傳承燕蘭儀式1朵裝-燕窩禮盒 歡迎了解傳承燕蘭儀式-燕窩禮盒,這是一個可以享受到 NestBloom 全方位呵護儀式的完美入門禮品套裝。有了這個禮品套裝,你便慢慢發現了一個小秘密,就是食用後會讓你的皮膚容光煥發。 傳承燕蘭儀式禮盒包含伴單朵傳承燕蘭,手工製作的雙層水晶碗(可承受高溫,同時保護您的雙手免受高溫傷害),設置時間為 5 分鐘NestBloom 計時沙漏 ,以及印有logo的儀式玻璃湯匙。 這是屬於你的燕花美學儀式,盡情享受吧。 健康益處:香蘭葉含有必需的天然油,非常適合解毒、減輕疼痛、控制焦慮以及促進和維持整體健康。 傳承燕蘭(儀式套裝禮盒)包括 NestBloom 傳承燕蘭 x 1 儀式-雙層玻璃碗 x 1 儀式-精美玻璃勺 x 1 儀式-沙漏 × 1 *經常食用燕窩有助於改善皮膚外觀並促進健康。 *用 NestBloom 儀式來寵愛自己,以幫助放鬆和自我照顧。 從現在開始,以5分鐘呵護自己並重拾青春 1.加入熱水80ml--我們發現以90°C是保持完美狀態的最佳溫度 2.輕輕攪拌--輕輕攪拌一下,以確保整個花朵都被熱水浸透了 3.靜候5分鐘--等待5分鐘,讓風味完美釋放;深呼吸,充分放鬆,欣賞花朵綻放的喜悅 4.現在請盡情享用--NestBloom是您,健康肌膚容光煥發的小秘密 **由於食品安全原因,產品一經售出,我們不接受訂單發貨後的退貨或換貨。
華麗燕花-滋養修復-燕窩禮盒 3朵裝
華麗燕花-滋養修復-燕窩禮盒 3朵裝 在有限的時間內,以特價享受我們最新的綻放 用健康的禮物對待自己和你所愛的人 我們的三個華麗的花朵禮盒包括我們最新添加的滋養和恢復系列(燕麥含花膠),傳統斑斕燕花和杏仁燕花。 滋養和修復系列(燕麥含花膠): 為尋求最佳營養、哺乳支持和整體健康的女性提供終極補充劑。 利用以其美麗和再生功效而聞名的花膠(魚肚)的力量,這種高級膠原蛋白是我們配方的核心。 斑斕燕花---傳承燕蘭被精心雕刻,展現了蝴蝶蘭的優雅和美麗花型:蝴蝶蘭;口味:芳香班蘭;原料:燕窩、冰糖、班蘭葉、膠原蛋白 傳承燕蘭由優質燕窩和純冰糖組成,並巧妙地註入了香蘭提取物,正是這種獨特的香味將您帶到遙遠的東方。 作為我們頂級系列的第一款誕生燕花,傳承燕蘭獨家採用長鏈燕窩並結合天然膠原蛋白強化。 健康益處:香蘭葉含有必需的天然油,非常適合解毒、減輕疼痛、控制焦慮以及促進和維持整體健康。 杏仁燕花---以優質燕窩和純冰糖以及芬芳的桂花(中央花區)組成,是好運、繁榮和高貴的縮影花瓣包含主要顏色和風味,而中央花區具有第二種顏色和風味。 當在花朵中加入熱水時,主要風味和第二風味優雅地結合在一起,形成所需的味道和視覺效果。 第三代花朵允許在中央花卉區域添加可食用的花朵,這些花朵在加入熱水后釋放到豐盛的甜點中。 確保每朵花都含有超過 30 克的燕窩;只需 5 分鐘等待,完美的燕窩呈現在您面前。 選擇您最喜歡的口味吧 *經常食用燕窩有助於改善皮膚外觀並促進健康。*通過每月一次的儀式來寵愛自己,以幫助放鬆和自我保健。 從現在開始,以5分鐘呵護自己並重拾青春 1.加入熱水80ml--我們發現以90°C是保持完美狀態的最佳溫度 2.輕輕攪拌--輕輕攪拌一下,以確保整個花朵都被熱水浸透了 3.靜候5分鐘--等待5分鐘,讓風味完美釋放;深呼吸,充分放鬆,欣賞花朵綻放的喜悅 4.現在請盡情享用--NestBloom是您,健康肌膚容光煥發的小秘密 **由於食品安全原因,產品一經售出,我們不接受訂單發貨後的退貨或換貨。
白蘭氏冰糖燕窩 (6 瓶 X 68 Ml)
白兰氏 冰糖燕窝 BRAND'S Bird's Nest Drink with Rock Sugar (6 X 68 ml) Bird's nest is a traditional precious natural tonic that has been consumed in China since the Ming Dynasty. It has traditionally been an effective tonic for emperors and nobles. Bird's nest is mainly produced in Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia and other places. The bird's nest is formed by condensing saliva from the mouth of the swiftlet sparrow or the same genus. The bird's nest is high in protein, with a delicate fragrance and a slight stickiness when chewed. Since ancient times, bird's nest has been regarded as a fine food and precious product for nourishing yin body fluids and beauty. Bird's Nest is traditionally used to clear phlegm, ease chronic dry coughs and