
210 products

  • Instant Natural Ginger Tea with Honey (12 sachets) Instant Natural Ginger Tea with Honey (12 sachets)

    Instant Natural Ginger Tea with Honey (12 sachets)

    永合豐品牌速溶天然生薑茶 永合豐品牌速溶天然生薑茶是由精選特級生薑和蜂蜜混合而成。生薑可以增加身體的能量水平,並且具有抗氧化和抗炎作用。成分:特級老姜,天然蜂蜜。 (包含:10包x 18g) 1.姜茶含多种活性成分,具有解毒、消炎、去湿活血、暖胃、止呕、消除体内垃圾等作用。 2.科学证实,生姜还有抑制癌及预防心血管疾病的作用。 从姜中提取的精华素,还可以被用来治疗偏头痛、行动障碍和关节炎。 3.姜茶:含有一种含油树脂,具有明显的降血脂和降胆固醇的作用。 4.驱寒:我国民间早就有喝姜茶的习惯 , 姜茶可能喝一次即驱走轻微的感冒,症状较重者一连三天每日喝一次,就不再流鼻水、咳嗽、发烧、喉咙痛、头痛;容易患感冒者也可以每三天喝一次以起预防之效。 5.人到老年,面部常布满“老年斑”,现代医学研究表明,这种“体锈”是由于体内氧自由基过度活跃所致。药理研究发现,生姜内含淀粉、挥发油及人体所需的多种氨基酸,尤其是辣味成分的姜辣素有很强的对付氧自由基的本领。 6.如果你频频便秘,动不动疲倦不堪,喝姜茶可以通便,而且精力充沛。 7.姜茶可以缓解晕车船、恶心的症状。建议乘车船之前喝一杯姜茶。   Instant Natural Ginger Tea with Honey (12 sachets) Wing Hop Fung brand instant natural ginger tea is made by mixing selected premium ginger and honey. Ginger can increase the energy level of the body and has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Ingredients: premium ginger, natural honey.  Ginger tea contains a variety of active ingredients, which have the functions of detoxification, anti-inflammatory, dehumidifying, promoting blood circulation, warming the stomach, relieving vomiting, and eliminating toxins in the body.   It is scientifically proven that ginger can also inhibit cancer and prevent cardiovascular diseases. The essence extracted from ginger can also be used to treat migraines, mobility disorders, and arthritis.   Ginger tea: Contains oleoresin, which has obvious effects of lowering blood fat and cholesterol.   Fighting colds: The folks in our country have long had the habit of drinking ginger tea. Ginger tea may drive away mild colds once you drink it. If you drink it once a day for three consecutive days, you will no longer have a runny nose, cough, fever, etc. sore throat, and headache; people who are prone to catching colds can also drink it every three days as a preventive effect. When people reach old age, the face is often covered with "age spots". Modern medical research has shown that this "body rust" is caused by overactive oxygen free radicals in the body. Pharmacological studies have found that ginger contains starch, volatile oil, and a variety of amino acids required by the human body, especially the spicy ingredient gingerol has a strong ability to deal with oxygen-free radicals. If you have frequent constipation and are tired at every turn, drinking ginger tea can be laxative and energetic. Ginger tea can relieve the symptoms of motion sickness and nausea. It is recommended to drink a cup of ginger tea before boarding the boat.


  • Instant Natural Ginger Tea with Honey (25 sachets) Instant Natural Ginger Tea with Honey (25 sachets)

    Instant Natural Ginger Tea with Honey (25 sachets)

