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202 products

  • 草决明(16 oz)

    决明子/草决明(16 oz)

    决明子/草决明(16oz/包) 性味 咸苦;平凉;无毒 功效 为豆科植物决明和小决明的成熟种子。 清肝,明目,利水,通便。主治风热赤眼,青盲,雀目,高血压,肝炎,肝硬化腹水,习惯性便秘。 经脉 肝经;胆经;肾经 注意禁忌 泄泻和血压低者慎用。 食疗方 菊花决明粥 取白菊花、草决明各10克,大米100克,冰糖少许。将草决明炒香,与菊花同煎取汁,放入大米煮成稀粥,待熟后调入冰糖,再稍煮即可。每日服食1次。 此粥可清肝、明目、降压,还可治疗目赤肿痛、怕光流泪、头痛头晕、大便秘结等。 决明苁蓉蜂蜜茶 炒决明子、肉苁蓉各10 g,蜂蜜适量。将决明子、肉苁蓉共入茶杯中,沸水冲泡,盖焖10分钟,调入蜂蜜适量即成。代茶频饮。 功效:润肠通便。主治习惯性便秘和老年性便秘。 山楂决明荷叶汤 山楂、决明子各15g,荷叶半张。山楂切片,荷叶切丝,与决明子加水共煎。取汁代茶饮 功效 适用于冠心病、高血压、高血脂、肥胖症等。决明子能抑制血清胆固醇的升高,抑制主动脉粥样硬化斑块的形成,其水浸液具有降压作用。荷叶有止渴、散瘀血、助脾胃、消水肿等功效,与山楂合用,可祛脂降压,减肥健身,为高血压之头晕目眩等症之药膳良方。     Cassia Seed/Jue Ming Zi (16 oz/Bag) Jue Ming Zi is adored by many women as it aids weight loss. It is also used to treat constipation by removing toxins and lowering blood fat and helps control blood pressure. ( The seed of Sickle Senna: The taste is salty and bitter; Pingliang [flat tasting and cooling] It is detoxifying. It is the mature seeds of the legumes Cassia and small Cassia.  Indications: wind-heat red painful eyes, night blindness, hypertension, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, ascites, habitual constipation. It enters the Liver, Gallbladder, and Kidney meridians. It is used to clear liver inflammation, improve eyesight, diuresis, laxative. Cautions: Use with caution for those with diarrhea and low blood pressure.  Diet Therapy  Chrysanthemum Cassia Porridge Ingredients: 10 grams each of white chrysanthemum flower and cassia seed, 100 grams of rice, and a little rock sugar.  Stir-fry the grass cassia seed to become fragrant, fry together with the chrysanthemum flower, add the rice and cook into a gruel, add rock sugar after it is cooked. Take it once a day.   This porridge can clear the liver inflammation and toxins, improve eyesight, lower blood pressure, and can also treat red eyes, swelling and pain, fear of light [photophobia] and tearing, headache, dizziness, and constipation.    Cassia Cistanche Honey Tea   Ingredients: 10g each of cassia seed and cistanche and honey appropriate amount. Stir fry cassia seeds and cistanche and put them in a teacup, add boiling water, cover, and steep for 10 minutes. Add honey and serve. Drink it frequently as tea.   Efficacy: moisturizing the intestines and laxative. Indications: for habitual constipation and senile constipation.   Hawthorn Cassia Lotus Leaf Tea   Ingredients:  15g each of Hawthorn berries and cassia seeds, half piece lotus leaf.  Slice the hawthorn, shred the lotus leaf, and fry together with the cassia seeds. Add boiling water and steep it for 10 minutes. Use this juice instead of tea.  Efficacy: It is suitable for coronary heart disease, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, obesity, etc. Cassia seed can inhibit the increase of serum cholesterol and the formation of aortic atherosclerotic plaque, and its water extract has a hypotensive effect. The lotus leaf has the effects of quenching thirst, dispelling blood stasis, helping the spleen and stomach, and reducing edema. It can be used in combination with hawthorn to remove fat and reduce blood pressure, lose weight, and for fitness. It is a medicated remedy for hypertension and dizziness.  


