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279 products

  • 20% OFF
    雲南七子餅茶 青饼 中茶牌 绿印 2000年 经典

    雲南七子餅茶 青饼 中茶牌 绿印 2000年 经典

    雲南七子餅茶 青饼 中茶牌 绿印 2000年 经典 中國土產畜產進出口公司雲南省茶業公司   Yunnan Qi Zi Bing Cha Tse Beeng Pu'erh Tea Raw Cake 2000(357g) The name "Chi Tse Beeng Cha" (or Seven Wafers of Yunnan) replaces the old name "Yuan Cha" (or Round Tea from Yunnan) and is now on the circumference tea cakes.  Pu’erh is a fermented tea with a flavor that deepens with age. Quality Pu'erh teas are collected and traded for high prices like fine wine... Generally speaking, Pu'erh can be sweet, bitter, floral, mellow, woody, astringent, sour, earthy, . . . A combination of tastes appears in one single steeping. Bear in mind that the taste also changes as the tea ages. (


  • Only 5 left!
    雲南七子餅茶 绿印圆茶 60年代 雲南七子餅茶 绿印圆茶 60年代

    雲南七子餅茶 绿印圆茶 60年代

    雲南七子餅茶 青饼 绿印圆茶 60年代 普洱生茶 茶饼 茶厂:孟力海茶厂茶山:孟力海茶区陈期:55年色泽:暗色油光茶香:野樟香茶韵:陈韵味道:微甜 绿印圆茶,内放之纸张同为八中内飞,而外包装之茶字为绿色,故名叫绿印,该茶品早期和红印同为姊妹茶品。乃孟力海附近采得的上好茶菁制成圆茶,由思茅到巴达山一带也包括了南糯山(最老的栽培型茶树之王),传统制作及栽种皆以大叶种古老茶园之茶菁为主,所制造生产之茶品皆非常出色。 中國土產畜產進出口公司雲南省茶業分公司   Yunnan Chi Tse Beeng Cha Raw Pu'er Tea Cake 60‘(Limit) Yunnan Qizi Cake Tea Cake, 60s Pu'er Raw Tea, Tea Cake Tea Factory: Menglihai Tea Factory  Tea Mountain: Menglihai Tea Area  Age: 55 years  Color: dark and shiny  Tea fragrance: wild camphor fragrance  Taste: slightly sweet   


  • Only 5 left!
    勐海茶厂 66周年纪念版 礼盒 普洱 熟茶饼(660g)+青茶饼(660g) 勐海茶厂 66周年纪念版 礼盒 普洱 熟茶饼(660g)+青茶饼(660g)

    勐海茶厂 66周年纪念版 礼盒 普洱 熟茶饼(660g)+青茶饼(660g)

    勐海茶厂 66周年纪念版 礼盒 普洱 熟茶饼(660g)+青茶饼(660g) Menghai 66 Anniversary Pu-Erh Raw&Ripe Tea Cake Gift Box 2006 Pu-erh (or Pu'er) tea is also known as hei cha or 'dark tea'. For generations, the ethnic groups of southwest Yunnan province have wild-harvested leaves from ancient tea plants, some centuries old and as tall as trees. The thick body and dense chestnut flavor of Pu-erh leave a smooth-yet-resounding finish on the palate. Pu-erh green tea flavor is fresh and vegetal similar to green tea but more digestive. Ripe (or cooked Pu'er) is aged longer and its aroma and flavor are deep, rich, earthy, and semi-sweet.  This attractive gift box contains the best raw and aged Pu-erh tea cakes from Menghai region. Pu-Erh is a fully fermented tea that goes through complex processing in which it is shaped into cakes and, like a fine wine, is aged for years to mature the full bloom of its flavors. This process creates a unique aroma and complex flavors along with many added health benefits. Pu-Erh is believed to aid in reducing cholesterol and fat and is best enjoyed around 15 - 20 minutes after a meal to aid in digestion. This tea can be prepared 'gongfu' style, using a small teapot and preparing multiple infusions from the same leaves. It is best enjoyed if it's rinsed with boiling water prior to steeping.


