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38 products

  • 沙參麥冬湯 草藥茶 沙參麥冬湯 草藥茶

    沙參麥冬湯 草藥茶

    沙参麦冬汤 汤药包  Radiant Air / Glehnia Ophiopogon Root Soup / Sha Shen Mai Dong Tang Herbal Tea Effect: Soothes dry throat, improves breathing and complexion Strong anti-inflammatory, antibiotic herbs are not added to Radiant Air. It is mild and pleasant and can be used long term to help correct dry mouth and stress. Ingredients:  Glehnia root, ophiopogon root, schisandra fruit, ginseng root, radish seed, luffa gourd vegetable sponge, tangerine peel, perilla seed, fritillary bulb, apricot kernel, scutellaria root, licorice root, tangerine peel, kombu seaweed. Glehnia (bei sha shen) root can grow to a length of up to 19 feet. It is sold as thin, cylindrical pale beige sticks and cooked in herbal decoctions to ease thirst, moisten lung dryness, reduce dry cough and treat bronchitis. It can also be used to ease stomach discomforts and constipation. Its taste is sweet and slightly bitter when added to soups.  Ophiopogon tuber ( mai dong) is used to moisten the lungs, generate fluids, moisten the intestines, eliminate irritability and clear heat. According to current research, ophiopogon tuber benefits respiratory health, promotes a healthy blood glucose level and supports digestive health. Luffa, a long green gourd that resembled a luffa sponge, is added for treating and preventing colds. It is used for nasal swelling and sinus problems.  Digestion is improved by the addition of scutellaria (Chinese skullcap) tangerine peel and kombu. Fritillary an expectorant helps to clear lung congestion. Directions: Add six bowls of water. Boil six bowls of water into one bowl, then filter and take the soup.  The amount of water is a key point because it can directly affect the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine, so if cooking the herbal soup according to the guidelines, the best results will be achieved. Suggestions: People who are unfamiliar with Chinese herbs may find their smell and taste unusual. We suggest that you become acquainted with them gradually. Empty the package of herbs into – quarts of water and simmer them for 30 minutes. A non-metal pot works best. If you have it use a ceramic coated or glass pot. The same herbs may be used again, the second cooking can be as long as 1 hour. Inhale the steam to help clear sinus congestion and head and throat discomforts. Allow the mixture to cool until it is comfortably warm. If necessary you might add a little fresh lemon juice or raw honey to enhance the flavor. To help balance immunity, Radiant Air may be combined with Fatigue Fighter in this selection of Herbal Rescue teas. Please consult your physician before using this product. 成分 沙参、麦冬、莱菔、瓜络、桔梗、苏子、浙贝、杏仁、黄芩、甘草、陈皮、昆布、五味子、花旗参。 功能 甘寒生津,清养肺胃。为润燥剂。具有甘寒生津,清养肺胃之功效。 用法 煎服,六碗水煎成一碗后内服。


  • 六味地黃 湯料

    六味地黃 湯料

    六味地黄汤剂 Relax and Thrive / Six Flavor Rehmannia tea / Liu Wei Di Huang Soup (4oz) 成分:淮山、山茱萸、丹皮、熟地、泽泻、茯苓 六味地黄汤是一道药膳。是将熟地、山茱萸肉、山药、丹皮、泽泻和茯苓水煎后去渣得到的汤汁。具有滋阴补肾,抗衰老的作用,适用于肾虚人群。 用法: 煎服,五碗水煎成一碗后内服。 溫馨提示:請先向醫師咨詢是否合適服用此茶 Relax and Thrive Six Flavor Rehmannia tea 六味地黃湯 (Liu Wei Di Huang Herbal Soup) Effect: Relax and Thrive, aka Six Flavor Rehmannia supports rejuvenating moisture for dry brittle hair, wrinkled skin and helps reduce stress weight gain. It has been used to relax tense muscles, frayed nerves, and aching back. It lubricates dry mouth, thirst, dry cough, it slows premature aging and helps correct ruined taste buds from smoking. After using the formula for a while people report they can taste food again. It improves internal moisture balance to correct sparse dark urine, constipation. Rehmannia, the main blood-building herb in the formula, has been known to help with regulating diabetes and hypertension. The brew tastes rich, semi-sweet, and tangy. Relax and Thrive also called Six Flavor Rehmannia tea is valued as a cooling, blood building remedy that gradually reduces inflammation and dryness without using strong anti-inflammatory herbs. It protects against water buildup by combining moistening, rejuvenating rehmannia with a kidney tonic, a wild cherry, and two mild diuretics water plantain and poria, fu ling. It makes a nice comforting beverage to build blood between menstrual periods and to pick up anyone’s energy depleted by work or bad habits. The herbs support healthy blood, liver, kidney, and brain in order to help us adapt to stress and reverse abuses resulting from drugs, smoking, pollution, anxiety, and other issues of aging. Ingredients: Radix dioscoreae, Fructus Corni, Cortex Moutan, Adhesive Rehmannia, Root Tuber, Oriental Waterplantain Rhizome, Poria Directions: Add five bowls of water. Boil five bowls of water into one bowl, then filter and take the soup.  The amount of water is a key point because it can directly affect the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine, so if cooking the herbal soup according to the guidelines, the best results will be achieved. Suggestions: The traditional method of cooking this sort of tonic makes a very strong brew by cooking the herbs for several hours to reduce 5 cups of water to 1 cup which makes a water extract. However, this mixture may be simmered for up to 30 minutes to make a pleasant beverage elixir. The herbs may be cooked several times and the liquid stored in the refrigerator for up to three days. If you are using this formula to regulate menstruation or prepare for pregnancy, drink it as needed between periods. Use caution or avoid this tea if you are pregnant. Post-menopausal women often enjoy it as a beauty tonic. Since it affects our deep resources of vitality it may enhance peaceful sleep and dreams.  Please consult your physician before using this product.


