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257 products

  • Grgich Hills Yountville Old Vine Cabernet Sauvignon

    Grgich Hills Yountville Old Vine Cabernet Sauvignon

    Grown on one of the oldest Cabernet Sauvignon vineyards in Napa Valley this elegant wine starts with complex aromas of brambly blackberry, rosehip, red currant, and blood orange followed by flavors of sweet cherry, blueberry, rosemary, and dry peat. The tannins are soft and round and velvety leading to a long luscious finish.

    $209.98 - $232.98

  • Coudoulet de Beaucastel Cotes du Rhone Rouge 2019

    Coudoulet de Beaucastel Cotes du Rhone Rouge 2019

    Coudoulet de Beaucastel Cotes du Rhone Rouge 2019  


  • 鷺江牌保健美減肥茶 鷺江牌保健美減肥茶


    BOJENMI CHINESE TEA 鷺江牌保健美減肥茶 Bojenmi Tea is a popular product that has been used mainly for weight loss for the past twenty years. The herbs in this tea are traditionally used to enhance digestion, remove food stagnation, resolve accumulations of phlegm and moisture, and provide a slight laxative action. These four primary therapeutic actions is the combination recommended by Chinese herbalists to promote weight loss and healthy blood flow.

    $5.50 - $6.99

  • 五指毛桃 五爪龙 8oz 五指毛桃 五爪龙 8oz

    五指毛桃 五爪龙 8oz

    五指毛桃  五指牛奶 五爪龙 粗叶榕 8oz 性味 甘;性平 功效 为桑科植物裂掌榕的根。 健脾化湿,行气化痰,舒筋活络。用于肺结核咳嗽,慢性支气管炎,风湿性关节炎,腰腿疼,脾虚浮肿,病后盗汗,白带。也是食药同源的植物,经常饮用能增强人体免疫功能。 食疗方 五指毛桃茯苓鸡汤 材料:五指毛桃30克,茯苓20克,陈皮5克,鸡半只,姜3片(2人份)做法:将鸡焯水,药材洗净,一同放入砂锅中,大火烧开后关中小火煲1个小时,加盐调味即可食用。功效:健脾祛湿化痰。 五指毛桃鸡骨草猪骨汤 材料:五指毛桃30克,鸡骨草30克,薏苡仁30克,猪骨500克(2人份)做法:将猪骨焯水,药材洗净,一同放入砂锅中,大火烧开后关中小火煲1个小时,加盐调味即可食用。功效:健脾祛湿清热。   Hairy Fig / Five Finger Fig Root /Ficus hirta Vahl 8oz Taste: Sweet  Effect: It is the root of Ficus Moraceae. To invigorate the spleen and dissipate dampness, promote qi and dissipate phlegm, relax tendons, and activate collaterals.  Used for tuberculosis cough, chronic bronchitis, rheumatoid arthritis, waist and leg pain, spleen deficiency and swelling, night sweats after illness, leucorrhea.   Diet therapy  Five Fingers and Poria Chicken Soup  Ingredients: 30 grams of five-finger, 20 grams of Poria, 5 grams of tangerine peel, half a chicken, 3 slices of ginger (for 2 persons)  Method: Blanch the chicken in water, wash the herbs, put them in a casserole, boil on high heat, then turn to medium and low heat for 1 hour, add salt to taste, and eat.  Efficacy: invigorating the spleen, dispelling dampness and phlegm.  Five Fingers, Abrus Herb, and Pork Bone Soup  Ingredients: 30 grams of five-finger hair peach, 30 grams of abrus herb, 30 grams of coix seed, 500 grams of pork bones (2 servings) Method: Boil the pork bones in water, wash the herbs and put them in a casserole. After the high heat is boiled, then turn to medium and low heat and cook for 1 hour. Season with salt and eat.  Efficacy: invigorating the spleen, dispelling dampness, and clearing away heat.  

