Tea Bags

42 products

  • Tie Kuan Yin Oolong Tea(3g*30Tea Bag) Tie Kuan Yin Oolong Tea(3g*30Tea Bag)

    Tie Kuan Yin Oolong Tea(3g*30Tea Bag)

    铁观音乌龙茶(3g*30包) 铁观音茶介于绿茶和红茶之间,属于半发酵茶类,除具有一般茶叶的保健功能外,还具有抗衰老、抗动脉硬化、防治糖尿病、减肥健美、防治龋齿、清热降火,敌烟醒酒等功效。   Tie Kuan Yin Oolong Tea(3g*30Tea Bag) Tie Kuan Yin, a famous semi-fermented tea, possesses a long-lasting robust flavor, and large juicy leaves, and can be brewed gong fu style well over ten times.  Legends surround its discovery. The Iron Goddess of Mercy, (aka Kuan Yin), is the bodhisattva of Compassion in the Buddhist world. One legend is that many centuries ago, there was a poor farmer who lovingly cared for a run-down Kuanyin temple. One day the bodhisattva appeared to him in his dreams and told him to look into a cave upon waking and he would find a treasure. So he did and found a tiny tea tree which he planted and carefully tended.  The tea tree grew big and tall yielding an especially delicious type of tea. He called the tea Tie Guan Yin after the goddess and shared it with his community. The farmer lived a prosperous life while caring for the temple and the Goddess who inhabited it. Some of these ancient tea trees still grow in the Anxi region in China. Oolong Tea Benefits  Reduces the Risk of Heart Disease by lowering cholesterol levels Lowers Risk of Cancer Decreases Inflammation Helps Fight Obesity Diabetes Prevention Boosts Energy and Mood Anti-inflammatory Anti-aging benefits Helpful to Stop Smoking Reduces Hangover and Indigestion Improves Tooth and Skin Health.


  • Pu-erh Tea (3g*30Tea Bag) Pu-erh Tea (3g*30Tea Bag)

    Pu-erh Tea (3g*30Tea Bag)

    普洱茶(Pu-erh tea)和紅茶、綠茶、烏龍茶一樣,是用茶樹(Camellia sinensis)的葉和莖所製成的茶。普洱茶讲究冲泡技巧和品饮艺术,可清饮,可混饮。普洱茶茶汤橙黄浓厚,香气高锐持久,香型独特,滋味浓醇,经久耐泡。 Pu-erh tea, like black tea, green tea, and oolong tea, is a tea made from the leaves and stems of the tea tree (Camellia sinensis). Pu-erh tea pays attention to brewing skills and drinking art. It can be drunk clearly or mixed. The Pu-erh tea soup has a strong orange yellow, a high-sharp and lasting aroma, a unique aroma, a strong taste, and long-lasting brewing.


  • Phoenix Dan Cong (3g*30Tea Bag) Phoenix Dan Cong (3g*30Tea Bag)

    Phoenix Dan Cong (3g*30Tea Bag)

    鳳凰單樅茶(3g*30包) 凤凰单丛茶的采摘初制工艺,是手工或手工与机械生产相结合。制作过程是晒青、晾青、做青、杀青、揉捻、烘焙6道工序。成品茶外形条索粗壮,匀整挺直,色泽黄褐,油润有光,并有朱砂红点;冲泡清香持久,滋味浓醇鲜爽,润喉回甘,具独特的山韵。凤凰单丛茶形美、色翠、香郁、味甘. Phoenix Dancong Tea (3g*30 packs) The primary process of picking Phoenix Dancong tea is manual or a combination of manual and mechanical production. The finished tea has a strong, even and straight appearance, yellowish-brown color, oily and shiny, and has red spots of cinnabar; the brewing fragrance is long-lasting, the taste is strong and fresh, the throat is moistened and sweet, and it has a unique mountain rhythm. Phoenix Dancong tea is beautiful in shape, green in color, fragrant and sweet.