  • 葛根湯 草藥茶 葛根湯 草藥茶

    葛根湯 草藥茶

    葛根汤 汤药包  Soothing ‘n Centering Tea / Pueraria Root Soup 精选上等中药材,结合传统药方和现代研究成果精心配比而成。 成分 葛根、桂枝、白芍、生姜、甘草、大枣、银花、白芷、射干、陈皮、洋参、菊花 功能 为辛温解表剂。具有发汗解表,升津舒筋之功效 用法 煎服,六碗水煎成一碗后内服。 Soothing ‘n Centering Tea葛根汤 (Pueraria Root Soup) Effect: For fever, aches, hangover Soothing ‘n Centering formula reduces fever because it combines pueraria with aromatic herbs that increase sweating, including cinnamon, ginger and Chinese chrysanthemum flower. Tasty sweet chrysanthemum tea is used to prevent and treat migraine headache, eye strain and summer heat stroke. Soothing ‘n Centering may also improve mental focus because its balanced formula contains digestive herbs such as white peony root, angelica and tangerine peel which reduce bloating and enhance circulation in our digestive center. All in all Soothing ‘n Centering Tea makes a good companion for tired computer addicts who overheat from too much work or celebrating. Ingredients:  Pueraria root, cinnamon twig/cassia twig, white peony root, ginger, licorice root, jujube, honeysuckle flower, angelica, belamcanda rhizome, tangerine peel, ginseng root, chrysanthemum flower. Directions: Add six bowls of water. Boil six bowls of water into one bowl, then filter and take the soup.  The amount of water is a key point because it can directly affect the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine, so if cooking the herbal soup according to the guidelines, the best results will be achieved. Suggestions: People who are unfamiliar with Chinese herbs may find their smell to be strong and taste at times bitter. We suggest that you become acquainted with them gradually. Empty the package of herbs into – quarts of water and simmer them for 30 minutes. A non-metal pot works best. If you have it use a ceramic coated or glass pot. The same herbs may be used again, the second cooking can be as long as 1 hour. Inhale the steam to help clear sinus congestion and head and throat discomforts. Allow the mixture to cool until it is comfortably warm. For fever, drink a small teacup every two hours or as needed. If necessary you might add a little fresh lemon juice or raw honey to improve the flavor. Cold/flu teas and herbs are best used between meals so that they do not interfere with digestion.  If diarrhea occurs after using detoxifying herbs, reduce the dosage. If weakness occurs after several day’s use, baring allergy, you might use a tonic herb such as reishi mushroom. Please see Fatigue Fighter in this selection of Herbal Rescue teas. Please consult your physician before using this product.


