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  • GanoHerb Ganoderma Lucidum Spore and Extract Capsule GanoHerb Ganoderma Lucidum Spore and Extract Capsule

    GanoHerb Ganoderma Lucidum Spore and Extract Capsule

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    仙芝楼孢子灵芝提取物胶囊 最后促销,不接受退换exp: 10/24/2023 增强免疫力 辅助保护化学性肝损伤 【产品名称】仙芝楼牌孢子灵芝提取物胶囊 【主要原料】破壁灵芝孢子粉、灵芝提取物 【标志性成分及含量】每100g含:粗多糖8.0g,灵芝总三茹2.5g 【保健功能】增强免疫力、对化学性肝损伤有辅助保护功能 【适宜人群】免疫力低下者、有化学性肝损伤危险者 【不适宜人群】少年儿童、孕妇、乳母 【食用方法及食用量】每日2次,每次4粒,温水送食 【产品规格】0.4g/粒x60粒x2瓶 【保质期】24个月 【贮藏方法】置于阴凉处密封保存 【注意事项】本品不能代替药物 孢子灵芝提取物胶囊 四大核心 中国日本美国欧盟,四重有机原料认证 灵芝提取物是由有机灵芝提取物和高破壁有机灵芝孢子粉科学配伍 10多年蓝帽子品质保证 仙芝楼灵芝提取2010年就获得国家蓝帽子批文,历经10多年,品质可靠。 专利技术 专利技术,孢子粉破壁率≥99%,吸收高效 有效成分高:灵芝粗多糖≥8%,灵芝总三萜≥2.5% 灵芝提取物是高浓度有机灵芝提取物和高破壁有机孢子粉科学配伍而成,使得所含的灵芝活性成分更齐全,灵芝粗多糖、总三萜等灵芝关键药效成分含量更高。 仙芝楼提取物•灵芝复方制剂 ——灵芝制品发展史—— 灵芝的现代科学研究经历了灵芝菌盖——灵芝粉——未破壁灵芝孢子粉——破壁灵芝孢子粉-灵芝复方制剂的发展过程。 灵芝菌盖 按照老祖宗留下的传统药方,灵芝菌盖切片 煎熬方式服用,煎煮方式只留用了灵芝中的水溶性成分,其他有效成分利用率不足1%。 灵芝粉 将灵芝菌盖研磨成细粉直接口服,遗憾的是,一般的加工技术难以将灵芝研磨成能被人体直接吸收的微小颗粒。 未破壁灵芝孢子粉 由灵芝孢子粉组成,但是灵芝孢子的几丁质外壳不溶于水、弱酸(胃酸)等,科学实验证实:未破壁的灵芝孢子粉可在胃肠中完整保持6小时,并在人体排泄中检测到完整的灵芝孢子。 破壁灵芝孢子粉 现代研究发现,破壁的灵芝砲子才能被人体吸收,破壁率越高吸收越好。仙芝楼破壁灵芝孢子粉破壁率≥99%。 仙芝楼提取物-灵芝复方制剂  用高科技手段从灵芝子实体中提取 有效成分,与破壁的灵芝孢子粉进行科学配比,并运用微囊工艺精制而成的全草型灵芝复方制剂,大大提升了产品的功效成分含量。 增强免疫力 环境污染日益加重;食品农药污染、添加剂的滥用;个人不良情绪和生活习惯、不科学饮食,造成营养缺乏失去平衡,免疫力严重下降,促使各种疾病发生。 感冒不断而且反复发作  精神萎靡、疲乏无力 年老体衰、营养不良 食欲降低、睡眠障碍   GanoHerb Ganoderma Lucidum Spore and Extract Capsule The product is made by integrating highly cell-wall broken organic Ganoderma Lucidum spore powder with high-concentration organic Ganoderma Lucidum extract. It combines the essence of the two effective ingredients, which benefits health more. Every 100g of the product contains 8g of Ganoderma Lucidum polysaccharides and 2.5g of triterpenes, which makes it more efficient in boosting immunity and preventing chemical liver injury caused by alcohol and drugs. This top-quality health supplement is made by integrating cracked (cell-wall broken), organic Ganoderma Lucidum spore powder with high-concentration organic Ganoderma Lucidum extract. It combines the essence of both effective ingredients, which enhances health benefits. Every 100g of the product contains 8g of Ganoderma Lucidum polysaccharides and 2.5g of triterpenes, which makes it more efficient in boosting immunity and preventing chemical liver injury caused by alcohol and drugs. Benefits of Ganoderma include:  Enhance immunity Protect against chemical liver damage Anti-cancer properties Fights fatigue and depression May improve heart health and blood sugar control    

