White Tea Cake
PPX Royal White Peony Tea
品品香 2018典藏白牡丹 原料与品质 优质原料:源自品品香位于福鼎核心产区平均海拔 600 米以上的高山生态茶园,只选用明前特级白牡丹茶鲜叶,芽叶连枝、有芽有叶,兼具白毫银针的鲜爽和寿眉的醇,量少珍贵,为茶叶的高品质奠定基础. 精湛工艺:由林振传国家级技能大师工作室监制,传承开合精成非遗技艺,并经由六道精制工序匠心制成,精选度更高,品质更优. 外观形态 干茶:芽头较肥壮,叶片呈灰绿色,叶张肥嫩,毫心银白,满披白毫,整体外形毫心肥壮,叶张肥嫩,芽叶连枝,形态自然洒脱. 茶饼:若为紧压茶饼,其外形呈圆盘饼形,饼面平整、茶形圆润,色泽为黄褐色,且具有明显的银亮茶毫. 口感香气 口感醇厚:经过多年陈化,茶多酚、黄酮类化合物等营养成分得到了更好的转化,使得茶汤更加浓郁醇厚、顺滑顺口,滋味浓郁饱满,回甘持久. 香气丰富:拥有独特而丰富的香气,毫香、花香与枣香相互交融,随着冲泡次数的增加,香气层次逐渐展现,初闻有淡淡的毫香,细品之下花香和枣香逐渐散发出来,给人带来丰富的嗅觉体验. 冲泡方法 冲泡器具选择:可选用白瓷盖碗或紫砂壶进行冲泡,白瓷盖碗能够更好地展现白牡丹的香气和色泽,紫砂壶则有助于提升茶汤的醇厚感. 投茶量与水温:一般 110ml 左右容量的器具搭配 5 克左右的干茶为宜,水温以 100℃沸水为佳. 冲泡技巧:第一泡可先进行洗茶,用沸水快速冲洗茶叶后倒掉,然后从第二泡开始正常冲泡,每泡可根据个人口感喜好适当延长出汤时间,一般控制在 10-15 秒左右,随着冲泡次数的增加,可逐渐延长坐杯时间. 收藏价值 年份价值:作为 2018 年的典藏白茶,经过了多年的时间沉淀,其品质和价值得到了进一步提升。白茶素有 “一年茶、三年药、七年宝” 的说法,这款茶正处于较好的转化阶段,具有较高的收藏价值和升值潜力. 品牌与品质保障:品品香作为白茶行业的知名品牌,其产品质量和品牌信誉都有保障。典藏系列更是以严格的品质把控和独特的产品理念受到消费者的认可,因此品品香 2018 典藏白牡丹在市场上具有较高的认可度和流通性,也为其收藏价值加分.
PPX Shou Mei 1441 White Tea (2014 Tea Brick)
品品香 晒白金.寿眉1441(2014紧压小砖)12*30g 晒白金・寿眉 1441(2014 紧压小砖)是品品香出品的一款白茶,采用优质寿眉原料,经精制后压成梯形小砖,有着醇厚口感、丰富香气,兼具方便冲泡和收藏价值。 原料与品质 优质原料基础:源自福建福鼎品品香的生态有机茶基地,那里的自然环境得天独厚,为茶树生长提供了清新的空气、适宜的气候和肥沃的土壤,从而孕育出品质优良的寿眉原料. 严格筛选精制:经过精心挑选和多道精制工序,去除杂质、梗、片末等,仅保留 75% 的精华原料,为最终的高品质茶品奠定基础. 外观形态 独特小砖造型:采用梯形小砖的紧压形状,这是晒白金系列的标志性设计。这种形状不仅便于储存和携带,还解决了传统茶饼撬茶的不便,一粒一泡,无需称量和撬取,方便快捷,易于掌握投茶量. 干茶特征:干茶色泽呈灰绿色,叶片较宽大,芽头较少,梗粗叶大,还带着白毫,形状自然洒脱,整体呈现出寿眉茶特有的质朴之美. 口感香气 醇厚顺滑口感:经过 2014 年到 2024 年这十年的陈化,茶叶内质发生了显著变化,茶多酚、黄酮类化合物等营养成分得到了更好的转化,使得茶汤更加浓郁醇厚、顺滑顺口,滋味浓郁饱满,回甘持久,给人一种温泉汤般的温润之感,让人回味无穷. 丰富香气层次:拥有独特而丰富的香气,陈香、药香与枣香相互交融,随着冲泡次数的增加,香气层次逐渐展现,初闻有淡淡的陈香,细品之下药香和枣香逐渐散发出来,给人带来丰富的嗅觉体验. 冲泡方法 冲泡器具选择:可选用白瓷盖碗或紫砂壶进行冲泡,白瓷盖碗能够更好地展现寿眉的香气和色泽,紫砂壶则有助于提升茶汤的醇厚感. 投茶量与水温:一般 110ml 左右容量的器具搭配 5 克左右的干茶为宜,水温以 100℃沸水为佳. 冲泡技巧:对于这款 2014 年的老寿眉,第一泡可先进行洗茶,用沸水快速冲洗茶叶后倒掉,然后从第二泡开始正常冲泡,每泡可根据个人口感喜好适当延长出汤时间,一般控制在 10-15 秒左右,随着冲泡次数的增加,可逐渐延长坐杯时间. 收藏价值 年份价值:作为 2014 年的紧压老白茶,经过了十年的时间沉淀,其品质和价值得到了进一步提升。白茶素有 “一年茶、三年药、七年宝” 的说法,这款茶正处于 “宝” 的阶段,具有较高的收藏价值和升值潜力. 品牌与品质保障:品品香作为白茶行业的知名品牌,其产品质量和品牌信誉都有保障。晒白金系列更是以严格的品质把控和独特的产品理念受到消费者的认可,因此晒白金。寿眉 1441 在市场上具有较高的认可度和流通性,也为其收藏价值加分
PPX Shou Mei 1245 White Tea (2012 Tea Cake)
品品香 晒白金.寿眉1245(2012紧压茶饼) 晒白金・寿眉 1245 是一款极具特色的紧压茶饼,其原料来自 2012 年,经过精心制作与陈化,为白茶爱好者带来独特的品饮体验。无论是作为日常品饮的佳茗,还是用于收藏增值的珍品,都具有很高的价值,值得白茶爱好者拥有。 产品特色 原料与年份 这款茶饼的原料来自 2012 年,寿眉本身具有独特的风味,经过多年的陈化,茶叶中的成分得到了充分的转化,使得其口感更加醇厚,香气更加浓郁。 品质与口感 晒白金系列以其高品质著称,1245 寿眉茶饼也不例外。其汤色橙黄明亮,滋味醇厚回甘,既有寿眉本身的清新与甘甜,又有经过长时间陈化后产生的陈香韵味,如枣香、药香等,层次丰富,口感悠长。 制作工艺 采用紧压工艺,将茶叶压制成饼状,这种工艺有助于茶叶在存储过程中更好地保持其品质。紧压茶饼不仅便于保存和携带,而且在后续的陈化过程中,能够使茶叶内部的物质更加均匀地转化,提升茶叶的口感和香气。
PPX Gong Mei 1231 White Tea (2012 Tea Cake)
