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477 products

  • 20% OFF
    实益牌 布朗高山 普洱生茶饼 2014年 实益牌 布朗高山 普洱生茶饼 2014年

    实益牌 布朗高山 普洱生茶饼 2014年

    实益牌 布朗高山  普洱生茶饼 2014年  勐海县 永明茶厂出品


  • 20% OFF
    布朗2017古樹生茶 普洱茶 #1077 布朗2017古樹生茶 普洱茶 #1077

    布朗2017古樹生茶 普洱茶 #1077

    布朗2017古樹生茶 普洱茶 #1077 布朗山位于西双版纳勐海县境内,是古茶园留存最多的地区之一,包括了班章、老曼娥、曼兴龙等村寨。布朗族是百濮的后裔,时代生活在布朗山区,是最早栽培、制作和引用茶叶的民族之一。 布朗山生茶香气丰富,有花果香,茶汤顺滑,汤色明亮,滋味浓厚。入口微苦,回甘绵长。缺点是苦底重,有涩味。冲泡时需要注意手法,控制投茶量、出汤时间等。 品牌 Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶         WHF Twin Birds 产地 Origin: 云南 Yunnan, China 品名 Name: 布朗山古树生普  Bulangsha Ole Tree Pu-Erh Raw Tea 年份 Production Date: 2017 分类 Sort: 普洱生茶Pu-Erh Raw Tea Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆ 储存方法 Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存 Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in a cool, dry place 保质期 Shelf Life: The aged the better 茶汤 Liquor: 茶香气丰富,有花果香,茶汤顺滑,汤色明亮,滋味浓厚。入口微苦,回甘绵长。 Mellow, soft, thick feel in the mouth, but the taste is a little light   Bulang Old Trees Pu-Erh Raw Tea ( 2017)#1077 Harvested in the Nadameng reservoir, a top-quality nature reserve located in Bulang mountain, Yunnan, China, this tea presents buds and leaves in beautiful shades of olive. The bright golden liquor has an initial bite of cooling bitterness, followed by complex and nuanced whiskey, bay leaf, smoked wood, and honey notes that linger delightfully with a long-lasting smooth and sweet finish.   How to Brew: Brewing Method: Teacup  Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature:  203℉ / 95℃  203℉ / 95℃ Tea Quantity: 5g  8g  Brewing time:  2-3 mins 12 steps: rinse, 15s, 15s, 20s, 25s, 30s, 35s, 40s, 60s, 80s, 100s, 150s, 200s  Rinse time is around 4 seconds

    $18.80 - $70.40

  • 20% OFF
    布朗山2013年熟茶普洱茶 #1145 布朗山2013年熟茶普洱茶 #1145

    布朗山2013年熟茶普洱茶 #1145

    布朗山2013年熟茶普洱茶 #1145 Pu-erh or Pu'er is a variety of fermented tea produced in Yunnan province, China. The town of Pu'er is named after the tea that is produced close by. Made with spring leaves from tea trees that are around 100-years-old, this Bulang mountain tea has a well-fermented ripe Pu-erh flavor that is bold and earthy. Pu’er tea is digestive and reduces harmful cholesterol. It is equally satisfying whether drunk hot or iced. ( Bulangshan Mountain of the Bulang people is not very far away from the city of Pu’er by linear measurement. Only 244 km. Harvested in the Nadameng reservoir, a top-quality nature reserve located in Bulang mountain, Yunnan, China, this tea presents buds and leaves in beautiful shades of olive. As Pu-erh ages, it becomes smoother, more mellow, and less bitter. “ripe” Pu-erh is a bit more mild and smooth. Pu-erh belongs to the category of fermented teas, usually called “dark“ tea or “black“ tea in China. It can be naturally fermented over time or by using a special pilling technique to accelerate the aging process. The two types are called raw and ripe Pu-erh or sheng Pu-erh and shou Pu-erh. Both of them contain different beneficial fungi and bacteria and may offer many health benefits. However, they influence the flavor too. Ripe Pu-erh is usually earthy and never bitter. The flavor will depend on many factors – from the leaf material to aging conditions and the type of bacteria and fungi that will develop, to storage conditions and brewing methods.   品牌 Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶         WHF Twin Birds 产地 Origin: 云南 Yunnan, China 品名 Name: 布朗山普洱熟茶  Bulangsha Pu-erh Ripe tea 年份 Production Date: 2013 分类 Sort: 普洱熟茶 Pu-erh Ripe Tea Caffeine Level: ☆☆ 储存方法 Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存 Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in a cool, dry place 保质期 Shelf Life: The aged the better 茶汤 Liquor: 醇厚浓郁,迷人醇香,茶水甘甜,香气绵长 Mellow and thick, natural earthy and smoky wood taste   How to Brew: Brewing Method: Teacup  Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature:  212℉ /100℃  212℉ /100℃ Tea Quantity: 5 g Tea 7 g Tea Brewing time:  1-2 mins 8 steps: rinse,10s,15s,20s,25s,35s,45s 60s,90s  Rinse time is around 4 seconds

