Dried Black Fungus 8oz


永合豐 白背黑木耳(6oz/ 7oz)






Dried Black Fungus (6oz/7oz)

The white back black fungus also called the wood fungus, is not tree ear or cloud ear mushroom. It is mainly produced in Fujian, China. Functions: White Back Black Fungus can promote vital energy, activate the brain, cleanse the lungs, nourish blood and regulate blood cholesterol level.

It is Sweet in taste, mild in nature.
Soak the White Back Black fungus for around an hour in water. Cut off the hard bottom parts. Rinse and ready for cooking.
White Back Black fungus should be stored in a cool dry place. If it is to be stored for some time before serving, it is better to place it in a refrigerator (0-8˚C). https://www.hkjebn.com/en/hk/knowledge/view/white-back-black-fungus

From the manufacturer: 

White-backed black fungus is also called hairy fungus (different from northeastern black fungus). It is also known as single leaf vitex, vitex cotyledon, white back five-finger tangerine. The front is black, the back is off-white, and there is a layer of fine hair. It is useful for the treatment and prevention of illness for middle-aged and elderly patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular obstruction diseases. Its effects are for lowering blood lipids and blood pressure and they also are good prevention and treatment for constipation in the elderly.


Black Fungus Soup 


10g of Dried black fungus, 50g of lean meat, 3 slices of ginger, 5 jujubes, 6 bowls of water 

1. Boil the lean meat first, then drain the water

2 Put all the ingredients in a pot, simmer until there are 2-3 bowls of soup left, add salt to taste. 

Black Fungus Slimming Soup 


3 black fungus, 10 jujubes, 4-5 slices of ginger, lean pork. 

  1. Soak the black fungus until soft 
  2. In 10 bowls of water, add sliced ​​ginger, red dates (with seeds), black fungus, and boil, then add the pork, boil over high heat, then change to medium and low heat for 1 and a half hours, add salt to taste. Drink the next day. Once a day drink 3 days in a row.
Product form

永合豐 白背黑木耳(6oz/ 7oz) 白背黑木耳又稱毛木耳(不同於東北黑木耳),别名单葉蔓荆、蔓荆子葉、白背五指柑,正面是黑色,背面是灰白色,且有一層细小的绒毛,屬於低熱量低脂的食材,性平味甘,無毒、利五臟、潤肺益氣,同時含有豐富的B群維生素,鐵質、富含膳食纖維,對於控制體重、降低膽固醇有明顯的幫助,故一向有「血管清道夫」之稱,有補血及祛瘀功能,富含的膳食纖維,能夠吸水膨脹,對於潤腸通便有很好效果。 適量加入平時的飲食烹調中,可煮可炒可煲湯,是養生保持身材的好幫手。 食譜參考: 瘦肉白背黑木耳湯 材料:白背黑木耳10克、瘦肉50克、薑片3片、大棗5粒、清水6碗 做法: 1先把瘦肉飛水、木耳洗净泡至軟身。 2把各材料放入煲内,用文火煲至剩2-3碗汤,加鹽調味. 白背黑木耳減肥湯 材料:白背黑木耳3朶,紅棗10粒,生薑片4-5片,豬腱子肉2件。 做法: 1。先把黑木耳洗净,浸泡至軟身 2。下10碗清水,加入生薑片、红棗去核、黑木耳同煲滚,再下豬腱子肉,用大火煲滚,去除湯上面的浮沫,改中小火煲1個小时左右,加鹽調味即可,每隔天喝1次,連續三次. Dried Black Fungus (6oz/7oz)... Read more

SKU: 541678/2ORIGIN: China
BARCODE: WEIGHT: 6 oz/7 oz
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    永合豐 白背黑木耳(6oz/ 7oz)






    Dried Black Fungus (6oz/7oz)

    The white back black fungus also called the wood fungus, is not tree ear or cloud ear mushroom. It is mainly produced in Fujian, China. Functions: White Back Black Fungus can promote vital energy, activate the brain, cleanse the lungs, nourish blood and regulate blood cholesterol level.

    It is Sweet in taste, mild in nature.
    Soak the White Back Black fungus for around an hour in water. Cut off the hard bottom parts. Rinse and ready for cooking.
    White Back Black fungus should be stored in a cool dry place. If it is to be stored for some time before serving, it is better to place it in a refrigerator (0-8˚C). https://www.hkjebn.com/en/hk/knowledge/view/white-back-black-fungus

    From the manufacturer: 

    White-backed black fungus is also called hairy fungus (different from northeastern black fungus). It is also known as single leaf vitex, vitex cotyledon, white back five-finger tangerine. The front is black, the back is off-white, and there is a layer of fine hair. It is useful for the treatment and prevention of illness for middle-aged and elderly patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular obstruction diseases. Its effects are for lowering blood lipids and blood pressure and they also are good prevention and treatment for constipation in the elderly.


    Black Fungus Soup 


    10g of Dried black fungus, 50g of lean meat, 3 slices of ginger, 5 jujubes, 6 bowls of water 

    1. Boil the lean meat first, then drain the water

    2 Put all the ingredients in a pot, simmer until there are 2-3 bowls of soup left, add salt to taste. 

    Black Fungus Slimming Soup 


    3 black fungus, 10 jujubes, 4-5 slices of ginger, lean pork. 

    1. Soak the black fungus until soft 
    2. In 10 bowls of water, add sliced ​​ginger, red dates (with seeds), black fungus, and boil, then add the pork, boil over high heat, then change to medium and low heat for 1 and a half hours, add salt to taste. Drink the next day. Once a day drink 3 days in a row.

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