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  • WYT Young Yum Pills (50 pills) WYT Young Yum Pills (50 pills)

    WYT Young Yum Pills (50 pills)

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    位元堂 养阴丸 (50顆/罐) • 秘方經歷百載,口碑載道 • 廣受中醫推祟,補身養生 • 百分百香港製造 功能 / 主治: 扶助正氣、袪病強身、温陽散寒,益氣健脾。適用於體力衰弱、脾胃虛寒、咳嗽痰多、病後失調、機能退化及心脾兩虛,氣血不足所致的神疲體倦、食慾減退等症。 主要成份: 黨參、白朮、甘草、肉桂、山藥、龍眼肉、熟地黄、茯苓、黃芪、枸杞子,當歸 、陳皮及其他中藥材等。 使用方法: 大丸 9.5克治療用量 : 每日口服2次,每次1丸,溫水送服保健用量 : 每日口服1次,每次1丸,溫水送服大丸5克治療用量 : 每日口服2次,每次1-2丸,溫水送服保健用量 : 每日口服1次,每次1-2丸,溫水送服小丸4.5克治療用量 : 每日口服2次,每次1包,溫水送服保健用量 : 每日口服1次,每次1包,溫水送服兒童5歲-10歲:成日服用量減半。10歲以上服用量與成人相同。 包裝: 大丸9.5克 : 每罐共有8粒/24粒;大丸5克 : 每包共有6粒/每罐共有50粒;小丸4.5克 : 每盒共有4包/每盒共有12包/每盒共有24包 備註: - 感冒發熱者及孕婦忌服- 高血壓患者服用前請向中醫師查詢   WYT Young Yum Pills (50 pills) • Exclusive formula that earns the words of mouth for over a century • Widely known among Chinese medical practitioners as the recommended supplement for health nourishment • Rapid and notable results without side effects • 100% produced in Hong Kong Functions: Consolidate constitution and enhance health, warm yang, dissipate cold, reinforce qi and strengthen the spleen. Suitable for weakness in physical strength, tiredness, weakness and coldness in the spleen and stomach, cough with profuse sputum, imbalance of body after illness, deterioration of organs’ function and for symptoms like tiredness, loss of appetite due to deficiency of the heart, the spleen, qi and blood. Ingredient: Radix Codonopsis, Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae, Radix et Rhizoma Glycyrrhizae, Cortex Cinnamomi, Rhizoma Dioscoreae, Arillus Longan, Radix Rehmanniae Praeparata, Poria, Radix Astragali, Fructus Lycii, Radix Angelicae Sinensis, Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae and otherTraditional Chinese Medicines. Dosage: 24 pills / 8 pills:Dosage for Therapeutic Use: 1 pill to be taken orally twice a day with warm water.Dosage for Prophylactic Use: 1 pill to be taken orally daily with warm water. 50 pills / 6 pills:Dosage for Therapeutic Use: 1 to 2 pills to be taken orally twice a day with warm water.Dosage for Prophylactic Use: 1 to 2 pills to be taken orally daily with warm water. 12 bags:Dosage for Therapeutic Use: 1 sachet to be taken orally twice a day with warm water,Dosage for Prophylactic Use: 1 sachet to be taken orally daily with warm water. For children aged between 5 to 10: Half the stated dosage for adult. Same dosage for those aged above 10. Packaging Large Pills 9.5g (24 pills per can)Large Pills 9.5g (8 pills per can)Large Pills 5g (50 pills per can)Large Pills 5g (6 pills per bag)Small Pills 4.5g (24 bags per box)Small Pills 4.5g (12 bags per box)Small Pills 4.5g (4 bags per box) Remark: Not to be taken by those who suffering from common cold with fever,hypertension and during pregnancy.To be taken with caution in patients with Diabetes.

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