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72 products

  • HH Dried Kumquat HH Dried Kumquat

    HH Dried Kumquat

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    鸿匯 品梅の味 蛇胆川贝桔 Dried Kumquat Best Before 04/15/2025

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  • HH Dried Orange Peel HH Dried Orange Peel

    HH Dried Orange Peel

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    鸿匯 品梅の味 盐津陈皮 Dried Orange Peel Best Before 04/15/2025

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  • HH Dried Peach(Apricots) HH Dried Peach(Apricots)

    HH Dried Peach(Apricots)

    鸿匯 品梅の味 话梅条 Dried Peach(Apricots) Best Before 10/29/2024


  • HH Dried Peach(Plum) HH Dried Peach(Plum)

    HH Dried Peach(Plum)

    鸿匯 品梅の味 情人梅 Dried Ginger(strips) Best Before 09/29/2024


  • HH Dried Peach(Plum) HH Dried Peach(Plum)

    HH Dried Peach(Plum)

    鸿匯 特级清甜 话梅皇 Dried Peach(Plum) Best Before 04/15/2025


  • HH Dried Peach(Wampi) HH Dried Peach(Wampi)

    HH Dried Peach(Wampi)

    鸿匯 品梅の味 特级黄皮 Dried Peach(Wampi) Best Before 04/15/2025


  • Dried Seaweed Strips 昆布

    Japanese Dried Seaweed Strips Kombu (30g/bag)

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    日本 北海道日高 昆布丝(30克/包) 日高昆布也称三石昆布,产自北海道日高沿岸一带的昆布。质地柔软,形状细长,既可以用作炖煮材料,也可以作为家庭用高汤,用途十分广泛。 科学研究表示,昆布含有大量的谷氨酸,正正是鲜味的来源。用来煮高汤,重要性好比粤菜的汤底。既不会抢过主食材的味道,更能带出食材本身的味道。    Japanese Dried Seaweed Strips Kombu (30g/bag) Kelp is very common and widely used in East Asian cuisine, especially Japanese cuisine. It is suitable for the performance of food flavor. Put small kelp and the bonito in water, after soaking heat, it can be obtained a tasty Japanese broth. Hidaka kelp, also called three-stone kelp, is produced from kelp along the coast of Hidaka, Hokkaido. It has a soft texture and a slender shape. It can be used in a stew or as a broth for daily enjoyment. It has a wide range of uses. Scientific research shows that kelp contains quality glutamic acid which is the source of umami flavor. It is used to make stock, which is as important as the soup base of Cantonese cuisine. It will not overpower the taste of the main ingredients but will bring out the taste of the ingredients themselves. 

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  • Gan He Cha (6.8g*10)

    Kam Wo Char/Gan He Cha (6.8g*10)

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    总统牌 甘和茶  凉茶 Kam Wo Char 俗称“盒仔茶”,是佛山著名的传统中成药,始创于清光绪十八年(1892年),自出产距今已经有一百多年历史,为凉茶类中成药,可以疏风清热,解暑消食,生津止渴。用于感冒发热,头痛,骨节疼痛,食滞饱胀,腹痛吐泻。 【成 份】青蒿、香薷、薄荷、葛根、前胡、黄芩、连翘、桑叶、水翁花、栀子、粉萆薢、苍术、陈皮、紫苏梗、甘草、牡荆叶(嫩叶)、千里光(嫩叶)、玉叶金花。 【性 状】本品为黑褐色的颗粒状物;气香,茶水 味甘、微凉。 【用法用量】开水泡服或煎服,一次2~3袋,一日1~2次。风寒感冒者另加生姜两片,葱头两个,紫苏叶3g同煎。 注意事项 1.忌烟、酒及辛辣、生冷、油腻食物。 2.不宜在服药期间同时服用滋补性中成药。 3.高血压、心脏病、肝病、糖尿病、肾病等慢性病严重者慎用。 4.服药三天后症状无改善,或症状加重,或出现新的严重症状如胸闷、心悸等应立即停药,并去医院就诊。 5.小儿、年老体弱者、孕妇慎用。 6.对本品过敏者禁用,过敏体质者慎用。 7.药品性状发生改变时禁止服用。 8.儿童必须在成人监护下使用。 9.请将此药品放在儿童不能接触的地方。   Kam Wo Char/Gan He Cha (6.8g*10) From the manufacturer:  Commonly known as "Hezi Tea", it is a famous traditional Chinese medicine in Foshan. It was founded in the 18th year of Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty (1892). It has a history of more than 100 years since it was produced. It is used to relieve heat [anti-inflammatory] and eliminate food stagnation, produce body fluids, and quench thirst. It has been used to cure cold and fever, headache, joint pain, food stagnation and fullness, abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea.  Ingredients:  Artemisia annua, Elsholtzia, Mint, Pueraria lobata, Peucedanum, Scutellaria, Forsythia, Mulberry Leaf, Water Weng Flower, Gardenia, Fenji, Atractylodes, Tangerine Peel, Perilla Stem, Licorice, Vitex Leaf (tender leaves), Qianliguang (tender leaves), Yuye Jinhua.  Properties: This product is a black-brown colored granular natural herbal; it has a fragrant aroma, and the tea is sweet and slightly cooling.  Usage and Dosage: Take this with boiled water steeped or decocted, 2 to 3 bags each time, 1 to 2 times a day. For those with cold and chills, add two slices of ginger, two shallots, and 3g of basil leaves. Precautions  Avoid smoking, alcohol, and spicy, cold, greasy food.  It is not advisable to take nourishing proprietary Chinese medicines [tonic herbs] during the medication.  Use with caution for people with severe chronic diseases such as hypertension, heart disease, liver disease, diabetes, and kidney disease.  After three days of taking the medicine, if the symptoms have not improved, or the symptoms have become worse, or new serious symptoms such as chest tightness, heart palpitations, etc. it should be stopped immediately and go to the hospital for treatment.  Use with caution in children, the elderly and the infirm, and pregnant women.  People who are allergic to this product should not use it.  It is forbidden to take the medicine when its properties change.  Children must have adult supervision if using this product.  Please keep this medicine out of reach of children.  

