
52 products

  • Quantity Discount
    100g 100g

    永合豐 原味姜糖/软糖 20粒/100g

     永合豐 原味姜糖/软糖 20粒 独立包装 永合豐老薑軟糖選用中國優質老薑和純蔗糖為原料,經傳統工藝精心製作,保留薑的獨特辛香與蔗糖的天然甜味,打造出純天然健康食品。適合男女老少,四季皆宜,不僅是理想的日常伴手禮,也是居家旅行的必備佳品。 薑具有抗炎特性,能夠自然增強體內能量。它有助於改善血液循環、緩解噁心、促進消化,並為身體帶來溫暖。


  • 包) 包)

    凍乾 無花果(8oz/包)

    冻干 有机无花果(8 oz) 性味 甘;平 功效 清热生津,健脾开胃,解毒消肿,用于咽喉肿痛;燥咳声嘶;乳汁稀少;肠热便秘;食欲不振;消化不良,泄泻痢疾;痈肿;癣疾 经脉 肺;胃;大肠经 冻干无花果的脆甜清香配上酸奶的醇厚奶香,口感酸酸甜甜,二者之间有一种奇妙的平衡,口感相互渗透又互相成就。渗进酸奶的无花果恢复了一些本来的软糯爽滑但又增添了一些酸奶的风味,非常妙。关键是操作也很简单,推荐大家都试试看! Figs are high in natural sugars, minerals and soluble fiber. Figs are rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and copper and are a good source of antioxidant vitamins A and K that contribute to health and wellness.  From the manufacturer:   Dried figs are cooling and nourishing for lungs; The taste is sweet. They clear heat and promote fluid, invigorate the spleen and improve appetite. They are detoxifying and reduce swelling. Figs can be used for sore throat, dry cough and hoarseness; sparse mother’s milk; intestinal heat and constipation; loss of appetite; indigestion, diarrhea and dysentery; carbuncle; ringworm  Figs enter the Lung; Stomach and Large Intestine meridians. This dried fig has no chemical additives and has a strong and sweet taste. It is suitable for both young and old.  


  • 总统牌 独头黑蒜 黑蒜头250g 总统牌 独头黑蒜 黑蒜头250g

    总统牌 独头黑蒜 黑蒜头250g

      总统牌 独头黑蒜 黑蒜头250g 黑蒜超高的营养价值以及“甜、软、糯”的口感正逐渐被人们认识和认可,正逐步走向百姓生活。食后无蒜臭,具有抗氧化、抗酸化的功效,对糖尿病、高血压、高血脂、癌症等疾病的恢复亦有不错的效果。


  • 台灣 如意 純素猴頭菇絲 200g 台灣 如意 純素猴頭菇絲 200g

    台灣 如意 純素猴頭菇絲 200g

    台湾特产 如意 纯素猴头菇丝  200g 成分:猴頭菇、非基因改造植物性大豆蛋白纖維、碗豆粉、葵花油、五香、肉桂、鹽、蔗糖、醬油、乙二烯酸(千分之二以下)、素食調味料猴頭菇以來與燕窩、熊掌、海蔘齊名,唯稀有之食材,一職被尊為朝廷供品的御膳佳餚,其獨特之鮮美、味香風味,皆可搭配粥、飯、麵包食用。 猴頭菇菌肉鮮嫩,香醇可口,有"素中葷"之稱。經高溫烘焙及精心調味拌炒,增添其風味。味道鮮,口感獨特,適合搭配拌飯,拌麵,麵包佐食使用。淨重: 200克保存條件:請置放於陰涼處、不須冷藏。有效期限:一年原產地:台灣   Taiwan RU YI Hericium Erinaceus Floss  200g Hericium Erinaceus also known as Lion’s Mane or Monkey Mushroom is a type of medicinal mushroom that is long used in traditional Chinese medicine. Scientific research shows that Hericium Erinaceus contains several health-promoting substances, including antioxidants and beta-glucan. Created into a vegetarian floss, there are several ways to eat it; add it into your sandwiches, porridge, homemade sushi, or spring roll. Allergen Information: The product contains soybean and wheat.  


  • 黑桑椹茶 黑桑椹茶


    黑桑椹茶 桑葚(sāng shèn),一名椹子、桑蔗、桑枣、桑果、桑泡儿,乌椹等,桑树的成熟果实,为桑科植物桑树的果穗。农夫锺爱其成熟的鲜果食用,味甜汁众,是人们常食的生果之一。 1、防脱生发 研究表明,黑桑葚有增加皮肤、头皮血液供应,改善血液循环的作用,因此他对于头发有一定的营养和保健作用。很多时候,脱发都可和头皮的血液循环不畅有一定的关系,吃黑桑葚可以有效的改善头皮血液循环,防脱生发。 2、改善脾脏功能 黑桑葚对脾脏有增重作用,对溶血性反应有增强作用,可防止人体动脉硬化、骨骼关节硬化,促进新陈代谢。脾胃功能不佳的朋友都不妨多吃一些黑桑葚。 3、防病治病 黑桑葚中的营养物质能促进血红细胞的生长,防止白细胞减少,并对治疗糖尿病、贫血、高血压、高血脂、冠心病、神经衰弱等病症具有辅助功效。 4、促进消化 黑桑椹具有生津止渴、促进消化、帮助排便等作用。适量食用黑桑葚能促进胃液分泌,刺激肠蠕动及解除燥热。 5、抗衰老 黑桑葚中的花青素能够起到抗老化的作用,它能及时清除引起人体衰老的自由基。因此爱美的女性以及一些中老年人都可以适量食用黑桑葚,达到美容驻颜的功效。


