Search results for "莲子"
云南 特级野生 雪莲子 16 oz
云南 特级野生 雪莲子 16 oz 雪莲子又名皂角米。果实粘稠,色泽晶莹,口味鲜美富含胶原蛋白,蛋白质、藻角质、氨基酸。 具有养心通脉、清肝明目、健脾滋肾、祛痰开窍、疏肠利尿、润肤养颜、提神补气等功效。老少皆宜,特别适合糖尿病患者食用。 《本草纲目》中记载雪莲子有辛温、祛痰、抗菌活血、降血压、养心性之作用是保肝润肺养颜美容的食品。 食用方法 1、可加入燕窝,人参放入盅内蒸煮可成为燕窝或人参雪莲盅,雪莲银耳汤、雪哈莲子汤、冰糖莲子汤、红枣枸杞莲子汤。 2、高极甜品木瓜翅.糖水饮料等,煮成的产品具有粘度高,口感好.微甜润口,营养丰富的特点 3、可烹饪养颜椰汁雪莲、雪莲果浓汤、银杏天山雪莲粥、天山雪莲子汤、银耳雪莲子煲冰糖、蛤炖雪莲子 4、煮粥。取适量皂仁,淘净,温水浸泡2-3小时后,再加(如:糯米,花生米,大枣,薏米,莲子,绿豆等)合煮为稀粥,加冰糖。 5、清炖。按每人5克皂仁,淘净,温水浸泡2-3小时,和莲汁一起盛入盘中,在锅里炖熟兑2-3倍冷开水,加糖。 6、煮鸡肉汤或排骨汤。可按每只鸡配10-15克皂仁,淘净后直接与鸡肉或排骨煮熟,加食盐食用。 7、煮鸡肝或猪肝。按每斤肝配10克皂仁煮熟,加食盐即可食用,可清肝明目。 8、可用保温壶泡饮。取15-20克皂仁,淘净,放入八磅保温壶里,注入刚烧开的开水,6小时后,即可加糖食用。 9、茶杯饮用。取10克,放入茶杯或保温杯中,开水泡饮,皂角仁熟透后,可直接食用,此方法可治牙痛、咽喉痛、解烟酒等。
四神汤/药膳汤包 Four Spirits Soup / Si Shen Soup 成分:芡实、淮山、莲子(蓮子)、茯神 四神汤是中医著名的健脾食方,其中“四神”是指茯苓,淮山,莲子和芡实(或薏仁),汇集在一起后互相补遗,制成的汤水对人体具有养颜、清火、利尿等诸多益处,几乎发挥出了“无敌”的功效,四神之名当之无愧。 “四神”都有补益脾阴、厚实肠胃的功能,可以治疗消化不良、容易拉肚子,能吃不长肉、长不胖的人,且价格大众,是瘦人增肥食疗佳品。加入猪肚一起煲,更有帮助消化之效。 喝此汤要注意不能与其它药物同时服用,饮食宜清淡为主,忌烟酒辛辣大荤。此汤宜温服,还可用于防治疾病、辅助治疗、病后调理、摄生自养等。 晨起空腹一碗温热的汤滋润肠胃,极易吸收,还很适合老年人及病后体虚之人,可谓寓治疗与饮食之中,一举两得。 用法:煎服,五碗水煎成一碗后内服。 溫馨提示:請先向醫師咨詢是否合適服用此茶 Four Spirits Soup四神湯 (Si Shen Herbal Soup) What it is: A mild-tasting soup with energizing and immune-enhancing ingredients including Chinese white yam, medicinal mushroom and lotus seeds. In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) Shen, translated as spirit, refers to our consciousness, thoughts and emotions. A spirit or shen occupies and influences each of our deep organs. These spirits may be damaged by our diet, illness, actions and emotions. This soup, named in honor of shen, supports healthy digestion and kidney/adrenal energy with foods that detoxify the body and support vitality and mental clarity with enhanced digestion. Which health concerns is this herbal combination good for? Indigestion, shortness of breath, belly fat, low energy, recovery after illness, edema, longevity Key Benefits Maintains healthy digestion Weight loss (edema)May help support hormone balance Improves poor appetite TCM Benefits Strengthens spleen and stomachSupports energy and recovery, mental clarity and breathing Reduces Dampness (phlegmy congestion, slow digestion, edema, swelling) Soothes nerves Instructions Just add water and cook using one of three methods:pressure cooker (takes about 20 minutes);simmer on the stovetop for 1.5 – 2 hrs; Ingredients Euryale Seed/fox nuts - high in calcium, low sodium and GI index, rich in antioxidants to help fight aging and chronic inflammation Radix dioscoreae/white yam root - antioxidants, has estrogen-like effects due to compounds like adenosine and arbutin Lotus seed - B vitamins, high fiber, may help improve memory and cognitive function, and prevent neurodegenerative disorders. Tuckahoe with pine, fuling - a fungus in the family Polyporaceae. Poria cocos has been used in TCM for 2,000 years. It's showing promise as a treatment for numerous health conditions, especially Alzheimer's disease, cancer, and diabetes. It may also have benefits for digestion, insomnia, depression, osteoporosis, and skin aging. Women who are pregnant or breast feeding should avoid this and other strong cleansing herbs Please consult your physician before using this product.
特級 去芯 白蓮子 (16 oz/包)
特級 去芯 白蓮子(16oz/包) 蓮子被譽為「脾之果」,可益腎、健脾、安神;性平,味甘、澀,入脾、腎、心經。蓮子不寒涼不溫燥,且功效較全面,蓮子也是三焦並補的中藥材,上焦可養心安神,中焦可健脾益胃,下焦可補腎固精,較適合用於久病體虛及虛不受補者。臨床上多用於治療脾虛久瀉,食欲不振等症。此外,蓮子還可以強心、降壓、鎮靜、抗衰老等功效。 《本草綱目》提到:「蓮子,交心腎,厚腸胃,固精氣,強筋骨,補虛損,利耳目,除寒濕。」 現代醫學顯示,蓮子含高碳水化合物、蛋白質及脂肪、鈣、磷、鐵、維生素B、胡蘿蔔素等人體所需營養成分,是男女老少皆宜的補品。 食用方法: 先用水清洗一下,除去表面灰塵,建議煮前可先浸泡1小時,明火煲2小時左右,壓力煲45-60分鐘即可。 **蓮子適合煲湯、煲粥或煲糖水 ** 食療推介: 牛蒡芡實蓮子百合蘿蔔湯 材料:牛蒡1支、白蘿蔔1個、蓮子30克、芡實30克、百合30克,瘦肉或排骨半斤、清水1500cc、酒適量、鹽1茶匙(此爲6人份食用,人多少可依比例加減) 做法: 1.牛蒡以刀背或刷子輕刷去外皮,清洗後切段泡入冷水中10分鐘去澀和防氧化變色;白蘿蔔切滾刀塊;蓮子、芡實、百合浸泡10分鐘瀝乾;瘦肉或排骨洗净後,入滾水中川燙去血水和雜質。 2. 將所有材料放入鍋中,用大火煲滾後,轉小火續煲5-2小時左右,最後加鹽調味即成。 牛蒡其獨特的味道,並搭配蓮子、芡實、百合,用來煲湯令湯品更鮮甜清香,除了有降血壓、血脂、血糖,還能降低體内膽固醇,調理脾胃等功效。此湯適宜新陳代謝差、失眠、火氣大及消化不良的人士飲用。 銀耳蓮子羹 原料;蓮子50克,銀耳30克,冰糖100克。 做法:将將蓮子、銀耳分别用清水泡發,撈起。把蓮子、銀耳、冰糖放入燉盅中,加清水適量,入蒸籠隔水用武火蒸1小時即可。 蓮子花膠烏雞湯 材料:蓮子30克、淮山20克、黑豆20克、花膠90克、烏雞一隻、陳皮一角、生薑3片、紅棗(去核)3粒、紹酒及鹽適量 製法:烏雞洗淨去頭尾,斬件汆水;其他材料洗淨,與烏雞加水12碗入煲,以大火煲滾後轉文火煲2.5小時,加鹽調味即可 功效:健脾補腎,補血安神,滋補養顏,潤澤肌膚,消除黑眼圈;外感未清者不宜。
