

A great treasure from Asia is the many varieties of delicious, healing teas that began in ancient China and Japan. Wing Hop Fung specializes in a wide tea selection that improves digestion, weight loss, and mood.


Twinbirds Tea Collection Twinbirds Tea Collection Tea is serenity, medication, peace and everything a lover adore. Directly from our tea gardens in China and Japan.

A great treasure from Asia is the many varieties of delicious, healing teas that began in ancient China and Japan. Wing Hop Fung specializes in a wide tea selection that improves digestion, weight loss, and mood.

10 products

  • New Arrival
    生津润肺茶 生津润肺茶


    生津润肺茶(金银花,罗汉果,菊花 茶饮) 無任何人工添加、自然甘甜味、 是秋季滋陰潤燥最佳首選飲品 清热解毒   清肝明目   润肺止咳   生津止渴 成份:1.金银花:清热解毒、散结消肿、抗炎止血,对牙齿周围组织的炎症有控制舒缓的作用,有助排毒美颜2.罗汉果:化痰止咳、清肺润肠、生津止渴3.杭菊花:清肝火、明目 做法:食材略洗,加入1000cc清水,煮滚后,转中小火续煮20分钟左右。关火焖15分钟风味更浓。可热饮或冻饮,各具特色。做法简单,不需要加糖,味道清香甘甜,特别清热解渴。 **根據美國醫藥衛生條例,以上的聲明和中醫藥理,並未有經過美國食品和醫藥管理局(FDA)的正式評估。本產品不宜作藥用注解,不適用於針對診斷、治療、治愈或預防任何疾病。


  • New Arrival
    酸梅汤 酸梅汤


    古早味酸梅湯/酸梅汤 酸甜可口,清爽解暑,天然材料,在家自制 酸梅湯是一種傳統的中國飲料,以烏梅、山楂為主要原料,通常還會加入其他成分如洛神花、甘草、陳皮和冰糖等。這種飲料以其酸甜可口的味道和解暑降火的效果,在夏季特別受歡迎,是炎熱夏季不可多得的天然保健飲品。 主要成分: 烏梅:烏梅是酸梅湯的主要成分,具有酸味和微甜,含豐富有機酸物質,能促進腸胃消化,生津解渴,增進代謝,烏梅酸味入肝,酸甘化陰、柔肝解鬱,亦有收斂肺氣的作用。 山楂:增加酸味,具有健脾開胃,預防積食助消化,有減肥瘦身的效果。 甘草:增添甘甜味,具有潤喉效果,能補脾益氣,潤肺止咳,清熱解毒,調和諸藥等作用。 黑棗:增添酸梅湯的風味和口感,富含維生素C,能提高免疫力,含黃色素能抗菌消炎。 陳皮:提升酸梅湯的風味,具有理氣消食,化痰止咳的功效。 洛神花:提供淡淡的花香和酸味,使酸梅湯更加可口,富含維生素C與多酚類,含有花青素,類黃酮素,原兒茶酸與異黃酮素等,能夠抗氧化,抗老修復皮膚,促進血液循環。 桑葚:增加果味和營養價值,同時平衡酸梅湯的酸甜度,能補益肝腎,滋陰養血,清肝明目,提升免疫力。 冰糖:提供甜味,用來平衡酸梅湯的酸味,使口感更加順滑和調和.(產品不包含冰糖) 主要製作過程: 浸泡:將烏梅、山楂等成分洗淨,加入2000cc清水浸泡約30分鐘。 煮沸:將浸泡過的成分連水煮沸。 煮製:改用中小火繼續煮40分鐘左右。 調味:加入200g冰糖,攪拌至溶解。(可依個人喜好加減冰糖的份量) 燜泡:關火後燜泡一小時,以便讓味道更濃郁。 過濾:過濾掉固體成分,留下液體部分。 冰鎮:將液體部分放涼後冰鎮,以便飲用時更加清涼可口。 功效與特色: 酸梅湯具有清熱解暑、生津止渴的作用,特別適合在夏天飲用。此外,烏梅和山楂還有助於消化,能緩解食欲不振和消化不良等問題。這種飲料酸甜適口,既可以作為日常飲品,也可以作為餐後飲料。


  • 包) 包)

    天目湖苦瓜茶(4 oz/包)

    天目湖苦瓜茶(4 oz/包) Balsam Pear (or Bitter Melon), otherwise known as Ku Gua, Gohyah, or it’s the more literal name-- Bitter Melon tea, is made from dried slices of bitter melon. Its light bitter taste is rather relaxing and pleasant. Balsam Pear tea does not contain any caffeine and is very beneficial to the body. As a traditional Asian remedy, it is consumed to help detoxify and cool the body and has been known to potentially reduce cholesterol and blood pressure levels. 苦瓜茶是以採自山清水秀、無污染的天目湖自然保區。天然苦瓜經研碎後,混和綠茶拼配而成。入口茶味香濃,性涼微苦,清熱解毒。


