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Wellness & Slimming Tea

27 products

  • GXW QINGRE QUSHI KELI (10gx15 Sachets) GXW QINGRE QUSHI KELI (10gx15 Sachets)

    GXW QINGRE QUSHI KELI (10gx15 Sachets)

    葛仙翁 清热祛湿颗粒(10克x15包)  


  • GXW SHUFENG JIEDU KELI (10gx15 Sachets) GXW SHUFENG JIEDU KELI (10gx15 Sachets)

    GXW SHUFENG JIEDU KELI (10gx15 Sachets)

    葛仙翁 疏风解毒颗粒(10克x15包) GXW SHUFENG JIEDU KELI (10gx15 Sachets) Storage method: Store in a cool and dry place. Directions: Dissolve 1-2 bags in a cup of boiling water, 3-4 times a day when needed. Best before: see packaging   


  • GXW YINHUA QINGGAN KELI (10gx15 Sachets) GXW YINHUA QINGGAN KELI (10gx15 Sachets)

    GXW YINHUA QINGGAN KELI (10gx15 Sachets)

    葛仙翁 银花清感颗粒(10克x15包)  Honeysuckle Herbal Tea from Ge Xian Weng The tea is inherently antibacterial. Clears and detoxifies, inhibiting bacterial growth, cooling, and reducing heat manifestations in the process.  This is an effective drink to clear ulcers, sore throat, internal and external heat infections. Acts as an expectorant to treat cough and mild asthma.  Directions for Use: Consume 1-2 bags well steeped in warm water, as needed, or 3-4 times daily. Ingredients: Sugar, Honeysuckle, Forsythia, Playcodon  Honeysuckle flower (Lonicera japanica) is antibacterial, forsythia bark reduces fever: platycodon is used as an expectorant and anti-tussive to treat coughs, colds, sore throats, tonsillitis, and chest congestion.  


  • 20% OFF
    Gexianweng QiangLi Qushi Herbal Tea 10gx16 bag Gexianweng QiangLi Qushi Herbal Tea 10gx16 bag

    Gexianweng QiangLi Qushi Herbal Tea 10gx16 bag

    葛仙翁 强力去濕茶160g (10gx16袋) 本品選用藿香、紫蘇等氣味藥食同源植物為原料,采用現代科學方法精製而成。 配料:藿香、紫蘇、白芷、茯苓、橘皮、桔梗、甘草、白砂糖 飲用方法:開水冲飲,一次1-2袋,一日3-4次 產品規格:10g*16袋 Gexianweng QiangLi Qushi Herbal Tea 10gx16 bag This product is made from medicinal and edible plants such as Agastache rugosa and Perilla frutescens, refined using modern scientific methods. Ingredients: Agastache rugosa, Perilla frutescens, Angelica dahurica, Poria, Tangerine peel, Platycodon, Licorice, Sugar. Direction: Dissolve one or two bags in a cup of boiled water, 3 or 4 times daily when needed.


  • Gexianweng Xiafowang Beverage 10gx16 bags Gexianweng Xiafowang Beverage 10gx16 bags

    Gexianweng Xiafowang Beverage 10gx16 bags

    Gexianweng Xiafowang Beverage 160g (10gx16 bags) 葛仙翁 下火王冲劑 160g (10gx16小袋) 主要成份:金銀花、菊花、胖大海、梔子、桑葉、淡竹葉、白茅根、魚腥草、白砂糖 飲用方法:開水冲飲,一次1-2袋,一日3-4次 儲存方式:請置於陰涼乾燥處 產品規格:10g*16袋 **產品的説明信息未經美國食品药物管理局(FDA)的评估審查,不宜作藥用注解。懷孕及哺乳期婦女、嬰幼兒或 正在服用處方藥物者在使用前請咨詢醫師****產品包裝、價格、保質期、规格等訊息如有調整,恕不另行通知。如未能及時更新產品訊息,請以收到的實 物產品為准。產品包裝説明可能含有更多本網站上沒有涵蓋的產品訊息。請在使用或服用前,閲讀產品所附說明、標簽及注意事項。 Gexianweng Xiafowang Beverage (10gx16 bag) Ingredients: Honeysuckle, Chrysanthemum Flower, Boat-fruited Sterculia Seed, Cape Jasmine Fruit, Mulberry leaf, Common Lophatherum Herb, Lalang Grass Rhizome, Heartleaf Houlttuynia Herb. Direction: Dissolve one or two bags in a cup of boiled water, 3 or 4 times daily when needed.


