
138 products

  • 15% OFF
    澳洲 極品 維多利亞 清湯鮑魚 (425g) 澳洲 極品 維多利亞 清湯鮑魚 (425g)

    澳洲 極品 維多利亞 清湯鮑魚 (425g)

    澳洲极品 维多利亚清汤鲍鱼 二头/罐 (425g) 鲍鱼是名贵的“海珍品”之一,味道鲜美,营养丰富,被誉为海洋“软黄金”。鲍鱼是名贵的海洋食用贝类,被誉为“餐桌黄金,海珍之冠”,其肉质细嫩、营养丰富。 鲜品可食部分蛋白质24%、脂肪0.44%;干品含蛋白质40%、糖元33.7%、脂肪0.9%以及多种维生素和微量元素,是一种对人体非常有利的高蛋白、低脂肪食物。鲍鱼因富含谷氨酸,味道非常鲜美。 罐头鲍鱼,亦称汤鲍,因其便于携带、食用方便、保质期长,能在一定程度上保持鲜活鲍鱼的风味,因此成为欧美、澳洲等国鲍鱼的主要加工和销售方式。 成分:鮑魚、水、鹽、復合磷酸、抗氧劑罐頭净重:425g 鲍鱼肉净重:213g 產品有效日期:03/24/2025  


  • 10% OFF
    帝皇牌 澳洲清汤鲍鱼(425g) 帝皇牌 澳洲清汤鲍鱼(425g)

    帝皇牌 澳洲清汤鲍鱼(425g)

    帝皇牌 澳洲清汤鲍鱼 两头 罐装(425g)  罐頭鮑魚:將新鮮鮑魚製成入罐。由放罐中注湯,亦稱湯鮑。  Emperor Brand  Australian Abalone (425g) ● Contains 1 and 1/2 pcs● Canned in Australia The can contains 1 and 1/2 pieces of large abalone (marine snail.) It is canned in Australia and known as soup abalone. You can use the abalone and sauce in the can to make a delicious soup.  Abalone (marine snail), fresh and rich, are extremely delicious and nutritious. Abalone is a yin nourishing food which means it supports the health of internal organs. It moisturizes lungs, which improves breathing and complexion. It clears inflammation and nourishes the liver and improves eyesight. Long-term consumption has been shown to help prevent cancer. The most recent research has found abalone provides a good source of:  Protein Iron essential for building red blood cells  Vitamin B12  Magnesium  Selenium  Omega-3 Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of polyunsaturated fat that can not be produced by our body. So, Omega-3 is important as essential fatty acids. Omega-3 itself is formed of fatty acids like EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid), DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid) and ALA (a-linolenic acid). Omega-3 consumed regularly assists in the development of the brain and memory, prevents heart disease because it can make arterial organs becomes more elastic and reduces the risk of high blood pressure.  Pregnant women who consume Omega-3 may have healthy and intelligent children and it also improves the quality of breast milk. Omega-3 is essential for improving mental and physical health of the baby. When compared to protein sources such as beef, tuna, salmon or eggs, snail protein content is higher than all sources except mutton. Snail contains vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin B1, B3, B6 and B12. Vitamin A is beneficial for the health of the eyes, while vitamin E may act as an antioxidant. Vitamin B1, B3, B6 and Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that is needed to prevent and control diabetes. Snail provides choline which is an essential component of the nervous system and is a high source of iron. Snail contains high levels of magnesium. Magnesium plays important roles in the body, which is needed for more than 325 enzymatic reactions, including involved in the synthesis of fats, proteins and nucleic acids, neural activity, muscle contraction and relaxation, cardiac activity and bone metabolism. Chinese cooks add canned snails to soups and stir fries along with pork, dried scallops, mushrooms, chicken or goose meat or prepared sea cucumber. Do not overcook them. They will be tender and delicious.


  • Quantity Discount
    含維他命ADE,蘆薈 4oz.

    韓國高麗人參面霜/含維他命ADE,蘆薈 4oz.