    永合豐 纯天然 即溶蜂蜜薑茶 (25 包裝) 夏季炎热,人们往往贪凉饮冷。而过食寒凉、吹空调过冷过久,都容易损伤脾胃阳气,表现为恶风怕冷、疲乏无力、腹疼腹泻、食欲不振、口中黏腻等。这时喝一点姜茶,可起到散寒祛暑、开胃止泻的作用。 永合豐品牌速溶天然生薑茶是由精選特級生薑和蜂蜜混合而成。生薑可以增加身體的能量水平,並且具有抗氧化和抗炎作用。 成分:特級老姜,蔗糖,天然蜂蜜。 (包含:25包x 18g) 1.姜茶含多种活性成分,具有解毒、消炎、去湿活血、暖胃、止呕、消除体内垃圾等作用。 2.科学证实,生姜还有抑制癌及预防心血管疾病的作用。 从姜中提取的精华素,还可以被用来治疗偏头痛、行动障碍和关节炎。 3.姜茶:含有一种含油树脂,具有明显的降血脂和降胆固醇的作用。 4.驱寒:我国民间早就有喝姜茶的习惯 , 姜茶可能喝一次即驱走轻微的感冒,症状较重者一连三天每日喝一次,就不再流鼻水、咳嗽、发烧、喉咙痛、头痛;容易患感冒者也可以每三天喝一次以起预防之效。 5.人到老年,面部常布满“老年斑”,现代医学研究表明,这种“体锈”是由于体内氧自由基过度活跃所致。药理研究发现,生姜内含淀粉、挥发油及人体所需的多种氨基酸,尤其是辣味成分的姜辣素有很强的对付氧自由基的本领。 6.如果你频频便秘,动不动疲倦不堪,喝姜茶可以通便,而且精力充沛。 7.姜茶可以缓解晕车船、恶心的症状。建议乘车船之前喝一杯姜茶。 Instant Natural Ginger Tea with Honey (25 sachets) Hot summers everyone loves cold drinks. But having too much cold, raw food and air conditioning can damage vitality, especially “the spleen and stomach yang.” which may lead to chills, stiffness, fatigue, abdominal pains, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and poor digestion. Drinking a little ginger tea can prevent weakness and inflammation. It enhances appetite, improves digestion and regulates elimination. Wing Hop Fung brand instant natural ginger tea is made from premium ginger and honey. Ginger increases energy and has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Ingredients: Premium ginger, cane sugar, natural honey. (Contains: 25 packets x 18g) Ginger tea contains a variety of active ingredients that are useful for detoxification. It is anti-inflammatory and activates circulation. It warms the stomach, prevents vomiting, and eliminates toxins due to poor digestion.  It has been scientifically confirmed that ginger also may inhibit cancer and help prevent cardiovascular diseases. Ginger extracts have also been used to treat migraine headaches, movement disorders and arthritis.   Ginger tea can lower fat and cholesterol.   Ginger tea may be used to prevent a cold. People with severe symptoms can drink the tea once a day for three consecutive days, and they will no longer have a runny nose, cough, fever, sore throat, and headache. People who are prone to catching colds can drink it every three days for prevention. With maturity, the face and arms often have "age spots." Modern medical research indicates that it is caused by excessive activation of oxygen free radicals in the body. Pharmacological studies have found that ginger contains starch, volatile oil and various amino acids and especially ginger’s spicy gingerol which effectively deals with oxygen free radicals.   For frequent constipation and fatigue, drinking ginger tea can be laxative and energizing.   Ginger tea has been shown to relieve symptoms of motion sickness and nausea. It is recommended to drink a cup of ginger tea before traveling by car or boat.


  • 【永合丰】即溶柠檬姜茶 Instant Natural Lemon Ginger Tea with honey Instant Natural Lemon Ginger Tea (25 Bags)

    Instant Natural Lemon Ginger Tea (25 Bags)