relieve fatigue and premature aging. Bird's Nest can also be used to stimulate the appetite, improve digestion and stimulate bowel movement. BRAND'S® Bird's Nest Drink with Rock Sugar is made of 100% genuine bird's nest from Southeast Asia. BRAND’S uses FTIR (Fingerprinting) Technology to ensure only genuine nests are used in the products. It is brewed with a pure Rock Sugar solution and prepared using a traditional recipe that seals in its flavor and natural goodness.● It is all natural.● It contains no fats and cholesterol.● It is free of all artificial stimulants.● It is easily digested.Contains : 6 bottles X 2.3 oz (68 ml)
- Quantity Discount
白蘭氏無糖燕窩 (6 瓶 X 68 ml)
白蘭氏無糖燕窩 (6 瓶 X 68ml ) 白蘭氏冰糖燕窩採用純正高級燕窩,經人手仔細清淨後,加入清純冰糖以傳統方法燉製而成。白蘭氏冰糖燕窩是以真空處理,確保新鮮。 ● 純天然● 不含脂肪或胆固醇● 不含人造色素,味精或防腐劑● 容易為人體吸收 內含 : 6 瓶 X 2.3 oz (68 ml) BRAND'S® Bird's Nest Drink Sugar Free is made of 100% genuine, premium quality bird's nest. It is formulated for those who want to or need to lower sugar and calorie intake. It is sweetened with two natural sweeteners, Sorbitol and Xylitol. Now keeping sugar out of the diet does not mean keeping sweetness out too.● It is all natural.● It contains no fats and cholesterol.● It is free of all artificial stimulants.● It is easily digested.Contains : 6 bottles X 2.3 oz (68 ml)
經典燕花-燕窩禮盒 4朵裝
經典燕花-燕窩禮盒 4朵裝 經典燕花-燕窩禮盒是由 NestBloom 的四朵杏仁系列燕花組成,雕刻成美麗的花朵。我們希望它能給您帶來傳統和現代藝術的視覺與味覺新體驗。 NestBloom 是來自新加坡的革命性品牌,專注於創造以燕窩為主要成分的美味食用美容產品。 它將亞洲傳統融入現代美食佳餚。 通過最精準的烹飪方法以及來自世界各地的優質食材,每一朵燕花爲您開啓無與倫比的五感享受。 四種花型代表了四種充滿愛的花語: 原味杏仁燕花(菊花——家的關注) 玫瑰杏仁燕花(玫瑰——甜蜜的愛) 抹茶杏仁燕花(山茶花——承諾不變) 香草杏仁燕花(康乃馨——永恆的愛) 經典燕花-燕窩禮盒包括 1 x NestBloom 原味杏仁, 1 x NestBloom 玫瑰, 1 x NestBloom 抹茶, 1 x NestBloom 香草。 確保每朵花都含有超過 30 克的燕窩;只需 5 分鐘等待,完美的燕窩呈現在您面前。 選擇您最喜歡的口味吧 *經常食用燕窩有助於改善皮膚外觀並促進健康。*通過每月一次的儀式來寵愛自己,以幫助放鬆和自我保健。 從現在開始,以5分鐘呵護自己並重拾青春 1.加入熱水80ml--我們發現以90°C是保持完美狀態的最佳溫度 2.輕輕攪拌--輕輕攪拌一下,以確保整個花朵都被熱水浸透了 3.靜候5分鐘--等待5分鐘,讓風味完美釋放;深呼吸,充分放鬆,欣賞花朵綻放的喜悅 4.現在請盡情享用--NestBloom是您,健康肌膚容光煥發的小秘密 **由於食品安全原因,產品一經售出,我們不接受訂單發貨後的退貨或換貨。
NestBloom Nourishing & Recovery Bloom Monthly