    韓國高麗人參面霜 /含維他命ADE,蘆薈 4oz 韓國高麗人參面霜 是多方位天然護膚保養品,能有助於膠原蛋白生成和抗衰老,無刺激作用,補充肌膚水分,保持皮膚彈性,減少皺紋產生,可使用於緩解皮膚乾裂,皮膚曬傷,皮膚紅疹,改善血液循環促進皮膚細胞的再生。 使用方式:可在需要時或早,晚時使用。


  • Quantity Discount
    100g 100g

    永合豐 原味姜糖/软糖 20粒/100g

     永合豐 原味姜糖/软糖 20粒 独立包装 永合豐老薑軟糖選用中國優質老薑和純蔗糖為原料,經傳統工藝精心製作,保留薑的獨特辛香與蔗糖的天然甜味,打造出純天然健康食品。適合男女老少,四季皆宜,不僅是理想的日常伴手禮,也是居家旅行的必備佳品。 薑具有抗炎特性,能夠自然增強體內能量。它有助於改善血液循環、緩解噁心、促進消化,並為身體帶來溫暖。


  • Quantity Discount
    860986 Wong To Yick Wood Lock Medicated Oil (50ml)

    黄道益 活络油 50ml

      黄道益 活絡油 50ml 功能:舒筋活絡  作用:暫時緩解因下列症狀引起的肌肉和關節輕微疼痛;普通背痛丶關節炎丶損傷丶瘀傷丶扭傷 用法 找出患處最痛之痛點 (痛點多位於骨隙或腫實之肌肉間) 搽上2-3滴黃道益活絡油於痛點之上,用拇指尖在痛點上按壓15-20分鐘,力度由輕至重,以患者不過度痛楚為宜 每天按壓三至五次,直至痊癒


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    漢寶牌 消咳喘

    漢寶牌 消咳喘

    漢寶牌 消咳喘 3.4oz Special Medicine for Bronchitis. 性状 本品为红褐色的液体;气香,味甜、辛、苦。 主要功效 止咳,祛痰,平喘。 适用病症 用于寒痰咳嗽;慢性支气管炎。 用法用量 口服,一次10ml,一日3 次,小儿酌减。 药性分析 方中满山红为杜鹃花科植物兴安杜鹃的叶,具有止咳,祛痰,治慢性支气管炎,咳嗽等功效。 注意事项 1.本品含有20%~28%的乙醇,过敏体质的患者慎用。 2.本品有少许沉淀,服时振摇。 3.运动员慎用。 HEI Hsiao Keh Chuan Special Medicine for Bronchitis.  Good for coughs, asthma, and dissipating spulum due to a cold or flu. Helps reduce and calm ashtma. Net wt: 100ml Oral Liquid.   Ingredients: Water, Cane Sugar, Extract of Rhododendron (black ginseng), Alcohol.  This product is a reddish brown liquid; it has a sweet, pungent and bitter taste.  Main effects: It relieves cough, is an expectorant and relieves asthma. It is used for cold phlegm and cough [with no fever or yellow phlegm]; chronic bronchitis.  Dosage Oral: 10ml each time, 3 times a day, reduce it for children. Drug analysis Fangzhongmanshanhong is the leaf of Rhododendron azalea, a plant of the rhododendron family, which has the effects of relieving cough, expectorating, curing chronic bronchitis and coughing.  Precautions:  This product contains 20% to 28% alcohol. Patients with allergies should use it with caution.  This product has a little precipitation, shake it when taking it.  Athletes use it with caution.  


