SOO五香味牛肉乾 (盒) 獅牌五香牛肉乾帶著令人垂涎的濃郁燉牛肉風味,讓人不爱上也難!將道地的香料和我們精心篩選的牛肉结合,带给您香嫩扎實的牛肉乾口感。 獅牌肉乾,與您细细品味,人生每刻时光。 产品介绍: 净重: 6oz 盒装: 13.2 x 10.8 x 7 SOO FIVE SPICES BEEF JERKY Fall in love with the flavor of mouth-watering stewed beef with our Five Spices Beef Jerky! We combine classic spices with our quality cuts of beef to bring you our signature tenderness bite after bite. Soo Jerky. Always a gift to savor. Descriptions: Weight: 6oz Size: 13.2 x 10.8 x 7
SOO香甜味三文魚肉乾(盒) 正宗野生太平洋三文鱼搭配上獨家的自創香料,在充滿加拿大西海岸的風味中添加香甜可口的亞洲風味。於加拿大當地生產製作,不管是送禮或與親朋好友分享都是最佳選擇。 獅牌肉乾,與您细细品味,人生每刻時光。 产品介绍: 净重: 6oz 盒装: 13.2 x 10.8 x 7 SOO PACIFIC SALMON JERKY Soo Jerky is wild about salmon! We combine authentic Wild Pacific Keta Salmon with our signature blend of spices to infuse a delicious Asian flair into the best of Canada’s West Coast. Proudly made in Canada, our Salmon Jerky is a treat to enjoy with friends or as a gift to share with a loved one. Soo Jerky. Always a gift to savor. Descriptions: Weight: 6 oz Size: 13.2 x 10.8 x 7
SOO沙爹牛肉乾 (盒) 色香味俱全的沙嗲牛肉乾是我們獅牌最喜爱的口味之一!獅牌創始人-Soo巧妙的將她家鄕的元素添入了香料裡,融合了咖哩和高品質牛肉,香氣四溢的沙嗲牛肉乾就此誕生! 獅牌肉乾,與您细细品味,人生每刻時光。 产品介绍: 净重: 6oz 盒装: 13.2 x 10.8 x 7 SOO SATAY BEEF JERKY Try this beautiful blend of sugar, spice, and everything nice in Satay Beef Jerky! As one of our favorite creations, Soo has mixed this wonderful spice blend with flavors from her home town, and seasoned our quality cuts of beef to curry perfection. Soo Jerky. Always a gift to savor. Descriptions: Weight: 6oz Size: 13.2 x 10.8 x 7
台灣特產 化應子 乾果蜜餞 110g
台湾特产 海龙王牌 化应子 干果蜜饯110g HLW Preserved Plum 110g Dried plums, or prunes, are known for improving several health conditions, including constipation and osteoporosis. They Contain Many Nutrients Vitamin A: 5% of the RDI. Vitamin C: 10% of the RDI. Vitamin K: 5% of the RDI. Potassium: 3% of the RDI Known by many as the ‘Kingdom of Fruit’, Taiwan excels at growing a diverse array of delicious fruits that are available year-round thanks to Taiwan’s suitable climate, geographical location, skillful farmers, and creative use of agricultural technology. . . . Local people appreciate dried fruits as a gastronomic delight; they offer delectable flavors, convenient transport and storage, and ease of sharing while socializing with families and friends. Hence, dried fruits are popular snacks at festivals and parties.
SOO果汁味豬肉乾(盒) 獅牌鮮嫩多汁的果汁味豬肉乾顛覆您一般豬肉乾的味覺!這款超人氣口味豬肉乾是使用我們獨家秘方醬汁和高品質豬肉完美結合而成,口感甘甜、軟嫩多汁! 獅牌肉乾,與您细细品味,人生每刻時光。 产品介绍: 净重: 6oz 盒装: 13.2 x 10.8 x 7 SOO FRUIT FLAVORED PORK JERKY Delight your senses with the juicy taste of Fruit Flavored Pork Jerky! This popular flavor uses our secret sauce with our quality cuts of pork to make this a delectable sweet and tender treat. Soo Jerky. Always a gift to savor. Descriptions: Weight: 6oz Size: 13.2 x 10.8 x 7
SOO切片甜味燒烤豬肉乾(盒) 發掘正宗獅牌的風味,就在我們的甜味燒烤豬肉乾!將東南亞的美食元素注入我們的高品質豬肉,獅牌為您推出香氣四溢、質嫩可口的傅统燒烤肉乾。 獅牌肉乾,與您细细品味,人生每刻時光。 产品介绍: 净重: 6oz 盒装: 13.2 x 10.8 x 7 SOO SWEET GRILLED PORK JERKY Discover our origins in our Sweet Grilled Pork Jerky! We start with the fragrances of Southeast Asian cuisine, combine it with our quality cuts of pork to bring you the joyful aroma of our traditional flame-grilled jerky. Soo Jerky. Always a gift to savor. Descriptions: Weight: 6oz Size: 13.2 x 10.8 x 7
太子牌 原粒花旗参糖礼袋 1lb/6oz
太子牌 原粒花旗参糖礼袋 1LB/6oz 本品选用百分百纯正美国威斯康辛州高品质原枝花旗参切粒,配以高品质葡萄糖精制而成。让你在日常生活节奏中,轻轻松松地享用原枝花旗参清甘芬芳的味道。 威斯康辛州气候适宜、地广人稀,未受污染的处女地使之成为种植花旗参最理想的场地。百年以来,威州一直被誉为全美洲产参圣地,加上当地参农经验丰富,因此所出产的花旗参质量更优良。 成份:砂糖、葡萄糖、纯正美国威斯康辛州花旗参粒,薄荷及花旗参香精。 两款包装分别净重:1lb /454g 或 6oz/170g
$5.49 - $9.99
- Quantity Discount
Crispy Fish Skin Peanuts (100g)
魚皮花生 100g 魚皮花生是一款獨特美味的休閒零食,將香脆的花生與豐富的調味完美結合,經過精心烘烤或油炸,外脆內嫩,口感豐富,令人一試成主顧。無論是作為日常零食還是下酒菜,都是絕佳選擇。 魚皮花生近年來逐漸成為休閒零食市場的熱銷商品。這款零食以其脆爽的口感和美味的風味吸引了大量消費者,無論是搭配飲品還是單獨享用,都能帶來極致的味蕾體驗。其獨特的風味和便捷的包裝,讓它成為許多人日常小吃的首選。 Crispy Fish Skin Peanuts 100g Fish Skin Peanuts are a unique and delicious snack that perfectly combines crispy peanuts with rich seasonings. Carefully roasted or fried, they are crunchy on the outside and tender on the inside, offering a rich and satisfying flavor that makes them irresistible. Whether enjoyed as a daily snack or paired with drinks, they are an excellent choice. Fish Skin Peanuts have become a popular snack in recent years. With their crunchy texture and delicious flavor, they have attracted a large number of consumers. Whether paired with drinks or enjoyed on their own, they provide an ultimate taste experience. Their unique flavor and convenient packaging make them a go-to snack for many people.