    $6.49 - $7.49

  • 1000ml

    集香茶道杯 玻璃茶具茶道飘逸杯 750ml/1000ml

    集香茶道杯 玻璃茶具茶道飘逸杯 采用304食品级不锈钢过滤网 适用于冲泡各类茶叶茶包 玻璃通透耐热,茶汤可控,方便拆洗,组装简单 Ji Xiang Heat-resistant Glass Tea Pot with Filter This convenient, easy to use and attractive glass teapot has a food-grade stainless steel filter for tea brewing. Enjoy the rich tea color as it brews. This glass tea set can keep your tea warm and delicious. It comes in three sizes: 3.17 cups – 750ml 4.23 cups – 1,000 ml 5 cups  --    1,200 ml  

    $16.99 - $20.99

  • 隔熱陶瓷保溫杯-380ml 陶瓷杯 咖啡杯 水杯 茶杯 隔熱陶瓷保溫杯-380ml 陶瓷杯 咖啡杯 水杯 茶杯

    隔熱陶瓷保溫杯-380ml 陶瓷杯 咖啡杯 水杯 茶杯

    隔熱陶瓷保溫杯-380ml 陶瓷杯 杯子 咖啡杯 水杯 隨行杯

  • 永合豐 不锈钢 密封茶叶罐 永合豐 不锈钢 密封茶叶罐

    永合豐 不锈钢 密封茶叶罐

    永合豐 不锈钢 密封茶叶罐 An elegantly embossed stainless steel tea container that's the perfect complement to your kitchen counter or pantry. Store your favorite teas in this container that comes with two lids for added freshness.  Note: Depending on the density of the tea, you may or may not be able to fit the stated amount of tea in this tin. Measurements: 250 g (8.8 oz)6"H 150 g (5.28 oz)   5.25" H 100 g (3.5 oz)4.25"H

    $9.99 - $12.99

  • 包) 包)

    墨西哥 深海鮑螺片 响螺片(16 oz/包)

    1 review

    墨西哥 深海鲍螺片 响螺片(16oz/包) 鲍螺片清补凉煲瘦肉 材料:干鲍螺片3两左右,清补凉一包,瘦肉8两左右,姜片3片 做法:干鲍螺片洗净,略泡一会,清补凉用也用水冲净,瘦肉飞水,然后将所有材料加入瓦煲,加够水,用大火煮开后转小火慢煲3小时,加盐调味即可。鲍螺片有助健脾开胃,养阴除烦,清毒去湿。瘦肉可以滋阴补肌,健体营养,加上清补凉的温和清凉降火功效,此汤清甜滋补,有去湿开胃,除痰健肺,特别适宜身体瘦弱,虚不受补者饮用,是夏秋季节的合时汤水。 建议:清补凉可以买配好的包装成品,也可以自己配齐,有淮山,杞子,党参,玉竹,百合,莲子,红枣,芡实,薏米等,每种材料大概15-20克左右。 Mexican Dried Sea Snail (16oz/Bag) Snail meat contains protein, fat (mainly polyunsaturated fatty acid), iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, vitamins A, B6, B12, K and folate. The high-protein, low-fat content of snail meat makes it a healthy alternative to industrially raised foods. Snails possess anti-cancer properties and boost the immune system due to their antioxidants and anti-inflammatory effects. An average snail is comprised of 80% water, 15% protein and 2.4% fat. They contain selenium and are a rich source of vitamins E, A, K and B12.Pork, tonic herbs and sea snails in a stew pot Ingredients: 3 dried sea snail slices a pack of tonic herbsabout 8 pieces of lean meat 3 ginger slices Directions: Wash the dried sea snail slices and soak them for 20 minutes, rinse with cold water and discard the water. Rinse the lean meat, then add all the ingredients to the clay pot. Add enough water to cover the ingredients. Boil on high heat for 10 minutes, remove the foam from the boiling water to reduce the fat content and turn to low heat for 3 hours to make a rich tasting, nuttritious soup. Season with salt. Chinese tonic herbs can improve spleen/pancreas function and appetite, nourish yin body fluids, eliminate toxins, reduce inflammation, and help prevent infection and water retention. Spleen/pancreas tonic herbs improve poor digestion. Lean meat nourishes internal organs and muscles, strengthens resistence to illness and nourishes the blood. The mild anti-inflammatory effects of a Qing Bu Liang sweet cold soup mix is especially enjoyable in summer and autumn. We suggest cooking the above ingredients with our Sweet Soup / Qing Bu Liang SoupOr you can make a Qing Bu Liang soup yourself with 15-20 grams each of White Yam, Goji berry, Codonopsis, Solomon’s seal (Yuzhu,) Lily flower, Lotus Seed, Jujube Red Date, Fox Nuts (Gorgon,) Barley, etc.