  • 銀花香、高山單樅) 銀花香、高山單樅)

    原生態 手工烏龍茶 (鋸朵仔/杏仁香、蜜蘭香、鴨屎香/銀花香、高山單樅)

    原生態 手工烏龍茶 (鋸朵仔/杏仁香、蜜蘭香、鴨屎香/銀花香、高山單樅) 鳳凰單樅茶屬於烏龍茶的一種,是中國傳統的名茶之一,它產自廣東省的鳳凰山地區,鳳凰山區的高海拔、雲霧繚繞以及特有的土壤條件,賦予鳳凰單樅茶獨特的品質。 烏龍茶是一類發酵程度,介於綠茶和紅茶之間的茶葉,具有獨特的花香和果香特色和口感而聞名。鳳凰單樅茶的香味濃郁而持久,細心欣賞,可以聞到棗、桂花和橄欖的怡人香氣,口感甘甜而豐滿。 鳳凰單樅茶的外形,呈現出完整的條索狀,茶葉扁平而彎曲,色澤深綠帶黃。其雜亂的外觀,表現其天然野生的茶葉特質。與熱帶氣候和富含有機質的土壤相結合,這些特質使得鳳凰單樅茶在茶界中獨樹一幟。 鳳凰單樅茶具有許多保健效果。首先,它富含維生素C和茶多酚等營養物質,具有抗氧化和養胃的作用。其次,鳳凰單樅茶還含有茶氨酸和咖啡碱等成分,對於提神醒腦有一定效果;此外还能清凉解渴、消暑降火。 鋸朵仔—又名杏仁香,名字得來是杏仁香單樅茶樹,其葉片細小有明顯的鋸齒形狀,所以叫“鋸朵仔“,原產於鳳凰鎮南管區橋頭村,為鳳凰單樅茶十大香型之一,是鳳凰單樅茶中最為精緻美麗的茶款。 鋸朵仔茶樹葉片細小,人工采摘過程中耗時耗力,茶農一天辛苦只能采摘二三斤,相較於其他茶葉每天采摘十來斤,可謂生產和製作成本高。鋸朵仔的製作發酵工藝不重,葉底仍可見砂綠色,成品茶隱約可見玉葉金邊的烏龍茶特徵,十分清秀迷人,因其葉片極小,在鳳凰茶鄉有“做前蝦米,做后牙籤”之稱。 香味口感:冲泡時,杏仁果香味與奶香味交相輝映,茶湯金黃明亮、喉韻飽滿、入口甘潤、質感柔軟、滋味腴醇、回甘綿長。 冲泡方式:投茶量約8克或者泡茶蓋碗五六成,用沸騰開水,建議入水后立刻泡出無需悶茶,茶葉耐泡冲泡程度,依茶葉的樹齡和做工而有區別。選購又以春季的鋸朵仔最佳。

    $29.99 - $39.99

  • 20% OFF
    易武 2003年熟茶 普洱茶砖 易武 2003年熟茶 普洱茶砖

    易武 2003年熟茶 普洱茶砖

    易武 2003年熟茶 普洱茶砖 Yunnan Yiwu 2003 Ripe Pu'er Brick Tea Pu’er is a fermented tea with a flavor that deepens with age. Quality Pu'er teas are collected and traded for high prices like fine wine... Generally speaking, Pu’er can be sweet, bitter, floral, mellow, woody, astringent, sour, earthy, . . . A combination of tastes appears in one single steeping. Bear in mind that the taste also changes as the tea ages. ( In China, Pu-erh tea has long been sipped to achieve a variety of health benefits, such as improvements in heart health and reductions in cholesterol levels. It's also said that Pu-erh tea can help promote weight loss, enhance eyesight, stimulate circulation, and soothe hangovers.


