金樱子 16oz
Cherokee Rose Fruit, Fruit of Cherokee Rose
- 1.有实火、邪热者忌服。
- 2.《医学入门》:中寒有痞者禁服。
- 3.《本草经疏》:泄泻由于火热暴注者不宜用;小便不禁及精气滑脱因于阴虚火炽而得者,不宜用。
Cherokee Rose Fruit/ Jin Ying Zi 16oz
Sour, astringent, high source of vitamin C improves spermatorrhea and “wet dreams” In severe cases, semen can be ejaculated involuntarily while a man is awake. And it is often accompanied by symptoms like dizziness, tinnitus, forgetfulness, palpitation, insomnia, soreness of waist and knee, lassitude, weak urine stream, discomfort and fullness in lower abdomen and genitals, etc.
The Cherokee rose, also called rosa laevigata in scientific name and Jin Ying Zi in Pinyin, can provide a unique flavor experience thanks to its honey-like taste and delicate fragrance. It has a wide variety of nutrients, especially vitamin C, and helps in reducing sugar. According to relevant analysis, every 100g of its fresh pulp contains 1009g vitamin C, which is second only to Roxburgh rose, 2 times of fresh jujube fruit, 10 times of kiwi, 30 times and of citrus. In addition, it is rich in zinc and selenium two trace elements that are essential to the human body and have specific health benefits and anti-cancer effects.
Modern pharmacological actions of rosa laevigata
The tannin contained has astringent, antidiarrheal effect;
2. Its decoction can inhibit Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, tetanus, leptospira, and influenza virus;
3. Its decoction has an anti-atherosclerotic effect.
The Chinese Materia Medica says that it is sour and astringent in flavor and neutral and non-toxic in properties. And it goes to the 5 meridians of the kidney, bladder, colon, spleen, and lung. Common functions include securing essence, reducing urination, astringing intestine, and checking vaginal discharge. Essential medicinal uses and indications are night emission, enuresis, frequent urination, chronic diarrhea, lingering dysentery, gonorrhea, vaginal discharge, metrorrhagia and metrostaxis, prolapse of anus, and uterine prolapse. Recommended dosage is from 9 to 15 grams in decoction, tea pills, cream, or powder.