    $34.50 - $68.99

  • 连花清瘟 胶囊

    连花清瘟 胶囊

    石家庄以岭 连花清瘟胶囊 连花清瘟胶囊,清瘟解毒,宣肺泄热 成份 连翘、金银花、炙麻黄、炒苦杏仁、石膏、板蓝根、绵马贯众、鱼腥草、广藿香、大黄、红景天、薄荷脑、甘草。辅料为:淀粉。 性状 本品为胶囊剂,内容物为棕黄色至黄褐色颗粒和粉末,气微香,味微苦。 用法用量 口服。一次4粒,一日3次。 规格 每粒装0.35克。 注意事项        1.忌烟、酒及辛辣、生冷、油腻食物。  2.不宜在服药期间同时服用滋补性中药。  3.风寒感冒者不适用。  4.高血压、心脏病患者慎用。有肝病、糖尿病、肾病等慢性病严重者应在医师指导 下服用。  5.儿童、孕妇、哺乳期妇女、年老体弱及脾虚便溏者应在医师指导下服用。  6.发热体温超过38.5℃的患者,应去医院就诊。  7.严格按用法用量服用,本品不宜长期服用。  8.服药3天症状无缓解,应去医院就诊。  9.对本品过敏者禁用,过敏体质者慎用。  10.本品性状发生改变时禁止使用。  11.儿童必须在成人监护下使用。  12.请将本品放在儿童不能接触的地方。  13.如正在使用其他药品,使用本品前请咨询医师或药师。  14.运动员慎用。  15.打开防潮袋后,请注意防潮。 药物相互作用 如与其他药物同时使用可能会发生药物相互作用,详情请咨询医师或药师。 用药期间,应避免食用生冷、辛辣、油腻食物,忌烟酒、浓茶。由于连花清瘟胶囊中含有苦杏仁,因此不宜与利多卡因、普鲁卡因等局部麻醉药合用;也不可与磷酸可待因、喷托维林(维静宁、咳必清)合用,以免抑制呼吸,造成药物性的呼吸困难。由于其还含有麻黄,所以不宜与氨茶碱合用,否则会发生严重头痛、失眠等不良反应;也不宜与异丙肾上腺素(喘息定)合用,否则会引起心悸、血压上升、甚至出现高血压危象。   另外,服用连花清瘟胶囊,偶尔会引起轻微胃肠道不适、腹胀、腹泻等,一般停药后即可恢复。如果胃肠道反应严重,或者停药后上述症状没有好转,一定要及时去医院就诊。服用连花清瘟胶囊3天后,如果头痛、周身酸痛、鼻塞流涕、咳嗽、咽痛等症状没有改善,或出现症状加重的情况,也需要及时去医院就诊。 Lian Hua Qing Wen Capsule /Cold Capsule Dosage: 4 Capsules at a Time, 3 Times a Day Shelf Life: 30 Months Features: Cold Medicine, Effective, Long Shelf Life This capsule contains yellow/brownish herbal granules and powder, with a slightly fragrant aroma and slightly bitter taste. Oral Dosage: 4 capsules at a time, 3 times a day. Each capsule contains 0.35 grams. Specifications:  Heat-clearing and detoxifying.Used for treating influenza as syndrome of heat toxin attacking lung.The symptoms are: fever or high fever, chills, muscle aches, nasal congestion, runny nose, cough, headache, dry throat, red tongue, yellow or greasy fur, etc.Ingredients:Forsythia bark, honeysuckle flower, ephedra, fried bitter almonds, gypsum, Radix Isatidis, Mianma Guanzhong, Houttuynia cordata, patchouli, rhubarb, Rhodiola rosea, menthol, licorice and minimal starch. Herbal Actions: Forsythia, honeysuckle, isatis are antibiotic herbs. Processed gypsum powder is a strong anti-inflammatory. Mianma Guanzhong (Dryopteris root) is a detoxifying, anti-inflammatory vine. Ephedra, often used in epidemic disease, is detoxifying. All the herbs have toxin-clearing, anti-inflammatory effects. Rhubarb reduces fever and increases cleansing.   