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202 products

  • 艾葉 祈艾 16oz

    艾葉 祈艾 16oz

    艾叶 祈艾 16oz 艾、艾蒿、家艾 性味 辛、苦,温;有小毒。 功效 为菊科植物艾的叶。散寒止痛,温经止血。用于少腹冷痛,经寒不调,宫冷不孕,吐血,衄血,崩漏经多,妊娠下血;外治皮肤瘙痒。醋艾炭温经止血。用于虚寒性出血。 经脉 归肝经、脾经、肾经。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,3~10g;或入丸、散;或捣汁。 外用:适量,捣绒作炷或制成艾条熏灸;或捣敷;或煎水熏洗;或炒热温熨。 注意禁忌 1.阴虚血热者及宿有失血病者慎用。 2.《纲目》:苦酒、香附为之使。 出自:   Argy Wormwood Leaf/ Ai Ye 16oz Artemisia vulgaris, the mugwort plant, is a tall shrub that is closely related to sunflowers, and its leaves, flowers and roots are all used for their nutrient content. The specific benefits of mugwort leaf tea are mainly due to the presence of flavonoids, triterpenes, and other antioxidant compounds, as well as vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin E, potassium, iron, calcium, and various B-family vitamins. Mugwort Tea The main benefits of mugwort tea include its ability to ease menstrual pain, improve digestion, reduce anxiety and depression, promote dream retention, help with weight loss efforts, strengthen the immune system, detoxify the body and help regulate diabetes. Drinking mugwort leaf tea is highly recommended for people suffering with insomnia, anxiety, painful menstruations, digestive issues, obesity, weak immunity, diabetes, depression, inflammation, colds, coughs, flu, respiratory infections and kidney problems. With its powerful nervine qualities, mugwort tea is very good for treating anxiety, depression and chronic stress levels. This can help relieve stress on the nervous and metabolic system, and improve quality of life. Dosage Oral administration: decoction, 3~10g; or into pills or powder; or pounding juice. External use: appropriate amount, pound velvet to make sticks or make moxa moxibustion; Cautions:Use with caution for those with yin deficiency [dehydration] and blood heat [rash, fever, etc] and those with hemorrhagic disease.


  •  Radix Astragali  黄芪 马耳片

    黃芪馬耳片(16 OZ)