    永合豐 速溶 柠檬蜂蜜姜茶 25包 Instant Natural Lemon Ginger Tea (18g*25 Bags ) Wing Hop Fung brand Instant Natural Lemon Ginger Tea is made from select special grade ginger blended with a touch of honey. Ginger is known to increase the body's energy level and is an anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory. Ingredient: Special grade ginger, cane sugar, pure honey, Lemon Flavor. (Contains: 25 sachets x 18g) In the hot summer, people tend to love cold drinks. However, eating cold foods and staying in cold air for too long can easily damage the spleen and stomach yang, manifested by stiffness, nerve pain, chills, fatigue, abdominal pain, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and phlegm.  Drinking a little ginger tea at this time can dispel cold and heat, improve appetite and relieve diarrhea. Wing Hop Fung Lemon Ginger Tea is a pure natural beverage refined from Chinese Grade A ginger, honey, etc. The taste is sweet, sour, and slightly spicy, suitable for men, women, and children in all seasons. 夏季炎热,人们往往贪凉饮冷。而过食寒凉、吹空调过冷过久,都容易损伤脾胃阳气,表现为恶风怕冷、疲乏无力、腹疼腹泻、食欲不振、口中黏腻等。这时喝一点姜茶,可起到散寒祛暑、开胃止泻的作用。 永合豐檸檬薑茶是採用中國甲級老薑、蜂蜜、等精煉而成的純天然飲品。口感酸甜微辣,男女老少四季皆宜。  


  • Jasmine Green Tea (1 Lb) Jasmine Green Tea (1 Lb)

    Jasmine Green Tea (1 Lb)

    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 產地Origin: China 品名Name: 茉莉花茶  Jasmine Green Tea 保質期Shelf Life: 18months 分類Sort: 花茶  Green Tea 等級Level: 一級 Premium 包装 Package: 袋Bag Caffeine Level: ☆☆ 儲存方法Storage: 常温、陰涼、乾燥、可長期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place Our Jasmine Green Tea is a select blend of hand-tossed fine green tea leaves and jasmine flowers. This tea is a light green brew with the fragrant smell of jasmine flowers. Directions: Pour hot water over tea bag. Steep for 3-5 minutes. May sweeten with honey. Serve hot or chilled with ice. Enjoy! 雀石茉莉花茶選用高山雲雾綠茶,配以精選茉莉花,結合傳統工藝與現代科技精制而成,為純净無污染的綠色天然產品。


  • Jasmine Silver Tips Green Tea  (2g*12)

    Jasmine Silver Tips Green Tea (2g*12)

    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 福建 Fujian, China 品名Name: 茉莉银毫Jasmine Silver Tips  保质期Shelf Life: 18months 分类Sort: 花茶 绿茶  Green Tea 等级Level: 一级 Premium 采摘Season: 谷雨前 Spring Caffeine Level: ☆☆ 干茶 Body: 白毫显露,条索卷曲 Tightly curled strips covered with abundant white fuzz, 茶汤 Liquor: 清澈明亮,香气醇厚,甘甜爽口 Citrus-like aroma with a smooth, crisp finish 储存方法 Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存 Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place 此茉莉花茶產于福建茶區。它用早春鮮葉,做成烘青綠茶,再加窨茉莉鮮花。成茶條索緊細如針,勻齊挺直,滿披毫毛,香氣鮮爽濃郁,湯色清澈明亮。沖泡時茶芽聳立,沉落時雪花下落,蔚然奇觀。 Supreme Jasmine Pekoe Green Tea is made from whole, young tea leaves that are covered with peach fuzz and may lack tips. They are dried and heated to halt the oxidation process, then tossed with Jasmine flowers to infuse them with a fragrant floral aroma.Pekoe is the term used for describing leaves that are less fine and lacking a tip. The gathered pekoe tea leaves undergo the green tea processing methods. Additionally they are tossed with jasmine flowers to imbue the green tea with the flowers’ wonderful aroma. Brewing Method: Tea cup  Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 8.8oz / 250ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 194℉ / 90℃ 194℉ / 90℃ Tea Quantity: 2g Tea 4g Tea Brewing time:  3 - 5 mins  5 steeps: 20s, 40s, 60s, 90s, 120s


  • 10% OFF
    Jasmine Yinhao & Big Red Robe Gift Set 121024 Jasmine Pekoe & Big Red Robe Gift Set

    Jasmine Yinhao & Big Red Robe Gift Set

    红香绿玉 茉莉银毫&武夷大红袍  茗茶礼盒 Jasmine Tender Silver & Big Red Robe Gift Set Jasmine Green Tea contains tender silver leaves tightly rolled up into a pearl shape and scented with Jasmine flowers. The blending process usually takes three rounds, each starting with a fresh batch of flowers for optimal fragrance and aroma. Once these pearls are brewed, the leaves unfurl and release a delicious aroma of citrus and jasmine orchards as well as antioxidants that are great for the body and skin. The name Big Red Robe tea originates from a story during the Ming Dynasty that the mother of an Emperor was cured of an illness by an oolong tea. As a celebration, the Emperor sent men to Mount Wuyi to cover the bushes with big red robes. Those precious shrubs are still present today and only available in limited quantities.