Precautions: 1. Avoid tobacco, alcohol and spicy, cold/raw, or greasy foods.    2. It is not advisable to take herbal tonics (“nourishing Chinese medicine”) at the same time as taking this medicine.    3. It is not suitable for people with internal cold (chills, weakness, watery diarrhea) or the common cold.    4. Use with caution in patients with hypertension and heart disease. Those with severe chronic diseases such as liver disease, diabetes, and kidney disease should take it under the guidance of a physician.  5. Children, pregnant women, lactating women, elderly frail and spleen-deficiency loose stools should be taken under the guidance of a physician.    6. Patients with fever and body temperature exceeding 38.5℃ (101 degrees) should go to the hospital for treatment.    7. Take this medicine strictly according to usage and dosage, this product should not be taken for a long time.    8. If there is no improvement of symptoms after taking this medicine for 3 days, patients should go to the hospital for treatment.    9. It is forbidden for people who are allergic to this product, and those with allergies should use caution.    10. It is prohibited to use this product when its properties change. (for example, if the herbal actions cause weakening symptoms)   11. Children must use this under adult supervision.    12. Please keep this product out of the reach of children.    13. If you are using other drugs, please consult your physician or pharmacist before using this product.    14. Athletes use this product with caution.    15. After opening the moisture-proof bag, prevent exposure to moisture. Patients using prescribed medicines should check with their doctors before using this product. Notes:Due to the light and screen setting difference, the item's color may be slightly different from the pictures.Please allow slight dimension difference due to different manual measurement.