紅皮湘蓮子 無芯 開邊 (16 oz/包)
紅皮湘蓮子 無芯 開邊 (16oz/包) 蓮子有很多別名,有時叫湘蓮、湖蓮,是用其出產的地方而命名,如「湘蓮」為產於湖南、湖北的蓮子;而「湖蓮」則為產於江蘇、浙江的蓮子。湘蓮,生長在湘江下游地區,氣候濕潤、四季分明,年平均氣溫17度左右,且陽光充足雨量豐富,形成湘蓮生產的有利氣候條件。因其蛋白質含量高,脂肪含量低,煮食易爛,肉質細膩、糯香鮮甜,口感好等特色,被稱為「中國第一蓮子」。 其中,紅蓮子為未去種皮的蓮子,而白蓮子則是已去種皮的蓮子。湘蓮子用之煲湯,煲出來的湯色偏深紅色、湘蓮子營養價值高,除具有健脾益腎功效外,亦適合婦女及氣血運行不順的人士。 紅蓮子本身就富含有豐富的鈣、磷、鉀等人體所必需的微量元素以及多種維生素。而且紅蓮子能夠促進人體的吸收,增強新陳代謝,而且對於貧血腎虛也能起到很好的保護作用,比起白蓮子營養價值更高。而且無添加防腐劑或熏硫,安全食用。 在中醫藥學中,蓮子被譽為「脾之果」。蓮子性平,味甘、澀,入脾經、腎經、胃經、心經及膀胱等經脈,具補脾益胃、益腎固精、健脾止瀉、養心安神的功效。 現代醫學顯示,蓮子含高碳水化合物、蛋白質及脂肪、鈣、磷、鐵、維生素B、胡蘿蔔素等人體所需營養成分,是男女老少皆宜的養生補品。 食用處理方法:1.先用水清洗一下,去除表面灰塵 2.建議煮前先浸泡1-2小時 3. 明火煲2小時左右,如用壓力鍋45-60分鐘即可。 保存方法:請存放於陰涼乾燥處,由於無任何防腐處理,如長時間未食用,請放於冰箱保存。蓮子適合煲湯、煲粥或煲糖水。 食療食譜推介: 1. 銀耳蓮子羹 原料;蓮子50克,銀耳30克,冰糖100克。做法:先將蓮子、銀耳分別用清水洗净、泡發;把蓮子、銀耳撈出,連同冰糖放入燉盅中,加適量清水,入蒸籠蒸1小时左右即可。 2. 蓮子雪耳木瓜糖水 材料:蓮子15克、百合10克、元肉15克、雪耳一個、木瓜一個(比較熟的)、紅棗6粒做法:所有材料略清洗;雪耳需浸泡至發大變軟,發泡好之後去掉蒂部分剪成小塊;木瓜去皮切成小塊。先將材料放入煲內(木瓜除外),加適量清水,大火滾後轉慢火煮30分鐘左右,至全部材料軟熟,再放入木瓜及冰糖煮10分鐘左右即可功效:補脾益腎,潤燥安神 3. 蓮子花膠烏雞湯 材料:蓮子30克、淮山20克、黑豆20克、花膠90克、烏雞一隻、陳皮一角、生薑3片、紅棗(去核)3粒、紹酒及鹽適量製法:烏雞洗淨去頭尾,斬件汆水;其他材料洗淨,與烏雞加水12碗入煲,以大火煲滾後轉文火煲1.5-2小時左右,加鹽調味即可功效:健脾補腎,補血安神,滋補養顏,潤澤肌膚,消除黑眼圈;外感未清者不宜。
野生原色 小金川/ 川貝母(1.33 oz/1两)
野生原色 小金川/川贝(1.33 oz/1两) 性味 味甘、苦;性微寒 功效 川贝为百合科植物川贝母、暗紫贝母、甘肃贝母、梭砂贝母的干燥鳞茎。 主治虚劳咳嗽,吐痰咯血,心胸郁结,肺痿,肺痈,瘿瘤,廉疬,喉痹,乳痈。 经脉 归肺经;心经 主治 清热润肺,散结,化痰止咳。治虚劳咳嗽,吐痰咯血,心胸郁结,肺痿,肺痈,瘿瘤,廉疬,喉痹,乳痈。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,3~9g;研末,1~1.5g;或入丸、散。 注意禁忌 脾胃虚寒及寒痰、湿痰者慎服。反乌头。 【食疗方】 1.贝母甲鱼 甲鱼1只,川贝母5克,鸡汤1000克,料酒、盐、花椒、生姜、葱各适量。将甲鱼切块放入蒸钵中,加入鸡汤、川贝母、盐、料酒、花椒、姜、葱,上蒸笼蒸1小时即成。有滋阴补肺之功。佐餐食。 功效 适用于慢性支气管炎、肺结核患者,秋季咳嗽气喘、低热、盗汗,也是各种慢性疾病至秋天出现干燥症状的滋补品。 2.贝母梨罐 原料:川贝母,荸荠,梨,莲子。 将梨去皮挖空,川贝熬成药液,荸荠、莲子切成丁,青红丝切丁。贝母汁、荸荠丁、莲子丁、青红丝丁用冰糖拌匀,装入梨罐内,上笼蒸1刻钟。取 出后,熬冰糖卤浇在梨罐上即可。 