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  • 八角亭 勐海御沱 2007生茶 普洱沱茶 盒装 200克 八角亭 勐海御沱 2007生茶 普洱沱茶 盒装 200克

    八角亭 勐海御沱 2007生茶 普洱沱茶 盒装 200克

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    八角亭 勐海御沱 2007生茶 普洱沱茶 盒装 200克 MengHai Yu Tuo Tuocha Pu-Erh Dark Tea(200 g) Pu-Erh is a fermented, digestive tea. The “raw” Pu-Erh is similar in taste and health properties to green tea. Dark Pu-Erh is aged longer than raw Pu-Erh and has a stronger distinctive ripe, earthy, semi-sweet flavor. It has been used to improve digestion and circulation and contains a natural statin known to help reduce harmful cholesterol and improve weight loss.  Menghai Tea Factory was formally established in 1940 by a group of over 90 tea professionals with origins from all over China. It is possibly the oldest specialized tea factory in Yunnan Province. Because of this, it has a solid reputation that is well respected by Pu-erh tea enthusiasts. It is located in Menghai county of Xishuangbanna prefecture, which is renowned for being one of the birthplaces of Chinese tea culture. They were one of the first two tea factories (along with the Kunming Tea Factory) to come up with the 'wodui'  method of ripening Pu-Erh tea in 1973, and have a series of recipes that are undisputed as some of the finest ripened Pu-erh teas available.  

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  • 20% OFF
    老仓茶头饼 普洱茶 熟茶 茶饼 500克

    老仓茶头饼 普洱茶 熟茶 茶饼 500克

    老仓茶头饼 普洱茶 熟茶 茶饼 500克 Lao Cang Cha 2016 Ripe Pu-Erh Tea Cake (500 g) Unlike other teas that should ideally be consumed shortly after production, Pu-erh can be drunk immediately or aged for many years; Pu-er (aka Pu-erh) teas are often now classified by year and region of production much like wine vintages.  Keep drinking Pu-erh Tea, a way to good health by  Improving digestion, burning the body fat   Enhancing immune system  Reducing cholesterol   Reducing high blood fat   Pu-erh Tea Health Benefits  Warms Stomach to improve digestion Anti-Aging  Resists radiation  Reduces cholesterol in the bloodstream  Reduces body weight  Helps to reduce high blood pressure, heart & liver diseases related to high saturated fat diets  Detoxifying the liver  Helps prevent intestinal infection, digestive problems, and constipation  Helps to prevent the formation of cancer cells in the body due to its antioxidants


  • Only 5 left!
    勐海茶厂 66周年纪念版 礼盒 普洱 熟茶饼(660g)+青茶饼(660g) 勐海茶厂 66周年纪念版 礼盒 普洱 熟茶饼(660g)+青茶饼(660g)

    勐海茶厂 66周年纪念版 礼盒 普洱 熟茶饼(660g)+青茶饼(660g)

    勐海茶厂 66周年纪念版 礼盒 普洱 熟茶饼(660g)+青茶饼(660g) Menghai 66 Anniversary Pu-Erh Raw&Ripe Tea Cake Gift Box 2006 Pu-erh (or Pu'er) tea is also known as hei cha or 'dark tea'. For generations, the ethnic groups of southwest Yunnan province have wild-harvested leaves from ancient tea plants, some centuries old and as tall as trees. The thick body and dense chestnut flavor of Pu-erh leave a smooth-yet-resounding finish on the palate. Pu-erh green tea flavor is fresh and vegetal similar to green tea but more digestive. Ripe (or cooked Pu'er) is aged longer and its aroma and flavor are deep, rich, earthy, and semi-sweet.  This attractive gift box contains the best raw and aged Pu-erh tea cakes from Menghai region. Pu-Erh is a fully fermented tea that goes through complex processing in which it is shaped into cakes and, like a fine wine, is aged for years to mature the full bloom of its flavors. This process creates a unique aroma and complex flavors along with many added health benefits. Pu-Erh is believed to aid in reducing cholesterol and fat and is best enjoyed around 15 - 20 minutes after a meal to aid in digestion. This tea can be prepared 'gongfu' style, using a small teapot and preparing multiple infusions from the same leaves. It is best enjoyed if it's rinsed with boiling water prior to steeping.