  • 桂枝 16oz

    桂枝 16oz

    桂枝 16oz Cassia Twig 柳桂 川桂枝 桂枝木 桂枝尖 广眉尖 性味 辛;甘;性温 功效 为樟科植物肉桂的嫩枝。 主治风寒表证,肩背肢节酸疼,胸痹痰饮,经闭癥瘕。 经脉 膀胱经;心经;肺经 主治 发汗解肌,温经通脉。治风寒表证,肩背肢节酸疼,胸痹痰饮,经闭癥瘕。 用法用量 内服:煎汤1.5~6g,大剂量,可用至15~30g;或入丸、散。 注意禁忌 热病高热,阴虚火旺,血热妄行者禁服。 【食疗方】 升压茶 肉桂、桂枝、炙甘草各10g。先将上述三味药,锉成粗末,备用。每次用药末适量放于茶壶中,鲜开水泡约10分钟,即可当茶饮用。代茶频饮,连服1周。 功效:壮心阳,升血压。主治心阳不足所致的头晕,精神困倦,四肢无力,血压低于90/60mmHg等症。 Cassia Twig/Gui Zhi 16oz Cinnamon is warmer in tone and tan in color with a sweet flavor. Cassia is more of a reddish-brown in color and has a more coarse texture, with a stronger, yet more bitter flavor. ( names: Ceylon cinnamon, cassia (Eng), Zimt (Ger), cannelle (Fr), canella (Ital), dalchini (Hindi), darusita, ... It increases saliva, sharpens the appetite and promotes digestion, and encourages a gentle expectoration in ... Primarily warming: good for inducing perspiration and promoting circulation. ( has a wide range of pharmacological effects, including anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory and analgesic, anti-diabetic and anti-obesity, antibacterial and antiviral, cardiovascular protective, cytoprotective, neuroprotective, immunoregulatory effects, anti-tyrosinase activity and other effects.   Dosage Oral administration: decoction 1.5~6g, large dose, 15~30g; or into pills or powder.  Cautions: Do not use this with fever, high fever, yin deficiency and fire, and blood-heat skin rash. Boost tea 10g each of cassia, cinnamon sticks, and roasted licorice. First, grind the above-mentioned three herbs into coarse powder and set aside. Put an appropriate amount of the powder in a teapot each time, soak in freshly boiled water for about 10 minutes, then you can drink it as a tea. Drink frequently instead of tea, it can be taken for 1 week at a time.  Efficacy: strengthens heart yang, raises blood pressure.  Indications of dizziness, mental drowsiness, weakness of limbs, blood pressure lower than 90/60mmHg and other diseases caused by deficiency of heart yang.


  • 金櫻子 16oz

    金櫻子 16oz

    金樱子 16oz Cherokee Rose Fruit, Fruit of Cherokee Rose 刺榆子,刺梨子,金罂子,山石榴,山鸡头子,糖莺子,蜂糖罐,槟榔果,金壶瓶,糖橘子,黄茶瓶,藤勾子,螳螂果,糖刺果,灯笼果,刺橄榄,灯笼果,刺兰棵子 性味 酸涩;平;无毒 功效 本品为蔷薇科植物金樱子的干燥成熟果实。固精缩尿,涩肠止泻。治滑精,遗尿,小便频数,脾虚泻痢,肺虚喘咳,自汗盗汗,崩漏带下。 经脉 肾经;膀胱经;大肠经;脾经;肺经 用法用量 内服:煎汤,9~15g;或入丸、散,或熬膏。 注意禁忌 1.有实火、邪热者忌服。 2.《医学入门》:中寒有痞者禁服。 3.《本草经疏》:泄泻由于火热暴注者不宜用;小便不禁及精气滑脱因于阴虚火炽而得者,不宜用。 出自:   Cherokee Rose Fruit/  Jin Ying Zi 16oz Sour, astringent, high source of vitamin C improves spermatorrhea and “wet dreams” In severe cases, semen can be ejaculated involuntarily while a man is awake. And it is often accompanied by symptoms like dizziness, tinnitus, forgetfulness, palpitation, insomnia, soreness of waist and knee, lassitude, weak urine stream, discomfort and fullness in lower abdomen and genitals, etc. The Cherokee rose, also called rosa laevigata in scientific name and Jin Ying Zi in Pinyin, can provide a unique flavor experience thanks to its honey-like taste and delicate fragrance. It has a wide variety of nutrients, especially vitamin C, and helps in reducing sugar. According to relevant analysis, every 100g of its fresh pulp contains 1009g vitamin C, which is second only to Roxburgh rose, 2 times of fresh jujube fruit, 10 times of kiwi, 30 times and of citrus. In addition, it is rich in zinc and selenium two trace elements that are essential to the human body and have specific health benefits and anti-cancer effects. Modern pharmacological actions of rosa laevigata The tannin contained has astringent, antidiarrheal effect;2. Its decoction can inhibit Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, tetanus, leptospira, and influenza virus;3. Its decoction has an anti-atherosclerotic effect. The Chinese Materia Medica says that it is sour and astringent in flavor and neutral and non-toxic in properties. And it goes to the 5 meridians of the kidney, bladder, colon, spleen, and lung. Common functions include securing essence, reducing urination, astringing intestine, and checking vaginal discharge. Essential medicinal uses and indications are night emission, enuresis, frequent urination, chronic diarrhea, lingering dysentery, gonorrhea, vaginal discharge, metrorrhagia and metrostaxis, prolapse of anus, and uterine prolapse. Recommended dosage is from 9 to 15 grams in decoction, tea pills, cream, or powder.