  • Wuyi Cinnamon Oolong (8g*10bag) Wuyi Cinnamon Oolong (8g*10bag)

    Wuyi Cinnamon Oolong (8g*10bag)

    武夷肉桂 岩茶 (8g*10bag) 武夷肉桂岩茶是一种优质的中国岩茶,产自福建省武夷山地区。它以其独特的肉桂香气和独特的岩韵而闻名。这种茶叶通常生长在高海拔、云雾缭绕的山区,受到当地独特的气候和土壤条件的影响。武夷肉桂岩茶的制作工艺独特,经历了炭焙、摊晒、揉捻等多道复杂工序。其茶汤颜色清澈明亮,滋味醇厚甘甜,回甘持久,具有独特的肉桂香气,让人回味无穷。 武夷肉桂岩茶常被视为一种高档的礼品茶,因其独特的口感和品质而备受赞赏。它也被认为具有一定的保健价值,常被人们认为有助于消化和调节体内能量. Wuyi Rougui Rock Tea is a premium type of Chinese rock tea, produced in the Wuyi Mountains region of Fujian Province. It is renowned for its unique cinnamon aroma and distinctive rock essence. This tea is typically grown in high-altitude, misty mountainous areas, influenced by the unique local climate and soil conditions. The production process of Wuyi Rougui Rock Tea is intricate, involving multiple steps such as charcoal baking, spreading, rolling, and twisting. The tea's liquor is clear and bright, with a mellow and sweet taste, long-lasting aftertaste, and a unique cinnamon aroma that leaves a lasting impression. Wuyi Rougui Rock Tea is often considered a high-end gift tea, appreciated for its unique flavor and quality. It is also believed to have certain health benefits, often thought to aid in digestion and regulate internal energy. If you are interested in this type of tea, you can try purchasing it to experience its distinctive taste. 好处/Benefits 有助于消化(Aid digestion) 促进新陈代谢(Boost metabolism) 具有抗氧化作用(Antioxidant properties) 缓解焦虑(Relieve anxiety) 有助于体重管理(Aid weight management)  

  • Organic Reishi Mushroom Tea (25 Bags) Organic Reishi Mushroom Tea (25 Bags)

    Organic Reishi Mushroom Tea (25 Bags)

    Organic Reishi Mushroom Tea (25 Bags) HEALTH BENEFITS: Our Reishi Mushroom (Ganoderma Lucidum) Tea is renowned for its documented health benefits. It excels in boosting the immune system, promoting overall wellness, soothing nerves, facilitating restful sleep, serving as a natural pain reliever, and inhibiting allergic reactions. Ganoderma lucidum, a superior herb, can be consumed over an extended period without causing side effects. AUTHENTIC & ORGANIC: Cultivated in our certified farm amidst unpolluted forests, our reishi mushrooms at GANOHERB undergo a seamless process that integrates cultivation, production, research and development, sales, and service into a comprehensive industry chain. Furthermore, our Ganoderma has received official organic certification in the USA. NATURAL & VEGAN: Our Reishi Mushroom Tea is 100% vegan and gluten-free. We are committed to avoiding artificially synthesized materials, such as pesticides, chemical fertilizers, and hormones, throughout the entire process of growing, processing, and producing ganoderma. 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEED: Your satisfaction is our priority. We stand behind our product with a 30-day money-back guarantee. If you are dissatisfied with our reishi mushroom capsules, simply return them, and we will provide a full refund without any questions. USAGE: Prepare a healthy cup of tea by brewing one teabag with hot water for 1-2 minutes. Experience a delightful blend of slight bitterness and a sweet aftertaste that contributes to your well-being. Directions: place 1 teabag in cup with hot water. Suggested use, no more than 2 cups daily. NOT INTENDED FOR THERAPEUTIC USE.  


