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    汉宝牌 三蛇胆川贝液(浓缩) 6瓶入/60ml    三蛇胆川贝液,适用于肺弱痰多、伤风感冒咳嗽、急慢性支气管炎咳嗽、肺热干咳、以及喉咙声沙、咽干、虚火上升口臭、喉痒作咳等症。 药品名称:汉宝牌三蛇胆川贝液 是否处方药:非处方药 主要适用症:肺弱痰多、伤风感冒咳嗽等 用法用量:小儿每次服半樽,大人每次服壹樽 剂型:液体 规格:6支 x 10ml H.E.I. SAN SHE DAN CHUAN BEI YE Sanshedan Chuanbei Liquid is a medicine that is suitable for symptoms such as weak phlegm in the lungs, colds and coughs, acute and chronic bronchitis coughs, lung heat and dry coughs, as well as sandy throat, dry throat, rising bad breath, and itchy throat. Drug name: Hanbao Brand Sanshedan Chuanbei Liquid Whether prescription drugs: non-prescription drugs Main applicable symptoms: weak lungs, excessive phlegm, colds, coughs, etc. Usage and dosage: half a bottle each time for children, one bottle each time for adults Dosage form: liquid Specification: 6 pcs x 10ml


  • CAM Chinese American Museum X WHF Tea Talk Gift Set CAM Chinese American Museum X WHF Tea Talk Gift Set

    CAM Chinese American Museum X WHF Tea Talk Gift Set

    CAM Chinese American Museum X WHF Tea Talk Gift Set CAM 华美博物馆 X 永合丰 茶话会 茶叶精选礼盒 Tea holds a special place in Chinese culture, symbolizing deep social connections, peaceful reflection, and unity among people. It brings calm, shared experiences, and a cherished sanctuary for all to enjoy. This exclusive gift set was created for our collaboration with the Chinese American Museum and our Tea Talk series. This set includes our favorite bestsellers so you can continue your tea journey. The set includes one tin of the following: - Tropical Passion Fruit Tea 热带风情花果茶 - Organic Maofeng 有机毛峰 - Lychee Black Tea 荔枝红茶 - High Mountain Oolong 高山乌龙茶 - Orange Peel White Tea 橙皮白茶


  • Bag) Bag)

    Dried Shrimp M #377(16 oz/Bag)

    永合豐 干晒虾米 SM(16oz/包) 請保持冷藏 Please Keep Refrigerate 海米也称虾米或虾仁,为海产白虾、红虾、青虾加盐水焯后晒干,纳入袋中,扑打揉搓,风扬筛簸,去皮去杂而成,即经加盐蒸煮、干燥、晾晒、脱壳等工序制成的产品。因如舂谷成米,故称海米。以白虾米为上品,色味俱佳,鲜食成美。白虾须长,身、肉皆为白色,故前人有“曲身小子玉腰肢,二寸银须一寸肌”之咏。海米食用前加水浸透,肉质软嫩、味道鲜醇,煎、炒、蒸、煮均宜。 功效作用 虾米味甘、咸、性温; 具有补肾壮阳、理气开胃之功效。


  • 10% OFF
    Tin Tin

    Phoenix Dan Cong Oolong Tea(Song) 100g/Tin

    凤凰单枞 (宋种) 100g/罐 品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 產地Origin: 廣東 Guangdong, China 品名Name: 鳳凰單樅烏龍茶(宋種) (Song) Phoenix Dan Cong Oolong Tea 等級Level: 一級 Premium 分類Sort: 烏龍茶 Oolong Tea 保質期Shelf Life: 24 months 香型 Aroma: 浓香型 Highly aromatic Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆☆ 乾茶Body: 條索緊結匀稱,茶香濃郁Tight and even strips, dark brown bloom glossy with honey aroma 茶湯Liquor: 金黄透亮,滋味醇爽,口感濃郁,回甘十足Mellow and smooth taste with strong honey aroma, yielding along-lasting fragrance with a unique mountain flavor 儲存方法Storage: 常温、陰涼、乾燥、可長期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place 鳳凰单丛茶,广东省潮州市潮安区特产,中国国家地理标志产品。凤凰单丛茶出产于凤凰镇,因凤凰山而得名。成品茶外形条索粗壮,匀整挺直,色泽黄褐,油润有光,并有朱砂红点;冲泡清香持久,滋味浓醇鲜爽,润喉回甘,具独特的山韵。凤凰单丛茶形美、色翠、香郁、味甘,有诗云“愿充凤凰茶山客,不作杏花醉里仙”。凤凰单丛茶现有80多个品系,有以叶态命名的,如山茄叶、柚叶、竹叶、锯朵仔等;有以香气命名的,如蜜兰香、黄栀香、芝兰香、桂花香、玉兰香、肉桂香、杏仁香、柚花香、夜来香、姜花香十大香型。 Dan Cong (单枞) are special types of Oolong from Fenghuang shan (Phoenix mountains) in Guandong province, China. The Phoenix Mountains are elevated from 350 - 1560 meters above sea level. Niaoji shan (1560m) is the highest mountain while in Wudong shan (1391m) the main Dancong production is located. Dancong literally translated means "single bush". This variety is known to mimic different flavors. Dancong tea leaf is beautiful in shape, green in color, fragrant, and sweet in taste. Brewing Method: Teacup Chinese Gongfu Method Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 212℉ / 100℃ 212℉ / 100℃ Tea Quantity:  3g Tea  8g Tea Brewing time:   3 - 5 mins 10 steeps: rinse, 5s, 10s, 20s, 35s, 45s, 60s, 90s, 120s, 210s, 280s  Rinse time is around 5 seconds  