  • 金錢牌夏桑菊沖劑(20包*10克)GColin Chrysmori Bev.sugar(20bags*10g) 金錢牌夏桑菊沖劑(20包*10克)GColin Chrysmori Bev.sugar(20bags*10g)

    Gold Coin Brand Chrysmori Beverage (10g*20bags)

    金钱牌 夏桑菊冲剂(10克*20包) 防治四时感冒  清除咽喉肿痛  夏日消暑散热  秋冬润燥降火 疏风散热  清肝明目  除湿润燥  解毒降压 本品是有夏枯草、桑叶、菊花等组方,经采用现代制药工艺加工而成,制品效果显著,独立包装便利携带,冲泡服用方便,常饮清热解毒,老少皆宜。 用法用量:口服,每日三次,每次1-2包,温开水冲服,20小时内不得超过6包的服用量。怀孕禁用。(实际产品的包装及材料可能含有更多本网站没有涵盖的产品信息) **根據美國醫藥衛生條例,以上的聲明和中醫藥理,並未有經過美國食品和醫藥管理局(FDA)的正式評估。本產品不宜作藥用注解,不適用於針對診斷、治療、治愈或預防任何疾病。 Gold Coin Brand Chrysmori Beverage (10g*20bags) This product is formulated with Prunella, mulberry leaves, chrysanthemum flowers, and other ingredients, processed using modern pharmaceutical techniques. It is highly effective, conveniently packaged for easy carrying, and easy to prepare and consume. Regular consumption clears heat and detoxifies, making it suitable for all ages. Dosage and Administration: take 1-2 sachets three times daily, dissolved in warm water. Do not exceed 6 sachets within 24 hours. Not for use during pregnancy. (The actual product packaging and materials may contain additional information not covered on this website.) **This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


  • Green Fresh Extra Strength Herbal Dieters Tea 30 Tea Bags Green Fresh Extra Strength Herbal Dieters Tea 30 Tea Bags

    Green Fresh Extra Strength Herbal Dieters Tea 30 Tea Bags

    Green Fresh Extra Strength Herbal Dieters Tea 30 Tea Bags 大洋强效減肥茶 30包/盒 No Caffeine No Chemical Additives 30 Tea Bags Per Package Natural Packaging May Be Slightly Different Than Shown In Picture Green Fresh dieter’s tea is formulated from an ancient Chinese blend of the highest quality tea and herbs. Dating back to the 1500s, this formula from Lee Se-Zhens’s Detailed Outlines on Chinese Herbs has been helping the Chinese stay slim for centuries. This tea is 100% natural with no added preservatives, additives, or caffeine.  Teabags inside the sealed box were arranged in opposite directions. It may look like 15 pcs from the outside sealed plastic bag but there were 30 pcs inside. Please always count piece by piece.


  • 85g 85g

    H.E.I. Kamwo Herbal Tea 3oz/85g

    H.E.I. Kamwo Herbal Tea 3oz/85g 漢寳 甘和茶 85g (8.5gx10 小盒) 成份:黃芩、陳皮、荊芥、金櫻根、崗梅花、水翁花 用法:開水泡服或煎服,每次1至3小盒,一日1至2次 Ingredients: Baikal Skullcap Root, Orange Peel, Fineleaf Schizonepeta Herb, Cherokee Rose Root, Roughhaired Holly Flower, Operculate Cleistocalyx Immature Flower Direction of Usage: Prepared by pouring 8oz of boiling water over one package of tea, let stand 15 minutes then serve.


  • 15% OFF
    Luo Han Guo 14gx12pcs Luo Han Guo 14gx12pcs

    H.E.I. Lo-Han-Kou Beverage/Luo Han Guo 14gx12pcs

    H.E.I. Lo-Han-Kou Beverage/Luo Han Guo/Monk Fruit Beverage 14gx12pcs 漢寶 羅漢果冲劑 14gx12塊 羅漢果有清熱、鎮咳、祛痰的作用 中國醫學認爲,羅漢果,甘、酸、性凉,有清熱凉血、生津止咳、滑肠排毒、嫩肤益颜、清熱潤肺化痰等功效,可用于痰热咳嗽、咽喉腫痛、大便秘结、消渴煩躁諸症。 現代醫學研究證實,羅漢果含一種比蔗糖甜300倍的甜味素,但它不產生熱量,是甜味劑的優質替代品。 成份:羅漢果、優質蔗糖 用法用量:必要時,用沸開水100毫升冲化攪拌後飲服,每日2-3次,每次一塊 儲藏:請放在陰涼乾燥處;放在兒童碰觸不到的位置 **根據美國醫藥衛生條例,以上的中醫藥理,並未有經過美國食品和醫藥管理局(FDA)的正式評估。本產品不宜作藥用注解,不適用於針對診斷、治療、治愈或預防任何疾病。 Ingredients: Lo Han Kuo/ Monk Fruit (Fructs Momordicae), Cane Sugar Direction: Dissolve and stir in 100ml of boiling water and drink. Take 1 piece 2-3 times daily, when needed. **According to U.S. medical and health regulations, the above traditional Chinese medicine principles have not been formally evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This product should not be used for medical interpretation and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