    马耳 黄芪/北芪片16oz 药性论述 黄芪的药用历史迄今已有2000多年了,始见于汉墓马王堆出土的帛书“五十二病方”,《神农本草经》列为上品。明《本草纲目》载“耆长也,黄芪色黄,为补者之长故名…”。《本草汇言》载“黄芪,补肺健脾,卫实敛汗,驱风运毒之药也…”。 《本草逢原》载“黄芪能补五脏诸虚 ,治脉弦自汗,泻阴火,去肺热,无汗则发,有汗则止。” 本品为豆科植物蒙古黄芪的根。 性味归经 味甘,性微温;归脾、肺经。 功能主治 补气固表,托毒排脓,利尿,生肌。用于气虚乏力、久泻脱肛、自汗、水肿、子宫脱垂、慢性肾炎蛋白尿、糖尿病、疮口久不愈合。 【食疗方】 1、黄芪茶 材料:生黄芪60~90克,大枣30克。 做法:加水煎煮30分钟后饮用,可反复使用。 功效:此方可抗压补气,利水退肿。 2、黄芪汤 做法:黄芪100克,人参、白术、肉桂各50克,捣成粗末,每次服用10克,加姜、枣,水煎后,去渣温服。 功效:此方以黄芪、人参补气,白术健脾,肉桂温阳;适用于中老年人脾属虚寒、中气不足、食少无味、大便溏泻者。 3、黄芪养生汤 做法:黄芪12克、枸杞9克、红枣9克,煎汤,每日服用。 功效:可调解免疫、防癌抗老;另可补气健脾、降压降脂。 4.补虚正气粥 做法:黄芪30克,人参10克,大米90克,糖适量。将黄芪、人参切片,用冷水浸泡半小时,入砂锅煎沸,煎出浓汁后将汁取出,再在参、芪锅中加入冷水如上法再煎,并取汁。 将上述药汁合并后分成两份,早晚各用一份,同大米加水煮粥,粥煮熟后加白糖食用。 服法:早、晚餐空腹食用,5 天为一疗程。 功效:补元气,健脾胃。适用于五脏虚衰、久病赢瘦、心慌气短、体虚自汗、慢性泄泻、脾虚久痢、食欲不振、气虚浮肿等一切气衰血虚之症。 如何鉴别黄芪品质 在选择黄芪时,首先看外表,优质黄芪色泽均匀,而加工过的劣质黄芪外表颜色偏白。尤其是黄芪在还未成熟便被采摘下来用硫熏过的,格外白净、好看,但这种黄芪不仅功效全无,而且还对人体有害。 其次,由于黄芪含有糖分,存放时间过长会略微变质,如果长期贮存仍旧不变质的黄芪,则很大可能是经过硫熏过的。 鉴别优劣黄芪还可以通过手抓的方式,好的黄芪抓在手上会团在一起,并且不会碎,松手之后又能够自然松散,这说明黄芪本身质量上佳、不干也不湿,且保存的也比较理想。 通过这三点可以快速鉴别优劣黄芪。当然,一分钱一分货,在购买黄芪时,一定不要贪图小便宜,只有选好黄芪,才能发挥出它的功效。 Astragalus/Beiqi Pian (Sliced) (16 oz)  A lot of research has been done on astragalus (huang qi) here are only a few of its health benefits:  Heart Health. Several studies suggest that Astragalus may be a heart-friendly herb as it is rich in antioxidants. ...  Relief from Seasonal Allergy. ...  Reduces Stress. ...  Reduces Sleep Issues. ...  Anti-ageing Properties. ...  Boosts the Immune System. (the food network) From the manufacturer:  The medicinal history of Astragalus has been more than 2,000 years, and it was first seen in the silk book "Fifty-two Disease Prescriptions" unearthed in Mawangdui tomb of the Han Dynasty. In The "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" it was listed as top grade. "Compendium of Materia Medica" of the Ming Dynasty advised it for "Old age, Huang Qi is yellow, so it is named for the long-term use...". "Huiyan of Materia Medica" contains astragalus for invigorating the lungs and spleen, Wei Shi [regulating] sweat, and the medicine for expelling wind and poison...". "Materia Medica Fengyuan" contains: "Astragalus can replenish the five internal organs, treat spontaneous perspiration in the pulse string, relieve yin and fire, remove lung heat, if there is no sweat, it will produce, and if there is sweat, it will stop."  This product is the root of the legume Astragalus mongolia. Its nature and flavor improve menstruation. It has a sweet taste, is slightly warm in nature; It enters the Spleen and Lung meridians. Function Indication: It invigorates qi and solidifies the surface [regulates sweating], supports detoxification, and discharges pus, diuresis, and strengtens muscles. It is used for qi deficiency, fatigue, chronic diarrhea, prolapse of the anus, spontaneous sweating, edema, uterine prolapse, chronic nephritis, proteinuria, diabetes, and long-lasting sores. Diet Therapy   Astragalus Tea       Ingredients:  60-90 grams of raw astragalus, 30 grams of jujube.  Add water and decoct for 30 minutes and drink it. It can be used repeatedly. Efficacy: This can improve circulation and replenish qi, promote hydration and reduce swelling.   Astragalus Soup       Ingredients: 100 grams of astragalus, 50 grams each of ginseng, atractylodes, and cinnamon, pound into coarse powder, take 10 grams each time, add ginger and jujube, decoct in water, remove the residue and take it warmly.      Efficacy: This recipe uses astragalus and ginseng to invigorate qi, Atractylodes macrocephala to invigorate the spleen, and cinnamon to warm the yang; it is suitable for middle-aged and elderly people with deficiency of the spleen, insufficient qi, poor appetite and tastelessness, and loose stools.   Astragalus Health Soup Ingredients:  12 grams of Astragalus, 9 grams of Chinese wolfberry, 9 grams of red dates.  Cook as a decoction for daily consumption.      Efficacy: It can mediate immunity, prevent cancer and anti-aging; in addition, it can invigorate qi, invigorate the spleen, lower blood pressure and lower fat. Tonic Porridge  Ingredients: 30 grams of astragalus, 10 grams of ginseng, 90 grams of rice, adequate sugar.  Slice the astragalus and ginseng and soak in cold water for half an hour, simmer them in a casserole as a decoction, and take out the juice after cooking. Then add cold water to the ginseng and ginseng pot and cook again as above, and take the juice. Combine the above decoctions and divide them into two portions. Use one portion each morning and evening.  Add the herb water to rice to cook the porridge. After the porridge is cooked, add sugar to eat.      Dosage: Take breakfast and dinner on an empty stomach, 5 days as a course of treatment.      Efficacy: Replenishes vitality, invigorates the spleen and stomach. It is suitable for all symptoms of qi failure and blood deficiency, such as weakness of the five internal organs, chronic illness and thinness, palpitation, shortness of breath, physical weakness and spontaneous sweating, chronic diarrhea, chronic spleen deficiency, dysentery, loss of appetite, qi deficiency and edema.  


