Dried Sea Cucumber #336



天然捕撈的野生南美洲刺參,肉質肥厚細膩,口感軟糯鮮美,是海参中的極品. 100%野生海底捕撈,經天然淡干工藝處理,無任何化學添加劑,參體肥壯,發漲率高,參肉厚實,口感爽滑,是烹飪和藥用俱佳的極品。



Dried Sea Cucumber #336 16oz

Wild-caught South American sea cucumbers have thick, delicate flesh with a soft and delicious texture, making them a premium choice among sea cucumbers. These are 100% wild-caught from the seabed and processed using natural drying techniques without any chemical additives. The sea cucumbers are plump, have a high rehydration rate, and feature thick, making them an excellent choice for both culinary and medicinal purposes.

Sea cucumbers are renowned as the "ginseng of the sea" and are unique for their sea cucumber saponins. They are gentle in nature, nourishing without causing heatiness, and rich without being greasy, making them suitable for daily consumption by people of all constitutions, promoting long-term health and wellness.

The collagen, arginine, chondroitin sulfate, phosphorus, selenium, vitamin B3, and silicon found in sea cucumbers have the effects of eliminating fatigue and preventing skin aging. They also have the ability to promote the regeneration of human cells and repair body damage.


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南美洲刺參#336 天然捕撈的野生南美洲刺參,肉質肥厚細膩,口感軟糯鮮美,是海参中的極品. 100%野生海底捕撈,經天然淡干工藝處理,無任何化學添加劑,參體肥壯,發漲率高,參肉厚實,口感爽滑,是烹飪和藥用俱佳的極品。 海參享有「海中人參」之美譽,更具有獨有海參皂苷,而且性質溫和,補而不燥、滋而不膩,適合任何體質人士每日食用,有助長期養生保健。 海參中的膠原蛋白質、精氨酸、硫酸軟骨素、磷、硒、維他命B3、矽等具有消除疲勞、防治皮膚衰老等功效,亦有促成人體細胞再生和機體損傷修復的能力。 Dried Sea Cucumber #336 16oz Wild-caught South American sea cucumbers have thick, delicate flesh with... Read more

SKU: 230206ORIGIN:
BARCODE: 0000000000336WEIGHT: 1LB
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    天然捕撈的野生南美洲刺參,肉質肥厚細膩,口感軟糯鮮美,是海参中的極品. 100%野生海底捕撈,經天然淡干工藝處理,無任何化學添加劑,參體肥壯,發漲率高,參肉厚實,口感爽滑,是烹飪和藥用俱佳的極品。



    Dried Sea Cucumber #336 16oz

    Wild-caught South American sea cucumbers have thick, delicate flesh with a soft and delicious texture, making them a premium choice among sea cucumbers. These are 100% wild-caught from the seabed and processed using natural drying techniques without any chemical additives. The sea cucumbers are plump, have a high rehydration rate, and feature thick, making them an excellent choice for both culinary and medicinal purposes.

    Sea cucumbers are renowned as the "ginseng of the sea" and are unique for their sea cucumber saponins. They are gentle in nature, nourishing without causing heatiness, and rich without being greasy, making them suitable for daily consumption by people of all constitutions, promoting long-term health and wellness.

    The collagen, arginine, chondroitin sulfate, phosphorus, selenium, vitamin B3, and silicon found in sea cucumbers have the effects of eliminating fatigue and preventing skin aging. They also have the ability to promote the regeneration of human cells and repair body damage.


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