  • box)

    Jiao Gu Lan / 7-Leaf Ginseng Tea Bags (60 bags/box)

    永合豐 绞股蓝 茶包(60包/盒) 絞股藍,又名七葉膽,在中國《農政全書》有記載;經國內外專家研究發現,絞股藍中含有絞股藍皂苷、人參皂苷和多種微量元素,故有南方人參之美稱。 絞股藍袋泡茶選自中國閩西無污染的西梅花山自然保護區的優質絞股藍為原料,經過科學工藝精製而成。湯色清亮,口味甘醇,深受消費者喜愛。 (內含 : 2克 X 60 茶包)   Jiao Gu Lan / 7-Leaf Ginseng Tea Bags (60 bags/box) Jiao Gu Lian Tea has been enjoyed by the Asian culture for thousands of years. It is made from a plant called Gynostemma Pentaphyllum, also known as Qiyedan or the "Miracle Grass". This tea is known to boost antioxidants and may aid in relieving stress and detoxifying the body, Jiao Gu Lian Tea is a healthy, caffeine-free drink. Jiaogulan is used for high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and improving heart function. It is also used for strengthening the immune system, increasing stamina and endurance, increasing resistance to environmental stress (as an “adaptogen”), improving memory, and preventing hair loss.


  • 10% OFF
    Jiu Qu Hong Mei Black Tea Gift Set 121033 Jiu Qu Hong Mei Black Tea Gift Set

    Jiu Qu Hong Mei Black Tea Gift Set

    西子红颜 九曲红梅 红茶礼盒 九曲红梅简称“九曲红”,是西湖区另一大传统拳头产品,是红茶中的珍品。九曲红梅因其色红香清如红梅,故称九曲红梅,滋味鲜爽、暖胃。九曲红梅茶生产已有近200年历史,一百多年前就成名,早在1886年,就获巴拿马世界博览会金奖,但名气逊于西湖龙井茶。   Jiu Qu Hong Mei Black Tea Gift Set Jiuquhongmei is referred to as "Jiuquhong", which is another major traditional product in Xihu District and a treasure among black teas. The tea’s red color and exciting fragrance offer a refreshing taste and digestive benefit that warms the stomach. Jiuqu Hongmei Tea has been produced for nearly 200 years. It became famous more than 100 years ago. As early as 1886, it won the Panama World Expo Gold Medal. Named after its unique red brew, this tea is characterized by long, brittle, twisted leaves that resemble fish hooks. Jiu Qu Hong Mei is famous for its rarity and has been prized since around 1850. It finally gained notice worldwide in 1995 when this tea was mentioned in Wang Zufeng's popular novel, "A Magnificent Tree of the South." Brew Color: Mahogany Benefits: May increase alertness and decrease blood pressure Flavor Profile: Mellow and light with a simple sweetness and slight, dry finish  


  • Kagoshima Sencha Premium Tea Bags (10 Bags)

    Kagoshima Sencha Premium Tea Bags (10 Bags)

    鹿儿岛煎茶 10袋 Origin: Kagoshima, JapanBrew Color: Russet greenFlavor Profile: Fresh vegetal, grassy and creamy Brewing Directions For hot tea, steep 1 tea bag per 8 oz. of 175°F water for 1-2 minutes. Pour over ice for iced tea.Or try cold brew, put 2-4 tea bags in a pitcher of room temperature water, and let steep a minimum 6 hours.  


