Herba Laminariae / Khumbu (6oz)


昆布 6 oz/包

性味: 咸,寒;归经: 归肝、胃、肾经

1. 软坚散结--昆布具有软化坚硬肿块、散结的作用,常用于治疗甲状腺肿大和淋巴结核等疾病。
2. 消痰利水--适用于治疗痰核和水肿,尤其是由痰湿阻滞、气滞引起的积聚性病症。
3. 清热化痰--能清除体内热痰,有助于缓解痰多、咳嗽等症状。
4. 降压--昆布中的褐藻多糖有助于调节血压,常作为高血压的辅助治疗。
5. 补碘--富含天然碘,适合因碘缺乏引起的甲状腺功能减退患者,但需在医生指导下使用。
6. 抗氧化--含有丰富的抗氧化物质,有助于减少自由基对身体的损害,增强免疫力。

配海藻: 增强散结、化痰的作用,用于甲状腺肿大。
配牡蛎: 软坚散结,治疗痰核、淋巴结核。
配陈皮: 加强健脾理气,化痰作用。


Herba Laminariae/Khumbu  (6oz/Bag)

A member of the kelp family, kombu is a versatile pantry ingredient that provides dishes with umami flavor, nutrients, and minerals. Dried kombu can be used to make broth, added to beans to make them more digestible, and eaten in salads. Most kombu comes from Hokkaidō, Japan.

What's it taste like? Because of the high concentration of glutamic acids, a building block of MSG, kombu is filled with umami. It's not fishy at all, with a briny, almost mushroom-like flavor.

Don't wash kombu under running water or in water; instead, wipe any dirt off it with a cloth. The whitish powder adds flavour; that is why you don't want to wash it away. It needs to be soaked at least 20 minutes before use, unless simmering it for dashi.

It is a rich source of iron and potassium. . . some people use laminaria as medicine. Laminaria is taken by mouth for weight loss, high blood pressure, as a bulk laxative for constipation, and for treating radiation sickness. It is also used for preventing cancer.

Product form

昆布 6 oz/包 昆布是一种常见的中药材,属于海藻类,主要生长在浅海地区,尤其是中国沿海、日本、韩国等地。它是一种褐藻,通常经过晒干或加工后用于药用或食用。性味: 咸,寒;归经: 归肝、胃、肾经昆布富含多种营养成分,包括:碘、褐藻多糖、甘露醇、钾、钙、镁等矿物质、维生素A、C、E 功效与作用:1. 软坚散结--昆布具有软化坚硬肿块、散结的作用,常用于治疗甲状腺肿大和淋巴结核等疾病。2. 消痰利水--适用于治疗痰核和水肿,尤其是由痰湿阻滞、气滞引起的积聚性病症。3. 清热化痰--能清除体内热痰,有助于缓解痰多、咳嗽等症状。4. 降压--昆布中的褐藻多糖有助于调节血压,常作为高血压的辅助治疗。5. 补碘--富含天然碘,适合因碘缺乏引起的甲状腺功能减退患者,但需在医生指导下使用。6. 抗氧化--含有丰富的抗氧化物质,有助于减少自由基对身体的损害,增强免疫力。 常用配伍:配海藻: 增强散结、化痰的作用,用于甲状腺肿大。配牡蛎: 软坚散结,治疗痰核、淋巴结核。配陈皮: 加强健脾理气,化痰作用。 注意事项:脾胃虚寒者慎用:昆布性寒,脾胃虚弱、腹泻者应谨慎使用。甲状腺功能亢进者慎用:昆布富含碘,甲亢患者需在医生指导下使用。孕妇慎用:昆布性寒,孕妇应避免过量食用。 Herba Laminariae/Khumbu ... Read more

SKU: 410062ORIGIN: China
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    昆布 6 oz/包

    性味: 咸,寒;归经: 归肝、胃、肾经

    1. 软坚散结--昆布具有软化坚硬肿块、散结的作用,常用于治疗甲状腺肿大和淋巴结核等疾病。
    2. 消痰利水--适用于治疗痰核和水肿,尤其是由痰湿阻滞、气滞引起的积聚性病症。
    3. 清热化痰--能清除体内热痰,有助于缓解痰多、咳嗽等症状。
    4. 降压--昆布中的褐藻多糖有助于调节血压,常作为高血压的辅助治疗。
    5. 补碘--富含天然碘,适合因碘缺乏引起的甲状腺功能减退患者,但需在医生指导下使用。
    6. 抗氧化--含有丰富的抗氧化物质,有助于减少自由基对身体的损害,增强免疫力。

    配海藻: 增强散结、化痰的作用,用于甲状腺肿大。
    配牡蛎: 软坚散结,治疗痰核、淋巴结核。
    配陈皮: 加强健脾理气,化痰作用。


    Herba Laminariae/Khumbu  (6oz/Bag)

    A member of the kelp family, kombu is a versatile pantry ingredient that provides dishes with umami flavor, nutrients, and minerals. Dried kombu can be used to make broth, added to beans to make them more digestible, and eaten in salads. Most kombu comes from Hokkaidō, Japan.

    What's it taste like? Because of the high concentration of glutamic acids, a building block of MSG, kombu is filled with umami. It's not fishy at all, with a briny, almost mushroom-like flavor.

    Don't wash kombu under running water or in water; instead, wipe any dirt off it with a cloth. The whitish powder adds flavour; that is why you don't want to wash it away. It needs to be soaked at least 20 minutes before use, unless simmering it for dashi.

    It is a rich source of iron and potassium. . . some people use laminaria as medicine. Laminaria is taken by mouth for weight loss, high blood pressure, as a bulk laxative for constipation, and for treating radiation sickness. It is also used for preventing cancer.

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