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Wing Hop Fung has a Tea for every Season and Taste: White, Green, Pu’er, Oolong, Black teas, flower teas, and more from quality-controlled estates in China, Japan, England, Europe, and India.


Traditional Herbal Remedies Traditional Herbal Remedies Tea is serenity, medication, peace and everything a lover adore. Directly from our tea gardens in China and Japan.

Wing Hop Fung has a Tea for every Season and Taste: White, Green, Pu’er, Oolong, Black teas, flower teas, and more from quality-controlled estates in China, Japan, England, Europe, and India.

100 products

  • 20% OFF
    宫廷A级 2013年 普洱熟茶 #1399

    宫廷A级 2013年 普洱熟茶 #1399

    宫廷A级 2013年 普洱熟茶 #1399 Palace A Grade Ripe Pu-Erh Tea#1399 Pu-Erh is a fermented, digestive tea. Dark (aka ripe pu’er) is aged longer than raw Pu-Erh and has a stronger distinctive earthy, semi-sweet flavor. It has been used to improve digestion and circulation and contains a natural statin known to help reduce harmful cholesterol and improve weight loss.  This tea has a very smooth character without any astringency or bitterness. The clean woody profile has soft, creamy, and earthy notes of walnuts. Overall this is a comforting tea with an accessible taste that is a great introduction to Pu-Erh teas. We suggest brewing at 90°C for 3-5 minutes according to your taste. ( Brewing Method: Teacup  Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature:  212℉ /100℃  212℉ /100℃ Tea Quantity: 5 g Tea 7 g Tea Brewing time:  1-2 mins 8 steps: rinse,10s,15s,20s,25s,35s,45s 60s,90s  Rinse time is around 4 seconds

    $7.99 - $31.20

  • 20% OFF
    2008年 一级散装 普洱茶#1090

    2008年 一级散装 普洱茶#1090

    2008年 一级散装 熟茶 普洱茶#1090 This is the first-grade Pu-Erh tea of 2008. Pu-Erh tea has beautifying and anti-aging benefits. It is a red fermented tea known to reduce harmful cholesterol, enhance digestion and reduce body fat. It has a rich earthy flavor and satisfying sweet aftertaste. It helps to detoxify the body, improve circulation and enhance vitality. How to Brew: Brewing Method: Teacup  Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature:  203℉ / 95℃  203℉ / 95℃ Tea Quantity: 5g  8g  Brewing time:  2-3 mins 12 steps: rinse, 15s, 15s, 20s, 25s, 30s, 35s, 40s, 60s, 80s, 100s, 150s, 200s  Rinse time is around 4 seconds

    $13.20 - $52.80

  • 20% OFF
    云南永德 新文茶厂 特级普洱熟茶 2006年 #1429

    云南永德 新文茶厂 特级普洱熟茶 2006年 #1429

    云南永德 新文茶厂 特级普洱熟茶 2006年 #1429 湯色棗紅明亮,香濃醇厚,經久耐泡,陳味十足   Premium Yunnan Pu-Erh Dark Tea 2006 yrs #1429 Smooth, robust, and delicate roasted flavor. Pu-Erh (or Pu-erh) tea is also known as Hei Cha or 'dark tea'. For generations, the ethnic groups of southwest Yunnan province have wild-harvested leaves from ancient tea plants, some centuries old and as tall as trees. The thick body and dense chestnut flavor of Pu-Erh leave a smooth-yet-resounding finish on the palate. Pu-Erh is a fermented, digestive tea. Dark Pu-Erh is aged longer than raw Pu-Erh and has a stronger distinctive ripe, earthy, semi-sweet flavor. It has been used to improve digestion and circulation and contains a natural statin known to help reduce harmful cholesterol and improve weight loss.  Brewing Method: Teacup  Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 212℉ /100℃ 212℉ /100℃ Tea Quantity: 5g  8g  Brewing time:  2-3 mins 12 steps: rinse, 15s, 15s, 20s, 25s, 30s, 35s, 40s, 60s, 80s, 100s, 150s, 200s  Rinse time is around 4 seconds

    $18.40 - $74.39

  • 罐) 罐)

    普洱茶 功夫泡茶(24g/罐)

    普洱茶 功夫泡茶(24g/罐) Pu'er Tea, Kung Fu Tea (24g/can) Pu’erh is a delicious fermented tea that ages well and offers a rich flavor and many health benefits, including improved digestion and relief from hangovers.


