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A-Sexer 5caps
Enhance Staying Power Enhance Erectile Function 5 Capsules Made in USA A - Sexer can improve hardness, extend intercourse time & increase hedonia. Directions: Take (1) capsule before sleep. ED patient take (1) capsules twice daily after breakfast and dinner. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent diseases.
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Bronchy Releever/ MaXingZhiKe Cough relief Herbal Supplement
兰州古方 麻杏止咳片 热咳型 浓缩制剂 80pcs(无糖衣片) 主治:宣肺降气,镇咳平喘。 服法舆用量:每次4片(1200毫克),每日3次,孕婦忌服。 Bronchy Releever/ MaXingZhiKe Cough Relief Herbal Supplement 80pcs Dosage: Take 4 tablets each time, three times a day. Not recommended for pregnant women.
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YK Hair Health Dietary Supplement (72 Pills)
鸳江 乌须生发素 72粒 妇女---补血养颜、烏黑亮髮男仕---固本培元、養血生髮 【成份】首烏、北芪、黑芝麻、牛膝、女貞子、菟絲子、黨參、靈芝、珍珠 【用法用量】口服, 每次6粒, 每日3次。孕婦忌服。 YK Hair Health Dietary Supplement 72 pills For Women: Nourishes blood, enhances complexion, and promotes shiny, dark hair.For Men: Strengthens vitality, nourishes blood, and promotes hair growth. Ingredients: Fo-ti Died Root (He Shou Wu), Astragalus Root, Black Black Sesame seed, Achyranthes Root, Ligustrum Lucidum (Nu Zhen Zi), Japanese Dodder Seed (Tu Si Zi), Codonopsis Root (Dang Shen), Reishi Mushroom, Pearl Powder. Dosage: Oral, 6 pills per dose, 3 times a day. Do not use if you are pregnant.
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MD Ginseng Royal Jelly Oral Liquid 10cc x 30vials
仙露牌 人参蜂王浆口服液 10cc x 30支 採用100% 天然 15年生紅參、蜂王漿配以蜂蜜基底精製而成 增强身体的抵抗力,延缓衰老,生理調節,促進組織再生 在很多文化中,人參長期被視爲是大自然的珍貴饋贈,因其寶貴成份而備受推崇。蜂王漿則是蜂后主要的食物來源。蜂后的壽命比工蜂長40倍,在繁殖期內能產下超過2000顆卵,這些卵的總重量竟超過她自身的體重。此款優質產品結合了精選純正優質的人參精華和新鮮蜂王漿,採用先進技術製作調製而成。 成份:人參提取物和蜂王漿配以蜂蜜為基底,含酒精成分少於0.5%。 使用方法:每天早晚各服一瓶,隨附吸管飲用。使用前請充分搖勻,並存放於陰涼處。 注意事項:不可單獨銷售。兒童及孕婦不宜使用。 MD Ginseng Royal Jelly (Oral liquid) 10cc x 30 vials 100% Natural 15 years old Red Ginseng root refined in honey base In many cultures, Ginseng has long been valued as a precious gift of the nature for the treasured constituents. Royal jelly is the main source of the food for the queen bee. The queen bee has a life span of 40 times longer than the worker bee and could lay more than 2000 eggs during the reproduction period, and the total weight of which is amazingly greater than her own. This quality product is a blend of careful selected and prepared pure ginseng extract and fresh royal jelly with the advanced technology, and only the finest ingredients are used. Ingredients: Ginseng extract and royal jelly in honey base, less than 0.5% Alcohol. Directions: One bottle daily in the morning and before sleep. Drink with the straw enclosed. Shake well before serving. Keep in a cool place.Warnings: Note for individual sale. Note for children and pregnant women use. **根據美國醫藥衛生條例,以上的聲明和中醫藥理,並未有經過美國食品和醫藥管理(FDA)的正式評估。本產品不宜作藥用注解,不適用於針對診斷、治療、治愈或預防任何疾病。 **According to U.S. health regulations, the above traditional Chinese medicine principles have not been formally evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Therefore, this product should not be used for medicinal purposes. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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Eagle Brand Medicated Oil