功效 清宣肺气,止咳化痰。主治痰热咳嗽,咳痰不爽。平人食之胸胁舒畅,声音洪亮。 3.贝母酿梨 川贝母12克,雪梨6个,冬瓜条100克,糯米100克,冰糖100克,白矾3克。先将糯米蒸熟,冬瓜条切成黄豆大颗粒,川贝母研成粉末,白矾溶化成溶液。再雪梨去皮,由蒂把处切下作盖,挖出梨核,浸没在白矾溶液内,以防变色。然后将梨在沸水中烫一下,捞出放入凉水中冲凉后,放入碗内。再将糯米、冬瓜条粒、冰糖屑拌匀,再将川贝粉和入,分别装入雪梨中,盖好蒂把,放入碗内,上蒸笼蒸约60分钟左右,至梨扒烂即成。另在锅内加清水300克,置武火烧沸后,放入冰糖,溶化收浓汁,待梨出蒸笼时,逐个浇在梨上。每日早晚各吃梨1个。 功效 润肺化痰,止咳止血。主治肺阴虚证的干咳无痰或痰少难出、肺痈咳嗽咯血等症。感冒咳嗽、痰饮喘咳,凡痰多清稀易咯出者不宜服用。 4.川贝母雪梨 川贝母5~10克,雪梨(莱阳梨、花梨亦可)1只,冰糖少许。将川贝母捣碎,冰糖捣碎,雪梨去皮切两半,挖去中央的核,将川贝冰糖末纳入所挖的孔中,两半梨重新合好,用新竹签固定,放碗内隔水炖60分钟。梨熟烂后食梨及川贝母。每日1剂,连用1周。 功效 滋阴润肺,清热化痰。主治感冒后期,咳嗽日久不愈,痰少而粘,咽干口渴。婴幼儿及老人用之尤宜。 5.贝母枇杷膏 枇杷叶70克,川贝母7克,麦芽糖70克,蜂蜜适量。枇杷叶煎水2次,滤取浓汁,加川贝末、麦芽糖、蜂蜜熬成膏即可。每日2次,每次10毫升,开水冲服。 功效 宣肺化痰止咳。主治慢性支气管炎等症。
蓮芯 6oz
莲子心(6 oz) 薏、苦薏、莲薏、莲心 莲子心茶,是把成熟莲子种仁内的绿色胚芽用以泡茶饮用,有清心火,止遗精的作用,对心肾不交、降压去脂、阴虚火旺、失眠患者,食之最宜。 性味 苦,寒。 经脉 入心经、肺经、肾经三经。 功用 清心火,安神,去热,止血,涩精,治心烦,口渴,吐血,遗精,目赤肿痛。 Lian Zi Xin /Lotus Plumule (6 OZ.BAG) Lotus is such a treasure that every part of it, the lotus leaves, lotus root, lotus flower, and lotus seed, has really high medicinal and nutritional value. Lotus plumule, also known as Lian Zi Xin or Plumula Nelumbinis, is a Chinese herb with lots of health benefits. It is so bitter that it is made into tea. So it is often used as a routine drinking tea for decreasing “internal heat” symptoms such as hypertension, menopausal hot flashes, and chronic fever conditions. Besides tea, this herb is also a strong medicine, which is an essential ingredient in Chuan Xin Lian Pian (Andrographis Paniculata Tablet), a common medicine in most Chinese home medicine cabinet checklist for a variety of ailments like sore throat, colds, and upper respiratory infections. Lotus plumule is the green spire and radicle in the middle of the mature seeds of Lotus Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn., which is a plant in the family Nymphaeaceae. Medicinally it looks like a thin rod, with a green spire, one long and one short, and a tiny embryo between two tiny leaves. It is brittle, easily broken, and with several holes on the cross-section. And it has a slight odor and bitter taste.