  • 原色 精選西當歸 當歸頭 XXL

    原色 精選西當歸 當歸頭 XXL

    原色 正陕西 当归 当归头 XXL 干归、马尾当归、秦哪、马尾归、云归、西当归、岷当归 尺寸 5-7头/磅 性味 味甘;辛;苦;性温 功效 本品为伞形科植物当归的干燥根。 治月经不调,经闭腹痛,癥瘕结聚,崩漏;血虚头痛,眩晕,痿痹;肠燥便难,赤痢后重;痈疽疮窃,跌扑损伤。 经脉 归肝经;心经;脾经 主治 补血活血,调经止痛,润肠通便。用于血虚萎黄,眩晕心悸,月经不调,经闭痛经,虚寒腹痛,肠燥便秘,风湿痹痛,跌扑损伤,痈疽疮疡。 酒当归活血通经,用于经闭痛经,风湿痹痛,跌扑损伤。当归身功效为补血,用于血虚萎黄,经少,眩晕,经络不利,崩漏。当归尾功效为活血祛瘀,用于瘀血阻滞,经少经闭,经行腹痛,跌扑损伤,瘀滞经络,痈疽疮疡。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,6~12g;或入丸、散;或浸酒;或敷膏。 注意禁忌 湿阻中满及大便溏泄者慎服。 【食疗方】 1.牛膝当归蜜膏 牛膝50克,肉苁蓉500克,当归50克,蜂蜜适量。牛膝、肉苁蓉、当归加水适量浸泡透发,再加热煎煮,每20分钟取煎液一次,加水再煎,共取3次,合并煎液,再以小火煎熬浓缩成稠膏时,加蜂蜜1倍,至沸停火,待冷装瓶备用。 功效:温阳通便。 2.参归腰子 猪肾1只,人参、当归身各15克。先将人参、当归洗净,装入纱布袋内,扎紧袋口,放在砂锅内,加入清水适量,浸泡2小时。剖开猪肾,挖去白色筋膜和臊腺,清洗干净,放入砂锅内一并加热清炖。先用武火煮沸,再用文火过煮30~40分钟。捞出猪肾,待冷后切成薄片,酌加适量酱油、醋、香油、姜丝、蒜末等调料。吃腰片,喝汤。 功效:补肾益气,养血安神。用治肾气虚弱,气血不足,阳萎,遗精,腰酸膝软,头晕目眩,面色苍白,心悸气短,失眠,自汗、乏力。 3.归身黄花菜猪肉汤 当归身15克,黄花菜根15克,瘦猪肉150克。食盐、菜油、味精各适量。猪肉洗净,切丝;黄花菜根洗净;当归饮片洗净,装入纱布袋内,扎紧袋口。将猪肉、黄花菜根和当归药袋一并放入锅内,加入清水,先用武火煮沸,再用文火炖煮30分钟左右。酌加菜油、食盐等调料。待肉熟烂后停火,捞去药袋,加入味精少许。当点心食用,喝汤,吃肉、菜。 功效:益气补血,和血通脉。主治气血亏虚所致的身体瘦弱、头晕止眩、疲倦乏力、闭经、胎萎不长等。 4.当归山鸡汤 当归15克,山鸡肉250克,熟地(熟地黄)15克,女贞子12克,料酒、精盐、味精、姜片、胡椒粉、鸡清汤各适量。先将山鸡肉洗净,放入沸水中焯一下,捞出洗净血水,斩块。再将当归、熟地、女贞子洗净,装入纱布袋扎口。锅中加入鸡汤,放入山鸡肉、药袋、料酒、精盐、味精、姜片、胡椒粉,武火烧沸,文火炖到肉熟,去药袋、姜片,盛入汤盆中即成。食肉喝汤。 功效:可滋血气,强筋健骨,调经活血。主治妇女肾阴虚引起的崩漏带下之症。对于跌打损伤等外科疾患,食此汤菜有辅助治疗作用。   Chinese Angelica Root Premium /Dang Gui Radix Angelica Sinensis, the dried root of Angelica Sinensis (Danggui), is a herb used in Chinese medicine to enrich the blood, promote blood circulation and modulate the immune system. It is also used to treat chronic constipation of the elderly and debilitated as well as menstrual disorders. Research has demonstrated that Danggui and its active ingredients, as anti-atherosclerotic, anti-hypertensive, antioxidant anti-inflammatory agents which would limit platelet aggregation, are effective in reducing the size of cerebral infarction and improving neurological deficit scores. Danggui may be useful in treating the cerebral infarction type of stroke. From the manufacturer:    The taste is sweet, pungent, bitter; It is warm in nature. It enters the Liver, Heart, and Spleen meridians.  Indications: Replenishing blood and promoting blood circulation, regulating menstruation and relieving pain, moistening the intestines, and laxative. It is used for blood deficiency and chlorosis, dizziness, palpitations, irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, deficiency and cold abdominal pain, dry intestinal constipation, rheumatic arthralgia, bruises, carbuncles, slow healing sores. Angelica Sinensis has the effect of replenishing blood and has been used for lack of menstruation and uterine bleeding.  