    $10.80 - $40.80

  • 20% OFF
    洋甘菊 #1274 洋甘菊 #1274

    洋甘菊 #1274

    洋甘菊#1274  洋甘菊的作用及功效:味微苦、甘香,明目、退肝火,治療失眠,降低血壓, 可增強活力、提神。增強記憶力、降低膽固醇。洋甘菊茶熱飲對感冒亦有不錯的功效喔!當漱口水可緩解牙痛;加入洗髮精內可為頭髮增加亮麗光澤;放鬆不安的身心,在失眠或常發惡夢的晚上飲用,可有意想不到的幫助﹗它還可以舒解眼睛疲勞,將沖泡過的冷茶包敷眼睛,更可以幫助去除黑眼圈。   Chamomile Flower #1274 Chamomile flower tea is an annual plant that is a relative of the sunflower. Grown in Europe and temperate Asia, the chamomile flower has been used medicinally for ages. Sometimes called “the plant doctor”, the active ingredients in this flower are the essential oils within, including chamazulene, flavonoid, and coumarin. Known for its soothing and calming effects, Chamomile is best used when brewed to make a relaxing beverage that is also a caffeine-free experience. It is best enjoyed as a relaxing beverage. Benefits of chamomile tea Reducing menstrual pain. ...  Treating diabetes and lowering blood sugar. ...  Slowing or preventing osteoporosis. ...  Reducing inflammation. ...  Cancer treatment and prevention. ...  Helping with sleep and relaxation. ...  Treating cold symptoms. ...  Treatment for mild skin conditions. ( The role and efficacy of chamomile: slightly bitter taste, sweet and fragrant. It improves eyesight, relieves irritability, treats insomnia, lowers blood pressure, enhances vitality, and refreshes the senses. It enhances memory and lowers cholesterol. Hot chamomile tea is also good for colds! It can be used as a mouthwash to relieve toothache; when added to shampoo, it can add shine to the hair. Enjoy the tea to relax your restless body and mind. Drink it at night when you suffer from insomnia or nightmares. It can also relieve eye fatigue and dark circles around the eyes: Apply cold tea bags or brewed flowers to the eyes, lie down and relax.

    $9.60 - $36.00

  •  华美博物馆 x 永合丰 茶话会 茶叶礼盒  华美博物馆 x 永合丰 茶话会 茶叶礼盒

    华美博物馆 x 永合丰 茶话会 茶叶礼盒

    华美博物馆 x 永合丰 茶话会 茶叶礼盒 同时享用四款不用韵味口感的茶香,自用送礼两相宜 内有下列四款精选茶叶礼盒: 热带风情花果茶 ,有机毛峰 ,荔枝红茶 ,高山乌龙茶 可选择带茶巾或/含橙皮白茶

  • 菊香桔普茶 菊香桔普茶


    菊香桔普茶 Chrysanthemum Mandarin Pu-Erh Tea Fragrant Chrysanthemum flowers blended with Pu-Erh tea dried in a whole mandarin peel.  Flavor: Floral, earthy, citrus. Brew: Break one pearl and place in a teapot. Bring fresh boiling water and steep for 3-5 minutes, may be brewed for several infusions.  Benefits: High in antioxidants and vitamin C, may aid digestion and increase metabolism.    口感:茶香醇厚,汤色枣红;具有淡淡的菊花与普洱茶香 泡法:每颗茶珠分为三至四份,用100摄氏度沸水冲泡,浸泡3~5分钟后,滤出茶汤即可饮用 功效:顺气理中,健脾燥湿,化痰止咳