  • 風濕骨痛茶


    風濕骨痛茶 (Feng Shi Gu Tong Herbal Tea): Strong Bones and Muscles 成分:骨碎补﹐鸡血藤﹐淫羊﹐威灵仙﹐延胡索﹐杜仲﹐桑寄生﹐川木瓜﹐独活﹐甘草。 功效:补肝肾、强筋骨、止痺痛、舒筋活络。 用法:六碗水煎至一碗。   Strong Bones and Muscles  風濕骨痛茶 (Feng Shi Gu Tong Herbal Tea) Effect: warming liver and kidney tonic, strengthens muscles and bones There are Chinese herbs that are used to help prevent osteoporosis, weak, strained muscles, aching back and legs, low energy, and related depression. This is a boon for aging, tired, overworked people, others who have damaged their Qi with medicines like steroids or smoking, people who tend to have bone fractures and chronic pain or falling injuries related to Qi weakness. This is a warming tonic, not to be used with fever, colds/flu or chronic inflammation illnesses. If you are pregnant or currently taking medication, check with your health specialist before using herbal remedies.  Most of the herbs in Strong Bones and Muscles are warming tonics. The blood-enhancing herbs Angelica sinensis (dong quai) is also slightly warming and used to stimulate blood circulation. Epimedium (yin yang huo, lusty goat weed) stimulates “kidney yang” with symptoms of chronic fatigue, sore aching lower back and legs, sexual weakness and low libido; it is a precursor to testosterone. This warming, energizing formula may be a comfort during winter or cold inclement weather. Winter months tend to increase calcium loss in long bones and increase bone pain due to lack of sunshine. Strong Bones and Muscles may be used by men or women who have no fever, hot flashes, active cancer or inflammatory symptoms. Persons taking medical drugs should check with their doctor or herbal specialist. The formula may prove to be especially useful for aging and debility and recovery from surgery or for chronic debilitating illness with resulting aches.  Ingredients: Drynariae Rhizoma, Spatholobus Stem, Epimedium Herb, Clematis Root, Corydalis Rhizoma, Eucommia Bark, Herba Taxilli, Flowering quince fruit, Radix Angelica sinensis, Licorice root Directions: Add six bowls of water. Boil six bowls of water into one bowl, then filter and take the soup.  The amount of water is a key point because it can directly affect the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine, so if cooking the herbal soup according to the guidelines, the best results will be achieved. Suggestions: For long term muscle or bone weakness, osteopenia and osteoporosis or for injuries a stronger decoction is recommended. The traditional method of cooking is “六碗水煎至一碗: Boil six bowls of water to one” which makes a concentrated somewhat bitter brew. For people unused to Chinese herbs, it may be better to cook it twice, first for 20 minutes and after getting used to the taste, cook it again for one to two hours. It keeps in the refrigerator for up to 5 days and can be frozen. Start with one cup to become accustomed to the taste and effects. Slowly increase the dose as needed to no more than 3 cups per day. If irritability or insomnia result, reduce the dosage. You might also add the Strong Bones and Muscles ingredients to slow cook in a crockpot when making bone broth. Add left over bones from chicken, beef or pork, celery, carrot, parsley, oregano and onion to slow cook for the broth. Add the formula either as dried herbs or the decoction while cooking at low heat for 8-10 hours. Bone broth and the combination of these herbs take the healing qualities of the herbs directly to bones and muscles. Please consult your physician before using this product.


  • 七星茶


    七星茶 Sweet Digestive Tea / Er Ke Qi Xing Herbal Tea 成分:薏苡仁、稻芽、山楂、淡竹叶、钩藤、蝉蜕、甘草。七味药制成,故名:七星茶。 七星茶是一种药物。七星茶功能与主治:开胃消滞,清热定惊。用于积滞化热,消化不良,不思饮食,烦躁易惊,夜寐不安,大便不畅,小便短赤。 用法:煎服,三碗水煎成一碗后内服。   Sweet Digestive Tea 兒科七星茶 (Er Ke Qi Xing Herbal Tea) Effect: Settles the stomach, indigestion and congestion This is a version of a classic tea, Xiao Er Qi Xing, used to help resolve bloating, indigestion pain, and excess phlegm. Chinese mothers give the herbal tea as the final formula of the day for babies to help them sleep peacefully by easing digestion. This version uses rice sprout instead of millet and uncaria (gou teng) to cool liver agitation. Have you ever lay awake at night, thinking, planning, fretting, or have you slept poorly from feeling too full of food or suffering from stomach pain? This tea is a gentle remedy for people who need to cool their nerves and improve digestion.  Ingredients :  Fired barley/semen coicis, Raw barley/semen coicis, Oryzae Fructus Germinatus/ rice sprout, Dried Cicada skin, Juncus allioides flower/ common rush flower, Bamboo leaves, Loquat Leaf, Licorice root, Crataegi Fructus, hawthorn berry, Uncariae stem and thorn/ gou teng Directions: Add three bowls of water. Boil three bowls of water into one bowl, then filter and take the soup.  The amount of water is a key point because it can directly affect the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine, so if cooking the herbal soup according to the guidelines, the best results will be achieved. Suggestions: This tea may be too cleansing for pregnant women. Avoid cleansing remedies that may be laxative or diuretic for you. The traditional method of preparation is  “三碗水煎至一碗 Boil three bowls of water to one” which makes a rather strong tasting water extract. It may be wise to begin more slowly by simmering the herbs for about 20 minutes and drink it as a pleasant tea. After becoming familiar with its taste and effects, the cooking time can be increased as needed.  Please consult your physician before using this product.