  • 精選 桐鄉胎菊 6oz 精選 桐鄉胎菊 6oz

    精選 桐鄉胎菊 6oz

    杭州桐乡 精选胎菊(6oz/包) 胎菊是杭白菊中最上品的一种。是在杭白菊花朵未完全张开的时候摘收下来的为胎菊,经干燥加工制成。永合豐精选的这一批胎菊花选用的是头采花蕾初开的嫩芽,精心的蒸制,烘焙而成.具有独特的味道.以它的稀少而颇为珍贵。 性味 味甘;苦;性微寒 经脉 归肺经;肝经 主治 疏风,清热,明目,解毒。治头痛,眩晕,目赤,心胸烦热,疔疮,肿毒。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,10~15g;或入丸、散;或泡茶。 外用:适量,煎水洗;或捣敷。 注意禁忌 《本草汇言》:气虚胃寒,食少泄泻之病,宜少用之。凡阳虚或头痛而恶寒者均忌用。 【食疗方】 1.鸡蛋菊花汤 鸡蛋1个,菊花5克,藕汁适量,陈醋少许。 鸡蛋液与菊花、藕汁、陈醋调匀后,隔水蒸炖熟后即成,每日1次。 功效:具有止血活血,消肿止痛。适用于食管癌咳嗽加重、呕吐明显者。 2.红花桑叶菊花汤 红花3克,桑叶、菊花各10克。将桑叶、菊花、红花共置杯中,开水冲泡,盖焖片刻,先熏患眼,薰后温服。每日2次,连用3日。 功效:散热消肿,止痛明目。主治急性传染性结膜炎等症。 3.菊花甘草汤 白菊花(或菊花)120克,甘草12克。加水煎汤,分3~4次服。 功效:清热解毒。主治疔疮肿痛。 Chrysanthemum Bud/ Tai Ju (6oz/bag) Wing Hop Fung brand Chrysanthemum bud Tea is prepared from selected 100% pure dried Chrysanthemum buds. Mellow and naturally sweet in flavor, this refreshing drink is caffeine-free and can be enjoyed at any time. Tai Ju chrysanthemum is one of the highest-grade chrysanthemums. The chrysanthemum morifolium is harvested when the chrysanthemum flowers are not fully opened and is made by drying. This batch of chrysanthemum buds selected by Yonghefeng Company selects the first shoots of the first flower buds, which are carefully steamed and baked. It has a unique flavor and is rare and quite precious.Pleasant tasting: Sweet; bitter; slightly cold in nature. The cooling tea affects the lung and liver channels.Indications: angina (chest pains), high blood pressure, (Shufeng,) anti-inflammatory, eyesight problems, and detoxification. It treats headache, dizziness, red eyes, palpitations (inflamed and upset heart,) boils, swelling and poisons, bronchitis. Dosage: Oral: Heat stroke (Jiantang,) 10~15g; or pill, loose; or bubble tea. Topical: Appropriate amount, decoction and washing; or tamping. Cautions: "Compendium of Materia Medica" warms against use if there is Qi deficiency with “cold stomach” diarrhea and chronic diarrhea or it should used less often. “Fanyang deficiency” headaches and people with aversion to cold are contraindicated.Therapeutic recipes: 1. Egg Chrysanthemum Soup: Ingredients:1 egg, 5 grams of chrysanthemum buds, lotus root juice, a little vinegar. After mixing the egg liquid with chrysanthemum, lotus root juice, and vinegar, steam and simmer in water to serve, once a day. Efficacy: It is useful for hemostasis and poor blood circulation, swelling and pain relief. It is suitable for people with esophageal cancer who have increased coughing and obvious vomiting. 2. Red Flower (safflowers), Mulberry Leaf - Chrysanthemum Soup:Ingredients: 3 grams of dried safflowers, 10 grams each of mulberry and chrysanthemum. Place the mulberry leaves, chrysanthemums, and safflowers in a cup, brew in boiling water, cover and steep for a while. Dosage is 2 times a day for 3 days. Efficacy: Anti-inflammatory and reduces swelling, used for pain relief and improves eyesight. Indications for acute infectious conjunctivitis embolism. 3. Chrysanthemum licorice soupIngredients: 120 grams of white chrysanthemum (or chrysanthemum), 12 grams of licorice root. Add water and cook 30 minutes for a decoction; Dosage: 3 to 4 times. Efficacy: Clears away heat (inflammation) and detoxifying. Reduces boils and swelling. 