  • Alicafe Tongkat Ali+ Maca (25 Bags) Alicafe Tongkat Ali+ Maca (25 Bags)

    Alicafe Tongkat Ali+ Maca (25 Bags)

    Alicafe Tongkat Ali+ Maca (25 Bags) MORE THAN A COFFEE: The tongkat ali coffee mix with beneficial herbs —— Tongkat Ali Root Extract 200:1, Maca Root Extract and Ganoderma organic reishi mushroom extract that boost energy & vitalitySPECIALLY FORMULATED FOR BOTH MEN & WOMEN: Specially designed for both men and women, the tongkat ali coffee helps support general wellbeing & athletic performance, anti-fatigue.START YOUR MORNING WITH ALICAFE:Just tear open a packet of instant coffee, add hot water, wait 10 seconds and stir. No coffee machine or grinder needed.UNIQUE HERBAL FLAVOR: Rich instant flavor mix with herbal flavor, the ali cafe give you a different black coffee experience.TRUSTED QUALITY: Non-GMO, no gluten, no wheat, no dairy, no soy, and no yeast, vegan & lab verified for potency & purity.


  • 1986 Ancient Tree Pu-erh Ripe Tea (8oz)

    1986 Ancient Tree Pu-erh Ripe Tea (8oz)

    1986年陈年老树普洱茶(熟茶) 8oz 普洱茶(Pu-erh tea)和紅茶、綠茶、烏龍茶一樣,是用茶樹(Camellia sinensis)的葉和莖所製成的茶。普洱茶讲究冲泡技巧和品饮艺术,可清饮,可混饮。普洱茶茶汤橙黄浓厚,香气高锐持久,香型独特,滋味浓醇,经久耐泡。 Pu-erh tea, like black tea, green tea, and oolong tea, is a tea made from the leaves and stems of the tea tree (Camellia sinensis). Pu-erh tea pays attention to brewing skills and drinking art. It can be drunk clearly or mixed. The Pu-erh tea soup has a strong orange yellow, a high-sharp and lasting aroma, a unique aroma, a strong taste, and long-lasting brewing.


  • Big Red Robe Oolong (8oz)

    Big Red Robe Oolong (8oz)

    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 福建 武夷山市  Fujian, China 品名Name: 大红袍 Big Red Robe (Da Hong Pao) 等级Level: 二级 Regular 分类Sort: 乌龙茶 Oolong Tea 保质期Shelf Life: 24 months 香型 Aroma: 浓香型 Highly aromatic Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆☆ 干茶Body: 条索紧结壮实,乌润有光泽Neat and tight, glossy fat strips in dark brown 茶汤Liquor: 汤色橙黄,岩韵醇厚,回味甘爽,香气悠长Orange red, Toasty and nutty with mild creamy notes 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place 大红袍,是武夷岩茶的一种,产于福建武夷山,属乌龙茶,品质优异。中国特种名茶。大红袍很耐冲泡,冲泡七、八次仍有香味。品饮“大红袍”茶,必须按“工夫茶”小壶小杯细品慢饮的程式,才能真正品尝到岩茶之颠的禅茶韵味。注重活 、甘、清、香。 The name Big Red Robe originates from a story during the Ming Dynasty that the mother of an Emperor was cured of an illness by a tea. As a result, the Emperor sent men to Mount Wuyi to cover the bushes with big red robes. Those shrubs are still present today and only available in limited quantities. This tea is not to be missed when available. Brewing Method: Tea cup  Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature:  212℉ / 100℃  212℉ / 100℃ Tea Quantity: 4 g Tea 8 g Tea Brewing time:  3 - 5 mins  8 steeps: rinse, 5s, 10s, 20s, 35s, 45s, 60s, 90s, 120s  Rinse time is around 5 seconds


  • American Ginseng Root Tea (2x24 Bags) American Ginseng Root Tea (2x24 Bags)

    American Ginseng Root Tea (2x24 Bags)