  • 十全大補 湯料

    十全大補 湯料

    十全大补汤料 Ten Warriors / Ten flavor tea formula / Shi Quan Da Bu Soup 成分:当归,川芎,白芍,熟地,北芪,党参,茯苓,白术,甘草,肉桂 《宋·太平惠民和剂局方》卷五方之十全大补汤治男子、妇人诸虚不足,五劳七伤,不进饮食,久病虚损,时发潮热,气攻骨脊,拘急疼痛,夜梦遗精,面色萎黄,脚膝无力,一切病后气不如旧,忧愁思虑伤动血气,喘嗽中满,脾肾气弱,五心烦闷,并皆治之。此药性温不热,平补有效,养气育神,醒脾止渴,顺正辟邪,温暖脾肾,其效不可具述。 用法: 煎服,五碗水煎成一碗后内服。 溫馨提示:請先向醫師咨詢是否合適服用此茶 Ten Warriors Ten flavor tea formula 十全大補湯 (Shi Quan Da Bu Herbal Soup) Effect:  Builds blood and Qi vitality Ten Warriors is an extremely versatile tonic, especially appropriate for post-surgical recovery of Qi, blood, and for people who have had long-term chronic illness with marked deficiency. For example, fatigue, reduced appetite, weak digestion, pale complexion, shortness of breath, chronic weak cough, dizziness from blood deficiency, cold hands and feet, aversion to cold, seminal fluid loss, weak back and lower extremities. Other symptoms may include slow healing sores. Women may experience mid-cycle spotting and irregular menstruation. In general, there may be a tendency to bruising or bleeding, generalized weakness, and slow recovery from injury, surgery, or illness. Unlike some traditional Chinese Qi and “yang” formulas that address chronic weakness, impotence and “fear of cold temperatures,” the herbs in Ten Warriors are not overly cooling or heating nor do they cause adverse reactions so that they may be used by either men or women to recovery energy, build resistance and increase vitality. Cinnamon is added to enhance circulation and may also be helpful for people prone to diabetes. Ingredients : Radix Angelica, Rhizoma ligusticum root, White peony root, Rehmannia Root Tuber, Radix Astragalus, Radix Codonopsis, Poria, White atractylodes, Licorice root, Cinnamon Directions: Add five bowls of water. Boil five bowls of water into two bowl, then filter and take the soup.  The amount of water is a key point because it can directly affect the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine, so if cooking the herbal soup according to the guidelines, the best results will be achieved. Suggestions: The traditional method of cooking such an herbal formula is “五碗水煎至一碗: Boil five bowls of water to one” which makes a strong water extract. However, people who are unfamiliar with Chinese herbs may find their smell to be strong and taste at times bitter. We suggest that you become acquainted with them gradually. Empty the package of herbs into – quarts of water and simmer them for up to 30 minutes. A non-metal pot works best. If you have it use a ceramic coated or glass pot. The same herbs may be used again, the second cooking can be as long as 1 hour. Inhale the steam to help clear sinus congestion and head and throat discomforts. It may feel relaxing. Allow the mixture to cool until it is comfortably warm. Drink a small cup once a day and increase as needed to no more than three cups daily between meals. If it keeps you awake, reduce the dose or frequency. Follow a wise diet and exercise routine. Please consult your physician before using this product.