  • 包)

    炒制 白扁豆(8oz/包)

    炒制 白扁豆(8 oz/包) 为豆科植物扁豆的白色成熟种子。 性味 甘,微温。 经脉 归脾经、胃经。 主治 健脾化湿,和中消暑。用于脾胃虚弱,食欲不振,大便溏泻,白带过多,暑湿吐泻,胸闷腹胀。 炒扁豆:健脾化湿。用于脾虚泄泻,白带过多。 【食疗方】 山药扁豆粥 ①原料 淮山药30克,扁豆10克,粳米100克。将山药洗净去皮切片,扁豆煮半熟加粳米,山药煮成粥。每日2次,早、晚餐食用。 ②功效 肝癌食疗方——具有健脾化湿,用于晚期肝癌病人脾虚,泄泻等症。 (dolichos lablab bean, hyacinth bean) The preliminary pharmacological studies revealed that Dolichos lablab possessed antidiabetic, antiinflammatory, analgesic, antioxidant, cytotoxic, hypolipidemic, antimicrobial, insecticidal, hepatoprotective, antilithiatic, antispasmodic effects and also used for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia.Lablab is a mature white seed of a legume. They are also called dolichos bean, seim bean (India), Egyptian bean, bonavist bean/pea, dolico lablab, fagiolo indiano, and hyacinth bean.Traditional Chinese medical description:Their taste is sweet and effects are slightly warming.Lablab enters the meridians of the spleen and stomach. Indications include weak spleen and stomach dampness, and heat stroke. It is used for poor appetite, loose stools, excessive leucorrhea, vomiting and diarrhea in summer, chest tightness and abdominal distension. Recipe: Yam Lentil Porridge Ingredients: Huai Yam (dioscurea) 30 grams, lablab 10 grams, japonica rice 100 grams. Wash and peel the yam and slice it, lentils are boiled and half-cooked, add the japonica rice, and the yam is boiled into porridge. Dosage: 2 times a day, breakfast and dinner. Possible use: “Efficacy Liver Cancer Diet Therapy-with spleen and dampness, used for spleen deficiency and diarrhea embolism in patients with advanced liver cancer.”