  • 20% OFF


    菊香桔普茶#1435  永合豐的菊香桔普茶 采用云南宫廷陈年熟普和广东新会柑橘皮,经过特殊工艺精制而成。在陈化过程中,普洱和橘皮的味道逐渐糅合,果香与茶香相得益彰,形成了特殊的风味。 每个桔普茶可分5次冲泡,陈皮与普洱茶可以同时冲泡,也可以分开冲饮。   Chrysanthemum Pu-Erh Tea #1435 Chrysanthemum flowers are naturally sweet and delicious. Their effect is cooling and relaxing and the tea is often used to avoid headaches, eye strain, and fever. This tea combines delicate chrysanthemum flowers with orange peel and digestive Pu-Erh tea from Yunnan.   Brewing Method: Teacup  Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature:  212℉ /100℃  212℉ /100℃ Tea Quantity: 5 g Tea 7 g Tea Brewing time:  1-2 mins 8 steps: rinse,10s,15s,20s,25s,35s,45s 60s,90s  Rinse time is around 4 seconds

    $6.00 - $23.10

  • 20% OFF
    菊花 迷你熟沱 普洱黑茶#1454

    菊花 迷你熟沱 普洱黑茶#1454

    菊花 迷你熟沱 普洱熟茶#1454 品牌 Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶                      WHF Twin Birds 产地 Origin: 云南 Yunnan, China 品名 Name: 菊花迷你熟沱茶  普洱熟茶  Chrysanthemum Tuo Cha Ripe Pu'er Dark Tea 分类 Sort: 普洱熟茶 Pu-erh Ripen Tea 产品配料: 普洱散茶、黄山贡菊 茶汤Liquor: 茶汤红润,口感香醇,整叶压制,条索分明Red, mellow and smooth Caffeine Level: ☆☆ 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in a cool, dry place 保质期 Shelf Life: The aged the better 整叶压制,沱型分明,拼配贡菊,花香浓郁。无需长时间存放汤色即红润诱人,叶底条索分明,绝非碎茶压制。   Chrysanthemum Tuo Cha Ripe Pu-Erh Dark Tea #1454 Chrysanthemum flowers are naturally sweet and delicious. Their effect is cooling and relaxing and the tea is often used to avoid headaches, eye strain, and fever. This tea combines delicate chrysanthemum flowers with ripe digestive Pu-Erh tea from Yunnan. Ripe (aka cooked) Pu-Erh tastes earthy, sweet, and mellow. It soothes stomach upset and eases digestion. It contains a natural statin to help regulate cholesterol.  This Chrysanthemum tea’s flowers, from the Yellow Mountain in China, are of the species Chrysanthemum morifolium or Chrysanthemum Indicum, which are most popular in East Asia. The tea has adenine, choline, vitamins A, B, amino acids, glycosides, volatile oil, and more. Chrysanthemum tea has many traditional medicinal uses, including as an aid in recovery from influenza, acne and as a "cooling" herb. According to traditional Chinese medicine, tea can aid in the prevention of sore throat and promote the reduction of fever. In Korea, the chrysanthemum is known well for its medicinal use in making people more alert and is often used as a pick-me-up to render the drinker more awake. In western herbal medicine, Chrysanthemum tea is drunk or used as a compress to treat circulatory disorders such as varicose veins and atherosclerosis.  In traditional Chinese medicine, chrysanthemum tea is also said to clear the liver and the eyes. It is believed to be effective in treating eye pain associated with stress or yin/fluid deficiency. It is also used to treat blurring, spots in front of the eyes, diminished vision, and dizziness. The liver is associated with the element Wood which rules the eyes and is associated with anger, stress, and related emotions. Brewing Method: Teacup  Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature:  212℉ /100℃  212℉ /100℃ Tea Quantity: 5 g Tea 7 g Tea Brewing time:  1-2 mins 8 steps: rinse,10s,15s,20s,25s,35s,45s 60s,90s  Rinse time is around 4 seconds