品品香 晒白金.贡眉1231(2012紧压茶饼) 晒白金・贡眉 1231 是一款极具特色的紧压茶饼,其原料来自 2012 年,经过精心制作与陈化,为白茶爱好者带来独特的品饮体验。无论是作为日常品饮的佳茗,还是用于收藏增值的珍品,都具有很高的价值,值得白茶爱好者拥有。 产品特色 原料与年份 这款茶饼的原料来自 2012 年,贡眉本身具有独特的风味,经过多年的陈化,茶叶中的成分得到了充分的转化,使得其口感更加醇厚,香气更加浓郁。 品质与口感 晒白金系列以其高品质著称,1231 贡眉茶饼也不例外。其汤色橙黄明亮,滋味醇厚回甘,既有贡眉本身的清新与甘甜,又有经过长时间陈化后产生的陈香韵味,如枣香、药香等,层次丰富,口感悠长。 制作工艺 采用紧压工艺,将茶叶压制成饼状,这种工艺有助于茶叶在存储过程中更好地保持其品质。紧压茶饼不仅便于保存和携带,而且在后续的陈化过程中,能够使茶叶内部的物质更加均匀地转化,提升茶叶的口感和香气。
2022 White Peony White Tea Cake 80g
2022 牡丹白美人 白茶餅 80g 生曬古樹白茶 白毫顯露 溫潤甘甜 白茶工藝最大的特點在于簡化的製作流程,保留了茶葉最本真的口感。採用雲南古樹純料,精選一芽一葉或一芽兩葉製作,高品質,整個製作過程中盡量減少人工干預,自然萎凋、乾燥,確保茶葉内質不被破壞,最大化發揮茶葉的品質。白茶保留了豐富的茶多酚及酶的活性,有利於後期的轉化。 古茶樹根系發達,枝幹成熟粗壯,儲存的營養物質豐富。相比普通白茶,古樹白茶的有效浸出物更多,茶湯更加飽滿,香氣濃郁且持久,耐泡性也更强。 緊壓的茶餅鬆緊適度,外觀圓潤飽滿,灰呂帶黃,白毫顯露。茶湯入口温潤如玉,果蜜香濃郁充满口腔,鮮爽無比。自然陳化後的茶葉,口感更加豐富、層次感更强。 尤其是白牡丹白茶,由於不揉不炒,茶中的茶多酚和氨基酸含量较高,具備獨特的保健功效。乾茶散發淡雅花香,泡出的茶湯清淡甘甜,色澤淺黃明亮。白茶適合長期存放,隨著時間的推移,味道会愈加醇厚。 2022 White Peony White Tea Cake 80g The hallmark of white tea craftsmanship lies in its minimalist production process, preserving the tea’s pure, authentic flavor. Crafted from Yunnan premium ancient tea trees, with carefully selected one bud and one or two leaves, this high-quality tea undergoes minimal human intervention. The leaves are allowed to wither and dry naturally, ensuring their internal qualities remain intact and fully optimized. Rich in polyphenols and active enzymes, white tea retains these vital components, supporting its natural evolution over time. Ancient tea trees have well-developed root systems and mature, sturdy branches that store abundant nutrients. Compared to regular white tea, ancient tree white tea contains more extractable substances, resulting in a fuller tea broth, a richer and more lasting aroma, and greater endurance during steeping. The production of tea cakes starts with loose tea, which is steamed to soften the leaves before being pressed into a round cake shape. This steaming and pressing process enhances the fermentation of white tea, deepening its flavor and enriching its color. Over time, the tea’s character evolves, becoming more complex and refined. The compressed tea cake has a balanced firmness with a smooth, rounded appearance. Its grayish-green hue, tinged with yellow, and the visible white hairs lend it a distinctive look. When brewed, the tea is silky smooth, enveloping the palate with a rich honeyed aroma and a refreshing, vibrant taste. With natural aging, the tea deepens in flavor, becoming richer and more layered. White Peony white tea stands out for its unique processing method, as it is neither rolled nor fried. This results in a higher concentration of polyphenols and amino acids, offering distinct health benefits. The dry leaves release a delicate floral fragrance, and when brewed, the tea is light, sweet, and refreshing, showcasing a pale, bright yellow hue. Well-suited for long-term aging, this white tea becomes increasingly mellow and robust over time.