Caution: It should not be taken if dampness is full [edema] and loose stools. Diet therapy   Achyranthes Angelica Honey Cream   Ingredients: 50 grams of Achyranthes, 500 grams of Cistanche, 50 grams of Angelica, honey.  Add water to soak the Achyranthes root, Cistanche, and Angelica in a proper amount of water, then heat and cook a decoction. Take the decoction once every 20 minutes, add water and decoct for a total of 3 times, combine the decoctions, and then decoct it over a low fire to concentrate it into a thick paste.  Add the honey until it boils and stop cooking. Bottle it for later use.  Efficacy: It is warming and laxative. This soup may be useful to help ease low back pain, poor circulation, and arthritis that feels worse from cold weather and raw foods.   Angelica and kidney   Ingredients: 1 pig kidney, 15 grams each of ginseng, and Angelica Sinensis.  First, wash the ginseng and angelica, put it in a gauze bag, tie the bag tightly, put it in a casserole, add an appropriate amount of water, and soak for 2 hours. Cut open the pig kidney, remove the white fascia and glands. Clean it, soak it in salty water for 30 minutes. Put it in a casserole and heat it to stew. Bring the herbal liquid to a boil over fire, then simmer for 30-40 minutes.  Remove the pig kidneys and cut them into thin slices after cooling. Add the appropriate amount of soy sauce, vinegar, sesame oil, ginger, minced garlic, and other seasonings. Eat the kidney and drink the soup.   Efficacy: It is used to nourish the kidney and nourish qi, nourish blood and calm the nerves. It is used to treat weak kidney qi, lack of qi and blood, impotence, spermatorrhea, backaches and knees, dizziness, pale complexion, palpitations, shortness of breath, insomnia, spontaneous sweating, fatigue. Angelica,  Daylily with Pork Soup   Ingredients: 15 grams of angelica, 15 grams of day lily root, 150 grams of lean pork. Add salt, vegetable oil, and optional MSG. Wash the pork and shred it; wash the daylily root; wash the angelica pieces, put it into a gauze bag, and tie the bag tightly. Put the pork, day lily root, and angelica medicine bag into the pot together, add water, first boil over a fire, then simmer for about 30 minutes. Add vegetable oil, salt, and other spices as appropriate. After the meat is cooked, stop the fire, remove the medicine bag, and add a little MSG. Eat it as a snack, drink the soup, eat meat and vegetables.   Efficacy: To replenish qi and blood, and raise the pulse. Indications: This soup can be used for body weakness, dizziness and relieving vertigo, fatigue, amenorrhea, and threatened miscarriage caused by the deficiency of qi and blood.  