    $7.99 - $13.99

  • 銀花香、高山單樅) 銀花香、高山單樅)

    原生態 手工烏龍茶 (鋸朵仔/杏仁香、蜜蘭香、鴨屎香/銀花香、高山單樅)

    原生態 手工烏龍茶 (鋸朵仔/杏仁香、蜜蘭香、鴨屎香/銀花香、高山單樅) 鳳凰單樅茶屬於烏龍茶的一種,是中國傳統的名茶之一,它產自廣東省的鳳凰山地區,鳳凰山區的高海拔、雲霧繚繞以及特有的土壤條件,賦予鳳凰單樅茶獨特的品質。 烏龍茶是一類發酵程度,介於綠茶和紅茶之間的茶葉,具有獨特的花香和果香特色和口感而聞名。鳳凰單樅茶的香味濃郁而持久,細心欣賞,可以聞到棗、桂花和橄欖的怡人香氣,口感甘甜而豐滿。 鳳凰單樅茶的外形,呈現出完整的條索狀,茶葉扁平而彎曲,色澤深綠帶黃。其雜亂的外觀,表現其天然野生的茶葉特質。與熱帶氣候和富含有機質的土壤相結合,這些特質使得鳳凰單樅茶在茶界中獨樹一幟。 鳳凰單樅茶具有許多保健效果。首先,它富含維生素C和茶多酚等營養物質,具有抗氧化和養胃的作用。其次,鳳凰單樅茶還含有茶氨酸和咖啡碱等成分,對於提神醒腦有一定效果;此外还能清凉解渴、消暑降火。 鋸朵仔—又名杏仁香,名字得來是杏仁香單樅茶樹,其葉片細小有明顯的鋸齒形狀,所以叫“鋸朵仔“,原產於鳳凰鎮南管區橋頭村,為鳳凰單樅茶十大香型之一,是鳳凰單樅茶中最為精緻美麗的茶款。 鋸朵仔茶樹葉片細小,人工采摘過程中耗時耗力,茶農一天辛苦只能采摘二三斤,相較於其他茶葉每天采摘十來斤,可謂生產和製作成本高。鋸朵仔的製作發酵工藝不重,葉底仍可見砂綠色,成品茶隱約可見玉葉金邊的烏龍茶特徵,十分清秀迷人,因其葉片極小,在鳳凰茶鄉有“做前蝦米,做后牙籤”之稱。 香味口感:冲泡時,杏仁果香味與奶香味交相輝映,茶湯金黃明亮、喉韻飽滿、入口甘潤、質感柔軟、滋味腴醇、回甘綿長。 冲泡方式:投茶量約8克或者泡茶蓋碗五六成,用沸騰開水,建議入水后立刻泡出無需悶茶,茶葉耐泡冲泡程度,依茶葉的樹齡和做工而有區別。選購又以春季的鋸朵仔最佳。

    $29.99 - $39.99

  • 包) 包)

    精選 白花菇 椎茸 平裝 (16oz/包)

    2 reviews

    精選 白花菇 椎茸 平裝 (16oz/包) 白花菇—是菌中之星,是香菇實體在特殊環境下產生的一種優等菇品種、花菇蓋頂面呈現茶褐色,菇紋開裂爆花,菇底呈淡黃色,菇頂有裂花紋而得名。花菇隨著天氣越冷,質量也越好,產量也越高,白花菇肉厚、細嫩、鮮美,口感特別爽口。 白花菇是香菇中的上品,素有“山珍”之稱,它以朵大、菇厚、含水量低、保存期長而備受食客的喜愛,其口感肥厚、味香質純,又因其外形美觀、口感脆度鮮美而成爲席上佳珍。 保存方法:請置於陰涼乾燥處,避免陽光直射 净重:16oz/包 

    $34.99 - $42.99

  •  7oz)

    白背黑木耳(6oz/ 7oz)

    永合豐 白背黑木耳(6oz/ 7oz) 白背黑木耳又稱毛木耳(不同於東北黑木耳),别名单葉蔓荆、蔓荆子葉、白背五指柑,正面是黑色,背面是灰白色,且有一層细小的绒毛,屬於低熱量低脂的食材,性平味甘,無毒、利五臟、潤肺益氣,同時含有豐富的B群維生素,鐵質、富含膳食纖維,對於控制體重、降低膽固醇有明顯的幫助,故一向有「血管清道夫」之稱,有補血及祛瘀功能,富含的膳食纖維,能夠吸水膨脹,對於潤腸通便有很好效果。 適量加入平時的飲食烹調中,可煮可炒可煲湯,是養生保持身材的好幫手。 食譜參考: 瘦肉白背黑木耳湯 材料:白背黑木耳10克、瘦肉50克、薑片3片、大棗5粒、清水6碗 做法: 1先把瘦肉飛水、木耳洗净泡至軟身。 2把各材料放入煲内,用文火煲至剩2-3碗汤,加鹽調味. 白背黑木耳減肥湯 材料:白背黑木耳3朶,紅棗10粒,生薑片4-5片,豬腱子肉2件。 做法: 1。先把黑木耳洗净,浸泡至軟身 2。下10碗清水,加入生薑片、红棗去核、黑木耳同煲滚,再下豬腱子肉,用大火煲滚,去除湯上面的浮沫,改中小火煲1個小时左右,加鹽調味即可,每隔天喝1次,連續三次.

    $6.99 - $7.25


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