  • 清淤解毒湯 草藥茶 清淤解毒湯 草藥茶

    清淤解毒湯 草藥茶

    清淤解毒汤 汤药包  White Crystal Gem / Relieve Congestion Detoxification Soup / Qing Yu Jie Du Tang  精选上等中药材,结合传统药方和现代研究成果精心配比而成。 成分 石膏、知母、山药、洋参、大黄、浙贝、苏木、乳香、没药、橘络、莱菔、瓜络、陈皮、昆布、银花、菊花、土茯苓、土牛七。 功能 解毒健体、化瘀轻身。 用法 煎服,六碗水煎成一碗后内服。 White Crystal Gem 清淤解毒汤 (Relieve Congestion, Detoxification Soup) Effect: For high fever, sore throat, shortness of breath White Crystal Gem, named for selenite, contains another strongly anti-inflammatory herb anemarrhena and the antibiotic cold/flu combination honeysuckle and chrysanthemum flower. Chinese yam dioscorea, is rejuvenating. Smilax is used as a cooling, liver-cleansing diuretic. Cooling, detoxifying herbs can become weakening and harm circulation or cause side-effect especially if someone is already sick. To prevent such problems, herbs are added to this formula to enhance circulation. They include frankincense often used to dissolve lumps or cysts and fritillary bulb an expectorate so that the herbs may dissolve thick lung congestion.  Ingredients:  Gypsum (selenite crystal), anemarrhena rhizome, Chinese yam, ginseng root, smilax glabra rhizome, rhubarb, fritillary bulb, common achyranthe, sappan wood, frankincense, tangerine pith, radish seed, vegetable sponge of luffa, tangerine peels, kombu,  honeysuckle flower, chrysanthemum flower. Directions: Add six bowls of water. Boil six bowls of water into one bowl, then filter and take the soup.  The amount of water is a key point because it can directly affect the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine, so if cooking the herbal soup according to the guidelines, the best results will be achieved. Suggestions: People who are unfamiliar with Chinese herbs may find their smell to be strong and taste at times bitter. We suggest that you become acquainted with them gradually. Empty the package of herbs into – quarts of water and simmer them for 30 minutes. A non-metal pot works best. If you have it use a ceramic coated or glass pot. The same herbs may be used again, the second cooking can be as long as 1 hour. Inhale the steam to help clear sinus congestion and head and throat discomforts. Allow the mixture to cool until it is comfortably warm. For fever, drink a small teacup every two hours or as needed. If necessary you might add a little fresh lemon juice or raw honey to improve the flavor. Cold/flu teas and herbs are best used between meals so that they do not interfere with digestion. If diarrhea occurs after using detoxifying herbs, reduce the dosage. If weakness occurs after several day’s uses, baring allergy, you might use a tonic herb such as reishi mushroom. Please see Fatigue Fighter in this selection of Herbal Rescue teas. Please consult your physician before using this product.


  • 野生山珍靓菇汤 野生山珍靓菇汤


    野生山珍靓菇汤(60g) 功用: 益胃健脾,养阴益气,提升免疫力 材料: 羊肚菌 竹荪 姬松茸 鹿茸菇 香菇 虫草花 白玉菇 杏鲍菇 姬菇 茶树菇 食用方法: 取本品一袋用温水浸泡20分钟(冷水约1个小时),待发透后淘洗干净放入铁锅中加入500-1000g鸡肉,鸭肉,排骨等,再加入适量的水煮至肉熟,依个人口味添加适量的盐,鸡精等调味,即可食用. Wild Mountain Treasures Mushroom Soup Nourishes the stomach, strengthens the spleen,  and improves immunity Ingredients:  Morels, Dictyophora, Agaricus subrufescens, Dried Velvet Mushroom, Cordyceps flower, White Shimeji Mushroom, King Oyster Mushroom, Marmoreal mushroom, Agrocybe Cylindracea Mushrooms are fungi that belong in a kingdom of their own, separate from plants and animals. Their DNA more closely resembles humans than plants. They are ancient heroes and warriors against disease.  Mushrooms have been used in Asian cooking and medicine for centuries. They are rich in the B vitamins riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, zinc, magnesium, copper, potassium, selenium, phosphorous, and rich antioxidants. They are also a fairly good source of fiber. That combination protects heart health. Riboflavin supports red blood cells.  Mushrooms are low-carb, practically no-fat food with healthy protein: A Superfood. Health-promoting β-glucans are a large group of polysaccharides that create mushrooms’ healing effects. High potassium content is also characteristic of mushrooms. Mushrooms act as an antibacterial, immune system enhancers, and cholesterol-lowering agents; additionally, they are important sources of bioactive compounds. Cook all mushrooms. This soup is power-packed with flavor goodness  How to cook  Take a bag of this product and soak it in warm water for 20 minutes (cold water for about 1 hour), wash it clean after it has been thoroughly soaked, put it in an iron pot, add 500-1000g chicken, duck, spare ribs, etc., then add an appropriate amount of water and cook until the meat Cooked, add the right amount of salt, chicken essence and other seasonings according to personal taste, and it is ready to eat in Qi.