Eagle Brand Medicated Oil 德国 鹰标 风油精清凉油 富含多种草本植物 多重功效 一瓶在手 解决六大问题 快速止痒--因蚊虫叮咬导致的瘙痒 安全消炎--水火烫伤导致的炎症 轻松消肿--跌打损伤、腰酸背痛 提神醒脑--天热郁闷、头痛晕车导致的不适 伤风感冒--能够缓解感冒的症状 缓解酸痛--肩周炎关节炎引起的身体痛处 主要成份:薄荷脑、冬青油、桉叶油 使用方法:供于外敷使用。可舒缓由于背痛、拉筋、扭伤所引起的肌肉剂关节疼痛。成人及2岁以上的幼儿,每日可在患处敷用三至四次。只限于外敷之用,避免接触眼睛,2岁以下幼儿不能使用。 **根據美國醫藥衛生條例,以上的聲明和中醫藥理,並未有經過美國食品和醫藥管理局(FDA)的正式評估。本產品不宜作藥用注解,不適用於針對診斷、治療、治愈或預防任何疾病。 Rich in various herbal plants, multiple benefits, one bottle in hand solves six major problems. Quick itch relief – Soothes itching caused by mosquito bites Safe anti-inflammatory – Reduces inflammation from burns or scalds Easy swelling reduction – Eases swelling from bruises, strains, and back pain Refreshes and revitalizes – Alleviates discomfort from heat, headaches, or motion sickness Cold relief – Helps alleviate symptoms of colds Pain relief – Eases body aches caused by shoulder periarthritis and arthritis Main ingredients: Menthol, Wintergreen Oil, Eucalyptus Oil Directions for Use: For external use only. It can help soothe muscle and joint pain caused by back pain, strains, and sprains. For adults and children aged 2 and above, apply to the affected area three to four times daily. For external use only, avoid contact with the eyes. Not suitable for children under 2 years of age. **This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
$7.99 - $9.99
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Shui Xian Feng You Jing (6ml)
水仙牌 風油精 6ml 清涼、止痛、驅風、止癢 蚊蟲叮咬 傷風感冒引起的頭痛頭暈 暈車暈船的不適 淡綠色澄清的油狀液體, 清涼有特殊的香氣 成份:本品含薄荷腦, 樟腦, 垵油, 丁香酚, 水楊酸鉀脂, 輔料為液狀石蠟, 葉綠素,香精 用法用量: 外用, 塗抹於患處, 口服:一次4-6滴 Shui Xian Feng You Jing 6ml Cooling, pain relief, anti-itch Mosquito bites, headache and dizziness caused by colds, discomfort from motion sickness. Light green clear oily liquid, cool with a distinctive aroma. Direction: For external use, apply to the affected area. For oral use, take 4-6 drops at a time.
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Su Xiao Jiu Xin Wan (120Pills / 60pills*2btl)
速效救心丸 120粒(60粒*2瓶) 緩解冠心病 心绞痛 行氣活血 祛瘀止痛 用法用量:含服,一次4-6丸,一日3次,急性發作時,一次10-15丸禁忌:孕婦禁用包裝:瓷瓶裝,60丸x 2瓶 **根據美國醫藥衛生條例,以上的聲明和中醫藥理,並未有經過美國食品和醫藥管理(FDA)的正式評估。本產品不宜作藥用注解,不適用於針對診斷、治療、治愈或預防任何疾病。 Su Xiao Jiu Xin Wan (120Pills / 60pills*2btl) Relieves discomfort caused by coronary heart disease and angina; promotes circulation, activates blood, removes stasis, and alleviates pain. Dosage: For sublingual use. Take 4-6 pills per dose, 3 times daily. During acute episodes, take 10-15 pills per dose. (**Not to be used by pregnant women) Packaging: Ceramic bottle, 60 pills x 2 bottles. **According to U.S. health regulations, the above traditional Chinese medicine principles have not been formally evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Therefore, this product should not be used for medicinal purposes. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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TL Zao Ren An Mian Wan (200pills)
唐龍 唐龍棗仁安眠丸(200粒/瓶) 適用於養血安神、失眠健忘 產品選料上乘,工藝考究,品質優良,加工精良,經典配方-濃縮丸,秉承中國醫藥保健傳統精髓,融古老傳統與現代科技於一體的保健產品。 规格: 200粒/瓶 功效: 養血安神,失眠健忘 成分: 钩藤、酸枣仁、远志、首乌藤、五味子、知母、丹参、柏子仁、琥珀 用法用量: 每次6-8粒,每日3次。或遵医嘱。警告:孕妇忌服。避免儿童接触。 Size: 200pills/bottle Effect: A natural herbal supplement that helps nourish blood, relieve mood and sleep peacefully. Component: Rhynchophylla Stem (Gou Teng) Thinfleaf Milkwort Root (Yuan Zhi) Tuber Fleeceflower Stem (Shou Wu Teng) Chinese Magnoliavine Fruit (Wu Wei Zi) Common Anemarrhena Rhizome (Zhi Mu) Salvia Root (Dan Shen) Cypress Kernel Seed (Bo Zi Ren) Succinum (Hu Po) Direction to use: Take 6-8 pills each time, 3 times daily, or consult your herbalist. Do not use if pregnant. Keep out of reach of children.
