Morinda officinalis / Ba Ji Tian (3oz)


精选 巴戟天 (3 oz/包)














猪肝50克,香菇20克,枸杞子30克,巴戟12克。巴戟、香菇、枸杞子洗净,猪肝洗净切片。共放入沙锅内,加清水适量,置文火上炖煮至猪肝熟透,加味精,酱油少许调味即可。 饮汤吃猪肝及香菇,每日一料。

功效 补肝益肾,强身壮体,益寿延年。用于久病体虚,肝肾不足或年老体衰者。



功效 温补肺肾,固精止遗。用治肺肾阳虚气弱,阳萎,早泄,遗精,滑精,遗尿,夜尿多,气短喘促。



枸杞子、首乌、巴戟、生地洗净,胡桃肉用开水烫去衣。猪肾洗净,切开去白脂膜,切片,下油起锅用姜片略炒。把全部中药放入锅内,加清水适量煮沸后,文火煲2小时。最后加入猪肾片,煮5分钟后,加盐少许调味,饮汤吃猪肾。每日1料。 服法 饮汤吃猪肾。

功效 补肾填精,乌须黑发。用于须发早白,腰膝酸软,筋骨无力,头晕耳鸣等。


Morinda Officinalis/Ba Ji Tian (3 oz/Bag)

--Medicinal indian mulberry/Indianmulberry (root)  

The root of Morinda Officinalis, a dicotyledonous plant medicine in Rubiaceae. It tastes  sweet, pungent, and is moderately warming. It enters the kidney and liver meridians to invigorate kidney yang, strengthen muscles and bones, and dispel rheumatism pain. It has been used to cure impotence, reduce abdomen pain, urinary incontinence, uterine deficiency that might lead to miscarriage, and “internal cold, wind-cold dampness,” and waist and knee pain. 

Cautions: Those who suffer from Yin deficiency and “false fire” should not take it. Symptoms include diabetes, fever, chronic thirst with weakness, red dry tongue and fast pulse. 

【Diet Therapy】 

  1. Pork Liver Soup  

Ingredients: 50 grams of pork liver, 20 grams of shiitake mushrooms, 30 grams of medlar (or gojiberry aka wolfberry), 12 grams of Morinda Officinalis.

Wash off Morinda Officinalis, shiitake mushrooms and wolfberry berries, wash and slice pig liver. Put it in a casserole, add an appropriate amount of water, simmer on low heat until the liver is cooked through, (optional: add MSG,) add a little soy sauce to taste. Drink soup and eat pork liver and mushrooms, once daily.

Efficacy: It nourishes the liver and kidney, strengthens the body and prolongs life. It is used for patients with chronic illness and physical weakness, liver and kidney insufficiency, or elderly and physical weakness. 

  1. Morinda Officinalis and chicken intestine soup  

Ingredients: 12 grams of Morinda Officinalis, 12 grams of Cistanche, 1 chicken intestine. 

Cut the chicken intestines, clean the inner and outer of the intestines, scrub with salt, and cut into sections after washing; wrap Morinda Officinalis and Cistanche in a gauze bag, tie the mouth of the bag tightly so the bag can be removed when the soup is cooked. Put the chicken intestines in a casserole, add water. Add refined salt and ginger slices. Bring to a boil, then simmer for 60 minutes and serve. Drink soup and eat the intestines.  

Efficacy: Warming and nourishing for the lungs and kidneys, solidifying Jing essence. It can be used to treat lung and kidney yang deficiency, weak qi, impotence, premature ejaculation, nocturnal emission, hydration, enuresis, nocturia, shortness of breath and wheezing

  1. Wolfberry, walnut and pig kidney soup  

Ingredients: 2 pig kidneys, 15 grams of Chinese wolfberry, 30 grams of walnut meat (walnut kernel), 60 grams of Shouwu (Polygonum multiflorum), 30 grams of Morinda officinalis, 15 grams of Radix Rehmanniae, 15 grams of ginger.  

Wash the wolfberry, Shouwu, Morinda officinalis, raw rehmannia, and wash the walnut meat with boiling water. Wash pig kidney, cut them open to remove the white fat film. It can be soaked 2 hours in salt water to remove impurities. Slice, oil and stir-fry the kidneys with ginger slices. Set them aside. Put all the Chinese medicine in the pot. Add water to cover and bring it to a boil, then simmer for 2 hours. Finally add the pig kidney slices, cook for 5 minutes, add a little salt to taste, drink the soup and eat the pig kidney once per day. 

Efficacy: Nourishes the kidney, builds up jing essence. The herbs, expecially shouwu are said to prevent premature grey hair and bring back black beard and black hair. Used for waist and knees weakness, dizziness, tinnitus, etc. A great nourishing soup for cold weather and winter. Especially useful longterm for people with chills, weakness, palor, aching back, premature aging, recovery from illness or post-partum.

