Japanese Red LingZhi / Reishi (Ganoderma Lucidum) (16oz)


日本 纯天然 整枝赤灵芝(16oz)











实证慎服。 《本草经集注》:恶恒山。畏扁青、茵陈蒿。





鹌鹑蛋12个,灵芝60克,红枣12个,将灵芝洗净, 切成细块;红枣(去核)洗净;鹌鹑蛋煮熟,去壳。把全部用料放入锅内,加清水适量,武火煮沸后,文火煲至灵芝出味,加白糖适量,再煲沸即成。具有补血益精、悦色减皱功效。  






Japanese Red LingZhi /Reishi (Ganoderma Lucidum) (16oz)

Reishi mushroom extract (ganoderma lucid) offers immune balancing, anti-cancer and skin beauty benefits such as reducing skin inflammation, puffiness, wrinkles and free radical damage, while also promoting cell regeneration. A staple in traditional Chinese medicine, reishi, which translates to “spiritual potency,” is known as the herb of immortality.

Red Ganoderma lucidum, also known as Danzhi, is mildly sweet and pleasant tasting with a slightly bitter aroma. It t is mainly used to treat chest discomfort and benefit the heart. Chinese folk medicine called Red Ganoderma lucidum grass. Polyporaceae is a medicinal fungus. It enters the meridians of Lung; Heart; Spleen; and Kidney Channels. 


Red ganoderma benefits qi vitality and blood by strengthening spleen and stomach. It is pleasantly calming. The main uses are for fatigue, palpitations, insomnia, dizziness, chronic fatigue, coughing and wheezing, coronary heart disease, silicosis (lund exposure to silicea), aging and prevention of tumors. 

Oral Dosage: decoction, 10~15g; ground powder, 2~6g; or soaked in wine. Empirical Caution: from "Ben Cao Jing Ji Zhu” Chinese Classic medicine text: avoid use of lingzhi during colds/flu or with moxabustion


Ganoderma Therapeutic Recipes:   

  1.  Ganoderma black and white fungus soup


6 grams of Ganoderma lucidum, 6 grams of black fungus (cloud ear), 6 grams of white fungus (white fungus), 6 jujube dates, 200 grams of lean pork. Soak the fungi at least 3 hours and rinse before cooking. Blanch the pork before cooking to remove excess fat. Simmer all ingredients until done. 

This soup nourishes the lungs and stomach, promotes blood circulation and moistens dryness, strengthens the heart and nourishes the brain, prevents cancer, lowers blood pressure and lipids, and prevents coronary heart disease.  

  1. Lingzhi quail egg soup 


12 quail eggs, 60 grams of Ganoderma lucidum, 12 red dates jujube.

Wash the Ganoderma lucidum and cut into fine pieces; wash the red dates (peeled); the quail eggs are cooked and shelled. Put all the ingredients in the pot, add the appropriate amount of water, after the soup is boiled, simmer until the Ganoderma lucidum is done about one hour, add the right amount of sugar, and then boil. 

This soup is nourishing for blood and improves jing essence (beauty and longevity), useful for reducing skin inflammation and wrinkles. Quail eggs are very nourishing and higher in cholesterol than chicken eggs. They enrich the complexion.    

  1. Ganoderma fungus soup  


9 grams of Ganoderma lucidum, 6 grams of white fungus and 15 grams of rock sugar.  

This soup is recommended to help prevent chronic fatigue and illness.

  1. Ganoderma lucidum, lotus seed clear chicken soup  


Ganoderma lucidum 6 grams, lotus seeds 50 grams, a piece of orange peel, a chicken cut in pieces.

This soup strengthens digestion and corrects poor appetite. It is a tonic for the entire body. Useful for recovery from illness and physical weakness, post-partum fatigue and depression, weak spleen and stomach with bloating and indigestion, insufficient blood production, post-surgery, weak spleen and stomach chronic diarrhea, PMS, and dizziness. For men, women and children to enjoy often.