  • 黃芩 16oz

    黃芩 16oz

    黄芩 16oz 腐肠、黄文、妒妇、虹胜、经芩、印头、内虚、空肠、子芩、宿芩、条芩、元芩、土金茶根、山茶根、黄金条根 性味 苦,寒。 功效 为唇形科植物黄芩的根。 泻实火,除湿热,止血,安胎。治壮热烦渴,肺热咳嗽,湿热泻痢,黄疸,热淋,吐、衄、崩、漏,目赤肿痛,胎动不安,痈肿疔疮。 经脉 归肺经、胆经、脾经、大肠经、小肠经。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,3~9g;或入丸、散。 外用:适量,煎水洗;或研末调敷。 注意禁忌 《本草经疏》:脾肺虚热者忌之。 凡中寒作泄,中寒腹痛,肝肾虚而少腹痛,血虚腹痛,脾虚泄泻,肾虚溏泻,脾虚水肿,血枯经闭,气虚小水不利,肺受寒邪喘咳,及血虚胎不安,阴虚淋露,法并禁用。 出自:   Baical Skullcap Root/ Huang Qin 16oz Chinese skullcap AKA scutellaria has been applied in the treatment of diarrhea, dysentery, hypertension, hemorrhaging, insomnia, inflammation and respiratory infections. Flavones such as baicalin, wogonoside and their aglycones baicalein wogonin are the major bioactive compounds extracted from the root of S. baicalensis. Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi 16oz Baical AKA: Skullcap Root Fuchang, Huangwen, Hongsheng, Jingqin, Yintou, Internal Void, Jejunum, Ziqin, Suqin, Tiaoqin, Yuanqin, Tujin Tea Root,  The taste is bitter, It is coldin effect.  It is the root of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi. It reduces actual fire [fever, inflammation etc], dehumidify heat, hemostasis, and anti-fetus [may threaten miscarriage].  It has been used to treat strong-heat polydipsia, lung-heat cough, damp-heat diarrhea, jaundice, excess sweating, vomiting, epistaxis, uterine bleeding, bleeding, red eyes, swelling and pain, fetal movement, carbuncle and furunculosis.  It enters the Meridians of the Lung, Gallbladder, Spleen meridian, Large Intestine meridian, and Small Intestine meridians.  Dosage Oral administration: decoction, 3~9g; or into pills or powder. External use: appropriate amount, decoct and wash; or grind the powder to adjust and apply.  Cautions: "Materia Medica Shu": Avoid it if the spleen and lung are deficient and hot. Where there is cold for venting, cold abdominal pain, liver and kidney deficiency but less abdominal pain, blood deficiency abdominal pain, spleen deficiency diarrhea, kidney deficiency diarrhea, spleen deficiency edema, blood dryness, amenorrhea, deficiency of qi and water, lungs affected by cold, asthma and cough, and blood. It is Unsafe for fetus, yin deficiency, and drenching: Avoid its use. From:


  • 竹殼茶 葫蘆茶

    竹殼茶 葫蘆茶

    1 review

    竹殼茶 葫蘆茶 竹壳茶(原名葫芦茶),竹壳茶广东紫金的出品。 以整片竹箨(竹壳)包扎成五个连珠葫芦状,底部贴上红纸标签,过去在广州市中药店悬挂出售,颇为引人注目,是广东民间凉茶之一。这些年因利润低微,且外观“老土”,故在广州已难觅踪迹。可它却是真材实料之品。竹壳茶,内含鸭脚木叶、葫芦茶、鸡骨草、金银花、车前草、金不换、救必应等中草药,据说民间已有近四百年的饮用历史。 功效 清热解暑 茶功擅清热消暑,利湿消滞,用治感受暑热、感冒食滞、大肠湿热等病症。 帮助消化 三四口之家,每次取茶丸两个,加水煎滚5分钟即可饮用。汤味苦中带甘,醇和宜人。尚可煎水外洗以清热止痒。 竹壳茶主要原料是葫芦茶。葫芦茶属草本植物,叶片外形如倒转葫芦;采叶晒干为茶叶,性味微苦、涩、凉,有清肺利咽、清热利湿、消滞杀虫的功效,能治咽喉肿痛,肺燥咳嗽痰血,湿热泻痢,暑湿证,小儿疳积、消化不良。常与其它药配成清暑消滞类凉茶,也可单方100至150克煎水当茶饮。 防虫保健 葫芦茶的全草能防腐杀虫,《岭南采药录》记载:“干置衣箱中,辟蠹去蛀虱。”广东民间用它腌制咸鱼和肉类,以防蝇蛆。 竹壳茶现已制成袋泡剂和冲剂等新剂型,前者易名为“保健茶”,加入了现代广东民间凉茶的行列。   Bamboo shell tea/cucurbit tea/Zhu Ke Cha/ Hu Lu Cha A combination of traditional plant medicine herbs to support healthy digestion, wrapped in a bamboo leaf.  From the manufacturer:  Bamboo shell tea (formerly known as gourd tea), bamboo shell tea produced by Guangdong Zijin. The whole piece of bamboo sheath (bamboo shell) is wrapped into five lianzhu gourds, and the bottom is affixed with a red paper label. In the past, it was hung and sold in Guangzhou Chinese medicine stores. It is quite eye-catching and one of the folk herbal teas in Guangdong. In recent years, because of low profits and "old-fashioned" appearance, it has been difficult to find it in Guangzhou. But it is a real product.  Bamboo shell tea contains Chinese herbal medicines such as duck's foot knobs, gourd tea, chicken bone grass, honeysuckle [anti-biotic], plantain, Jinbuhuan, Jiu Bing [anti-parasite], etc. It is said that [this tea has been used for 400 years]. [Canton love-pes vine (aka chicken bone grass, Abrus Frutus Losus herb,) improves liver function, clears dampness, reduces bloating, improves general wellbeing. ( ] Effects: The tea is used to relieve heat [inflammation, fever, etc] Tea Gong is good at clearing heat, eliminating dampness and stagnation, and is used to treat symptoms such as heat, cold and food stagnation, damp heat of the large intestine. Improve digestion  For a family of three or four, take two tea pills at a time, add water and boil for 5 minutes before drinking. The soup tastes bitter, sweet, mellow, and pleasant. It can [be used topically] with decoction to clear heat [skin redness] and relieve itching. The main raw material of bamboo shell tea is gourd tea. Gourd tea is a herbaceous plant, the shape of the leaves is like an inverted gourd; the leaves are picked and dried into tea. The taste is slightly bitter, astringent, and cool.  It has the effects of clearing the lungs and throat, clearing heat and dampness, eliminating stagnation and [treating infections], and can cure sore throat, lung dryness, cough, sputum and blood, damp-heat diarrhea, heat-damp syndrome, malnutrition in children, and indigestion. It is often mixed with other medicines to make herbal tea for clearing heat and dissipating stagnation. It can also be used as a single prescription of 100 to 150 grams of decoction for tea. Insect health care: The whole plant of gourd tea can be antiseptic and insecticidal.  The "Lingnan Collection of Medicines" records: "Dry it in the suitcase to remove moths." The Guangdong folk use it to pickle salted fish and meat to prevent fly maggots. Bamboo shell tea has now been made into new dosage forms such as pouches and granules. The former was renamed "health tea" and joined the ranks of modern Guangdong folk herbal teas.  