PPX Floral Sliver Needle/ Sai Bai Yu White Tea Cake
品品香 福鼎白茶饼 老白茶砖 陈年白毫银针 赛白玉 500g/饼 绝版 限量珍藏 厂名:福建品品香茶业有限公司 配料表:白毫银针 储藏方法:常温,避光,干燥密封存放 保质期:5475 天 食品添加剂:无 品牌: 品品香 系列: 赛白玉 规格: 白茶砖 包装方式: 包装 包装种类: 礼盒装 茶种类: 白毫银针 生长季节: 春季 产地: 中国大陆 省份: 福建省 PPX Floral Silver Needle/ Sai Bai Yu White Tea Cake These sought-after organic white tea leaves and buds are cultivated in the Fujian Province, near Wuyi Mountain, then hand-picked at the 1st Spring harvest of the year. Also known as Baihao Yinzhen, the silver needle's name comes from the tiny silver hairs that coat the young tea leaves. The white tea buds steep into a light gold infusion, with natural light floral notes of honeysuckle with a round body and clean aftertaste. The L-theanine in white tea encourages an alert state of relaxation. This is a tea to be sipped and savored, and a must-try for tea connoisseurs. About White Tea Increases Mental Awareness and Focus, Calming Most Powerful Anti-Oxidant, Anti-Aging Calorie-free, Fat-free, Gluten-free, Extremely low in caffeine Tea infused from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant is the world’s most popular beverage after water. The darker the tea, the more processing it has undergone, and the more processing, the more antioxidants are lost. White teas are made from buds and young leaves, which are steamed or fried, and then dried. The closest thing to fresh tea leaves, white tea retains the highest concentrations of catechin polyphenols, which research shows may help prevent cancer, lower blood cholesterol, and control high blood pressure. (theteaspot.com)
PPX Peony/Shou Mei White Tea Cake (0841)
品品香 福鼎白茶 白牡丹/寿眉 紧压饼 0841老白茶饼400克 储藏方法:常温,阴凉,干燥,密封存放 保质期:5475 天 食品添加剂:无 品牌: 品品香 系列:老白茶 规格: 品品香寿眉0841 包装方式: 包装 包装种类: 盒装 茶种类: 寿眉 级别: 一级 生长季节: 春季 产地: 中国大陆 省份: 福建省 PPX Peony/Shou Mei White Tea Cake (0841) White Peony, also known by the traditional name Bai Mu Dan, is a popular style of white tea made of young tea leaves and silvery unopened leaf buds. . . . White peony tea is a great ally to fight bacteria, viruses, and other agents that may harm us. Helps promote Kidney health. White peony tea boosts our immune system. White peony tea helps in the burning of fats and also the development of muscles. (namhah.com) White Tea Health Benefits: Rich in Antioxidants. May Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease. Improves Weight Loss. Help Protect Teeth from Bacteria. Contains Compounds That May Fight Cancer. May Lower the Risk of Insulin Resistance. Compounds in White Tea May Protect Against Osteoporosis. May Help Combat Skin Aging Brewing: Typically, white teas are brewed at a lower temperature than black teas. Often temperatures such as 70 degrees Celsius are all that is required. Different steep times and different temperatures have a remarkably different effect on the outcome of the final brew, but two to five minutes is ideal. Storage method: normal temperature, cool, dry, sealed storage Shelf life: 5475 days Food additives: none Specifications: Pinpin Xiangshou Mei 0841 Packing type: boxed Tea Type: Shou Mei / Peony White Tea Level: Level 1 Growing season: spring Place of Origin: Mainland China (Fujian Province)
$879.99 - $929.99