旱蓮草 16oz
旱莲草 16oz Yerbadetajo Herb 金陵草、莲子草、旱莲草、旱莲子、白旱莲、猪牙草、旱莲蓬、猢孙头、莲草、墨斗草、墨烟草、墨菜、白花草、白花蟛蜞菊、墨记菜、野水凤仙、黑墨草、黑头草、古城墨、水旱莲、冰冻草、墨汁草、节节乌、白田乌草、墨草、摘落乌、水葵花 性味 甘酸,凉。 功效 菊科植物鳢肠的全草。 主治吐血,咳血,衄血,尿血,便血,血痢,刀伤出血,须发早白,白喉,淋浊,带下,阴部湿痒。 经脉 入肝经、肾经。 主治 凉血,止血,补肾,益阴。治吐血,咳血,衄血,尿血,便血,血痢,刀伤出血,须发早白,白喉,淋浊,带下,阴部湿痒。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,9~30g;或熬膏;或捣汁;或入丸、散。 外用:适量,捣敷;或捣绒塞鼻;或研末敷。 注意禁忌 脾肾虚寒者忌服。《得配本草》:胃弱便溏。肾气虚寒者禁用 Yerbadetajo Herb/ Han Lian Cao 16oz The Chinese herb 'Han Lian Cao' (Eclipta) is Sweet, Sour, and Cooling goes to the Kidney, Liver, and is in 'Herbs that Tonify Yin'. The Latin name is: Herba Ecliptae Prostratae. ( . . . Common Names: Eclipta Herb, Herba ecliptae, Eclipa alba, Bhringraja, False Fairy Traditional medicinal systems of the Indian subcontinent countries, as well as tribal practitioners, consider the plant to have diverse medicinal values and use it commonly for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders, respiratory tract disorders (including asthma), fever, hair loss, and graying of hair, liver disorders. The taste is sweet and sour, It is cooling in effect. The whole plant of the chrysanths intestines of the Compositae. Indications for vomiting blood, hemoptysis, hematuria, hematochezia, blood dysentery, stab hemorrhage, early white hair, diphtheria, drenching turbidity, vaginal discharge, wet and itchy genitals. It enters the Meridians of the Liver and Kidney meridian. Indications: To Cool blood, stop bleeding, nourish the kidney, and benefit yin. Dosage: Oral administration: decoction, 9~30g; or boil ointment; or pound juice; or pill or powder. External use: appropriate amount, pound and apply; or pound down to stuff the nose; or grind and apply. Cautions: People with deficiency of the spleen and kidneys should not take it. [i.e., weak stomach and loose stools.]