    $17.99 - $119.00

  • 包)

    精選 新疆 無核紅棗片(16 oz/包)

    精選 新疆 無核紅棗片(16oz/包) 新疆紅棗是新疆特產之一,具有補氣、養血、安神的功效,乾果肉厚、皮薄、味甜、無污染的特點。主要食用功效:健脾益胃,補氣養顔,養血安神,老少皆宜。紅棗能使血中含氧量增强、滋養全身細胞,是一種能養生滋補的强壯補充劑。 精選優質新疆紅棗,果肉濃厚,甜度高、口感濃郁,已去果核開邊,對於現代忙碌生活的你,使用特別的方便,適宜燉湯、焗茶、煲糖水。


  • 龍膽草 16oz

    龍膽草 16oz

    龙胆草 16oz Chinese Gentian Root 陵游、草龙胆、龙胆、苦龙胆草、胆草、山龙胆、四叶胆、水龙胆 性味 苦,寒。 功效 本品为龙胆科植物条叶龙胆、龙胆、 三花龙胆或坚龙胆的干燥根及根茎。泻肝胆实火,除下焦湿热。治肝经热盛,惊痫狂躁,乙型脑炎,头痛,目赤,咽痛,黄疸,热痢,痈肿疮疡,阴囊肿痛,阴部湿痒。 经脉 归肝经、胆经。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,3~6g;或入丸、散。 外用:适量,煎水洗;或研末调搽。 注意禁忌 脾胃虚弱作泄及无湿热实火者忌服,勿空腹服用。 出自:   Chinese Gentian Root/ Long Dan Cao 16oz Long Dan Cao is a traditional Chinese herb that expels damp-heat [as seen by red, yellow-coated tongue, fast pulse, fever or inflammatory symptoms including rash, itch, headache, violent anger, etc.] Long Dan Cao supports healthy digestion, benefits wound healing, supports liver and gallbladder function, protects against oxidative stress, supports nervous system health, is a natural pain reliever, and aids the body's response to inflammation. ( Clears ascending liver fire - headache, red eyes; liver wind-heat with fever, spasms, convulsions, flank pain. ( Chinese Gentian Root, AKA: Mausoleum, grass gentian, gentian, bitter gentian, dan grass, mountain gentian, four-leaf gentian, water gentian  The taste bitter, it is cold in effect  This product is the dried roots and rhizomes of Gentianaceae, Gentianaceae, Gentiana, Triflora, or Gentiana.  It is used to reduce liver and gallbladder fire, [inflammaiton] remove damp-heat. Cure liver hyperemia, convulsive mania, Japanese encephalitis, headache, red eyes, sore throat, jaundice, heat dysentery, carbuncle sore, scrotal pain, genital dampness, and itching.  It enters the Meridians of the Liver and Gallbladder meridian.  Dosage Oral administration: decoction, 3~6g; or into pills or powder. External use: appropriate amount, decocted and washed; or powdered and mixed.  Cautions: Do not take it on an empty stomach if the spleen and stomach are weak or nauseous and those who have no damp heat. From: 


  • 包)

    新疆 若羌灰棗 珍珠棗(16 oz/包)

    1 review

    新疆 若羌灰棗 珍珠棗 (16oz/包) 新疆若羌灰棗之所以被稱為灰棗,是因爲在成熟變紅之前,通體發灰所以得名;產於新疆若羌地區的若羌縣,是中國獨一無二樹上自然吊乾的紅棗。 珍珠枣又名灰枣,是鼠李科落葉灌木或小喬木植物棗樹,因其果實形似珍珠而易其名,果實呈現橢圓形或圓形,棗體稍細,略歪斜;風乾後為深红色,有光澤;皮薄肉厚,營養豐富,可鲜食也可製成乾果食用,紅棗中以新疆珍珠枣品質最佳。 性味--甘、温;主脾經、胃經 功效:特別適用於補脾和胃、益氣生津、調理營養、胃虚食少,脾弱便溏,氣血津液不足。 新疆若羌灰棗最甜,棗核扁長細小、皮薄肉甘醇,口感軟糯,棗香濃鬱、甜味可口,適宜煲湯、熬粥和泡茶。


  • 絡石藤 16oz

    絡石藤 16oz

    络石藤 16oz Chinese Starjasmine Stem 石鲮、明石、悬石、云珠、云丹、石磋、略石、领石、石龙藤、耐冬、石血、白花藤、红对叶肾、对叶藤、石南藤、过墙风、石邦藤、骑墙虎、风藤、折骨草、交脚风、铁线草、藤络、见水生、苦连藤、软筋藤、万字金银、石气柑 性味 苦;辛;性微寒 功效 本品为夹竹桃科植物络石的干燥带叶藤茎。 祛风,通络,止血,消瘀。治风湿痹痛,筋脉拘挛,痈肿,喉痹,吐血,跌打损伤,产后恶露不行。 经脉 心经;肝经;肾经 用法用量 内服:煎场,6~15g单味可用至30g;浸酒,30~60g;或入丸、散剂。 外用:适量,研末调敷或捣汁涂。 注意禁忌 ①《本草经集注》:杜仲、牡丹为之使。恶铁落,畏菖蒲、贝母。 ②《药性论》:恶铁精。杀殷孽毒。 ③《本草经疏》:阴脏人畏寒易泄者勿服。 出自:   Chinese Starjasmine Stem/ Luo Shi Teng16 oz In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), star jasmine stems are plants that belong to the 'Herbs that dispel Wind and Dampness' category. These herbs typically help treat what's called 'bi pain' (i.e. painful obstruction) in TCM. This roughly corresponds to arthritic and rheumatic conditions with pain, stiffness, and numbness of the bones, joints, and muscles. Star jasmine stems are Cool in nature. This means that star jasmine stems tend to help people who have too much ‘Heat’ in their body, Balance between yin and yang is a key health concept in TCM. Those who have too much Heat are said to either have a yang excess: Dryness, constipation, darker more condensed urine, possibly high fever and restlessness or a yin deficiency: Emaciation and weakness, night sweats, restlessness with little energy or energy in spurts, a red tongue with no coat and a fast but empty pulse. Star jasmine stems have a bitter taste. Bitter ingredients like star jasmine stems tend to have a cleansing action on the body promoting elimination via urination or bowel movements. ( Dosage: Oral administration: decoction, 6-15g single flavor can be used up to 30g; soaking in wine, 30-60g; or into pills or powder. External use: appropriate amount, grind the powder and adjust the compressor to mash the juice to apply.  Cautions: Do not take it if the person is afraid of cold and easily perspires. Source:


  • 精選 桐鄉胎菊 6oz Chrysanthemum Bud 永合丰 精选 胎菊

    精選 桐鄉胎菊 6oz

    2 reviews

    杭州桐乡 精选胎菊(6oz/包) 胎菊是杭白菊中最上品的一种。是在杭白菊花朵未完全张开的时候摘收下来的为胎菊,经干燥加工制成。永合豐精选的这一批胎菊花选用的是头采花蕾初开的嫩芽,精心的蒸制,烘焙而成.具有独特的味道.以它的稀少而颇为珍贵。 性味 味甘;苦;性微寒 经脉 归肺经;肝经 主治 疏风,清热,明目,解毒。治头痛,眩晕,目赤,心胸烦热,疔疮,肿毒。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,10~15g;或入丸、散;或泡茶。 外用:适量,煎水洗;或捣敷。 注意禁忌 《本草汇言》:气虚胃寒,食少泄泻之病,宜少用之。凡阳虚或头痛而恶寒者均忌用。 【食疗方】 1.鸡蛋菊花汤 鸡蛋1个,菊花5克,藕汁适量,陈醋少许。 鸡蛋液与菊花、藕汁、陈醋调匀后,隔水蒸炖熟后即成,每日1次。 功效:具有止血活血,消肿止痛。适用于食管癌咳嗽加重、呕吐明显者。 2.红花桑叶菊花汤 红花3克,桑叶、菊花各10克。将桑叶、菊花、红花共置杯中,开水冲泡,盖焖片刻,先熏患眼,薰后温服。每日2次,连用3日。 功效:散热消肿,止痛明目。主治急性传染性结膜炎等症。 3.菊花甘草汤 白菊花(或菊花)120克,甘草12克。加水煎汤,分3~4次服。 功效:清热解毒。主治疔疮肿痛。 Chrysanthemum Bud/ Tai Ju (6oz/bag) Wing Hop Fung brand Chrysanthemum bud Tea is prepared from selected 100% pure dried Chrysanthemum buds. Mellow and naturally sweet in flavor, this refreshing drink is caffeine-free and can be enjoyed at any time. Tai Ju chrysanthemum is one of the highest-grade chrysanthemums. The chrysanthemum morifolium is harvested when the chrysanthemum flowers are not fully opened and is made by drying. This batch of chrysanthemum buds selected by Yonghefeng Company selects the first shoots of the first flower buds, which are carefully steamed and baked. It has a unique flavor and is rare and quite precious.Pleasant tasting: Sweet; bitter; slightly cold in nature. The cooling tea affects the lung and liver channels.Indications: angina (chest pains), high blood pressure, (Shufeng,) anti-inflammatory, eyesight problems, and detoxification. It treats headache, dizziness, red eyes, palpitations (inflamed and upset heart,) boils, swelling and poisons, bronchitis. Dosage: Oral: Heat stroke (Jiantang,) 10~15g; or pill, loose; or bubble tea. Topical: Appropriate amount, decoction and washing; or tamping. Cautions: "Compendium of Materia Medica" warms against use if there is Qi deficiency with “cold stomach” diarrhea and chronic diarrhea or it should used less often. “Fanyang deficiency” headaches and people with aversion to cold are contraindicated.Therapeutic recipes: 1. Egg Chrysanthemum Soup: Ingredients:1 egg, 5 grams of chrysanthemum buds, lotus root juice, a little vinegar. After mixing the egg liquid with chrysanthemum, lotus root juice, and vinegar, steam and simmer in water to serve, once a day. Efficacy: It is useful for hemostasis and poor blood circulation, swelling and pain relief. It is suitable for people with esophageal cancer who have increased coughing and obvious vomiting. 2. Red Flower (safflowers), Mulberry Leaf - Chrysanthemum Soup:Ingredients: 3 grams of dried safflowers, 10 grams each of mulberry and chrysanthemum. Place the mulberry leaves, chrysanthemums, and safflowers in a cup, brew in boiling water, cover and steep for a while. Dosage is 2 times a day for 3 days. Efficacy: Anti-inflammatory and reduces swelling, used for pain relief and improves eyesight. Indications for acute infectious conjunctivitis embolism. 3. Chrysanthemum licorice soupIngredients: 120 grams of white chrysanthemum (or chrysanthemum), 12 grams of licorice root. Add water and cook 30 minutes for a decoction; Dosage: 3 to 4 times. Efficacy: Clears away heat (inflammation) and detoxifying. Reduces boils and swelling. 