  • 20% OFF
    Pu-Er Tea Gift Set (Red Blue & Green Stamp) - 2007yr Pu-Er Tea Gift Set (Red Blue & Green Stamp) - 2007yr

    紅印/綠印/藍印 普洱茶 茶餅 禮盒 2007 #120895

    Pu-Erh Black Tea is unique in that it gets better with age, much like wine. It initially starts out as a green tea but is not fully fired. Instead, the moist leaves are loosely stacked on top of each other to allow to dry and age. The result is a color change from green to a deep burgundy. Supreme Pu-Erh has a more fragrant earthy aroma than other Pu-Erh. This tea has a medium smoky brew with delightful earthy notes. It has a stronger flavor. Also, it is made of larger loose tea leaves as compared to other Pu-Erh. How to Brew: Brewing Method: Teacup  Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature:  212℉ /100℃  212℉ /100℃ Tea Quantity: 5 g Tea 7 g Tea Brewing time:  1-2 mins 8 steps: rinse,10s,15s,20s,25s,35s,45s 60s,90s  Rinse time is around 4 seconds


  • 20% OFF
    云南 千家寨紫芽茶饼 老仓监制 2006年 普洱茶饼

    云南 千家寨紫芽茶饼 老仓监制 2006年 普洱茶饼

    云南 千家寨紫芽茶饼 老仓监制 2006年 普洱茶饼 云南三合茶业出品


  • 15% OFF
    实益牌 青龍號 普洱生茶饼 2014年

    实益牌 青龍號 普洱生茶饼 2014年

    实益牌 青龍號 普洱生茶饼 2014年


  • 20% OFF
    古韻留芳 古樹春茶 陳國義先生作品 普洱生茶 茶餅(400 g) 古韻留芳 古樹春茶 陳國義先生作品 普洱生茶 茶餅(400 g)

    古韻留芳 古樹春茶 陳國義先生作品 普洱生茶 茶餅(400 g)

    古韵留芳 古树春茶 陈国义大师监制 普洱生茶 茶饼(400 g)   Rhythm of Vintage Aroma Raw Pu'erh Tea Cake (400 g) Smooth, crispy with a sweet aftertaste. Health Benefits of Pu-Erh Tea include:  Increases Energy and Mental Focus Promotes Heart Health Cleanses Toxins and Free Radicals. Prevents Cancer.  Protects Bone Health.  Aids Digestion Aids in Weight Loss. Reduces Stress. Prevents Illness


  • 40% OFF
    2008年宮廷散裝普洱茶 #1095

    2008年宮廷散裝普洱茶 #1095

    2008年宮廷普洱茶 熟茶 #1095 普洱茶原料分成九级,等级数字越大,原料就越粗老、越便宜,其中1-3级的高级原料,称为“宫廷”料。 2008yr Royal Loose Pu-Erh  Tea #1095 Pu-Erh tea has beautifying and anti-aging benefits. It is a red fermented tea known to reduce harmful cholesterol, enhance digestion and reduce body fat. It has a rich earthy flavor and satisfying sweet aftertaste. It helps to detoxify the body, improve circulation, improve complexion and enhance vitality. Pu-Erh tea raw materials are divided into nine grades. The larger the grade number, the coarser and cheaper the raw materials. Among them, the 1-3 grades of advanced raw materials are called "court" materials. How to Brew: Brewing Method: Teacup  Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature:  212℉ /100℃  212℉ /100℃ Tea Quantity: 5 g Tea 7 g Tea Brewing time:  1-2 mins 8 steps: rinse,10s,15s,20s,25s,35s,45s 60s,90s  Rinse time is around 4 seconds

    $17.75 - $100.00

  • 雲南典藏級 1988年 普洱熟茶#1182

    雲南典藏級 1988年 普洱熟茶#1182

    典藏级 1988年 云南普洱熟茶#1182 品牌 Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶         WHF Twin Birds 产地 Origin: 云南 Yunnan, China 品名 Name: 典藏级普洱熟茶  Supreme Pu-erh Ripen tea 年份 Production Date: 1988 分类 Sort: 普洱熟茶 Pu-erh Ripen Tea Caffeine Level: ☆☆ 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in a cool, dry place 保质期 Shelf Life: The aged the better 茶汤Liquor: 汤色深褐润滑,香气四溢,口味香醇厚重,喝后喉咙甘甜,暖热茶气渗入肺腑Deep brown and smooth,  natural earthy and smoky wood taste with a lingering sweet aroma. 此茶拆自1988年產的雲南普洱熟餅,經「渥堆」發酵後的熟茶,其性溫和,暖和脾胃。陳存三十多年後,茶味愈見香醇,滋味厚重,湯色深褐紅潤,沖泡後蔘香四溢,喝後喉頭甘甜,暖熱茶氣滲入肺腑。 This 1988 Pu-Erh is a post-fermented tea, that enhances its complex flavors and health benefits. Woody, earthy, with a lingering sweet aroma, Pu-Erh has been known to aid digestion, and skin health and contain high anti-oxidants.  How to Brew: Brewing Method: Teacup  Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature:  212℉ /100℃  212℉ /100℃ Tea Quantity: 5 g Tea 7 g Tea Brewing time:  1-2 mins 8 steps: rinse,10s,15s,20s,25s,35s,45s 60s,90s  Rinse time is around 4 seconds

