Dried Shandong Rose (4oz/Tin)


山东平阴 大红玫瑰(4 oz/罐)


玫瑰花性温、味甘、微苦,归肝脾二经,是治疗妇科病、心脑血管病、跌打损伤、精神疾病的良药, 用玫瑰花蕾入药已有数百年的历史。《本草正义》载:“玫瑰花,香气最浓,清而不浊,和而不猛,柔肝醒胃,理气活血,宣统窒滞,而绝无辛温刚燥之弊,断推气分药之中, 最有捷效而最为驯良者,芳香诸品,殆无其匹。”《本草拾遗》载:“活血行血,理气,治风痹、乳痛,肿肝毒初起、肝胃气痛。”


Shandong Chinese Rose (4oz/Tin)

China Rose Tea is made from buds specially selected and handpicked when they are young in order to preserve the natural shape of the flowers when dried. As a result, they retain the full flavor and aroma within each rosette, emanating the natural rose essence. Enjoyable when brewed by itself or lightly sprinkled over other teas, China Rose is traditionally enjoyed in Asia and is believed to beautify the complexion.

Rosebud tea has also traditionally been used to ease tension headache, chest discomfort, and mild depression. 

From the manufacturer: 

Pingyin County is rich in roses and is called the "Hometown of Roses" in the "Chinese Dictionary of Famous Places". The double-petaled red roses there have a long history of cultivation and are famous for their large, thick, and colorful flowers, rich fragrance, and excellent quality. Pingyin rose is delightfully sweet and pleasant, with a delicate sweet fragrance and sparkling aftertaste. 

Since the Ming Dynasty, the people of Pingyin have used roses to brew rose wine, make the rose sauce and make rose-flavored pastries. The rose wine brewed by the "Jishenghe" company in Pingyin City at the end of the Qing Dynasty became famous for its delicious sweetness. Today, its brewing technology has been continuously followed and improved. Roses are warm in nature, sweet in taste, and slightly bitter. They help balance the liver and spleen. Rose tea is good medicine for treating gynecological diseases, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, bruises, and mental diseases. Rosebuds have been used as medicine for hundreds of years. 


China Rose Tea is made from buds specially selected and handpicked when they are young in order to preserve the natural shape of the flowers when being dried. As a result, they retain the full flavors and aroma within each rosette, emanating the natural rose essence. Enjoyable when brewed by itself or lightly sprinkled over other teas, China Rose is traditionally enjoyed in Asia and is believed to beautify the complexion.


Product form

山东平阴 大红玫瑰(4 oz/罐) 平阴县盛产玫瑰花,在《中国名胜词典》上称之为“玫瑰之乡”。这里的重瓣红玫瑰,不仅栽培历史悠久,而且以花大瓣厚色艳,香味浓郁,品质优异驰名。平阴玫瑰香甜如意,芳香四溢,具有香气正,清香、甜香、浓香等特点。 从明代开始,平阴人已经将玫瑰花用于酿制玫瑰酒、搓制玫瑰酱和制作玫瑰风味糕点。 清末平阴城内“积盛和”商号酿制的玫瑰酒以味美香甜闻名,时至今日,其酿造工艺一直不断被沿袭并改进使用。 玫瑰花性温、味甘、微苦,归肝脾二经,是治疗妇科病、心脑血管病、跌打损伤、精神疾病的良药, 用玫瑰花蕾入药已有数百年的历史。《本草正义》载:“玫瑰花,香气最浓,清而不浊,和而不猛,柔肝醒胃,理气活血,宣统窒滞,而绝无辛温刚燥之弊,断推气分药之中, 最有捷效而最为驯良者,芳香诸品,殆无其匹。”《本草拾遗》载:“活血行血,理气,治风痹、乳痛,肿肝毒初起、肝胃气痛。”   Shandong Chinese Rose (4oz/Tin) China Rose Tea is made from... Read more

SKU: 120719ORIGIN: China
BARCODE: 0000010015606WEIGHT: 4oz
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    山东平阴 大红玫瑰(4 oz/罐)


    玫瑰花性温、味甘、微苦,归肝脾二经,是治疗妇科病、心脑血管病、跌打损伤、精神疾病的良药, 用玫瑰花蕾入药已有数百年的历史。《本草正义》载:“玫瑰花,香气最浓,清而不浊,和而不猛,柔肝醒胃,理气活血,宣统窒滞,而绝无辛温刚燥之弊,断推气分药之中, 最有捷效而最为驯良者,芳香诸品,殆无其匹。”《本草拾遗》载:“活血行血,理气,治风痹、乳痛,肿肝毒初起、肝胃气痛。”


    Shandong Chinese Rose (4oz/Tin)

    China Rose Tea is made from buds specially selected and handpicked when they are young in order to preserve the natural shape of the flowers when dried. As a result, they retain the full flavor and aroma within each rosette, emanating the natural rose essence. Enjoyable when brewed by itself or lightly sprinkled over other teas, China Rose is traditionally enjoyed in Asia and is believed to beautify the complexion.

    Rosebud tea has also traditionally been used to ease tension headache, chest discomfort, and mild depression. 

    From the manufacturer: 

    Pingyin County is rich in roses and is called the "Hometown of Roses" in the "Chinese Dictionary of Famous Places". The double-petaled red roses there have a long history of cultivation and are famous for their large, thick, and colorful flowers, rich fragrance, and excellent quality. Pingyin rose is delightfully sweet and pleasant, with a delicate sweet fragrance and sparkling aftertaste. 

    Since the Ming Dynasty, the people of Pingyin have used roses to brew rose wine, make the rose sauce and make rose-flavored pastries. The rose wine brewed by the "Jishenghe" company in Pingyin City at the end of the Qing Dynasty became famous for its delicious sweetness. Today, its brewing technology has been continuously followed and improved. Roses are warm in nature, sweet in taste, and slightly bitter. They help balance the liver and spleen. Rose tea is good medicine for treating gynecological diseases, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, bruises, and mental diseases. Rosebuds have been used as medicine for hundreds of years. 


    China Rose Tea is made from buds specially selected and handpicked when they are young in order to preserve the natural shape of the flowers when being dried. As a result, they retain the full flavors and aroma within each rosette, emanating the natural rose essence. Enjoyable when brewed by itself or lightly sprinkled over other teas, China Rose is traditionally enjoyed in Asia and is believed to beautify the complexion.


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