  • 生化湯


    生化汤 Women’s Comfort / Shenghua Soup 生化汤,中医方剂名。为理血剂,具有养血祛瘀,温经止痛之功效。主治血虚寒凝,瘀血阻滞证。产后恶露不行,小腹冷痛。临床常用于治疗产后子宫复旧不良、产后宫缩疼痛、胎盘残留等属产后血虚寒凝,瘀血内阻者 成分: 当归﹐川芎﹐甘草﹐红花﹐桃仁﹐香附﹐黑薑 ﹐益母草。 用法:四碗水煎至八分碗。 处方来源:清·《傅青主女科》。系从《济生方》佛手散加味衍化而成。   Women’s Comfort 生化湯 (Sheng Hua Herbal Soup) Effect: Regulates menstruation, reduces pain, replenishes blood Chinese herbal women’s formulas aim to correct underlying problems of blood deficiency and poor circulation in order to prevent monthly misery. It is fairly normal to feel some hyper-emotional and sexual feelings during PMS. After all we are designed to have children. Our hormones are activated then. However, under certain circumstances, we can easily develop anxiety or depression during PMS and throughout the period. We are sensitized. We are open to the world and to creation of life. It is important to honor and protect your body and feelings with a regular wise wellness routine. Use Women’s Comfort between periods or for women who have no period, due to illness, surgery or age, enjoy this healing beverage as a beautifying treatment. The energetic aim of Women’s Comfort is to build enriched blood and to enable smooth circulation in order to avoid common female discomforts and prevent women’s problems such as fibroids or menstrual irregularity. Ingredients: Radix Angelica sinensis, Dong Quai/Tang Kuei, Rhizome ligusticum root, Licorice root, Carthami Flos, Semen Persicae/peach kernel, Nutgrass Galingale Rhizome, Ginger, Motherwort Directions: Add four bowls of water. Boil four bowls of water to less than one, then filter and take the soup.  The amount of water is a key point because it can directly affect the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine, so if cooking the herbal soup according to the guidelines, the best results will be achieved. Suggestions: The traditional method of cooking this sort of herbal formula is to make a water extract: “四碗水煎至八分碗: Boil four bowls of water to less than one.” That makes very strong acting and tasting remedy. However, if you are new to Chinese herbs we suggest that you gradually become acquainted with their flavor and aroma. Cook it twice. Simmer the herbs for up to 20 minutes. Inhale the steam and enjoy the aroma. Drink a small cup twice a day between meals. For the second cooking of the herbs simmer for up to an hour or more. Drink the water decoction as needed for menstrual comfort. It can be stored in a glass jar in the refrigerator for 3 – 5 days. Your following period may be heavier or contain clots, which is part of the cleansing process. Check with your herbalist if you experience side-effects.   Women’s Comfort is a safe, effective combination of widely used Chinese herbs that have been formulated to avoid unpleasant side-effects. It is totally vegetarian with a bitter/sweet flavor from safflower, ginger, nutgrass, licorice root and the semi-sweet blood tonic herbs. Use it between periods with your herbalist’s advice. Avoid Women’s Comfort and in general blood-moving herbs during pregnancy or nursing.  Please consult your physician before using this product.


  • 特選精製 武溪大補茶 健肾強腰

    特選精製 武溪大補茶 健肾強腰



  • SALE


    武溪大補茶 成分:黃精、白朮、茯神、當歸、枸杞、黨參、北芪、熟地   Ingredients : Huáng jīng, Báishù, Fú shén, Dāngguī, Qǐ zi, Dǎngshēn, Běi qí, Shúdì Please consult your physician before using this product.


  • 仙翁牌 焗茶 涼茶 藥材包

    仙翁牌 焗茶 涼茶 藥材包

    仙翁牌 焗茶 涼茶 藥材包   Xian Weng Mix Herbal Tea Chinese and Southeast Asian folk medicine includes detox teas made from local herbs, grasses, and flowers commonly used in Chinese medicine to quel fever, cleanse the liver and blood. They often include raw herb ingredients that vary according to the manufacturer.  This “tea” is originally a formula from THUOC XONG meaning southern (Vietnamese) steaming treatment. Aromatic herbs are simmered and inhaled in order to help clear sinus congestion, headaches, and low energy following childbirth. . . Steaming engages the biological necessity of inhalation and brings medicated vapours into the body, while elevating the body temperature which produces sweating and releases toxins and wastes;



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