  • 15% OFF
    精选 野生 黑枸杞

    精选 野生 黑枸杞

    精選 野生 黑枸杞 黑果枸杞,别名:苏枸杞,俗称:黑枸杞。为中国西部特有的沙漠药用植物品种,产于中国青海省东部、新疆北部、甘肃、西藏等地。黑果枸杞是迄今为止确定的天然原花青素含量最高的野生植物,经测定,黑果枸杞含有17种氨基酸,13种微量元素,其中钙、镁、铜锌、铁的含量均高于红枸杞,营养价值也远远高于普通红枸杞,被誉为“软黄金”。 黑果枸杞味甘、性平,富含蛋白质、脂肪、糖类、游离氨基酸、有机酸、矿物质、微量元素、生物碱、维生素C、B1、B2等各种营养成分。而且含有丰富的黑果色素—天然原花青素(红果枸杞不含),其OPC含量超过蓝莓(黑果枸杞含OPC 3690mg/100g;蓝莓含OPC 330~3380mg/100g) 注意黑枸杞的保存方式:防潮防异味、低温冷藏。 适宜人群最适合吃黑枸杞的是体质虚弱、抵抗力差的人。而且,一定要长期坚持,每天吃一点,才能见效。 另外,需要注意,不是所有的人都适合服用的。由于它温热身体的效果相当强,正在感冒发烧、身体有炎症、腹泻的人最好别吃 。   Barbary Wolfberry Fruit /Black Gou qi zi (4 oz/16 oz) Black goji berry has the same qualities as the red goji berry with the added benefit of a huge amount of resveratrol.  Protects the eyes. ...  Provides immune system support. ...  Protects against cancer. ...  Promotes healthy skin. ...  Stabilizes blood sugar. ...  Improves depression, anxiety, and sleep. ...  Prevents liver damage. The black goji fruit has been used as traditional Tibetan medicine for thousands of years. Recently, some investigations indicated that Lycium ruthenicum Murr. exhibits a wide range of pharmacological properties, such as anti-oxidation, anti-fatigue and hypoglycemic activity From the manufacturer:  It is a unique desert and medicinal plant variety in western China, produced in the eastern part of Qinghai Province, northern Xinjiang, Gansu, Tibet, and other places. Lycium ruthenicum is the wild plant with the highest content of natural proanthocyanidins. It has been determined that Lycium ruthenicum contains 17 kinds of amino acids and 13 kinds of trace elements, among which the contents of calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc, and iron are all higher than those of red medlar. The value is much higher than that of ordinary red wolfberry, and is known as "soft gold".   Lycium ruthenicum is sweet in taste and mild in nature. It is rich in protein, fat, carbohydrates, free amino acids, organic acids, minerals, trace elements, alkaloids, vitamin C, B1, B2, and other nutrients. And it is rich in black fruit pigment-natural proanthocyanidins (red fruit wolfberry does not contain), and its OPC content exceeds blueberry (Black fruit wolfberry contains OPC 3690mg/100g; blueberry contains OPC 330-3380mg/100g)   Pay attention to the storage method of black wolfberry: Store in a moisture-proof area in cold storage and discard any that have a peculiar smell.   The most suitable for eating black wolfberry are people with weak physique and poor resistance. Moreover, you must persist for a long time and eat a little every day to get results.  In addition, it should be noted that not everyone is suitable for taking it. Since it has a strong effect of warming the body, it is best not to eat it if you are catching a cold, fever, inflammation, or diarrhea.  

    $16.88 - $67.52

  • 半枝蓮 (8oz)


  •  苦杏仁 (6 oz)


  • 包)

    胖大海 /大海子(3 oz/包)

    胖大海 /大海子(3oz/包) 性味 味甘;淡;性凉 功效 为梧桐科植物胖大海的种子。 主治干咳无痰,咽喉肿痛,肺热音哑,牙痛,热结便秘。 经脉 肺经、大肠经 主治 清热润肺,利咽解毒,清肠通便。主干咳无痰,咽喉肿痛,肺热音哑,牙痛,热结便秘。 用法用量 内服:煎汤或开水泡,2~4枚,大剂量可用至10枚;入散剂,用量减半。   Boat-fruited Scaphium Seed/ Pang Da Hai(3 oz/Bag) If you have a sore, irritated throat, this is a good seed to add to tea. Scaphium affine or Sterculia lychnophora, commonly known as Malva Nut Tree, is an evergreen tree native to Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra and Borneo. In Taiwan it is called sweet gum tree and has culinary and traditional medicinal uses,  In China, malva nut is used in tea as well by mixing with other ingredients such as sugar candy, red date, haw fruit, licorice, chrysanthemum flower, lilyturf root, and jasmine tea. The advantage of such tea is to reduce inflammation and feeling of heat in the body, and nurture the body. According to Chinese medicine, the use of Scaphium seed is to remove heat from the lungs, to cure sore throat, to counteract toxicity, and to relax the bowels. Therefore, when a person has symptoms such as hoarseness of voice, dry cough, and sore, dry throat due to heat in the lung; constipation with headache and bloodshot eyes, they should consume malva nut by putting it into boiling water. ( From the manufacturer:  The taste is sweet; It is light and cool in nature. Indications: use for dry cough without phlegm, sore throat, lung heat, toothache, constipation.  It enters the Lung and Large Intestine meridians.  Indications: To clear away heat and moisturize the lungs, relieve the throat and detoxify, purgative and laxative.  Oral administration: decoction or boiled 2~4 seeds, a large dose can be used up to 10 seeds; or grind into powder. The powder dosage is reduced by half  