  • 20% OFF
    黑茶砖 大 黑茶砖 大

    黑茶砖 大

    黑茶砖 大 中國茶業公司   Large Dark Pu-erh Brick Tea Fully fermented, dark, rich, earthy, semi-sweet, and delicious aged Pu-Erh tea improves digestion, reduces harmful cholesterol, and supports heart health. This attractive large tea brick is scored to make at least 16 smaller tea bricks, each of which may be brewed numerous times according to taste. The flavor and health benefits offer lasting vitality to all.  Pu-erh Health Benefits:  Cleanses Toxins and Free Radicals.  Pu-erh tea uses its oxidative properties to deliver increased levels of oxygen, which enhances circulation and blood flow. By delivering more oxygen to the brain, Pu-erh tea can help combat headaches and migraines and reduces free radicals that can cause serious illnesses. ( Research is lacking on how much Pu-erh tea you should drink daily to experience its potential weight loss benefits, but 1–2 cups (240–480 mL) per day is a good starting point. (


  • 20% OFF
    盒) 盒)

    棗香 大葉 普洱茶磚 1989年(250克/盒)

    枣香 大叶1989年 普洱茶砖 250克/盒 Jujube Sweet Pu-Erh Brick Tea 1989 (250g) This brick is pressed from Menghai area ripe Pu-erh tea leaves. The brewed tea is sweet, a bit creamy, with a hint of dried Jujube red date. It is a very smooth tea that is difficult to over-brew. It is not as dense or complex as some of the tipper ripes, but a good choice for late-night tea or tea to drink medicinally (easy on the stomach).


  • Only 5 left!
    攸樂山野生 古樹 普洱茶大号茶餅 3千克特製紀念版 攸樂山野生 古樹 普洱茶大号茶餅 3千克特製紀念版

    攸樂山野生 古樹 普洱茶大号茶餅 3千克特製紀念版

    攸乐山 野生古树茶王 普洱茶饼 3公斤 云南西双版纳攸乐山古树茶厂 特制 建厂纪念   You Le Mountain Pu'erh Tea Cake 2004 (3000 g) Raw or aged Youle Mountain Wild Old Tree Tea, King Pu'erh Tea Cake 3kg  from Youleshan Ancient Tree Tea Factory in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan An old-time tribute tea from one of the two left of Yunnan's six famous tea mountains, made from old-growth Pu'erh tea trees. A remarkable traditional Pu'erh. ( Pu’erh is a fermented tea with a flavor that deepens with age. Quality Pu'erh teas are collected and traded for high prices like fine wine... Generally speaking, Puerh can be sweet, bitter, floral, mellow, woody, astringent, sour, earthy, . . . A combination of tastes appears in one single steeping. Bear in mind that the taste also changes as the tea ages. (


  • 20% OFF
    陈皮普洱茶 原味桔普茶#1436

    陈皮普洱茶 原味桔普茶#1436

    陈皮普洱茶 原味桔普茶#1436  永合豐的陈皮桔普茶 采用云南宫廷陈年熟普和广东新会柑橘皮,经过特殊工艺精制而成。在陈化过程中,普洱和橘皮的味道逐渐糅合,果香与茶香相得益彰,形成了特殊的风味。 每个桔普茶可分5次冲泡,陈皮与普洱茶可以同时冲泡,也可以分开冲饮。   Orange Peel Pu-Erh Tea #1436 Mandarin Orange Peel Pu-Erh Tea, is made with green citrus from Xinhui, Guangdong Province, and Palace Pu-Erh tea from Yunnan Province. It contains no additives and is made with special processing. Its characteristic first taste is sweet, a unique fruit essence that blends with the gentle, rich flavor of Pu-Erh tea. This is because the citrus fruit aroma in this region is very special and has long been absorbed by the Pu-Erh tea. Pu-Erh tea plays a prominent role in traditional Chinese medicine that can be described as  "guiding qi downward.” That means its earthy flavor and digestive properties improve digestion and circulation. Pu-Erh has been featured in heart health and weight loss programs.  Wing Hop Fung's dried tangerine peel and orange Pu-erh tea, each orange Pu-Erh tea can be brewed 5 times. Brewing Method: Teacup  Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature:  212℉ /100℃  212℉ /100℃ Tea Quantity: 5 g Tea 7 g Tea Brewing time:  1-2 mins 8 steps: rinse,10s,15s,20s,25s,35s,45s 60s,90s  Rinse time is around 4 seconds  

    $5.92 - $29.60

  • 云南七子饼茶 中茶牌 97年大益 水蓝印 7572(357g)

    云南七子饼茶 中茶牌 97年大益 水蓝印 7572(357g)