  • Natural Instant Lemon Ginger Tea 4oz Natural Instant Lemon Ginger Tea 4oz

    Natural Instant Lemon Ginger Tea 4oz

    纯天然 即溶 柠檬姜茶  姜具有温热散寒的功效,早上吃生姜延年益寿,对于女性来说,姜还具有活血通便、暖宫的效果。如果每天喝一杯姜茶,坚持一个月,身体会的发生一些意想不到的变化。 永合豐檸檬薑茶是採用中國甲級老薑、蜂蜜等精煉而成的純天然飲品。口感酸甜微辣,男女老少四季皆宜。   Natural Instant Lemon Ginger Tea 4oz Wing Hop Fung brand Instant Natural Lemon Ginger Tea is made from select special grade ginger blended with a touch of honey. Ginger is known to increase the body's energy level and is an anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory. Ingredients: Special grade ginger, cane sugar, pure honey, Lemon Flavor. (Contains: 25 sachets x 18g) Ginger is warming and dispels chills and chronic internal cold. Eating ginger in the morning prolongs longevity. For women, ginger also helps to promote blood circulation and regulate menstruation. [In TCM, it is believed that a cold, raw diet can lead to a “cold uterus” which is a form of infertility due to blood and energy deficiency. This tea is said to  “warm the palace.”] If you drink ginger tea every day for a month, your body will have health benefits. Wing Hop Fung Lemon Ginger Tea is a pure natural beverage refined from Chinese Grade A ginger and honey. The taste is sweet, sour, and slightly spicy. It's suitable for all ages, men, and women.


  • President Brand Ban Lan Gen Beverage (10gx16 Sachets)

    President Brand Ban Lan Gen Beverage (10gx16 Sachets)

    总统牌 板蓝根冲剂(10克x16包) Ban Lan Gen Beverage (10gx16 Sachets) Ban-Lan-Gen (BLG) has a thousand-year history of use for the prevention and treatment of respiratory tract infections (particularly respiratory viral diseases). BLG was highlighted as a classic antiviral and anti-influenza agent in the People’s Republic of China Pharmacopoeia in 1979 and 2010, respectively. Additionally, BLG was one of the eight major medicines recommended by the Chinese government for the prevention and control of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)... The Isatis indigotica root (IIR) is the single largest component of BLG granules. ( Ban Lan Gen is bitter, cold [anti-inflammatory in effect]. Therefore the granules have added sugar so that it may be used by children and adults. It can be taken at the beginning of colds/flu to reduce fever and aches. It can be used as a tea sweetener for chronic infectious diseases. Banlangen (Isatis) enters the Heart and Stomach meridians.Actions: Clears heat and resolves toxicity.  Cools the blood and benefits the throat.  Take 1 sachet, 1 to 2 times per day, or as instructed by a herbal practitioner. Dissolve in hot water .  


  • President Brand Nian Si Wei Herbal Tea 10gx16bags President Brand Nian Si Wei Herbal Tea 10gx16bags

    President Brand Nian Si Wei Herbal Tea 10gx16bags

    总统牌二十四味涼茶(10克x16包) 对各种病毒(热毒)性感冒、上呼吸道感染等有显著的预防和治疗效果。 主要成份为金银花、山芝麻、菊花具有清热解毒,凉血消暑、降火利咽、生津止渴、清除风热感冒、热血毒痢、痛肿疔疮、温病发热等功效。选用纯中药精制而成,具有清热解毒、生津止渴、解酒去湿、健胃消滞等作用。储存方法:存放于阴凉干燥处,避免阳光直射。 用法用量:开水冲服。 1-2袋一次,每日3-4次。  President Brand Nian Si Wei Herbal Tea (10gx16bags) Functions and indications: A traditional herbal supplement that helps maintain healthy circulation by establishing the body's natural balance. Nian Si Wei Herbal Tea is a health drink product made from extracts of combinations of herbal plants such as Honeysuckle Flowers, Flowers Chrysanthemum, Polygonati Root, and other herbal roots that have efficacy in helping to relieve inner heat accompanied by dry throat, improve the immune system, reduce the temperature of heat and excessive toxins in the body (detoxification), and increase the production of fluid in the body. Ways of working: Nian Si Wei Herbal Tea works by removing excess heat and toxins in the body (detoxification) so that a fever accompanied by pain in the throat is reduced. Benefits: Helps relieve heartburn accompanied by a dry throat, improves the body's immune system, reduces the temperature of heat and excess toxins in the body (detoxification), increases the production of fluid in the body, maintains digestive health, improves the immune system, reduce symptoms of flu and runny nose, relieve heartburn accompanied by the dry throat. Storage method: Store in a cool and dry place, Avoid direct sunlight. Usage and dosage: Taken after being mixed with boiled water. 1-2 bags once, 3-4 times daily.



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