  • 珍品佳茗 中國紅 限量小罐茶禮盒 珍品佳茗 中國紅 限量小罐茶禮盒

    珍品佳茗 中國紅 限量小罐茶禮盒

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    珍品佳茗 中国红 限量小罐茶礼盒 品质红罐  经典搭配 永合豐 精选三种茶品(安溪浓香型 红心铁观音,1990年家藏 普洱茶,福建正山金骏眉)组成此款礼盒。附赠精美手提袋,专属茶礼,品质选择。  Give the gift of three superior Chinese red teas for heavenly aroma, brisk flavor, and vibrant health.  WHF selected three classic teas (Anxi Tieguanyin oolong tea, 1990s collection of Pu'erh tea, and Jinjunmei black tea) to make up this elegant gift box. It comes with an exquisite handbag, exclusive tea ceremony, and its high-quality choice teas are packed in canisters to assure freshness. Oolong often described as having fruit or floral aroma and an elegantly delicious nutlike flavor, is often recommended for weight loss because it speeds metabolism. It has been recommended for health benefits for heart, brain, bone, and dental health. In addition, it may decrease the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and protect against certain types of cancer. ( Pu-Erh tea has beautifying and anti-aging benefits. It is a red fermented tea known to reduce harmful cholesterol, enhance digestion and reduce body fat. It has a rich earthy flavor and satisfying sweet aftertaste. It helps to detoxify the body, improve circulation and enhance vitality. JinJunMei is a premier category of ZhengShan XiaoZhong (LapSang) tea produced in Tongmu Village at WuYi Mountain in northern Fujian province. At an altitude of 1,500 to 1,800 meters, this national treasure is the birthplace of black tea 300 years ago. JinJunMei tea is created with tender young buds from wild tea bushes growing in the woods. The tips of the buds are harvested according to stringent and meticulous regulations; an estimated 50,000 bud tips are needed for every 500 grams of JinJunMei tea. JinJunMei uses a traditional manufacturing process similar to ZhengShan XiaoZhong and other black teas, i.e. withering, rolling, fermentation and roasting. The final step is especially crucial in black tea production which results in a fully fermented tea. The gold-colored JinJunMei tea has a creamy aroma and a fruity, velvety flavor that resembles dry longan fruit. Its ethereal sweetness lingers in your mouth while it soothes your mind, pleasuring both the eyes and palate.

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  • 精裝 新會柑普茶\小青柑 16oz

    精裝 新會柑普茶\小青柑 16oz

    精裝新会 小青柑\柑普茶16oz 选取已有600年生产历史的天马产区新会柑和5年云南一级宫廷普洱老茶为原料。冲泡后的汤色橙红透亮,回味爽甜并有陈香味。 中医认为,青皮陈皮性微温,味苦辛,入肝、胆经,具有理肝气、咽炎、消积化滞、保护心血管功效,与熟普茶结合后,其保健功效自然兼有两者的好处:具有健脾养胃、化痰止咳、降脂减肥、美容养颜、抗衰老等各种作用。   Mandarin Orange Peel Pu-Erh Tea (1 Lb/Tin) Mandarin Orange Peel Pu-Erh Tea, is made with green citrus from Xinhui, Guangdong Province, and Palace Pu-Erh tea from Yunnan Province. It contains no additives and is made with special processing. Its characteristic first taste is sweet, a unique fruit essence that blends with the gentle, rich flavor of Pu-Erh tea. This is because the citrus fruit aroma in this region is very special and has long been absorbed by the Pu-Erh tea. Pu-Erh tea plays a prominent role in traditional Chinese medicine that can be described as  "guiding qi downward.” That means its earthy flavor and digestive properties improve digestion and circulation. Pu-Erh tea is often featured in heart health and weight loss programs.


