南姜黑糖/红糖 全新独立包装 200克/罐
南姜黑糖/红糖 全新独立包装 200克/罐 永合豐南姜汁黑糖块是采用日本冲绳黑糖制作方法,并严选高品质黑糖糖蜜和南姜而制作出最自然、最原味的南姜汁黑糖块。厚实浓郁的口感,带点微微的南姜香气,绝对是南姜汁黑糖块中的极品。 使用方法:把黑糖溶入 128 毫升的热开水后即可饮用。可依个人喜好增减开水的用量。 存放指示:请存放在阴凉干燥的地方,并避免阳光直接照射。由于本产品不添加防腐剂,开封后请冷藏,并尽快食用。
金钱牌 无蔗糖 夏桑菊冲剂 (10克x20包)
金钱牌 无蔗糖 夏桑菊冲剂(10克x20包) 疏风散热 清肝明目 除湿润燥 解毒降压 金钱牌无蔗糖夏桑菊颗粒是由夏枯草、桑叶、菊花组方,采用无蔗糖配方,经现代制药工艺浓缩提炼而成。本品效果显著,独立包便于携带,冲泡服用方便,老少皆宜,特别适合忌糖人士,是清凉饮料中的上等佳品。 用法用量:冲服,每日三次,每次1-2包,温开水冲服,24小时内不得超过6小包的服量。 **根據美國醫藥衛生條例,以上的聲明和中醫藥理,並未有經過美國食品和醫藥管理局(FDA)的正式評估。本產品不宜作藥用注解,不適用於針對診斷、治療、治愈或預防任何疾病
永合豐 即溶 檸檬薑茶 4oz
纯天然 即溶 柠檬姜茶 姜具有温热散寒的功效,早上吃生姜延年益寿,对于女性来说,姜还具有活血通便、暖宫的效果。如果每天喝一杯姜茶,坚持一个月,身体会的发生一些意想不到的变化。 永合豐檸檬薑茶是採用中國甲級老薑、蜂蜜等精煉而成的純天然飲品。口感酸甜微辣,男女老少四季皆宜。 Natural Instant Lemon Ginger Tea 4oz Wing Hop Fung brand Instant Natural Lemon Ginger Tea is made from select special grade ginger blended with a touch of honey. Ginger is known to increase the body's energy level and is an anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory. Ingredients: Special grade ginger, cane sugar, pure honey, Lemon Flavor. (Contains: 25 sachets x 18g) Ginger is warming and dispels chills and chronic internal cold. Eating ginger in the morning prolongs longevity. For women, ginger also helps to promote blood circulation and regulate menstruation. [In TCM, it is believed that a cold, raw diet can lead to a “cold uterus” which is a form of infertility due to blood and energy deficiency. This tea is said to “warm the palace.”] If you drink ginger tea every day for a month, your body will have health benefits. Wing Hop Fung Lemon Ginger Tea is a pure natural beverage refined from Chinese Grade A ginger and honey. The taste is sweet, sour, and slightly spicy. It's suitable for all ages, men, and women.
葛根粉 1. 降脂,降压,降火,清热解毒,增加脑和冠状血糖,改善脑微循环等功能。2. 是防治高血压,高血脂,冠心病,心绞痛,糖尿病,脑血栓,肠胃病等多种疾病的药品的重要原料。3. 对女性美容健身,丰胸等有特殊功效. Kudzu is an herb used in Chinese medicine to treat alcoholism, heart disease, menopausal symptoms, diabetes, fever, the common cold, and neck or eye pain. It is sometimes used in combination with other herbs. Lab studies suggest that kudzu has anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties.