  • Dang Shen/Radix Codonopsis  一等 甘肃纹党参 Dang Shen/Radix Codonopsis  一等 甘肃纹党参

    甘肅紋黨參 一等(12oz/盒)

    甘肃 纹党参 一等(12oz/盒) 党参味甘,性平。有补中益气、止渴、健脾益肺,养血生津。用于脾肺气虚,食少倦怠,咳嗽虚喘,气血不足,面色萎黄,心悸气短,津伤口渴,内热消渴。 性味 甘,平。 经脉 归脾经、肺经。 主治 补中,益气,生津,益肺。治脾胃虚弱,气血两亏,体倦无力,食少便溏,内热消渴,久泻,脱肛,肺虚喘咳,气短自汗,气微两亏诸证。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,6~15g;或熬膏、入丸、散。生津、养血宜生用;补脾益肺宜炙用。 注意禁忌 有实邪者忌服。不宜与藜芦同用 【食疗方】 1.玉竹党参粥 玉竹20g,党参30g,大米50g.先将玉竹、党参煎煮取汁,去渣后放入大米,再加适量水煮粥。每日服2次,趁热食用。 功效:益气养阴。主治气阴两虚之疲乏无力、自汗、心悸怔忡、胃纳不佳、口干、手足心热或盗汗、少寝多梦等症。感冒、腹胀纳呆者暂停用。 2.参米茶 党参30克,粟米100克。将党参、粟米分别淘洗干净,党参干燥后研碎,粟米炒熟,同置于砂锅内。加入清水1000毫升,浸渍1小时后,煎煮20分钟停火,沉淀后倒入保温瓶内,代茶饮用。 功效:补脾养胃,益气滋阴。主治脾胃虚弱、食欲不振、胃脘隐痛等。 3.归参炖母鸡 当归15克,党参15克,母鸡1只、葱、生姜、料酒、食盐各适量。将母鸡宰杀后,去毛和内脏,洗净,将当归、参放入鸡腹内,再将鸡放进砂锅,加入葱、生姜、料酒、食盐、清水各适量,再将砂锅置武火上烧沸,改用文火煨炖,直至鸡肉粑烂即成。食用时,可分餐吃肉,喝汤。 功效:补血壮体。适用于肝脾血虚之慢性肝炎和各种贫血。   Codonopsis pilosula /Dang Shen Premium (12oz/Box) “Codonopsis seems to stimulate the central nervous system. It also seems to promote weight gain and increase endurance, as well as increase red and white blood cells counts and promote blood circulation.” (,“Codonopsis is an herb. People use the root to make medicine. Codonopsis is used to treat HIV infection and to protect cancer patients against side effects of radiation treatment.” ( the manufacturer: Codonopsis is sweet and neutral in nature [neither cooling nor warming]. It is used for nourishing qi, quenching thirst, invigorating the spleen and lungs, nourishing blood and promoting fluid. It is used for spleen and lung qi deficiency, poor appetite and fatigue, cough and asthma, lack of qi and blood, chlorosis, palpitations, shortness of breath, slow healing body wounds and thirst, internal heat [inflammation]. It quenches thirst. It enters the Spleen and Lung meridians. Indications: Codonopsis nourishees “the middle” [the digestive center], nourishes qi, nourishes body fluid and nourishes lung. It is used for treatment of weakness of spleen and stomach, deficiency of both qi and blood, body fatigue, loss of appetite, loose stools, internal heat. It reduces thirst, chronic diarrhea, prolapse of the anus, lung deficiency and cough, shortness of breath and spontaneous sweating, and weak qi deficiency.Dosage Oral administration: decoction, 6~15g; or boil ointment, pill, or powder. It should be used for nourishing body fluid and nourishing blood; for nourishing the spleen and benefiting the lung, it should be used for [inflammation.] Cautions: pay attention to possible allergy. [Since codonopsis “raises qi” for prolapsed organs, avoid use for people who are dizzy, violent, or have fever.] Do not use it with Veratrum (false hellebore)Diet Therapy 1. Polygonatum  odoratum, Codonopsis Porridge Ingredients:Polygonatum odoratum 20g, Codonopsis pilosula 30g, and rice 50g. First, decoct Polygonatum odoratum (Solomon’s Seal) and Codonopsis pilosula to get the juice. After removing the residue, add the rice, and add some water to cook the porridge. Eat it 2 times a day while it is hot. Efficacy: Replenishing Qi and Nourishing Yin. Indications of fatigue, weakness, spontaneous sweating, heart palpitations, poor appetite, dry mouth, hot hands, feet, and night sweats, insomnia and excessive or troubled dreaming. Suspend the use of this recipe during colds, bloating and anorexia. 2. Codonopsis pilosula Rice Tea IngredientsCodonopsis 30 grams, 100 grams of rice. Wash the Codonopsis and rice separately, grind the Codonopsis after drying, fry the rice, and put them in a casserole. Add 1000 ml of water, soak for 1 hour, decoct for 20 minutes, stop the fire, pour it into a thermos after precipitation, and drink it instead of tea. Efficacy: nourish the spleen and stomach, nourish qi and nourish yin. Indications: Weakness of the spleen and stomach, loss of appetite, and dull pain in the stomach. 3. Codonopsis pilosula Stewed HenIngredients:15 grams of Angelica (tang kuei) 15 grams of Codonopsis, 1 hen, green onions, ginger, cooking wine, and salt. After the hen is slaughtered, the hair and internal organs are removed, washed, and the angelica and ginseng are put into the belly of the chicken, and then the chicken is put into the casserole, adding the appropriate amount of green onion, ginger, cooking wine, salt, and water, and then placing the casserole on the fire. Bring to a boil and simmer until the chicken is cooked. Serve. When eating, you can eat meat and soup in separate meals. Efficacy: nourishing blood and strengthening body. It is suitable for chronic hepatitis and various anemias of liver and spleen blood deficiency.  