  • Quantity Discount
    海山 華陀跌打止痛膏 5片 海山 華陀跌打止痛膏 5片

    海山 華陀跌打止痛膏 5片

    海山 華陀跌打止痛膏 5片 暫時舒緩肌肉酸痛,肩頸僵硬,背痛,肌肉酸痛,或因關節炎運動挫傷,跌打扭傷及瘀傷所引起的疼痛。 主要成分:薄荷腦、冬青油、乳香、沒藥、樹脂、麻油 用法:先清洗弄乾疼痛處,撕開薄膜,將膏藥面貼在患處,每日不宜超過三、四次,勿貼於毛髮特別多的皮膚,以防撕下膏藥時傷害皮膚。使用時避免觸及眼睛及黏膜部位。 注意: 1. 只供外用,成人和十二嵗以上孩童。 2. 勿接觸眼睛部位,勿使用於傷口和破損皮膚處,皮膚過敏者不宜使用。 3. 使用時可能引起皮疹或皮膚潰爛,若在七日内症狀持續未改善時,請停止使用並咨詢醫生。 4. 孕婦及哺乳期間請勿使用。 5. 將此產品放於孩童無法觸及處所。 Hysan HuaTuo Pain Relief Plaster 5 pcs Traditional Chinese medicine hospitals and martial arts clubs make highly effective remedies for chronic pain, injuries, and broken bones. Hua Tuo plaster, a traditional pain remedy in a sheet applied directly to the skin, is a very good medium strength, general use plaster for temporary relief of minor aches and pains of muscles, stiffness around the neck and shoulders.  Ingredients: Menthol, Methyl Salicylate, Sesame oil, Yellow wax, Myrrh, Frankincense TCM Functions:  Invigorates blood, dispels blood stasis, disperses swelling, relieves pain.Apply it topically for minor injuries, aches, and pains. Applicable for injuries with bruising, lower back pain, temporary joint pain. An excellent choice for residual stiffness and pain. Avoid open wounds and sensitive areas. Avoid use during pregnancy and for small children. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.  


  • Quantity Discount
    Bigen美源 染發劑 填充装(#2至#8) Bigen美源 染發劑 填充装(#2至#8)

    Bigen美源 染發劑 填充装(#2至#8)