Product form

精选 巴戟天 (3 oz/包) 为双子叶植物药茜草科植物巴戟天的根。 尺寸 12-15片/包 性味 甘,辛,微温。 经脉 归肾经、肝经。 主治 补肾阳,壮筋骨,祛风湿。治阳痿,少腹冷痛,小便不禁,子宫虚冷,风寒湿痹,腰膝酸痛。 注意禁忌 阴虚火旺者忌服。 【食疗方】 1.猪肝益寿延年汤 猪肝50克,香菇20克,枸杞子30克,巴戟12克。巴戟、香菇、枸杞子洗净,猪肝洗净切片。共放入沙锅内,加清水适量,置文火上炖煮至猪肝熟透,加味精,酱油少许调味即可。 饮汤吃猪肝及香菇,每日一料。 功效... Read more

SKU: 410172ORIGIN: China
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    精选 巴戟天 (3 oz/包)














    猪肝50克,香菇20克,枸杞子30克,巴戟12克。巴戟、香菇、枸杞子洗净,猪肝洗净切片。共放入沙锅内,加清水适量,置文火上炖煮至猪肝熟透,加味精,酱油少许调味即可。 饮汤吃猪肝及香菇,每日一料。

    功效 补肝益肾,强身壮体,益寿延年。用于久病体虚,肝肾不足或年老体衰者。



    功效 温补肺肾,固精止遗。用治肺肾阳虚气弱,阳萎,早泄,遗精,滑精,遗尿,夜尿多,气短喘促。



    枸杞子、首乌、巴戟、生地洗净,胡桃肉用开水烫去衣。猪肾洗净,切开去白脂膜,切片,下油起锅用姜片略炒。把全部中药放入锅内,加清水适量煮沸后,文火煲2小时。最后加入猪肾片,煮5分钟后,加盐少许调味,饮汤吃猪肾。每日1料。 服法 饮汤吃猪肾。

    功效 补肾填精,乌须黑发。用于须发早白,腰膝酸软,筋骨无力,头晕耳鸣等。


    Morinda Officinalis/Ba Ji Tian (3 oz/Bag)

    --Medicinal indian mulberry/Indianmulberry (root)  

    The root of Morinda Officinalis, a dicotyledonous plant medicine in Rubiaceae. It tastes  sweet, pungent, and is moderately warming. It enters the kidney and liver meridians to invigorate kidney yang, strengthen muscles and bones, and dispel rheumatism pain. It has been used to cure impotence, reduce abdomen pain, urinary incontinence, uterine deficiency that might lead to miscarriage, and “internal cold, wind-cold dampness,” and waist and knee pain. 

    Cautions: Those who suffer from Yin deficiency and “false fire” should not take it. Symptoms include diabetes, fever, chronic thirst with weakness, red dry tongue and fast pulse. 

    【Diet Therapy】 

    1. Pork Liver Soup  

    Ingredients: 50 grams of pork liver, 20 grams of shiitake mushrooms, 30 grams of medlar (or gojiberry aka wolfberry), 12 grams of Morinda Officinalis.

    Wash off Morinda Officinalis, shiitake mushrooms and wolfberry berries, wash and slice pig liver. Put it in a casserole, add an appropriate amount of water, simmer on low heat until the liver is cooked through, (optional: add MSG,) add a little soy sauce to taste. Drink soup and eat pork liver and mushrooms, once daily.

    Efficacy: It nourishes the liver and kidney, strengthens the body and prolongs life. It is used for patients with chronic illness and physical weakness, liver and kidney insufficiency, or elderly and physical weakness. 

    1. Morinda Officinalis and chicken intestine soup  

    Ingredients: 12 grams of Morinda Officinalis, 12 grams of Cistanche, 1 chicken intestine. 

    Cut the chicken intestines, clean the inner and outer of the intestines, scrub with salt, and cut into sections after washing; wrap Morinda Officinalis and Cistanche in a gauze bag, tie the mouth of the bag tightly so the bag can be removed when the soup is cooked. Put the chicken intestines in a casserole, add water. Add refined salt and ginger slices. Bring to a boil, then simmer for 60 minutes and serve. Drink soup and eat the intestines.  

    Efficacy: Warming and nourishing for the lungs and kidneys, solidifying Jing essence. It can be used to treat lung and kidney yang deficiency, weak qi, impotence, premature ejaculation, nocturnal emission, hydration, enuresis, nocturia, shortness of breath and wheezing

    1. Wolfberry, walnut and pig kidney soup  

    Ingredients: 2 pig kidneys, 15 grams of Chinese wolfberry, 30 grams of walnut meat (walnut kernel), 60 grams of Shouwu (Polygonum multiflorum), 30 grams of Morinda officinalis, 15 grams of Radix Rehmanniae, 15 grams of ginger.  

    Wash the wolfberry, Shouwu, Morinda officinalis, raw rehmannia, and wash the walnut meat with boiling water. Wash pig kidney, cut them open to remove the white fat film. It can be soaked 2 hours in salt water to remove impurities. Slice, oil and stir-fry the kidneys with ginger slices. Set them aside. Put all the Chinese medicine in the pot. Add water to cover and bring it to a boil, then simmer for 2 hours. Finally add the pig kidney slices, cook for 5 minutes, add a little salt to taste, drink the soup and eat the pig kidney once per day. 

    Efficacy: Nourishes the kidney, builds up jing essence. The herbs, expecially shouwu are said to prevent premature grey hair and bring back black beard and black hair. Used for waist and knees weakness, dizziness, tinnitus, etc. A great nourishing soup for cold weather and winter. Especially useful longterm for people with chills, weakness, palor, aching back, premature aging, recovery from illness or post-partum.

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