  • 藿香 16oz

    藿香 16oz

    藿香 广藿香 Cablin Patchouli Herb /Wrinkled Giant Hyssop Herb 广藿香 大叶薄荷 兜娄婆香 猫尾巴香 山茴香 土藿香 排香草 水蔴叶 藿去病 火香 It is called huò xiāng (Chinese: 藿香) in Chinese and it is one of the 50 fundamental herbs used in traditional Chinese medicine. It is used interchangeably with guang huo xiang. It was traditionally used to relieve nausea, vomiting and poor appetite. It contains methyl chavicol, anethole, anisaldehyde, limonene, pinene and linalool. 性味 味辛;性微温    经脉 入心经、肺经、胆经、胃经。 功效 本品为唇形科植物广藿香的干燥地上部分。芳香化湿,和胃止呕,祛暑解表。主湿阻中焦之脘腹痞闵,食欲不振,呕吐,泄泻,外感暑湿之寒热头痛,湿温初起的发热身困,胸闵恶心,鼻渊,手足癣。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,5~10g,鲜者加倍,不宜久煎;或入丸散。 外用:适量,煎水含漱,或浸泡患部;或研末调敷。 注意禁忌 ①《本草经疏》:阴虚火旺,胃弱欲呕及胃热作呕,中焦火盛热极,温病热病,阳明胃家邪实作呕作胀,法并禁用。 ②《本经逢原》:其茎能耗气,用者审之。 食疗方 1.藿香扁豆饮 鲜藿香30克,鲜荷叶30克,鲜扁豆汁30克。将上3味药用开水浸泡,代茶频饮。 功效:清暑热,爽神志。主治中暑或因暑热引起的恶心呕吐。 2.藿香粥 藿香末10克,粳米50克。先将粳米入锅中,加水煮粥,待米花将开时,加入藿香粉,再炖至粥熟即成。每日早晚各服1剂。 功效:解暑祛湿,开胃止呕。主治夏季感觉暑湿之邪,发热胸闷,食欲不振,呕恶吐泻,精神不振等症。   Cablin Patchouli Herb/Huo Xiang (16oz/bag) It is called huò xiāng in Chinese and it is one of the 50 fundamental herbs used in traditional Chinese medicine. It is used interchangeably with Guang Huo Xiang. It was traditionally used to relieve nausea, vomiting, and poor appetite. It contains methyl chavicol, anethole, anisaldehyde, limonene, pinene, and linalool. The acrid and slightly warm herb has been used in TCM to treat weak digestion, lack of appetite, diarrhea/vomiting, dysentery, coughing, bad breath, vomiting, and diarrhea, etc., as it transforms dampness, disperses Summer-Heat, stops vomiting, etc., by enhancing the functions of spleen, stomach and lungs channels. Dosage: Oral administration: decoction, 5~10g; or into pills. External use: appropriate amount, decocted and rinsed, or soaked the affected part; or grind and apply.  Cautions: Avoid use with Yin deficiency and fire, stomach weakness, vomiting and stomach heat nausea, moderate scorching fire, febrile fever, and bloating. Diet therapy  Cablin Patchouli and Lentil Drink   Ingredients:  30 grams of fresh Cablin Patchouli, 30 grams of fresh lotus leaves, 30 grams of fresh lentil juice. Soak the ingredients in boiling water and drink frequently. Efficacy: clearing heat, refreshing mind. Indications of heatstroke or nausea and vomiting caused by heat. 