  •  Snow Daisy 永合丰 昆仑雪菊 Kunlun Chrysanthemum

    Kunlun Chrysanthemum

    昆仑雪菊  根据长期实验研究说明: 1、雪菊搭煮水喝并长期服用,能够明显降低高压患者的血压,使高压恢复正常,有较好的降低高压作用; 2、雪菊搭煮水喝能明显降低血清的甘油三脂和胆固醇,有较好的降血脂作用。服用雪菊七天后,能够明显降低高脂血症血清中甘油三脂(TG)的含量。  Kunlun Chrysanthemum / Snow Daisy Kunlun is a mountain range that runs across three provinces in China: Tibet, Qinghai, and Xinjiang. These chrysanthemum flower buds are bloomed just about halfway, then naturally dried to preserve their delightful flavors and scents. This tea contains no caffeine and has been used in Asia for centuries to cool and detoxify the body and to clarify vision and soothe the eyes. Enjoy it hot or cold, sweetened or unsweetened. It has a naturally sweet and fragrant flavor with a floral note and a soothing, mellow finish.From the manufacturerAccording to long-term experimental studies: 1. Drinking Xueju (chrysanthemum flower) with boiled water and taking it for a long time can significantly reduce high blood pressure and restore the high pressure to normal.2. Drinking Xueju with boiled water can significantly reduce Serum triglycerides and cholesterol. It has good effects on lowering blood lipids. After taking snow chrysanthemum for seven days, it can significantly reduce the content of triglyceride (TG) in hyperlipidemia serum.

    $13.99 - $34.99

  • 10% OFF
    Lao Cang Pu-erh Mini Tea Brick #1507 Lao Cang Pu-erh Mini Tea Brick #1507

    Lao Cang Pu-erh Mini Tea Brick #1507

    老仓 淘福七子 普洱 熟茶 #1507  Lao Cang Pu-erh Mini Tea Brick#1507 品牌 Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶         WHF Twin Birds 产地 Origin: 云南 Yunnan, China 品名 Name: 金装勐海龙珠普洱熟茶  Menghai Ripe Pu-Erh Dark Tea 年份 Production Date: 2018 分类 Sort: 普洱熟茶Pu-Erh Ripe Tea Caffeine Level: ☆☆ 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in a cool, dry place 保质期 Shelf Life: The aged the better 茶汤Liquor: 香甜顺滑,回甘悠长Mellow, soft, thick feel in the mouth, but the taste is a little light The dry-aging conditions have enhanced the character of this tea while allowing it to mellow and gain complexity.  The tea is sweet, creamy and very thick, and expansive in the mouth.  It's a very active and textured ripe tea that has all attributes a good aged ripe Pu-erh should have. Pu-erh Tea Benefits Include: Weight Loss, Digestion, and More Weight and body fat loss are popular reasons why we drink Pu-erh tea  Digestive. Pu-erh tea helps the digestion of fats and lipids. ...  Diabetes Maintenance and Prevention. ...  Cardiovascular Wellness. ...  Antioxidants. ...  Skin Health. ...  Cognitive Health. ...  Bone Health.  


  • Laocang Organic Weight Loss Tea Laocang Organic Weight Loss Tea

    Laocang Organic Weight Loss Tea

    老仓 有机普洱茶包 三角袋泡茶 20袋/盒 (茉莉/玫瑰/糯香/熟普) Laocang Organic Weight Loss Tea 4 Varieties: Jasmine Pu'erh; Rose Pu'erh; Dai Style Pu'erh; Ripe Pu'erh About the product Organic Tea with 4 varieties to choose from Flavors Included: Jasmine Pu'erh; Rose Pu'erh; Dai Style Pu'erh; Ripe Pu'erh Storage Condition: Store in a clean, ventilated and dry place. Avoid direct sunlight. Shelf Life: 24 Month USDA Organic and Fair Trade Certified Teas.  The perfect introduction to the Tea experience. Beautifully packaged and always appreciated, How To Brew a good of Tea?   Boil water above 90 degree (200 Fahrenheit)  Fix a teabag in cup  Pour boiling water  Drink after 15 seconds. Repeat step 3-4


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