淫羊藿 16oz
淫羊藿 16oz 淫羊合 弃杖草 三枝九叶草 仙灵脾 牛角花 三叉风 羊角风 三角莲 羊合叶 羊藿 羊藿叶 黄连祖 炙羊藿叶 放杖草 刚前 乾雄筋 性味 辛、甘,温。 功效 本品为小檗科植物淫羊藿、箭叶淫羊藿 、柔毛淫羊藿、巫山淫羊藿、或朝鲜淫羊藿的干燥地上部分。 补肾壮阳,祛风除湿。治阳痿不举,小便淋沥,筋骨挛急,半身不遂,腰膝无力,风湿痹痛,四肢不仁。 经脉 归肝经、肾经。 用法用量 内服,煎汤,3~9g;浸酒、熬膏或入丸、散。 外用:煎水洗。 注意禁忌 阴虚而相火易动者忌服。 ①《本草经集注》:薯蓣为之使。②《日华子本草》:紫芝为使。得酒良。③《本草经疏》:虚阳易举,梦遗不止,便赤口干,强阳不痿并忌之。 【食疗方】 1.淫羊肉桂粥 淫羊藿30克,梗米50克,肉桂10克。先将淫羊藿、肉桂煎水,去药渣,留药液,再下梗米煮成粥。每日早晚空腹食用1碗。 功效:温阳化水,减肥。 2.蛤蚧红参散 蛤蚧2对,淫羊藿250g,红参50g。将蛤蚧去除头、足和鳞,与淫羊藿、红参分别用文火焙干,研成细粉,混合均匀。每次服用5g,一日2次,米酒送服。 功效:温肾补虚,壮阳生精。主治肾阳虚衰所致的阳痿、早泄、少精不育、精神疲惫、腰酸膝冷等。 3.回春蛤蚧酒 蛤蚧15g,人参15g,淫羊藿30g,枸杞子30g,益智仁20g,上等白酒1500ml。将上药及白酒置于瓶中,加盖密封,60天可以服用。每晚睡前饮20~50ml。量小者喝少些,1次量不超过100ml。 本药酒助肾阳,益精血,适合于肾阳虚衰型女子性欲低下患者服食。 4.淫羊藿炖猪心 猪心500克,淫羊藿50克,葱、生姜、食盐、花椒、白糖、味精、香油、卤汁各适量。将淫羊藿洗净,剪碎,加水适量,煎煮2次,收取药液约1500毫升。将猪心剖开,洗净,与药液、生姜、葱、花椒同置锅内,煮至六成熟捞出猪心,稍凉,将猪心放入卤汁锅中,文火煮熟。另以卤汁、盐、白糖、味精、香油各适量加热成浓汁,将猪心片放入,拌匀即成。分次佐餐食用。 功效:温肾补阳,养心安神。 Herb of Shorthorned Epimedium / Yin Yang Huo 16oz Epimedium has testosterone-like effects, stimulating sexual activity in both men and women, increasing sperm production, stimulating the sensory nerves, and increasing sexual desire. Horny goat weed is used for weak back and knees, joint pain, osteoarthritis, mental and physical fatigue, memory loss, high blood pressure, heart disease, bronchitis, liver disease, HIV/AIDS, polio, a blood disorder called chronic leucopenia, viral infections of the heart, bone loss after menopause, weak bones. AKA: Herb of Shorthorned Epimedium, Epimedium Herb, Lusty Goat Weed The taste is pungent, sweet and it is warming. This product is the dry leaves of Epimedium berberis, Epimedium sagittatum, Epimedium pubescens, Epimedium wushanense, or Epimedium koreanum. It is used to invigorate kidney and yang, expel wind [nerve pain] and dampness. It has been used to cure impotence without lifting, urine dripping, muscle and bone contraction, hemiplegia, waist and knee weakness, rheumatism arthralgia, weak limbs. It enters the Meridians of the Liver and Kidney meridians. Dosage Take orally, decoction, 3-9g; soak in wine, boil ointment or pill or powder. External use: decocted and washed.