    華盛頓牌 农夫 原枝花旗參茶包 (2x24包) American Ginseng Root Tea (2x24 Bags) American ginseng has been recommended for diabetes, chronic thirst and hunger, menopausal hot flashes, stress headaches, premature aging skin and chronic dryness. American ginseng (Panax ginseng quinquefolius), sweet and cooling, clears internal heat (chronic inflammation,) nourishes the lungs and Yin (body fluids.) American ginseng is tonic and nourishing, has a very high health value, and is suitable for all ages and all seasons. It helps refresh internal organs and regulates the balance of physiological changes, it also improves immunity if used long-term. Our Washington Brand American Ginseng (panax quinquefolius) has been carefully selected, processed and packaged for your enjoyment from what is prized as one of the highest valued ginsengs in the world. They are 100% from Wisconsin, U.S.A. American ginseng belongs to the family of Araliaceae, and is an herbaceous perennial plant in the ivy family, commonly used as Chinese or traditional medicine. It grows on the cold plateau of the northeastern United States and is a famous specialty of the United States. According to research and analysis, American ginseng contains: ginseng, ginseng acid, glycosides, ginsenosides and other beneficial ingredients. Citi Ginseng tastes sweet and spicy, is cooling in nature, and has the effect of nourishing the lungs and reducing inflammation, nourishing the stomach and invigorating the body. Where there is insufficient qi vitality and yin (fluids) in the body, fatigue, weakness, chronic coughing, hemoptysis, and deficiency of the lungs and stomach, moderate consumption of Citi ginseng can help relieve these discomforts.  Cautions: People with chronic inflammation or fever should not use red Panax ginseng. Ginsengs and all tonics should be avoided during colds and flu. People with a “hot physique” (an inflammatory constitution) will experience some physical discomfort after taking stimulating and warming red Korean (Panax ginseng,) but Citi ginseng (American ginseng, panax quinquefolius) is colder and there is no such concern after taking it.


  • Gexianweng QiangLi Qushi Herbal Tea 10gx16 bag Gexianweng QiangLi Qushi Herbal Tea 10gx16 bag

    Gexianweng QiangLi Qushi Herbal Tea 10gx16 bag

    葛仙翁 强力去濕茶160g (10gx16袋) 本品選用藿香、紫蘇等氣味藥食同源植物為原料,采用現代科學方法精製而成。 配料:藿香、紫蘇、白芷、茯苓、橘皮、桔梗、甘草、白砂糖 飲用方法:開水冲飲,一次1-2袋,一日3-4次 產品規格:10g*16袋 Gexianweng QiangLi Qushi Herbal Tea 10gx16 bag This product is made from medicinal and edible plants such as Agastache rugosa and Perilla frutescens, refined using modern scientific methods. Ingredients: Agastache rugosa, Perilla frutescens, Angelica dahurica, Poria, Tangerine peel, Platycodon, Licorice, Sugar. Direction: Dissolve one or two bags in a cup of boiled water, 3 or 4 times daily when needed.


  •  3g x12 bags  3g x12 bags

    DengQiHui LaoRen ShuiHao Sugar Free Herbal Tea/ 3g x12 bags

    DengQiHui LaoRen ShuiHao Sugar Free Herbal Tea/ 3g x12 bags 鄧奇輝 老人睡好茶 3g x 12包 天然安全配方  草本精華  安神助眠  無糖茶包型袋泡茶  方便携帶冲泡 本品以酸棗仁、白茯苓、蓮子、桂圓肉、百合、桑椹為原料,經科學方法加工而成,尤其適合中老年人。


  • Kagoshima Sencha Premium Tea Bags (10 Bags)

    Kagoshima Sencha Premium Tea Bags (10 Bags)

    鹿儿岛煎茶 10袋 Origin: Kagoshima, JapanBrew Color: Russet greenFlavor Profile: Fresh vegetal, grassy and creamy Brewing Directions For hot tea, steep 1 tea bag per 8 oz. of 175°F water for 1-2 minutes. Pour over ice for iced tea.Or try cold brew, put 2-4 tea bags in a pitcher of room temperature water, and let steep a minimum 6 hours.  



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