  • 10% OFF
    党参 黨參 (8 oz)


  • 知母 16oz

    知母 16oz

    知母 16oz 蚳母、连母、野蓼、地参、水参、水浚、货母、蝭母、芪母、提母、女雷、女理、鹿列、韭逢、儿踵草、东根、苦心、儿草、水须、昌支、蒜瓣子草、兔子油草、山韭菜、羊胡子根、穿地龙、虾草、马马草、淮知母   性味 味苦;性寒 功效 为百合科植物知母的根茎。 治烦热消渴,骨蒸劳热,肺热咳嗽,大便燥结,小便不利。 经脉 肺经;胃经;肾经 主治 滋阴降火,润燥滑肠。治烦热消渴,骨蒸劳热,肺热咳嗽,大便燥结,小便不利。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,6~12g,或入丸、散。 清热泻火,滋阴润燥宜生用;入肾降火滋阴宜盐水炒。 注意禁忌 脾胃虚寒,大便溏泄者忌服。   Common Anemarrhena Rhizome, Rhizome of Common Anemarrhena / Zhi Mu 16oz Because anemarrhena brings moisture and coolness, it will bring relief to excessive internal heat and dryness symptoms such as fever , thirst, irritability, racing pulse, cough, bleeding gums, night sweat, insomnia , and hot flashes . In TCM the herb is used internally for a variety of disorders, including congestive fever, high fever, chronic bronchitis, excessive sweating, dry throat, cough, dizziness, lumbago ( benefits: Chronic bronchitis, Diabetes, Tuberculosis, Oliguria, High blood pressure, Ulcers of the mouth and/or bleeding gums ( Bitter taste; Effects; cold in natureIt is the rhizome of Liliaceae plant Anemarrhena. It has been used to cure fever and diabetes, inflammatory joint pain, cough with lung heat [thick yellow phlegm] dry stool, difficulty in urination. It enters the Meridians of Lung, Stomach, and Kidney Channels.Indications: Nourishes yin and lowers fire, moisturizes dryness, and smooths intestines. Dosage Oral administration: decoction, 6~12g, or into pills or powder. To clear away heat and relieve fire, nourish yin and moisturize dryness, it is suitable for raw use; when entering the kidneys to reduce fire and nourish yin, it is appropriate to stir-fry in saltwater. Cautions: Avoid use with spleen and stomach deficiency and cold, loose stools



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