特大 芡实/鸡头米(16oz/包)
特大 芡实/鸡头米(16oz/包) 卵菱、鸡癕、鸡头实、雁喙实、鸡头米、雁头、蔿子、鸿头、水流黄、水鸡头、肇实、刺莲藕、刀芡实、鸡头果、苏黄、黄实、鸡咀莲、鸡头苞、刺莲蓬实 性味 甘、涩,平。 经脉 归脾经、肾经。 主治 益肾固精,补脾止泻,祛湿止带。用于梦遗滑精,遗尿尿频,脾虚久泻,白浊,带下。 【食疗方】 神仙粥 山药30g,芡实30g,韭菜30g,粳米100g。将韭菜切成细末,芡实煮熟去壳并捣碎,山药捣碎,以上三味与粳米相和,慢火煮粥。每日2次,温热服之。 功效:壮阳补虚,益气强志,丰肌,润肤,明目,聪耳。主治虚损羸瘦,皮肤粗糙,耳目不聪。 Gordon Enryale Seed/Qian Shi(16oz/Bag) Euryale seed, also called fox nuts, is considered sweet, astringent and neutral (neither too heating nor cooling.) It tonifies the spleen and kidney meridians. Its main functions are to stop diarrhea, strengthen the kidney/adrenal energy and control the (jing) our vitality; and to dispel dampness (sluggish digestion, bloating, gas and edema.) It is said to be especially useful for childhood diarrhea. Euryale seed enters the meridians of the spleen and kidney. Indications include, tonifying the spleen to stop chronic diarrhea, dampness leukorrhea (either a watery or thick vaginal discharge.) It is used for spermatorrhea, premature ejaculation, incontinence and frequent urination. Recipes as below- Porridge : Ingredients: 30g of Chinese yam discorea, 30g of Gorgon fox nuts, 30g of sliced leek, and 100g of japonica rice. Cut the leeks into fine slices. Boil and mash the white yam. The above three flavors are compatible with japonica rice. Cook the porridge slowly. Take it warm twice a day. Efficacy: aphrodisiac tonic, for qi deficiency. It improves strong muscles, skin quality, eyesight, and hearing.
唐龍 安神補心丸200粒
唐龍 安神補心丸(200粒/瓶) 適用於:養心安神,心悸失眠,頭暈耳鳴 產品選料上乘,工藝考究,品質優良,加工精良,經典配方-濃縮丸,秉承中國醫藥保健傳統精髓,融古老傳統與現代科技於一體的保健產品。 规格: 200粒/瓶 功效: 养心安神,心悸失眠,头晕耳鸣。 成分: 丹参、五味子、首乌藤、合欢皮、墨旱莲、女贞子、地黄 用法用量: 每次6-8粒,每日3次。或遵医嘱。警告:孕妇忌服。避免儿童接触 分量: 200粒/瓶
唐龍首烏丸 200粒
唐龍 首烏丸(200粒/瓶) 補肝腎、強筋骨、烏鬚髮 產品選料上乘,工藝考究,品質優良,加工精良,秉承中國醫藥保健傳統精髓,融古老傳統與現代科技於一體的保健產品。 规格: 200粒/瓶 功效: 補肝腎、強筋骨、烏鬚髮 成分: 制何首乌、牛膝、桑根、女贞子、墨早莲、桑叶、黑芝麻、菟丝子、金樱子、补骨脂、稀簇草、金银花、熟地黄 用法用量: 每次6-8粒,每日3次。或遵医嘱。警告:孕妇忌服。避免儿童接触 含量: 200粒/瓶
遠志 16oz
远志 16oz 葽绕、蕀蒬、棘菀、细草、小鸡腿、小鸡眼、小草根 性味 苦、辛、温。 功效 为远志科植物细叶远志的根。 安神益智,祛痰,消肿。用于心肾不交引起的失眠多梦,健忘惊悸,神志恍惚,咳痰不爽,疮疡肿毒,乳房肿痛。 经脉 归心经、肾经、肺经 用法用量 内服:煎汤,3~10g;浸酒或入丸、散。 外用:适量,研末酒调敷。 注意禁忌 心肾有火,阴虚阳亢者忌服。 ①《本草经集注》:得茯苓、冬葵子、龙骨良。畏真珠、藜芦、蜚蠊、齐蛤。 ②《药性论》:畏蛴螬。 【食疗方】 1.远志莲子粥 远志30g,莲子15g,粳米50g。先将远志泡去心皮,与莲子均研为粉,再煮粳米粥,候熟,入远志和莲子粉,再煮2沸即可。随意食用。 功效:补中,益心志,聪耳明目。主治失眠、健忘、怔忡、心悸等症。 2.远志酒 远志10g,白酒500g。先将远志研末,浸入白酒中,3日可饮用。每日1小盅。 功效:安神益智,消肿止痛。主治惊悸失眠、迷惑善忘、痈疽肿毒等症。 3.远志枣仁粥 远志肉10g,炒枣(酸枣仁)10g,粳米50g。将粳米放入锅内,加水适量,煮粥,开锅后即放入远志、枣仁,煮熟即可。晚间睡前作为夜宵食之。 功效:宁心安神。主治心血不足,痰扰于神而引起的惊悸健忘、不寐多梦等症。 