  • 咀香園 甘草欖 澳門特產 140g

    咀香園 甘草欖 澳門特產 140g

    咀香园 澳门特产 甘草橄榄 140g 成分:青橄榄,甘草,蜂蜜,盐,糖,香料 天口㷫最啱就係食啲酸嘢喇!食酸嘢嘅時侯,口水分泌會增加,同時有助生津止渴、健胃消食嘅功效。   Choi Heong Yuen Bakery Liquorice Olive 140g Ingredients: green olives, licorice, honey, salt, sugar, spices A common traditional Chinese sweetmeat, this healing snack consists of crisp yellow olives coated in a thin layer of licorice root powder that imparts a salty sweetness to its dried flesh. Used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat everything from coughs to gastric discomforts or to detoxify the body, olives and licorice are healthy nibbles that make a wonderful addition to your diet to open up the appetite! Avoid during pregnancy.


  • 咀香園 檸汁薑 澳門特產 140g

    咀香園 檸汁薑 澳門特產 140g

    咀香园 澳门特产 柠汁姜 140g 成分:薑,桂皮,丁香,檸檬,鹽,糖,食用糖精,甜味劑,酸味劑,防腐劑 Ingredients: Ginger, cinnamon, cloves, lemon, salt, sugar, saccharin, sweetener, acid, preservative


  • 台灣特產 凍頂茶梅 乾果蜜餞 150g

    台灣特產 凍頂茶梅 乾果蜜餞 150g

    台湾特产 海龙王牌 冻顶茶梅 干果蜜饯150g HLW Dongding Sasanqua 150g Dong Ding Tea is a traditional Oolong from Taiwan that has a creamy, sweet, toasted nutty flavor with a mildly smoky, long-lasting finish. The tea gives an enchanting flavor to dried plum fruit.


  • 陳皮村 陳皮花生 250g 陳皮村 陳皮花生 250g

    $5.99 - $29.99

  • 咀香園 甘草檸檬王 澳門特產 140g

    咀香園 甘草檸檬王 澳門特產 140g

    咀香园 澳门特产 甘草 柠檬王 140g 成分:柠檬,甘草粉,蜂蜜,盐,糖,甜味剂,酸味剂,防腐剂 Ingredients: lemon, honey, liquorice, salt, sugar, sweetener, sour agent, preservative 夏天又悶又熱,淨係想狂飲水止渴,仲邊有胃口食好嘢?!依啲時候真係要澳門咀香園嘅甘草檸檬王為你嘅胃口開路,佢味道酸酸甜甜,即刻刺激你味蕾~幫你解渴之餘,嗒多兩嗒更令你瞬間開胃,等美食可以全面進場!


  •  Bonbon 唯一 花旗参糖

    唯一 加拿大花旗參糖 8oz/盒

    唯一 加拿大花旗蔘糖 8oz/盒 唯一人蔘糖     粒粒多蔘粒 唯一 加拿大花旗参糖 是加拿大销量第一,選用加拿大安大略上等花旗参,用高科技精制而成;入口甘香,老少皆宜。優質花旗參,有助於在緊張的日常生活中舒緩壓力,提升能量及專注力,送禮名貴又大方。 西洋参常用於滋潤口乾和喉嚨,口感甘甜温和的西洋蔘可以: 減輕壓力 增强免疫系统 作爲温和的提神劑 成分:花旗蔘粉、糖、玉米糖漿


  • Quantity Discount
    古早山楂饼 古早山楂饼


    古早山楂饼 產品類型:蜜餞山楂製品(山楂片類)配料:新鮮山楂,白砂糖,山梨酸鉀Ingredient:fresh hawthorn fruit, sugar, potassium sorbate.山楂餅是以山楂為原料製成,傳統工藝無色素,原果打漿,厚薄均匀質酥適度,有助消化,生津開胃健脾等效果。NO ARTIFICIAL COLORS If you could find a tart, tasty berry that is low in sugar and fat and extremely healthy for the heart, brain and nervous system, it would be a miracle. You would enjoy it daily for prevention of diabetes, heart trouble and for smart weight loss. Wing Hop Fung introduces Chinese Hawthorn Berry, (shan zha, 山楂), a tasty snack, dried slices used to make tea, a savory addition to soups or salad dressing and it can be steeped in brandy or gin as a medicinal heart tonic liquor. Used in moderation as a food, this powerful berry is a safe energy snack even for people taking heart or diabetes medicines.



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