  • 10% OFF
    Prince of Peace American Ginseng Root Candy Prince of Peace American Ginseng Root Candy

    Prince of Peace American Ginseng Root Candy

    太子牌 原粒花旗参糖礼袋 本品选用百分百纯正美国威斯康辛州高品质原枝花旗参切粒,配以高品质葡萄糖精制而成。让你在日常生活节奏中,轻轻松松地享用原枝花旗参清甘芬芳的味道。 威斯康辛州气候适宜、地广人稀,未受污染的处女地使之成为种植花旗参最理想的场地。百年以来,威州一直被誉为全美洲产参圣地,加上当地参农经验丰富,因此所出产的花旗参质量更优良。 成份:砂糖、葡萄糖、纯正美国威斯康辛州花旗参粒,薄荷及花旗参香精。 Prince of Peace American Ginseng Root Candy Enjoy the smooth refreshing taste of our chewable American Ginseng Root Candy. Every piece is plentifully packed with real ginseng root chunks. Prince of Peace® Wisconsin American ginseng roots have been carefully selected from high quality roots. Wisconsin has the ideal climate and mineral-rich soil conditions for growing the perfect ginseng roots. Being the No. 1 selling brand in the U.S.A. for more than 20 years, Prince of Peace® Wisconsin American Ginseng Roots Candy are the perfect gifts to your friends and families! Ingredients: Sugar, Glucose, Pure Wisconsin American Ginseng Chunks (Panax Quinquefolium), Peppermint, and American Ginseng Flavor.

    $4.75 - $9.89

  • President Brand Ban Lan Gen Beverage (10gx16 Sachets)

    President Brand Ban Lan Gen Beverage (10gx16 Sachets)

    总统牌 板蓝根冲剂(10克x16包) Ban Lan Gen Beverage (10gx16 Sachets) Ban-Lan-Gen (BLG) has a thousand-year history of use for the prevention and treatment of respiratory tract infections (particularly respiratory viral diseases). BLG was highlighted as a classic antiviral and anti-influenza agent in the People’s Republic of China Pharmacopoeia in 1979 and 2010, respectively. Additionally, BLG was one of the eight major medicines recommended by the Chinese government for the prevention and control of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)... The Isatis indigotica root (IIR) is the single largest component of BLG granules. ( Ban Lan Gen is bitter, cold [anti-inflammatory in effect]. Therefore the granules have added sugar so that it may be used by children and adults. It can be taken at the beginning of colds/flu to reduce fever and aches. It can be used as a tea sweetener for chronic infectious diseases. Banlangen (Isatis) enters the Heart and Stomach meridians.Actions: Clears heat and resolves toxicity.  Cools the blood and benefits the throat.  Take 1 sachet, 1 to 2 times per day, or as instructed by a herbal practitioner. Dissolve in hot water .  


  • Ban Lan Gen Beverage (3g*16bags) Ban Lan Gen Beverage (3g*16bags)

    BYS Radix Isatidis Granules/Ban Lan Gen Beverage (3g*16bags)

    白云山 板蓝根颗粒 无蔗糖 3克x16袋 清热解毒,凉血利咽 用于肺胃热盛所致的咽喉肿痛,口咽干燥,急性扁桃体炎见上述症候者. 用法用量:開水冲服。一次1-2袋(3-6克),一日3-4次 BYS Radix Isatidis Granules/Ban Lan Gen Beverage Herbal Supplement Clears heat and detoxifies and benefits the throat. Indicated for throat swelling and pain, dry mouth and throat, and acute tonsillitis caused by excessive heat in the lungs and stomach. Dosage: Dissolve in hot water and take orally. 1-2 sachets (3-6 grams) per dose, 3-4 times daily. **According to U.S. health regulations, the above traditional Chinese medicine principles have not been formally evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Therefore, this product should not be used for medicinal purposes. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


  • New Product
    lb) lb)

    Japanese Hokkaido Dried Scallop LL (35-40 pcs/lb)