    $289.00 - $1,100.00

  • 20% OFF
    永合豐 老仓 紫芽贡饼2018年 普洱生茶茶饼 357克 永合豐 老仓 紫芽贡饼2018年 普洱生茶茶饼 357克

    永合豐 老仓 紫芽贡饼2018年 普洱生茶茶饼 357克

    永合豐 老仓 紫芽贡饼2018年 普洱生茶茶饼 357克 普洱茶紫芽是云南大叶种随气候变化导致的变异芽体,数量非常稀有,因其具有生于茶树呈紫红色,制成干茶成品呈墨绿色,置于杯中冲泡后呈青绿色的神奇变化,即便是千年古茶树,也少有发现紫芽的。 野生紫芽茶树嫩叶为紫红色,老叶呈绿色。野生紫芽茶制成晒青毛茶,干茶色泽半青半紫,紫叶部分浸泡叶底为紫色,此是野生紫芽茶的明显特点。野生紫芽茶制成的七子饼茶饼身满披金毫,光泽油亮,冲泡,有一股独特的“人参”清香,滋味鲜甜爽口,汤色黄亮,香气及口感皆有别于普通晒青茶。 产品特点: 香气柔和, 花蜜香。 果糖清甜, 泡初开后甜香不减。 苦昧淡。 3-5秒就会有生津回甘的口感。 茶中珍品, 稀缺宝贵。 臻品限量发行, 顶极珍藏品质。  WHF Twin birds Lao Cang Ziya Gong Bing 2018 Pu'erh Tea Tea Cake 357g Tea treasures are scarce and precious. This limited edition ultimate collector quality tea treasure has a soft, fresh aroma and floral nectar with a sweet aftertaste. The hallmark of a top quality tea is that it may be brewed several times never losing its captivating flavor and aroma. After 3-5 seconds, you will enjoy the rejuvenating taste and effects. Brewed longer you can enjoy a hint of bitterness. Pu’erh is a delicious fermented tea named for the area in Yunnan where it was traditionally gathered to ship across the rest of China. It was already ancient when discovered by the troops of Kublai Khan sent to annex Yunnan to his empire. The fermentation process renders a rich flavor and health benefits. Pu’erh contains a natural statin that reduces harmful cholesterol and improves digestion of rich, fat foods.  


  • 永合豐 清韵 家藏普洱茶禮盒 永合豐 清韵 家藏普洱茶禮盒

    永合豐 清韵 家藏普洱茶禮盒

    永合豐 清韵 家藏老树普洱茶礼盒  精选 20年家藏老树普洱茶,搭配手绘景德镇烧制茶罐。 茶叶罐子会随机款式(tea container will be random style). WHF Premium Pu'erh Tea Love of Butterfly Gift Box This tea set has “Laoshu Jiacang” Pu'erh tea *4oz a quality tea for daily health and beauty , a special collectable Pu’erh.   Green Pu’erh tea is processed like green teas we know but has a distinct flavor. Raw/green) Pu’erh tea has a very unique bitter-and-sweet taste and the “cha chi” (tea energy) is very strong, but it leaves a balanced and long-lasting sensation in the mouth and throat. The distinct bitter taste dissolves within seconds and turns into a sweet after-taste or “hui gan”.  Another special characteristic is its mild sweetness that becomes more and more apparent after multiple infusions. In China, Pu’erh teas are as valuable and expensive as collectible wines. Ancient tea trees, originating in Yiwu mountain range in Yunnan province, maybe 100 – 200 years old. Pu’erh tea is green (short aged) or “cooked” meaning long-aged, the longer the better. The aging process peaks at about 60 years. Drinking Pu-erh tea on a regular basis may help relieve symptoms of metabolic syndrome. It's been shown to lower blood sugar, reduce obesity, and boost immunity. Plus, it lowers cholesterol and prevents free radical damage. In other words, it helps tackle all five of the syndrome's factors.   



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