Ground Flaxseed Meal Ingredient:USA Flaxseed Characteristics:Fine Milled(microtomy) to retain nutritientsRich in Dietary Fibre, good for digestive system.Promote the cardiovascular health, beneficial to digestive and circulatory systems. Sugested Cooking Method:Eat directly, or add 1-2 teaspoons of USA ground Flaxseed into congee, cereal breakfast, oat flakes or salad.Consume twice daily. Storage:Store in a cool and dry place, away from humidity. 美国亚麻籽粉(14oz/bag) 成分:美國亞麻籽特徵:精細研磨(切片)以保留營養富含膳食纖維,有益於消化系統。促進心血管健康,有益於消化和循環系統。建議的烹飪方法:直接食用,或在粥、麥片早餐、燕麥片或沙拉中加入 1-2 茶匙美國亞麻籽粉。每天服用兩次。貯存存放在陰涼乾燥的地方,遠離潮濕。
白云山 无蔗糖 夏桑菊 冲剂 (3g*10包)
白云山 无蔗糖 夏桑菊 冲剂 (3g*10包) 清肝明目,疏风散热,除湿痹,解疮毒。用于风热感冒,目赤头痛,头晕耳鸣,咽喉肿痛,疔疮肿毒等症,并可作清凉饮料。 成份:夏枯草、野菊花、桑叶。辅料为甘露醇和阿司帕坦。用法用量:口服,一次3—6克(1—2袋),一日3次。注意事项:1、忌烟、酒及辛辣、生冷、油腻食物。2、不宜在服药期间同时服用滋补性中药。3、风寒感冒者尿病、肾病等慢性病严重者应在医师指导下服用。5、儿童、年老体弱者、孕妇应在医师指导下服用。6、服药用。9、儿童必须在成人监护下使用。10、请将本品放在儿童不能接触的地方。11、如正在使用其他药品,使用本品前请咨询医师或药师。 **根據美國醫藥衛生條例,以上的聲明和中醫藥理,並未有經過美國食品和醫藥管理局(FDA)的正式評估。本產品不宜作藥用注解,不適用於針對診斷、治療、治愈或預防任何疾病。
- Quantity Discount
HYT Black Goji Berries Juice
华药堂黑枸杞原浆 210ml(30mlx7袋) 【配料】黑枸杞原浆【食用方法】开袋即食,冷藏口感更佳。【贮存条件】置于阴凉干燥处保存,避免阳光直射。【温馨提示】1.果汁中含有少量果肉,饮用前摇一摇。2.若胀包或渗漏请勿饮用。3.过敏体质者请谨慎使用本品。【保质期】18个月 HYT Black Goji Berries Juice 【Ingredients】 Goji Berries Juice【Suggested Use】 Ready to eat, refrigerated for better taste【Storage】 Store in a cool and dry place, keep away from direct sunlight.【Notes 】1.Juice contains a small amount of pub, please shake well before drinking.2.Please do not drink if the package is swollen leaking.3.Please consume this product with caution if you are allergic【Shelf Life】18 months
大信 冬瓜茶磚 580g
大信 冬瓜茶磚 580g 古法煉製冬瓜茶磚,讓您懷念古早的好味道! 嚴選在地優質新鮮冬瓜,遵循古法工藝製作,保留經典原味。 冬瓜茶是台灣特有的古早味消暑飲品,在台灣已有百年飲用歷史,與甘蔗汁、青草茶,堪稱台灣三大古早冰飲。 將新鮮冬瓜從洗净、切條、浸泡等工序後,加入砂糖溫火熬煮成濃稠狀,自然冷卻後分切成塊,成爲外表金黃香氣濃郁純正的古早味冬瓜糖或稱冬瓜茶磚。沉澱物乃冬瓜本身的纖維質及冬瓜果肉,請過濾後安心飲用。 成分:冬瓜、砂糖、冬瓜香料。產地:台灣製造 保存方式:請置於乾燥陰涼處,避免潮濕環境和螞蟻蒼蠅蟲咬。 食用方法: 一塊冬瓜茶磚搭配5000cc的水,煮開後待茶磚完全融化,冷卻後即可飲用,冰涼後風味更佳。 可煮成冬瓜濃縮汁,茶磚與水2:1的比例,熬煮後裝瓶冷藏保存。飲用時搭配7-8倍開水或其他飲品稀釋飲用。 冬瓜濃縮汁也可以當作各式甜湯的湯底,如各式冰品、豆花、綠豆湯、紅豆湯圓、桂圓紅棗茶等等。
CNI 东革阿里 人参即溶咖啡 20袋/包
CNI 东革阿里 人参即溶咖啡 20袋/包 CNI Tongkat Ali Ginseng Coffee CNI Ginseng Coffee with Tongkat Ali extract is the ultimate functional coffee that is creating a huge following among coffee connoisseurs. It has the stronger coffee taste experience. CNI Ginseng with Tongkat Ali gives you a burst of energy and wellness in a cup. Try it today. Ingredients Sucrose, non dairy creamer (syrup & hardened vegetable fat), instant coffee powder, tongkat ali powder, tricalcium phosphate and ginseng extract powder. contains permitted food additive derived from non animal origin. Legal Disclaimer Statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.