    云南七子饼茶 中茶牌 97年大益 水蓝印 7572(勐海茶业有限公司) 工艺 熟茶 品牌 大益 品名 水蓝印7572 年份 1997 厂商 云南勐海茶厂 外观 饼茶 规格 357克/片 , 7片/提 , 84片/件 原料 云南大叶种晒青毛茶 保质期 越陈越香 茶很干净,水厚汤滑,醇甜有老韵,留存感强,老熟的体贴感只可意会。仓储纯正,无丝毫杂味异味.茶气足,2-3泡,微微出汗,审茶可定义满级茶气,无熟香,只有陈香。回甜快,入口即甜,生津出韵快并且持久,喉部有喉韵。入口有舌头搅动一下,米汤感很强,下喉顺糯,滑度高。   Yunnan Chi Tse Beeng Cha 1997yr Ripe Pu‘erh Tea Cake 7572(357g) Pu’erh is a fermented tea with a flavor that deepens with age. Quality Pu'erh teas are collected and traded for high prices like fine wine... Generally speaking, Pu'erh can be sweet, bitter, floral, mellow, woody, astringent, sour, earthy, . . . A combination of tastes appears in one single steeping. Bear in mind that the taste also changes as the tea ages. ( Arbor tea trees are ancient with a complex root system that gives depth to the taste and health effects of Pu'erh tea. In China, Pu-erh tea has long been sipped to achieve a variety of health benefits, such as improvements in heart health and reductions in cholesterol levels. It's also said that Pu-erh tea can help promote weight loss, enhance eyesight, stimulate circulation, and soothe hangovers. Yunnan Dayezhong Sun-dried Green Tea: Shelf life, the more aging the more fragrant  The tea is very clean, the soup is smooth, mellow, sweet, and has an old charm, and the fragrant aftertaste is strong. The mature, comforting feeling is highly appreciated.  The storage is careful, without the slightest peculiar smell. The tea is fragrant with 2-3 bubbles, full-grade tea with a delightful aging fragrance. The sweetness is quick, the first sip is sweet, the rhyme of the flavors is quick and lasting, and there is comfort in the throat. There is an exciting tongue stirring at the entrance, the brewed soup feels very strong, the lower throat is smooth, and moistened.  


  • 雅诚 富贵牡丹 白瓷茶具套装(8件套)

    雅诚 富贵牡丹 白瓷茶具套装(8件套)

    雅诚 富贵牡丹 白瓷茶具套装(8件套)  茶壶(Tea Pot):9cm*9cm*11cm 茶杯(Tea Cup):6cm*6cm*3.5cm 茶盘(Tea Tray):30cm*16cm   This elegant tea service will help you and your family to celebrate the much-loved peony, a flower that is honored during a spring festival in China.  This delicately hand-painted tea service will add a note of traditional elegant nobility to your entertaining.