  • 20% OFF
    勐库戎氏 特级青饼 2007普洱生茶 茶饼 400克 勐库戎氏 特级青饼 2007普洱生茶 茶饼 400克

    勐库戎氏 特级青饼 2007普洱生茶 茶饼 400克

    勐库戎氏 特级青饼 2007普洱生茶 茶饼 400克 云南双江勐库茶业有限责任公司出品 由名厂精选2007年勐库春茶为原料,精心压制。茶条显毫,肥硕润泽,汤色黄亮晶莹,滋味醇厚生津,香气纯高持久。   Meng Ku Rong Shi 2007 Pu-Erh Raw Tea (400g) Pu-Erh tea is made from Yunnan large-leaf Camellia Sinensis. Its taste and effects are similar to green tea, although it is more digestive and known to reduce harmful cholesterol. It is typically processed into compressed cakes, bricks and tuos. Pu-Erh is particularly special because it can be aged for decades or longer, always changing and (in most cases) developing more depth and texture. Raw Pu-Erh is the traditional form of Pu-Erh and is sun-dried and compressed. Ripe Pu-Erh is fermented during a 40-50 day period undergoing a mellowing process that changes the tea into an earthy, dark red-brown color.


  • 15% OFF
    勐宋那卡 古树茶 2017 普洱 生茶 茶饼(400克)

    勐宋那卡 古树茶 2017 普洱 生茶 茶饼(400克)

    勐宋那卡 古树茶 2017 普洱 生茶 茶饼(400克) Meng Song Na Ka 2017 Raw Pu-Erh Tea (400g) The gardens for this tea are located in the northern region of Mengsong (Menghai county), just a few kilometers south of Naka, at an altitude between 1800-1900m. Mengsong is noted for its small leaf varietal tea trees. The teas maintain a very floral and highly fragrant character. Alongside this is a pleasant, but unobtrusive kuwei (bitterness) with a dominant stone fruit/plum flavor that develops over time. Raw Pu-Erh taste and effects are similar to green tea, although it is more digestive and known to reduce harmful cholesterol. Pu-Erh is particularly special because it can be aged for decades or longer, always changing and (in most cases) developing more depth and texture. Raw Pu-Erh is the traditional form of Pu-Erh and is sun-dried and compressed.


  • 20% OFF
    大雪山 古树明前 普洱茶 2013年生茶 茶饼 357克

    大雪山 古树明前 普洱茶 2013年生茶 茶饼 357克

    大雪山 古树明前 普洱茶 2013年生茶 茶饼 357克  传统工艺 石磨压制  云南 临沧 永德秀林普洱茶业出品   Da Xue Shan Oldder Tree Pu-Erh Tea Cake 2013(357g) Pu-erh tea has long been sipped to achieve a variety of health benefits, such as improvements in heart health and reductions in cholesterol levels. It's also said that Pu-erh tea can help promote weight loss, enhance eyesight, stimulate circulation, and soothe hangovers. ( Pu-erh belongs to the category of fermented teas, usually called “dark“ tea or “black“ tea in China. It can be naturally fermented over time or by using a special pilling technique to accelerate the aging process. 


  • 20% OFF
    勐库 古树普洱茶砖 2005年熟茶 250g

    勐库 古树普洱茶砖 2005年熟茶 250g

    勐库 古树普洱茶砖 2005年熟茶 250g MengKu Pu-Erh Tea 2005(250g) Pu-Erh is a fermented, digestive tea. The “raw” Pu-Erh is similar in its tastes and health properties to green tea. Dark Pu-Erh is aged longer and has a stronger distinctive ripe, earthy, semi-sweet flavor. It has been used to improve digestion and circulation and contains a natural statin known to help reduce harmful cholesterol and improve weight loss.  This tea has a very smooth character without any astringency or bitterness. The clean woody profile has soft, creamy, and earthy notes of walnuts. Overall this is a comforting tea with an accessible taste that is a great introduction to shu Pu-Erh teas. We suggest brewing at 90°C for 3-5 minutes according to your taste. (


