Wellness & Slimming Tea
H.E.I. Lo-Han-Kou Beverage / Luo Han Guo (14gx12pcs)
漢寶 羅漢果冲劑 14gx12塊 羅漢果有清熱、鎮咳、祛痰的作用 中國醫學認爲,羅漢果,甘、酸、性凉,有清熱凉血、生津止咳、滑肠排毒、嫩肤益颜、清熱潤肺化痰等功效,可用于痰热咳嗽、咽喉腫痛、大便秘结、消渴煩躁諸症。 現代醫學研究證實,羅漢果含一種比蔗糖甜300倍的甜味素,但它不產生熱量,是甜味劑的優質替代品。 成份:羅漢果、優質蔗糖 用法用量:必要時,用沸開水100毫升冲化攪拌後飲服,每日2-3次,每次一塊 儲藏:請放在陰涼乾燥處;放在兒童碰觸不到的位置 **根據美國醫藥衛生條例,以上的中醫藥理,並未有經過美國食品和醫藥管理局(FDA)的正式評估。本產品不宜作藥用注解,不適用於針對診斷、治療、治愈或預防任何疾病。 Ingredients: Lo Han Kuo / Monk Fruit (Fructs Momordicae), Cane Sugar Direction: Dissolve and stir in 100ml of boiling water and drink. Take 1 piece 2-3 times daily, when needed. **According to U.S. medical and health regulations, the above traditional Chinese medicine principles have not been formally evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This product should not be used for medical interpretation and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
- Quantity Discount
H.E.I. Kamwo Herbal Tea (3oz/85g)
漢寳 甘和茶 85g (8.5gx10 小盒) 成份:黃芩、陳皮、荊芥、金櫻根、崗梅花、水翁花 用法:開水泡服或煎服,每次1至3小盒,一日1至2次 H.E.I. Kamwo Herbal Tea 3oz/85g Ingredients: Baikal Skullcap Root, Orange Peel, Fineleaf Schizonepeta Herb, Cherokee Rose Root, Roughhaired Holly Flower, Operculate Cleistocalyx Immature Flower Direction of Usage: Prepared by pouring 8oz of boiling water over one package of tea, let stand 15 minutes then serve.