    Bigen美源染发剂-#2/#/3/#4/#5/#6/#7/#8 Fast acting, conditioning cream covers your grays in 10 easy minutes. Non-drip cream formula stays exactly where applied to ensure full coverage without messy drips. Start with a kit that includes everything you need, and benefit in the long run with storable tubes & refills. Features: 10 minute wait time Non-drip cream Rich, conditioning formula with herbal extracts Smart saving tubes keep unused solution fresh for multiple use Ammonia-free Excellent gray coverage Available in full kit & refills Available in 7 colors:  #2 Light Warm Chestnut #3 Warm Chestnut #4 Chestnut #5 Deep Chestnut #6 Medium Brown #7 Brownish Black #8 Natural Black This Kit contains: Cream Colorant 40g x1 Cream Developer 40g x1 Instruction Leaflet How to Use in a mixing bowl, mix No.1 Cream Colorant and No. 2 Cream Developer. Mix to combine. Divide your hair into smaller sections for easy application. Apply hair dye evenly onto each hair layers. Focus on area with white/gray hair. Let sit for 10 minutes. Rinse well with lukewarm for water *It should not take longer than 10 minutes to apply. Ingredients Bigen Speedy Conditioning Color #2 Light Warm Chestnut: Water, Ethanolamine, Stearyl Alcohol, PEG-20, Ceteth-20, Cetyl Alcohol, Ceteth-2, Ceteth-30, Petrolatum, p-Aminophenol, Amodimethicone, Resorcinol, Ascorbic Acid, Fragrance, Steartrimonium Chloride, 4-Amino-2-Hydroxytoluene, Trisodium HEDTA, p-Phenylenediamine, Polyquaternium-6, m-Aminophenol, Sodium Sulfite, Taurine, Acid Yellow 3, Arginine, Pullulan, Sodium Hydroxide, Alcohol Denat., Disodium Phosphate, Citric Acid, Achillea Millefolium Extract, BHT, Chamomilla Recutita (Matricaria) Flower Extract, Foeniculum Vulgare (Fennel) Fruit Extract, Humulus Lupulus (Hops) Extract, Melissa Officinalis Leaf Extract, Tocopherol, Viscum Album (Mistletoe) Leaf Extract #3 Warm Chestnut: Water, Ethanolamine, Stearyl Alcohol, PEG-20, Ceteth-20, Cetyl Alcohol, Ceteth-2, Ceteth-30, Petrolatum, p-Aminophenol, Amodimethicone, p-Phenylenediamine, Resorcinol, Ascorbic Acid, Fragrance, Steartrimonium Chloride, 4-Amino-2-Hydroxytoluene, Trisodium HEDTA, Polyquaternium-6, m-Aminophenol, Sodium Sulfite, Taurine, Acid Yellow 3, Arginine, Pullulan, Sodium Hydroxide, Alcohol Denat., Disodium Phosphate, Citric Acid, Achillea Millefolium Extract, BHT, Chamomilla Recutita (Matricaria) Flower Extract, Foeniculum Vulgare (Fennel) Fruit Extract, Humulus Lupulus (Hops) Extract, Melissa Officinalis Leaf Extract, Tocopherol, Viscum Album (Mistletoe) Leaf Extract #4 Chestnut: Water, Ethanolamine, Stearyl Alcohol, PEG-20, Ceteth-20, Cetyl Alcohol, Ceteth-2, Ceteth-30, Petrolatum, p-Aminophenol, p-Phenylenediamine, Amodimethicone, Resorcinol, Ascorbic Acid, Fragrance, Steartrimonium Chloride, 4-Amino-2-Hydroxytoluene, Trisodium HEDTA, Polyquaternium-6, m-Aminophenol, Sodium Sulfite, Taurine, Acid Yellow 3, Arginine, Pullulan, Sodium Hydroxide, Alcohol Denat., Disodium Phosphate, Citric Acid, Achillea Millefolium Extract, BHT, Chamomilla Recutita (Matricaria) Flower Extract, Foeniculum Vulgare (Fennel) Fruit Extract, Humulus Lupulus (Hops) Extract, Melissa Officinalis Leaf Extract, Tocopherol, Viscum Album (Mistletoe) Leaf Extract #5 Deep Chestnut: Water, Ethanolamine, Stearyl Alcohol, PEG-20, Ceteth-20, Cetyl Alcohol, Ceteth-2, Ceteth-30, Petrolatum, p-Aminophenol, p-Phenylenediamine, Amodimethicone, Resorcinol, Ascorbic Acid, Fragrance, Steartrimonium Chloride, 4-Amino-2-Hydroxytoluene, Trisodium HEDTA, Polyquaternium-6, m-Aminophenol, Sodium Sulfite, Taurine, Acid Yellow 3, Arginine, Pullulan, Sodium Hydroxide, Alcohol Denat., Disodium Phosphate, Citric Acid, Achillea Millefolium Extract, BHT, Chamomilla Recutita (Matricaria) Flower Extract, Foeniculum Vulgare (Fennel) Fruit Extract, Humulus Lupulus (Hops) Extract, Melissa Officinalis Leaf Extract, Tocopherol, Viscum Album (Mistletoe) Leaf Extract #6 Medium Brown: Water, Stearyl Alcohol, Ethanolamine, PEG-20, Ceteth-20, Cetyl Alcohol, Toluene-2,5-Diamine Sulfate, Ceteth-2, Ceteth-30, Petrolatum, p-Phenylenediamine, Amodimethicone, Resorcinol, Ascorbic Acid, Fragrance, Steartrimonium Chloride, m-Aminophenol, Trisodium HEDTA, Polyquaternium-6, p-Aminophenol, Sodium Sulfite, Taurine, Acid Yellow 3, Arginine, Pullulan, Sodium Hydroxide, Alcohol Denat., Disodium Phosphate, Citric Acid, Achillea Millefolium Extract, BHT, Chamomilla Recutita (Matricaria) Flower Extract, Foeniculum Vulgare (Fennel) Fruit Extract, Humulus Lupulus (Hops) Extract, Melissa Officinalis Leaf Extract, Tocopherol, Viscum Album (Mistletoe) #7 Brownish Black: Water, Stearyl Alcohol, PEG-20, Ceteth-20, Ethanolamine, Cetyl Alcohol, Toluene-2,5-Diamine Sulfate, p-Phenylenediamine, Ceteth-2, Ceteth-30, Petrolatum, Resorcinol, Amodimethicone, Ascorbic Acid, Fragrance, Steartrimonium Chloride, Trisodium HEDTA, Polyquaternium-6, Sodium Sulfite, Taurine, Acid Yellow 3, Arginine, Pullulan, Sodium Hydroxide, Alcohol Denat., Disodium Phosphate, Citric Acid, Achillea Millefolium Extract, BHT, Chamomilla Recutita (Matricaria) Flower Extract, Foeniculum Vulgare (Fennel) Fruit Extract, Humulus Lupulus (Hops) Extract, Melissa Officinalis Leaf Extract, Tocopherol, Viscum Album (Mistletoe) Leaf Extract #8 Natural Black: Water, Stearyl Alcohol, PEG-20, Ceteth-20, Ethanolamine, Cetyl Alcohol, Toluene-2,5-Diamine Sulfate, p-Phenylenediamine, Ceteth-2, Ceteth-30, Petrolatum, Resorcinol, Amodimethicone, Ascorbic Acid, Fragrance, Steartrimonium Chloride, Trisodium HEDTA, Polyquaternium-6, 2,4-Diaminophenoxyethanol Hcl, Sodium Sulfite, Taurine, Acid Yellow 3, Arginine, Pullulan, Sodium Hydroxide, Alcohol Denat., Disodium Phosphate, Citric Acid, Achillea Millefolium Extract, BHT, Chamomilla Recutita (Matricaria) Flower Extract, Foeniculum Vulgare (Fennel) Fruit Extract, Humulus Lupulus (Hops) Extract, Melissa Officinalis Leaf Extract, Tocopherol, Viscum Album (Mistletoe) Leaf Extract Cream Developer All Shades: Water, Hydrogen Peroxide, Cetyl Alcohol, Stearyl Alcohol, Ppg-4-Ceteth-20, Ceteth-2, Isostearyl Alcohol, Steartrimonium Chloride, Phenoxyethanol, Propylene Glycol, Citric Acid