  • 连花清瘟 胶囊

    连花清瘟 胶囊

    石家庄以岭 连花清瘟胶囊 连花清瘟胶囊,清瘟解毒,宣肺泄热 成份 连翘、金银花、炙麻黄、炒苦杏仁、石膏、板蓝根、绵马贯众、鱼腥草、广藿香、大黄、红景天、薄荷脑、甘草。辅料为:淀粉。 性状 本品为胶囊剂,内容物为棕黄色至黄褐色颗粒和粉末,气微香,味微苦。 用法用量 口服。一次4粒,一日3次。 规格 每粒装0.35克。 注意事项        1.忌烟、酒及辛辣、生冷、油腻食物。  2.不宜在服药期间同时服用滋补性中药。  3.风寒感冒者不适用。  4.高血压、心脏病患者慎用。有肝病、糖尿病、肾病等慢性病严重者应在医师指导 下服用。  5.儿童、孕妇、哺乳期妇女、年老体弱及脾虚便溏者应在医师指导下服用。  6.发热体温超过38.5℃的患者,应去医院就诊。  7.严格按用法用量服用,本品不宜长期服用。  8.服药3天症状无缓解,应去医院就诊。  9.对本品过敏者禁用,过敏体质者慎用。  10.本品性状发生改变时禁止使用。  11.儿童必须在成人监护下使用。  12.请将本品放在儿童不能接触的地方。  13.如正在使用其他药品,使用本品前请咨询医师或药师。  14.运动员慎用。  15.打开防潮袋后,请注意防潮。 药物相互作用 如与其他药物同时使用可能会发生药物相互作用,详情请咨询医师或药师。 用药期间,应避免食用生冷、辛辣、油腻食物,忌烟酒、浓茶。由于连花清瘟胶囊中含有苦杏仁,因此不宜与利多卡因、普鲁卡因等局部麻醉药合用;也不可与磷酸可待因、喷托维林(维静宁、咳必清)合用,以免抑制呼吸,造成药物性的呼吸困难。由于其还含有麻黄,所以不宜与氨茶碱合用,否则会发生严重头痛、失眠等不良反应;也不宜与异丙肾上腺素(喘息定)合用,否则会引起心悸、血压上升、甚至出现高血压危象。   另外,服用连花清瘟胶囊,偶尔会引起轻微胃肠道不适、腹胀、腹泻等,一般停药后即可恢复。如果胃肠道反应严重,或者停药后上述症状没有好转,一定要及时去医院就诊。服用连花清瘟胶囊3天后,如果头痛、周身酸痛、鼻塞流涕、咳嗽、咽痛等症状没有改善,或出现症状加重的情况,也需要及时去医院就诊。 Lian Hua Qing Wen Capsule /Cold Capsule Dosage: 4 Capsules at a Time, 3 Times a Day Shelf Life: 30 Months Features: Cold Medicine, Effective, Long Shelf Life This capsule contains yellow/brownish herbal granules and powder, with a slightly fragrant aroma and slightly bitter taste. Oral Dosage: 4 capsules at a time, 3 times a day. Each capsule contains 0.35 grams. Specifications:  Heat-clearing and detoxifying.Used for treating influenza as syndrome of heat toxin attacking lung.The symptoms are: fever or high fever, chills, muscle aches, nasal congestion, runny nose, cough, headache, dry throat, red tongue, yellow or greasy fur, etc.Ingredients:Forsythia bark, honeysuckle flower, ephedra, fried bitter almonds, gypsum, Radix Isatidis, Mianma Guanzhong, Houttuynia cordata, patchouli, rhubarb, Rhodiola rosea, menthol, licorice and minimal starch. Herbal Actions: Forsythia, honeysuckle, isatis are antibiotic herbs. Processed gypsum powder is a strong anti-inflammatory. Mianma Guanzhong (Dryopteris root) is a detoxifying, anti-inflammatory vine. Ephedra, often used in epidemic disease, is detoxifying. All the herbs have toxin-clearing, anti-inflammatory effects. Rhubarb reduces fever and increases cleansing.   Precautions: 1. Avoid tobacco, alcohol and spicy, cold/raw, or greasy foods.    2. It is not advisable to take herbal tonics (“nourishing Chinese medicine”) at the same time as taking this medicine.    3. It is not suitable for people with internal cold (chills, weakness, watery diarrhea) or the common cold.    4. Use with caution in patients with hypertension and heart disease. Those with severe chronic diseases such as liver disease, diabetes, and kidney disease should take it under the guidance of a physician.  5. Children, pregnant women, lactating women, elderly frail and spleen-deficiency loose stools should be taken under the guidance of a physician.    6. Patients with fever and body temperature exceeding 38.5℃ (101 degrees) should go to the hospital for treatment.    7. Take this medicine strictly according to usage and dosage, this product should not be taken for a long time.    8. If there is no improvement of symptoms after taking this medicine for 3 days, patients should go to the hospital for treatment.    9. It is forbidden for people who are allergic to this product, and those with allergies should use caution.    10. It is prohibited to use this product when its properties change. (for example, if the herbal actions cause weakening symptoms)   11. Children must use this under adult supervision.    12. Please keep this product out of the reach of children.    13. If you are using other drugs, please consult your physician or pharmacist before using this product.    14. Athletes use this product with caution.    15. After opening the moisture-proof bag, prevent exposure to moisture. Patients using prescribed medicines should check with their doctors before using this product. Notes:Due to the light and screen setting difference, the item's color may be slightly different from the pictures.Please allow slight dimension difference due to different manual measurement.

    $7.99 - $13.99


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