Nourishing & Recovery Bloom(Pregnancy Wellness) Monthly Wellness Care Pack: One Month Supply Transform your daily routine with our Nourishing & Recovery Bloom 12-pack, designed to provide you with a month's worth of nourishment and vitality. Each pack contains twelve carefully crafted blooms, designed to support women's optimal nutrition, lactation, and overall well-being with our Nourishing & Recovery Bloom. Product IntroductionCrafted to perfection, our Nourishing & Recovery Bloom harnesses the rejuvenating power of Hua Jiao (Fish Maw), renowned for its beauty and regenerative benefits. At the heart of our formula lies high-grade fish maw collagen, complemented by carefully selected ingredients like Oat Milk, Fennel Seeds, Red Dates, and Rock Sugar. Each bloom offers a symphony of nutrients, vitamins, and a touch of natural sweetness, providing a holistic approach to wellness. Traditionally, premium collagen in Hua Jiao (Fish Maw) has been revered for its healing properties, particularly aiding in the recovery process, especially for caesarean section births. Its regenerative properties support the healing of wounds and promote recovery within the body, including the womb. Our Nourishing & Recovery Bloom is a groundbreaking innovation, being the first in the world to combine all traditional ingredients used in pregnancy recovery and lactation promotion into one amazing, simple format. Now, you can enjoy nourishment anytime, without any fuss, thanks to our convenient and effective blend. Preparation InstructionsPrepare a warm, silky collagen shake in just 5 minutes and embark on a journey of nourishment and recovery. Simply place the Nourishing & Recovery Bloom in your ritual bowl, pour hot water over it, and allow the fragrant aroma to envelop you. Steep the bloom for 5 minutes, savoring the delicate nuances of flavor with each sip. Made with Natural Ingredients: Premium Hua Jiao (Fish Maw) Collagen (South Africa) Oat Milk (Australia) Fennel Seeds (China) Red Dates (China) Natural Rock Sugar (Singapore) Benefits:Enhanced Nutrition: Our blend offers essential nutrients for overall well-being.Lactation Support: Ideal for supporting lactation during and after pregnancy.Energy Restoration: Restore vitality and support physical health.Digestive Wellness: Benefit from the digestive properties of our carefully selected ingredients.Holistic Well-being: Enjoy a touch of natural sweetness while enhancing overall health and vitality.