  • Quantity Discount
    汉宝牌 當歸養血膏 汉宝牌 當歸養血膏

    汉宝牌 當歸養血膏

    汉宝牌 当归养血膏200ml 当归养血膏是一种非处方中药,主要功效用于育龄期女性补血养血之用。以中药当归为主要原料,经过浓缩回收等工艺制成的一款膏状的中药。 主要成分:当归、党参、黄芪、熟地黄、茯苓 、白芍 、川芎、甘草、蔗糖、水 **根據美國醫藥衛生條例,以上的聲明和中醫藥理,並未有經過美國食品和醫藥管理局(FDA)的正式評估。本產品不宜作藥用注解,不適用於針對診斷、治療、治愈或預防任何疾病。 H.E.I. Tan Kwe Gin Mixed Herbs Syrup Tan Kwe Gin is a tonic syrup for men or women that nurtures and invigorates the blood and tonifies Spleen qi. Good for fatigue following illness, surgery, or other trauma. Helps regulate the menstrual cycle.** These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This product is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Angelica nourishing syrup is an over-the-counter traditional Chinese vitality remedy. It is concentrated and made from traditional Chinese herbs with Angelica Sinensis as the main ingredient.  Ingredients: Angelica Dang Gui Root, Codonopsis Root, Astragalus Root, Rehmannia Root, Poria Cocos, Tree Peony Bark, Chuanxiong Rhizoma, Licorice Root, Can Sugar, Water.   