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TL Tian Wang Bu Xin Wan (200 Pills)
唐龍 天王補心丸(200粒/瓶) 產品選料上乘,工藝考究,品質優良,加工精良,經典配方-濃縮丸,秉承中國醫藥保健傳統精髓,融古老傳統與現代科技於一體的保健產品。 规格: 200粒/瓶 功效: 当感到阴虚血亏、心悸失眠、多梦健忘、口舌不适时,是很适合的保健辅助品。 成分: 丹参、当归、党参、茯苓、五味子、麦冬、天冬、玄参、桔梗、远志、刺五加、酸枣仁、地黄、甘草 用法用量: 每次6-8粒,每日3次。或遵医嘱。警告:孕妇忌服。避免儿童接触 Size: 200pills/bottle Effect: Tian Wang Bu Xin Wan is a support formula for body's daily natural balance, well being and concentration. Component: Salvia (root) Chinese Angelica (root) Codonopsis (root) Indian Bread Chinese Magnoliavine (fruit) Dwarf Lilyturf Tuber Cochinchinese Asparagus (root) Ningpo Figwort (root) Platycodon (root) Thlaspi (root) Chinese Arborvitae (seed) Spine Date (seed) Rehmannia (root) Licorice (root) Direction to use: Take 6-8 pills each time, 3 times daily, or consult your herbalist. Do not use if pregnant. Keep out of reach of children.
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HuangLian ShangQing Pian (48 Tablets)
貴州百靈 黄連上清片 48粒 【成份】黄连、栀子、连翘、炒蔓荆子、防风、荆芥穗、白芷、黄芩、菊花、薄荷、大黄、黄柏、桔梗、川芎、石膏、旋覆花、甘草。辅料为玉米淀粉、硬脂酸镁、蔗糖、滑石粉、明胶、柠檬黄、虫白蜡。【性状】本品为糖衣片,除去包衣后显黄棕色至棕褐色;气香,味苦。【功能主治】散风清热,泻火止痛。用于风热上攻,肺胃热盛所致的头晕目眩、暴发火眼、牙齿疼痛、口舌生疮、咽喉肿痛,耳痛耳鸣、大便秘结,小便短赤,【规格】糖衣片(片心重0.3克)【用法用量】口服,一次6片,一日2次。
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TRT Die Da Wan
北京同仁堂 跌打丸 6丸 【成份】三七、当归、白芍、赤芍、桃仁、红花、血竭、北刘寄奴、烫骨碎补、 续断、苏木、牡丹皮、乳香(制)、没药(制)、姜黄、醋三棱、防风、甜瓜子、 枳实(炒)、桔梗、甘草、木通、煅自然铜、土鳖虫。辅料为蜂蜜。 【性状】本品为黑褐色至黑色的大蜜丸;气微腥,味苦。 【功能主治】活血散瘀,消肿止痛。用于跌打损伤,瘀血肿痛,闪腰岔气。【规格】每丸重3克【用法用量】口服,一次1丸,一日2次。【不良反应】详见说明书。【禁忌】详见说明书。【注意事项】详见说明书。【贮藏】密封。【包装】塑料壳装,每丸重3克,每盒装6丸。
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Baiyunshan Qing Kai Ling
广药白云山 清开灵颗粒 Ingredients: Radix Isatidis, Honeysuckle, Radix Scutellariae, Gardeniae Jasminoides etc.板蓝根,金银花,黄芩苷,栀子等。Dosage:Orally taken. 1-2 Packets each time, 2-3 timesdaily for adult; Reduced dosage for children. 开水冲服。每次1-2小袋;每日2-3次,儿童酌减。 Size: 9小袋/盒 清熱解毒, 鎮靜安神,或可幫助外感風熱時毒,火毒内盛所 致發熱, 煩燥不安,咽喉腫痛, 苔黃,上呼吸道感 染, 流行性或病毒性感冒,急性咽炎,急性支氣管炎等屬上 述證候者.【注意】久病体虚患者如出現腹泄時慎用. May help to dissipate heat, detoxifying, calm, soothing, and to harmonize the throat and upper respiratory system, especially during the flu season.