  • 20% OFF
    云南永德 新文茶厂 特级普洱熟茶 2006年 #1429

    云南永德 新文茶厂 特级普洱熟茶 2006年 #1429

    云南永德 新文茶厂 特级普洱熟茶 2006年 #1429 湯色棗紅明亮,香濃醇厚,經久耐泡,陳味十足   Premium Yunnan Pu-Erh Dark Tea 2006 yrs #1429 Smooth, robust, and delicate roasted flavor. Pu-Erh (or Pu-erh) tea is also known as Hei Cha or 'dark tea'. For generations, the ethnic groups of southwest Yunnan province have wild-harvested leaves from ancient tea plants, some centuries old and as tall as trees. The thick body and dense chestnut flavor of Pu-Erh leave a smooth-yet-resounding finish on the palate. Pu-Erh is a fermented, digestive tea. Dark Pu-Erh is aged longer than raw Pu-Erh and has a stronger distinctive ripe, earthy, semi-sweet flavor. It has been used to improve digestion and circulation and contains a natural statin known to help reduce harmful cholesterol and improve weight loss.  Brewing Method: Teacup  Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 212℉ /100℃ 212℉ /100℃ Tea Quantity: 5g  8g  Brewing time:  2-3 mins 12 steps: rinse, 15s, 15s, 20s, 25s, 30s, 35s, 40s, 60s, 80s, 100s, 150s, 200s  Rinse time is around 4 seconds

    $18.40 - $74.39

  • 茂圣六堡茶 广西梧州特产黑茶叶散茶一级五年陈茶100g生态笠装 茂圣六堡茶 广西梧州特产黑茶叶散茶一级五年陈茶100g生态笠装

    茂圣六堡茶 广西梧州特产黑茶叶散茶一级五年陈茶100g生态笠装

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    茂圣六堡茶 广西梧州特产黑茶叶散茶一级五年陈茶100g生态笠装 厂名:广西梧州茂圣茶业有限公司 厂址:梧州市舜帝大道中段56号 配料表:六堡茶叶 储藏方法:通风、干燥、无异味、避光 食品添加剂:无 产品名称:茂圣 六堡茶100g 形状: 散茶 产地: 中国大陆 省份: 广西壮族自治区 包装种类: 罐装 包装方式: 包装 茶种类: 六堡茶 级别: 一级 净含量: 100g MaoShen 5yr's Aged Liu Bao Cha Dark Tea Liu Bao (Six Forts) Tea comes from Guangxi Provence and is a sister tea of Pu-erh. Liu Bao is distinctively aged in baskets that range in size from 1 kilo to over 50 kg. Liu Bao is a semi-fermented (oxidized) tea and the older varieties take on a woody flavor that is hard to beat. Many Pu-erh enthusiasts find themselves wandering into the Liu Bao section and find it hard to leave. More traditional Liu Bao was semi-fermented and this accounts for its special flavors.  It is produced by withering leaves, rolled, chopped, moist pile, and dried. Liubao has characteristics of the "steaming" put into big barrels and steamed soft. It is stored for two months before it is finished. Its red color of thick, and the aroma contains a unique betelnut flavor.  It is not Pu-erh, but it is a kind of black tea and has a history of 1,500 years. There is Liubao in cakes, bricks, tuos, coin shapes, and loose leaves in bamboo baskets. The longer it has been stored, the better the taste. There may be golden/yellow color fungi called Golden Flower fungi (Eurotium Cristatum) on Liu Bao Cha and these fungi are an indication of good quality Liu Bao cha. Once brewed this delightful tea has a strong hardwood flavor that remains present throughout many infusions. The mouthfeel becomes increasingly round without a hint of tartness. The gorgeous deep red-orange brown liquor was very clear.

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  • 20% OFF
    大雪山 明前 古树 普洱生茶 2017年#1147

    大雪山 明前 古树 普洱生茶 2017年#1147

    大雪山 明前 古树 普洱生茶 2017年#1147 Da Xue Shan is a famous tea mountain located in Lincang area of Yunnan Province where the terrain is high, cold, and desert-like. Ming Qian refers to the harvest time before Qing Ming which is April 4th. This tea is an early spring-picked high quality, rare tea with a light vegetal flavor and fresh lively aftertaste.  Pu’erh is a fermented tea that improves digestion and can be used for slimming and for protecting the heart and circulation. Raw pu’erh is greener, less fermented than ripe, or “cooked” pu’erh which is aged to perfection. However, raw pu’erh can be enjoyed immediately without aging and is similar to green tea.   Brewing Method: Teacup  Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature:  212℉ /100℃  212℉ /100℃ Tea Quantity: 5 g Tea 7 g Tea Brewing time:  1-2 mins 8 steps: rinse,10s,15s,20s,25s,35s,45s 60s,90s  Rinse time is around 4 seconds

    $18.40 - $72.16


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