleeding, sore throat, carbuncle, scrofula, warm toxin spotting, red eyes, diphtheria, sore toxin. It enters the Lung, Stomach, and Kidney meridians. 

    Dosage: Oral administration: Decoction, 9~15g; or into pills or powder.

    External use: appropriate amount, mashed or pulverized to apply. 

    Cautions: Those with wet spleen and stomach and loose stools with spleen deficiency should not take it.

    Diet therapy  

    Figwort stewed pork liver  


    15 grams of Figwort, 500 grams of pork liver, vegetable oil, green onions, ginger, soy sauce, sugar, rice wine, water soy flour, each amount [according to taste]      

    1. Wash [and soak] the pig liver, put it in an aluminum pot with Figwort, add the appropriate amount of water, cook for 1 hour, remove the liver, cut into small pieces for later use.     
    2. Add vegetables to the pot, add green onions and ginger, simmer for a while, and then add pork liver slices.     
    3. Add soy sauce, sugar, a little cooking wine, add a little original soup, collect the juice
    4. Pour the transparent soup into the liver slices, mix well and serve. 
    5.  Nourishes liver and improves eyesight. It is suitable for dry eyes, dim vision, night blindness, and chronic liver disease with insufficient liver yin.

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