    日本北海道 元貝/干貝 LL (35-40颗/磅) 元貝也稱「乾貝」或稱「江瑤柱」,主要來自日本、中國及越南等地,當中以日本北海道元貝為最佳;因爲北海道的海水,由北半球阿拉斯加冰川融化後,向南流而來,其海水長期維持在零度左右,被日本人譽爲接近無菌的海水,再加上海床礦物質成分豐盈,故北海道所產的海鮮,在日本甚至是全球,是出名的高品質。 日本北海道元貝,是出產元貝最著名的地方,北海道元貝體積較大,一般帶有少許裂紋、色澤金黃、表面乾爽、身少鹽霜、入口無渣,香味特別濃郁味道鮮甜。 元貝含有豐富蛋白質,磷酸鈣、維生素A、B、D,屬於一種營養豐富的海味,元貝性平,味甘鹹;具有滋陰補血、平肝清熱、調中下氣、利五臟等之功效,天然鮮味,加上營養豐富,對於肝腎虛弱、病後初愈體弱、精神不振、胃口欠佳、產後滋補者最適合食用。 元貝功效高而且味道特別鮮美,加上元貝的做法多樣,可與其他食材搭配更增添鮮美,因此廣受歡迎,是自用及饋贈親朋好友送禮的最佳選擇。 處理程序:只要將元貝略清洗後,以清水浸泡約半小時或以上(視元貝大小而定,浸泡至稍軟身即可),連水留用,便可進行烹調。 儲存方法:放於通風陰涼處,如預較長時間存放,建議密封好擺放入冰箱0-8℃為佳 Japanese Hokkaido Dried Scallop LL (35-40 pcs/lb) Dried scallops (Yuanbei) are flavorful and nutritious. Dried scallops are mild and salty. They enrich our blood and improve spleen health. In every 100 grams of dried scallop, there are 65.7 grams of protein, which is 2-3 times more than found in chicken, beef or shrimp.Directions: Dried scallops (Yuanbei) are washed with fresh water, rinsed and soaked in hot water for about 1 hour (depending on the size). The soaking water can be used for cooking. Storage method: Put the scallops in a ventilated and cool place. If you eat them for a long time, it is recommended to seal them and keep them in the refrigerator (0-8℃). Suggested Recipes: Yuanbei stewed soup is a good choice for summer because the ingredients are mostly clear, sweet, and fresh. The taste is flavorful, not greasyYuanbei porridge is light and refined. In addition to Yuanbei porridge, by adding chicken to the pot, the taste is sweeter and more delicious.  


  • New Product
    lb) lb)

    Japanese Hokkaido Dried Scallop L (47-53 pcs/lb)

    日本北海道 元貝/干貝 L (47-53颗/磅) 元貝也稱「乾貝」或稱「江瑤柱」,主要來自日本、中國及越南等地,當中以日本北海道元貝為最佳;因爲北海道的海水,由北半球阿拉斯加冰川融化後,向南流而來,其海水長期維持在零度左右,被日本人譽爲接近無菌的海水,再加上海床礦物質成分豐盈,故北海道所產的海鮮,在日本甚至是全球,是出名的高品質。 日本北海道元貝,是出產元貝最著名的地方,北海道元貝體積較大,一般帶有少許裂紋、色澤金黃、表面乾爽、身少鹽霜、入口無渣,香味特別濃郁味道鮮甜。 元貝含有豐富蛋白質,磷酸鈣、維生素A、B、D,屬於一種營養豐富的海味,元貝性平,味甘鹹;具有滋陰補血、平肝清熱、調中下氣、利五臟等之功效,天然鮮味,加上營養豐富,對於肝腎虛弱、病後初愈體弱、精神不振、胃口欠佳、產後滋補者最適合食用。 元貝功效高而且味道特別鮮美,加上元貝的做法多樣,可與其他食材搭配更增添鮮美,因此廣受歡迎,是自用及饋贈親朋好友送禮的最佳選擇。 處理程序:只要將元貝略清洗後,以清水浸泡約半小時或以上(視元貝大小而定,浸泡至稍軟身即可),連水留用,便可進行烹調。 儲存方法:放於通風陰涼處,如預較長時間存放,建議密封好擺放入冰箱0-8℃為佳 Japanese Hokkaido Dried Scallop L (47-53 pcs/lb) Dried scallops (Yuanbei) are flavorful and nutritious. Dried scallops are mild and salty. They enrich our blood and improve spleen health. In every 100 grams of dried scallop, there are 65.7 grams of protein, which is 2-3 times more than found in chicken, beef or shrimp.Directions: Dried scallops (Yuanbei) are washed with fresh water, rinsed and soaked in hot water for about 1 hour (depending on the size). The soaking water can be used for cooking. Storage method: Put the scallops in a ventilated and cool place. If you eat them for a long time, it is recommended to seal them and keep them in the refrigerator (0-8℃). Suggested Recipes: Yuanbei stewed soup is a good choice for summer because the ingredients are mostly clear, sweet, and fresh. The taste is flavorful, not greasyYuanbei porridge is light and refined. In addition to Yuanbei porridge, by adding chicken to the pot, the taste is sweeter and more delicious.  



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