
4 products

  • 美国花旗人參須 美国花旗人參須


    American Ginseng Root Fiber Nutritional Value Ginseng root is universally known for its medicinal properties. It is specifically used as a tonic for the spleen, kidney and adrenal functions, lungs, and as a general restorative for vital energy in the body and mind. The active ingredients in Ginseng root are saponin triterpenoid glycosides, or chemicals commonly called ginsenosides. Applications Fresh Ginseng root is widely used as a principal ingredient within Asian recipes, specifically Chinese and Korean, where it is an essential pantry ingredient within the kitchen. Adding ginseng to soups and teas bring out its anise-flavored profile and earthy tendencies. Complimentary ingredients include cloves, Chinese rosebuds, cinnamon, five spice, ginger, hazelnuts, curry, alliums, poultry, fermented beverages, chiles and chile sauces, malted barley, Thai basil and Wild basil, rosemary, stonefruits, strawberries and pineapple. Suggested Use: Rinse and clean throughly with water, then boil for herbal soup or tea. 美国花旗參須(8oz) 具有益气、生津、止渴之功效。常用于咳嗽吐血,口渴,呕逆。适宜人群:孩童、少年、成人、年长者(孕妇不适宜服用)备注:阴虚者、脾胃虚寒者不宜服用。 用法: 將參鬚用水徹底洗淨後煮開即可食用。亦可用作燉湯料及沖茶泡飲.


  •  16oz)

    韩国高丽红参片(4oz/ 8oz/ 16oz)

     韩国高丽红参片 (4oz/8oz/16oz) 高麗紅參的健康效益廣爲人知,並已被醫學界及草藥專家深入研究,包括: 增强免疫力 提神補氣,消除疲勞,替代咖啡因作爲全天然的能量補充劑 高麗參含有作用類似胰島素的皂甙GRb2,改善糖代謝降低高膽固醇 維持大腦健康,促進認知功能 提供豐富的抗氧化活性效果,保護身體細胞不受自由基的影響,降低有害的活性氧氣的增加和脂質過氧化,對預防老化具有極佳的效果 適用: 身體虛弱,體質較差的免疫力低下的中老年人士日常調理 婦女產後調理和女性更年期綜合症 手術後的恢復調理 腦力體力不濟,容易疲勞人士 男性性功能障礙者 糖尿病、高血壓、癌症患者的調理等 服用方法:可以通過嚼服、冲泡、磨粉、浸酒、燉煮等方式,不同的使用方法的用量稍有差別,一般以3-5克為宜。嚼服:將高麗參切成2mm薄片後,取1-2片紅參片放入口中,細嚼後吞服。 注意事項:服用時忌與蘿蔔、濃茶同服(同服會降低或抵消高麗參的功效);熱症、實證者忌服,本品不能代替藥物的使用。

    $49.99 - $180.00

  • 4Oz) 4Oz)


    Ji Lin Ginseng Fiber Nutritional Value Ginseng root is universally known for its medicinal properties. It is specifically used as a tonic for the spleen, kidney and adrenal functions, lungs, and as a general restorative for vital energy in the body and mind. The active ingredients in Ginseng root are saponin triterpenoid glycosides, or chemicals commonly called ginsenosides. Applications Fresh Ginseng root is widely used as a principal ingredient within Asian recipes, specifically Chinese and Korean, where it is an essential pantry ingredient within the kitchen. Adding ginseng to soups and teas bring out its anise-flavored profile and earthy tendencies. Complimentary ingredients include cloves, Chinese rosebuds, cinnamon, five spice, ginger, hazelnuts, curry, alliums, poultry, fermented beverages, chiles and chile sauces, malted barley, Thai basil and Wild basil, rosemary, stonefruits, strawberries and pineapple. 吉林參須(8oz/4oz) 具有益气、生津、止渴之功效。常用于咳嗽吐血,口渴,呕逆。适宜人群:孩童、少年、成人、年长者(孕妇不适宜服用)备注:阴虚者、脾胃虚寒者不宜服用。

    $18.99 - $36.99

  • 红参 (天15)

    韓國高麗人蔘/红参 (天15)

    韓國高麗人蔘/红参 (天15) 高麗紅參的健康效益廣爲人知,並已被醫學界及草藥專家深入研究,包括: 增强免疫力 提神補氣,消除疲勞,替代咖啡因作爲全天然的能量補充劑 高麗參含有作用類似胰島素的皂甙GRb2,改善糖代謝降低高膽固醇 維持大腦健康,促進認知功能 提供豐富的抗氧化活性效果,保護身體細胞不受自由基的影響,降低有害的活性氧氣的增加和脂質過氧化,對預防老化具有極佳的效果 適用: 身體虛弱,體質較差的免疫力低下的中老年人士日常調理 婦女產後調理和女性更年期綜合症 手術後的恢復調理 腦力體力不濟,容易疲勞人士 男性性功能障礙者 糖尿病、高血壓、癌症患者的調理等 服用方法:可以通過嚼服、冲泡、磨粉、浸酒、燉煮等方式,不同的使用方法的用量稍有差別,一般以3-5克為宜。嚼服:將高麗參切成2mm薄片後,取1-2片紅參片放入口中,細嚼後吞服。 注意事項:服用時忌與蘿蔔、濃茶同服(同服會降低或抵消高麗參的功效);熱症、實證者忌服,本品不能代替藥物的使用。

    $75.00 - $280.00


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