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  • Chan Pui Hua He Ying Zi) 5oz Chan Pui Hua He Ying Zi) 5oz

    KTH Plum Candy (Chan Pui Mui/Chan Pui Hua He Ying Zi) 5oz

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    金泰行 香港味 陳皮梅/陳皮化核應子 5oz 【成分】李、白糖、阿斯巴甜、食盐、陈皮、甘草、柠檬酸、亚硫酸钠。 【温馨提示】此产品内含果核,请小心食用。 KTH Plum Candy (Chan Pui Mui/Chan Pui Hua He Ying Zi) 5oz A traditional dried fruit snack. [Ingredients] plum, sugar, aspartame, salt, tangerine peel, licorice, citric acid, sodium sulfite.   [Reminder] This product contains fruit pits, please eat carefully. Plums are a very nutritious fruit. Both plums and prunes are an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. Additionally, they have several characteristics that may reduce the risk of many chronic diseases, such as osteoporosis, cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. (  

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  • Kudzu Root Powder 12oz. Kudzu Root Powder 12oz.

    Kudzu Root Powder 12oz.

    葛根粉 1. 降脂,降压,降火,清热解毒,增加脑和冠状血糖,改善脑微循环等功能。2. 是防治高血压,高血脂,冠心病,心绞痛,糖尿病,脑血栓,肠胃病等多种疾病的药品的重要原料。3. 对女性美容健身,丰胸等有特殊功效. Kudzu is an herb used in Chinese medicine to treat alcoholism, heart disease, menopausal symptoms, diabetes, fever, the common cold, and neck or eye pain. It is sometimes used in combination with other herbs. Lab studies suggest that kudzu has anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties.


  • LSJ Plum King 3.9oz LSJ Plum King 3.9oz

    LSJ Plum King 3.9oz

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    台灣特級 珍味の极 话梅皇 110 克 嚴選特大粒話梅,配合台灣的祕製方法生產而成。甜酸味溫和,而梅身肉厚核細,被稱為話梅之皇   LSJ Plum King 3.9oz Sweet, Sour, Tart  Taiwan’s Plump Dried Plums called “the Emperor of Plums” are thick meaty fruit that will satisfy a sweet craving without adding extra weight.  High fiber and chewy, these plums offer benefits similar to prunes which are known to:  Helps digestion.  Fiber, which helps prevent constipation. High in potassium.  High in vitamins.  Provides a good source of iron.   Builds bones and muscles.   Reduces cholesterol levels.  Lowers blood pressure. (

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  • Lyfen Dried Loquet With Sugar 40g

    Lyfen Dried Loquet With Sugar 40g

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    LYFEN 来伊份 冰糖枇杷干 果脯水果干 即食食品40g/袋 LYFEN Dried Loquet With Sugar 40g 40g/bag Ingredient: Loquat, Sugar, Fruit Syrup, Citric Acid, Sodium Metabisulfite.Storage Instruction: Keep In Clean, Dry And Ventilated Place. Please Use It Immediately After Opening In Order  

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