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    三九999感冒灵颗粒 10g×9袋/盒 999 Cold Remedy Granular/ Ganmaoling Traditionally used to relieve common cold, hay fever, upper respiratory allergies, runny nose, minor aches and pains, fever, sore throat, watery eyes, headache. . . . not intended to prevent or cure any disease. The popular 999 Cold Remedy is often used at the early stage of the common cold. It is formulated to relieve:  Headache Fever Sneezing, runny nose Hay fever and allergies  Sore throat and acute tonsillitis. 999 brand Ganmaoling Keli is a classic example of a Western-Chinese medicine blend. The ingredients are:  Wild chrysanthemum   Evodia leaf Acetaminophen Caffeine Sugar The Chinese herbs remove heat and toxins in the body. Analgesic, anti-inflammatory acetaminophen reduces aches. Take the granules the same way you make instant coffee. The taste is bitter-sweet. The effect is soothing and cooling. The beverage remedy can be an effective way to increase fluids and reduce fever. Eat lightly, stay home and rest.  If fever discomforts worsen, check with a health professional.


  • Quantity Discount
    白蘭氏 鸡精(68ml*6瓶) 561068  BRAND'S® Essence of Chicken Drink

    白蘭氏 鸡精(68ml*6瓶)

    白蘭氏 鸡精(68ml*6瓶) An all natural product, BRAND'S® Essence of Chicken has been trusted by generations for its goodness. It is purely derived from chicken to ensure premium quality. ● It is all natural.● It contains no fats and cholesterol.● It is free of all artificial stimulants.● It is easily digested.Contains : 6 bottles * 2.3oz (68ml)


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    广州 王老吉 保济丸 广州 王老吉 保济丸

    广州 王老吉 保济丸

    广州王老吉 保济丸 20袋x1.85g 王老吉保济丸,是一种治疗胃肠病的中成药,由钩藤、菊花、厚朴、苍术、藿香、薏苡仁、谷芽等组成,具有增加肠收缩幅度、兴奋胃肠平滑肌的作用。 性 状 保济丸为朱红色的水丸;气芳香,味微苦、辛。 用法用量 口服,一次1.85~3.7克,一日3次。 主要成分 保济丸由钩藤、菊花、厚朴、苍术、藿香、薏苡仁、谷芽等组成 功效主治 具有解表、祛湿、和中之功效。对治疗食滞腹胀、水土不服、肠胃不适等症疗效极佳。可作为家庭常备药,在旅游外出时也可随身携带。 药理作用 药理试验表明,本品有增加肠收缩幅度、兴奋胃肠平滑肌的作用,在高浓度时,有抑制肠管平滑肌的收宿力和节律的作用,无促进胃酸分泌作用;对胃肠功能低下的消化不良有确切疗效。 注意事项 1.忌烟、酒及辛辣、生冷、油腻食物。 2.不宜在服药期间同时服用滋补性中药。 3.外感燥热者不宜服用。 4.有高血压、心脏病、肝病、糖尿病、肾病等慢性病严重者应在医师指导下服用。 5儿童、孕妇、哺乳期妇女、年老体弱者应在医医师指导下服用。 6.发热体温超过38.5℃的患者,应去医院就诊。 7.吐泻严重者应及时去医院就诊。 8.服药3天症状无缓解,应去医院就诊。 9.对保济丸过敏者禁用,过敏体质者慎用。 10.保济丸性状发生改变时禁止使用。 11.儿童必须在成人监护下使用。 12.请将保济丸放在儿童不能接触的地方。 13.如正在使用其他药品,使用保济丸前请咨询医师或药师。   Great food supplement to help ease stomache aches, indigestions, and the stomach flu. Proprietary blend: Uncaria rhynchophylla, Chrysanthemum, Trichosanthes, Chinese mint, Rice seed, Tribulus, Tangerine, Poria sclerotium, Job's tears seed, Patchouli aboveground parts, Magnolia bark of stem, twigs and root, Cang-Zhu atractylodes rhizome, Fragrent angelica root. Net: 1.85g x 20 vials  These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  



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