  • 番石榴茶(200g)


  • 盒)

    永合豐 雀石B845 绞股蓝 茶包(60包/盒)

    永合豐 雀石B845 绞股蓝 茶包(60包/盒)   絞股藍,又名七葉膽,在中國《農政全書》有記載;經國內外專家研究發現,絞股藍中含有絞股藍皂苷、人參皂苷和多種微量元素,故有南方人參之美稱。 絞股藍袋泡茶選自中國閩西無污染的西梅花山自然保護區的優質絞股藍為原料,經過科學工藝精製而成。湯色清亮,口味甘醇,深受消費者喜愛。 (內含 : 2克 X 60 茶包)   Jiao Gu Lan / 7-Leaf Ginseng Tea Bags (60 bags/box) Jiao Gu Lian Tea has been enjoyed by the Asian culture for thousands of years. It is made from a plant called Gynostemma Pentaphyllum, also known as Qiyedan or the "Miracle Grass". This tea is known to boost antioxidants and may aid in relieving stress and detoxifying the body, Jiao Gu Lian Tea is a healthy, caffeine-free drink. Jiaogulan is used for high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and improving heart function. It is also used for strengthening the immune system, increasing stamina and endurance, increasing resistance to environmental stress (as an “adaptogen”), improving memory, and preventing hair loss. (


  • 20% OFF
    罐) 罐)

    山東平陰 大紅玫瑰 (4oz/罐)



  • 仙翁牌 焗茶 涼茶 藥材包

    仙翁牌 焗茶 涼茶 藥材包

    仙翁牌 焗茶 涼茶 藥材包   Xian Weng Brand Mix Herbal Tea Chinese and Southeast Asian folk medicine includes detox teas made from local herbs, grasses, and flowers commonly used in Chinese medicine to quel fever, cleanse the liver and blood. They often include raw herb ingredients that vary according to the manufacturer.  This “tea” is originally a formula from THUOC XONG meaning southern (Vietnamese) steaming treatment. Aromatic herbs are simmered and inhaled in order to help clear sinus congestion, headaches, and low energy following childbirth. . . Steaming engages the biological necessity of inhalation and brings medicated vapours into the body, while elevating the body temperature which produces sweating and releases toxins and wastes;


  • 敵糖 番石榴茶 (94包) 敵糖 番石榴茶 (94包)

    敵糖 番石榴茶 (94包)

    敵糖 番石榴茶 (94包) 自然回甘,代替甜飲        餐餐飲用,良好控制           關注血糖,家庭常備        消糖解渴,長輩最愛 純净原料--不添加任何人工香精、甜味劑,全球品質優良草本原料,保證純净天然 包材環保--使用天然茶濾紙及生物可降解濾紙茶包 科技把關--絕不滲入僞劣茶葉,無農藥殘留及重金屬污染問題,讓您喝的安心 敵糖由番石榴果實及嫩葉,配合特種茶葉配製而成,不含中藥及任何化學成份。保存番石榴含有的纖維素、維生素、礦物質和果糖。而在番石榴葉中,亦發現含有多種重要的多酚化合物,這些成份擁有多種輔助及調節功效。含有超強抗氧化幫助緩解糖分吸收,能夠有效降低血糖、血脂、膽固醇,防衰老,泡茶飲用對於三高人士來説益處多多。 番石榴葉能軟化血管;同時具有耐缺氧,迅速解除疲勞的功效;同時有助于延缓生物體的過氧化進程,可預防癌症、心臟病等慢性疾病。在番石榴葉中,發現含有多種重要的芳香類二級代謝產物如多酚化合物。實驗研究表明,正是這些酚類化合物赋予番石榴葉多種功效。番石榴性平,不寒熱、乾澀微苦,適合關注外食太甜人士使用。 成分:60%番石榴果實和葉、40%包種(烏龍)茶日常保健:每日三包加强效用:可每日4-6包 飲用方法:1.熱冲:在瓷杯中放置1-2茶包入約300ml的沸水冲泡2.燜泡:杯蓋燜蓋約5-7分鐘3.攪拌:掀開杯蓋用筷子輕輕攪拌釋放成分4.飲用:餐餐飲用(餐中或餐後)溫熱飲用,長期規律飲用,妙效甚多 **該聲明尚未經過FDA評估。本產品不用於診斷、治療和預防任何疾病。懷孕婦女或哺乳期間,請在使用前諮詢醫生


  • 石鼓山 绞股蓝茶(七葉膽) 200克 (2克*100 茶包) 石鼓山 绞股蓝茶(七葉膽) 200克 (2克*100 茶包)

    石鼓山 绞股蓝茶(七葉膽) 200克 (2克*100 茶包)

    石鼓山 绞股蓝茶(七葉膽)  2克*100 茶包 石鼓山牌 绞股蓝茶乃采用中国特优绞股蓝,由不发酵绿茶直接炒菁精制而成。因为绞股蓝茶的某些结构,类似人参但其品质更胜人参,因此被美誉为"神草"。此茶百分之百取之于天然,有几十种绞股蓝皂甙和有益人体所需的胺基酸、维他命、人参、钙、铁、钾等.。此茶是不含任何咖啡因的绿茶,有助于抗氧化、清热解毒、止咳清肺祛痰、养心安神、促进睡眠、护心肌、降三高、延缓衰老,此茶茶色金黄澄明,口感甘醇是血糖亚健康人仕的专用茶。 不含任何咖啡因成分 100% 纯天然成分 含 8% 人参生物碱



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