Thinleaf Milkwort Root-bark / Yuan Zhi 16oz Polygala tenuifolia, also known as yuan zhi, is an herb. Its root is widely used in Chinese medicine to improve memory and combat forgetfulness P. tenuifolia because of its expectorant, tonic, tranquilizing, and antipsychotic properties. In particular, the herb is used against insomnia, neurasthenia, amnesia, depression, anxiety-related palpitations, restlessness, disorientation, dementia, and memory failure. . . Polygala tenuifolia Willdenow is a perennial herbaceous plant distributed widely in China and Korea. In Asia, it is well-known traditional medicine for the treatment of phlegm and detumescence [swelling]. Traditional medicines are prepared from the roots of P. tenuifolia because of its expectorant, tonic, tranquilizing, and antipsychotic properties. Yuan Zhi is said to help coordinate the actions of heart and kidney (adrenal) Qi energy circulation so that our thoughts and actions are connected with our emotions. The dry root of the plant, “Polygala Tenuifolia”. Being heart and kidney meridians entered, it opens heart qi to calm heart and induce tranquilization and also collects kidney qi to reinforce will and memory. It is the key herb for restoring normal coordination between heart and kidney, inducing tranquilization, improving intelligence, and reinforcing will. It also can aid in curing Epilepsy and mania due to phlegm obstruction of heart, Cough with profuse phlegm, and abscess, deep-rooted carbuncle, and swollen sores. Dosage Oral administration: decocting soup, 3~10g; soaking in wine or pill or powder. External use: appropriate amount, blended with grind and wine. Cautions: Use this herb, for a limited time, following professional advice from a natural health herbal expert. People with fire in the heart and kidneys and hyperactive yin and yang should not take it. Diet Therapy Polygala lotus seed porridge Ingredients: Polygala 30g, lotus seed 15g, japonica rice 50g. Soak Polygala first, peel off the skin, grind with lotus seeds into powder, then cook japonica rice porridge, wait until cooked, finally add Polygala and lotus seed powder, until boiling. Then ready to eat. Efficacy: nourishes the middle, nourishes the mind, improves ears and eyesight. Indications of insomnia, forgetfulness, dullness, heart palpitations, and other symptoms. Polygala wine Ingredients: Polygala 10g, white wine 500g. First grind the powder of Polygala, immerse it in white wine, and store it for 3 days. 1 small cup a day. Efficacy: soothe the nerves, nourish the mind, reduce swelling and relieve pain. Indications of palpitations, insomnia, confusion and forgetfulness, carbuncle, swelling, and poisoning.