Product form

日本 纯天然 整枝赤灵芝(16oz) 赤灵芝又名丹芝,性平。气味苦平无毒,主治胸中结、益心气。赤灵芝民间称灵芝草。多孔菌科,是一种药用真菌。 性味 甘;平;无毒 经脉 肺经;心经;脾经;肾经 主治 益气血,安心神,健脾胃。主虚劳,心悸失眠,头晕,神疲乏力,久咳气喘,冠心病,矽肺,肿瘤。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,10~15g;研末,2~6g;或浸酒。 注意禁忌 实证慎服。 《本草经集注》:恶恒山。畏扁青、茵陈蒿。 【食疗方】 1.灵芝黑白木耳汤 灵芝6克,黑木耳(云耳)6克,白木耳(银耳)6克,蜜枣6枚,瘦猪肉200克。滋补肺、胃,活血润燥,强心补脑,防癌抗癌,降血压血脂,预防冠心病。 2.灵芝鹌鹑蛋汤 鹌鹑蛋12个,灵芝60克,红枣12个,将灵芝洗净,... Read more

SKU: 410247ORIGIN: Japan
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    日本 纯天然 整枝赤灵芝(16oz)











    实证慎服。 《本草经集注》:恶恒山。畏扁青、茵陈蒿。





    鹌鹑蛋12个,灵芝60克,红枣12个,将灵芝洗净, 切成细块;红枣(去核)洗净;鹌鹑蛋煮熟,去壳。把全部用料放入锅内,加清水适量,武火煮沸后,文火煲至灵芝出味,加白糖适量,再煲沸即成。具有补血益精、悦色减皱功效。  






    Japanese Red LingZhi /Reishi (Ganoderma Lucidum) (16oz)

    Reishi mushroom extract (ganoderma lucid) offers immune balancing, anti-cancer and skin beauty benefits such as reducing skin inflammation, puffiness, wrinkles and free radical damage, while also promoting cell regeneration. A staple in traditional Chinese medicine, reishi, which translates to “spiritual potency,” is known as the herb of immortality.

    Red Ganoderma lucidum, also known as Danzhi, is mildly sweet and pleasant tasting with a slightly bitter aroma. It t is mainly used to treat chest discomfort and benefit the heart. Chinese folk medicine called Red Ganoderma lucidum grass. Polyporaceae is a medicinal fungus. It enters the meridians of Lung; Heart; Spleen; and Kidney Channels. 


    Red ganoderma benefits qi vitality and blood by strengthening spleen and stomach. It is pleasantly calming. The main uses are for fatigue, palpitations, insomnia, dizziness, chronic fatigue, coughing and wheezing, coronary heart disease, silicosis (lund exposure to silicea), aging and prevention of tumors. 

    Oral Dosage: decoction, 10~15g; ground powder, 2~6g; or soaked in wine. Empirical Caution: from "Ben Cao Jing Ji Zhu” Chinese Classic medicine text: avoid use of lingzhi during colds/flu or with moxabustion


    Ganoderma Therapeutic Recipes:   

    1.  Ganoderma black and white fungus soup


    6 grams of Ganoderma lucidum, 6 grams of black fungus (cloud ear), 6 grams of white fungus (white fungus), 6 jujube dates, 200 grams of lean pork. Soak the fungi at least 3 hours and rinse before cooking. Blanch the pork before cooking to remove excess fat. Simmer all ingredients until done. 

    This soup nourishes the lungs and stomach, promotes blood circulation and moistens dryness, strengthens the heart and nourishes the brain, prevents cancer, lowers blood pressure and lipids, and prevents coronary heart disease.  

    1. Lingzhi quail egg soup 


    12 quail eggs, 60 grams of Ganoderma lucidum, 12 red dates jujube.

    Wash the Ganoderma lucidum and cut into fine pieces; wash the red dates (peeled); the quail eggs are cooked and shelled. Put all the ingredients in the pot, add the appropriate amount of water, after the soup is boiled, simmer until the Ganoderma lucidum is done about one hour, add the right amount of sugar, and then boil. 

    This soup is nourishing for blood and improves jing essence (beauty and longevity), useful for reducing skin inflammation and wrinkles. Quail eggs are very nourishing and higher in cholesterol than chicken eggs. They enrich the complexion.    

    1. Ganoderma fungus soup  


    9 grams of Ganoderma lucidum, 6 grams of white fungus and 15 grams of rock sugar.  

    This soup is recommended to help prevent chronic fatigue and illness.

    1. Ganoderma lucidum, lotus seed clear chicken soup  


    Ganoderma lucidum 6 grams, lotus seeds 50 grams, a piece of orange peel, a chicken cut in pieces.

    This soup strengthens digestion and corrects poor appetite. It is a tonic for the entire body. Useful for recovery from illness and physical weakness, post-partum fatigue and depression, weak spleen and stomach with bloating and indigestion, insufficient blood production, post-surgery, weak spleen and stomach chronic diarrhea, PMS, and dizziness. For men, women and children to enjoy often.

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