Common Floweringquince Fruit / Mu Gua (16oz)


木瓜 16oz

Common Flowering quince Fruit, Fruit of Common Flowering quince









  • 内服:煎汤,5~10g;或入丸、散。
  • 外用:煎水熏洗。


  • 1.《食疗本草》:不可多食,损齿及骨。
  • 2.《医学入门》:忌铅、铁。
  • 3.《本草经疏》:下部腰膝无力,由于精血虚、真阴不足者不宜用。伤食脾胃未虚、积滞多者,不宜用。


Common Floweringquince Fruit / Mu Gua 16oz

A Relaxing and Strengthening Fruit. Chaenomeles refers to the fruit of the Chinese flowering quince, called mugua (wood fruit); it should not be confused with the item sold in Oriental food markets as mugua, which is ordinary papaya.

Chinese Herb Actions

  • Relaxes the Sinews and Opens the Channels
    For stiffness and spasms of the sinews, muscles stiffness and spasms, and muscle atrophy. This is one of the best herbs for relaxing the sinews. Also for weakness and pain in the low back 
  • Harmonizes the Stomach and Transforms Damp
    For abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea and nausea. Also for cramping of the calves and edema in the legs. 

Chinese Herb Contraindications & Cautions

  • Do not use in cases with hyperchlorhydria 

Hyperchlorhydria, sometimes called chlorhydria, sour stomach or acid stomach, refers to the state in the stomach where gastric acid levels are higher than the reference range.

Do not use in cases with Internal Heat Stagnation and scanty dark urine

Product form

木瓜 16oz Common Flowering quince Fruit, Fruit of Common Flowering quince 楙、木瓜实、铁脚梨、秋木瓜、酸木瓜 性味 酸;温 功效 为蔷薇科植物皱皮木瓜的果实。平肝和胃,去湿舒筋。治吐泻转筋,湿痹,脚气,水肿,痢疾。 经脉 肝经;肺经;肾经;脾经 用法用量 内服:煎汤,5~10g;或入丸、散。... Read more

SKU: 400577ORIGIN: China
BARCODE: 0000000003466WEIGHT: 16 oz
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    木瓜 16oz

    Common Flowering quince Fruit, Fruit of Common Flowering quince









    • 内服:煎汤,5~10g;或入丸、散。
    • 外用:煎水熏洗。


    • 1.《食疗本草》:不可多食,损齿及骨。
    • 2.《医学入门》:忌铅、铁。
    • 3.《本草经疏》:下部腰膝无力,由于精血虚、真阴不足者不宜用。伤食脾胃未虚、积滞多者,不宜用。


    Common Floweringquince Fruit / Mu Gua 16oz

    A Relaxing and Strengthening Fruit. Chaenomeles refers to the fruit of the Chinese flowering quince, called mugua (wood fruit); it should not be confused with the item sold in Oriental food markets as mugua, which is ordinary papaya.

    Chinese Herb Actions

    • Relaxes the Sinews and Opens the Channels
      For stiffness and spasms of the sinews, muscles stiffness and spasms, and muscle atrophy. This is one of the best herbs for relaxing the sinews. Also for weakness and pain in the low back 
    • Harmonizes the Stomach and Transforms Damp
      For abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea and nausea. Also for cramping of the calves and edema in the legs. 

    Chinese Herb Contraindications & Cautions

    • Do not use in cases with hyperchlorhydria 

    Hyperchlorhydria, sometimes called chlorhydria, sour stomach or acid stomach, refers to the state in the stomach where gastric acid levels are higher than the reference range.

    Do not use in cases with Internal Heat Stagnation and scanty dark urine

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