  • 山梔子 16oz

    山梔子 16oz

    山栀子 16oz Cape Jasmine Fruit, Fruit of Cape Jasmine 木丹、鲜支、卮子、支子、越桃、山栀子、枝子、小卮子、黄鸡子、 黄荑子、黄栀子、黄栀、山黄栀、山栀 性味 苦,寒。 功效 本品为茜草科植物栀子的干燥成熟果实。清热,泻火,凉血。治热病虚烦不眠,黄疸,淋病,消渴,目赤,咽痛,吐血,衄血,血痢,尿血,热毒疮疡,扭伤肿痛。 经脉 入心经、肝经、肺经、胃经。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,5~10g;或入丸、散。 外用:适量,研未掺或调敷。 注意禁忌 脾虚便溏者忌服。 【食疗方】 栀子鲜藕茅根粥 栀子10克,鲜藕60克,白茅根30克,粳米100克。将栀子仁研为细末备用。鲜藕洗净切薄片;白茅根煎汁去渣。 将白茅根汁、藕片、粳米共入锅中,加水适量煮粥,待熟时调入栀子仁末,再炖片刻即成。每日1剂,2次分服,连用3~5日为一疗程。 功效:清热生津,凉血止血。主治 胃热吐血等症。 出自:   Cape Jasmine Fruit/ Shan Zhi Zi 16oz The fruit of gardenia, Gardenia jasminoides Ellis, is a traditional Chinese folk medicine used in the treatment of an array of illnesses including jaundice, headaches, fever, inflammation, hepatic disorders, and hypertension. ( Gardenia Fruit: Actions: Clears heat in all three Jiaos [chest, stomach, gut]; mildly drains dampness; cools the blood; stops bleeding; eliminates toxicity; reduces fire from the heart, Lungs, and stomach to ease restlessness; topically reduces swelling and blood stasis due to trauma. (  Because Zhi Zi can act directly on the blood to help cool it, the fruit may be used to stop hemorrhages and speed the healing of traumatic injuries by encouraging the circulation of stagnant blood. It can also treat nosebleeds, blood in the urine, and vomiting blood. The fruit of Gardenia jasminoides ELLIS has strong antihyperlipidemic activities and could improve hyperlipidemia (i.e. a condition in which there are high levels of fat particles in the blood). Dosage: Oral administration: decoction, 5~10g; or into pills or powder. External use: appropriate amount, unmixed or adjusted for application. Cautions: People with spleen deficiency and loose stools are not allowed to take it.


  • 珊瑚草 (300g) 珊瑚草 (300g)

    珊瑚草 (300g)

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    珊瑚草 (300g) 珊瑚草又称麒麟菜,就是本草纲目记载之咸菜,又名种草,福草之称。早在周朝日本就当成贡品进贡。珊瑚草对人体有益,是一种高营养,贵重食物,含有丰富的矿物质,自古以来被当作养生秘方. 作用: 珊瑚草属于海草类植物,富含海中酵素,具有杀菌、抗炎、净化血液及复活细胞功效,它水溶性纤维质含量高,能将紧贴于肠壁上的宿便排掉。 胶原蛋白则可改善皱纹、黑斑现象,排毒效果明显,并可增加肌肤的保水性、紧缩性及弹性。 Cottonii (300g) Cottonii, is the pickled vegetable recorded in the Compendium of Materia Medica, also known as planting grass, and the name of blessing grass.  Coral grass is a seaweed plant, rich in sea enzymes, has the functions of sterilizing, anti-inflammatory, purifying blood and reviving cells. Collagen can improve wrinkles and dark spots, has obvious detoxification effect, and can increase skin's water retention, firmness and elasticity.

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