NestBloom Nourishing & Recovery Bloom Weekly
Nourishing & Recovery Bloom(Pregnancy Wellness) Weekly Wellness care pack: 1 week supply Experience a week of rejuvenation with our Nourishing & Recovery Bloom 4-pack, carefully curated to support support women's optimal nutrition, lactation, and overall well-being with our Nourishing & Recovery Bloom. Product IntroductionCrafted to perfection, our Nourishing & Recovery Bloom harnesses the rejuvenating power of Hua Jiao (Fish Maw), renowned for its beauty and regenerative benefits. At the heart of our formula lies high-grade fish maw collagen, complemented by carefully selected ingredients like Oat Milk, Fennel Seeds, Red Dates, and Rock Sugar. Each bloom offers a symphony of nutrients, vitamins, and a touch of natural sweetness, providing a holistic approach to wellness. Traditionally, premium collagen in Hua Jiao (Fish Maw) has been revered for its healing properties, particularly aiding in the recovery process, especially for caesarean section births. Its regenerative properties support the healing of wounds and promote recovery within the body, including the womb. Our Nourishing & Recovery Bloom is a groundbreaking innovation, being the first in the world to combine all traditional ingredients used in pregnancy recovery and lactation promotion into one amazing, simple format. Now, you can enjoy nourishment anytime, without any fuss, thanks to our convenient and effective blend. Preparation InstructionsPrepare a warm, silky collagen shake in just 5 minutes and embark on a journey of nourishment and recovery. Simply place the Nourishing & Recovery Bloom in your ritual bowl, pour hot water over it, and allow the fragrant aroma to envelop you. Steep the bloom for 5 minutes, savoring the delicate nuances of flavor with each sip. Made with Natural Ingredients: Premium Hua Jiao (Fish Maw) Collagen (South Africa) Oat Milk (Australia) Fennel Seeds (China) Red Dates (China) Natural Rock Sugar (Singapore) Benefits:Enhanced Nutrition: Our blend offers essential nutrients for overall well-being.Lactation Support: Ideal for supporting lactation during and after pregnancy.Energy Restoration: Restore vitality and support physical health.Digestive Wellness: Benefit from the digestive properties of our carefully selected ingredients.Holistic Well-being: Enjoy a touch of natural sweetness while enhancing overall health and vitality.
NestBloom The Osmanthus Box
NestBloom The Osmanthus Box Osmanthus Bloom x 4 Indulge your senses with the Osmanthus Bloom, the ultimate sensory experience.Our 3rd generation Bloom is a delightful blend of art and flavor, meticulously shaped into the form of a delicate Daisy Flower, symbolizing new beginnings, joy, and cheerfulness.Prepare to be captivated by a symphony of favors as the Premium Bird's Nest, Rock Sugar, and Osmanthus Flower harmoniously intertwine, guiding you on an unforgettable journey of sensory bliss. What truly sets the Osmanthus Bloom apart is our exclusive infusion of real Osmanthus Flowers at its core, As you steep it in hot water, witness the graceful unfurling of the Osmanthus Flowers, an exquisite sight that fills you with delight. Each sip of this extraordinary delicacy opens a gateway to a world of beauty, harmony, and pure delight. Name: The Osmanthus Box(Osmanthus Bloom )Ingredients: Water, Rock Sugar, Bird's Nest, Osmanthus, Hydrolyzed CollagenNet Weight: 11 grams (100ml/ Serving) X 4 Requiring only 5 minutes of preparation time, NestBloom will pamper, nourish and replenish -anytime, anywhere.As a gift or a pampering treat, it has a little bit of everything which will definitely delight and pamper. NestBloom should be stored in a cool and dry place. For the best taste, consume NestBloom immediately after opening or refrigerate and consume within 24 hours of opening.Allergy Advice: This product may contain peanut or tree nut products. NestBloom's line of edible beauty products promotes skin radiance, and ha.brightening and anti-aging benefits when taken religiously. Your s minutes journey of pampering and rejuvenation begins here.您的5分钟呵护和重拾青春之旅从这里开始。 Add Hot Water 加入热水 (80 ml)9o degree is the temperature we've discovered that will give you the perfect consistency.90 度是呈现完美状态的最佳温度。 Stir Lightly 搅拌一下Give it a light stir to make sure all the bloom is soaked.轻轻搅拌一下,以确保所有花都被浸透了。 Pause for 5 minutes 靜候5分鐘5 minutes, Perfect to get the best flavour out and take in a deep breath to just relax.等待5分钟,让风味完美释放;深呼吸,充分放松。 Now Indulge 尽情享用Nestbloom is now your little secret regime to radiant and youthful skin.Nestbloom 现在是您打造容光焕发、年轻肌肤的小秘密。 Recommended intake: 1- 3 Blooms every week for best results.Your Blooms are best enjoyed with the NestBloom Ritual Set for the complete pampering experience.