    $10.30 - $38.40

  • 菊花 迷你熟沱 普洱黑茶#1454 菊花 迷你熟沱 普洱黑茶#1454

    菊花 迷你熟沱 普洱黑茶#1454

    菊花 迷你熟沱 普洱熟茶#1454 品牌 Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶                      WHF Twin Birds 产地 Origin: 云南 Yunnan, China 品名 Name: 菊花迷你熟沱茶  普洱熟茶  Chrysanthemum Tuo Cha Ripe Pu'er Dark Tea 分类 Sort: 普洱熟茶 Pu-erh Ripen Tea 产品配料: 普洱散茶、黄山贡菊 茶汤Liquor: 茶汤红润,口感香醇,整叶压制,条索分明Red, mellow and smooth Caffeine Level: ☆☆ 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in a cool, dry place 保质期 Shelf Life: The aged the better 整叶压制,沱型分明,拼配贡菊,花香浓郁。无需长时间存放汤色即红润诱人,叶底条索分明,绝非碎茶压制。 Chrysanthemum Tuo Cha Ripe Pu-Erh Dark Tea #1454 Chrysanthemum flowers are naturally sweet and delicious. Their effect is cooling and relaxing and the tea is often used to avoid headaches, eye strain, and fever. This tea combines delicate chrysanthemum flowers with ripe digestive Pu-Erh tea from Yunnan. Ripe (aka cooked) Pu-Erh tastes earthy, sweet, and mellow. It soothes stomach upset and eases digestion. It contains a natural statin to help regulate cholesterol.  This Chrysanthemum tea’s flowers, from the Yellow Mountain in China, are of the species Chrysanthemum morifolium or Chrysanthemum Indicum, which are most popular in East Asia. The tea has adenine, choline, vitamins A, B, amino acids, glycosides, volatile oil, and more. Chrysanthemum tea has many traditional medicinal uses, including as an aid in recovery from influenza, acne and as a "cooling" herb. According to traditional Chinese medicine, tea can aid in the prevention of sore throat and promote the reduction of fever. In Korea, the chrysanthemum is known well for its medicinal use in making people more alert and is often used as a pick-me-up to render the drinker more awake. In western herbal medicine, Chrysanthemum tea is drunk or used as a compress to treat circulatory disorders such as varicose veins and atherosclerosis.  In traditional Chinese medicine, chrysanthemum tea is also said to clear the liver and the eyes. It is believed to be effective in treating eye pain associated with stress or yin/fluid deficiency. It is also used to treat blurring, spots in front of the eyes, diminished vision, and dizziness. The liver is associated with the element Wood which rules the eyes and is associated with anger, stress, and related emotions.


  • 20% OFF
    醇韵普洱茶饼 熟茶 2013年 357g

    醇韵普洱茶饼 熟茶 2013年 357g

    醇韵普洱茶饼 熟茶 2013年 357g Chunyun Ripe Pu-Erh Tea Cake 2013yr This well-fermented ripe Pu-erh tea flavor is bold and earthy. Pu-Erh tea is digestive and reduces harmful cholesterol. It is equally satisfying whether drunk hot or iced. Pu-Erh belongs to the category of fermented teas, usually called “dark“ tea or “black“ tea in China. It can be naturally fermented over time or by using a special pilling technique to accelerate the aging process. The two types are called raw and ripe Pu-Erh or sheng Pu-Erh and shou Pu-Erh. Both of them contain different beneficial fungi and bacteria and may offer many health benefits. However, they influence the flavor too. Ripe Pu-Erh is earthy, rich, fragrant, and never bitter. The flavor will depend on many factors – from the leaf material to aging conditions and the type of bacteria and fungi that will develop, to storage conditions and brewing methods.


  • 20% OFF
    雲霧 綠茶#1224

    雲霧 綠茶#1224

    2 reviews

    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 中国 China 品名Name: 云雾 绿茶  Cloud & Fog  保质期Shelf Life: 18months 分类Sort: 炒青绿茶  Green Tea 等级Level: 二级 Regular 采摘Season: 谷雨前 Spring Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆ 干茶 Body:  绿润多毫,条索紧凑秀丽 Tender buds and leaves with tightly curled shape, glossy jade color 茶汤 Liquor: 香气鲜爽持久,滋味醇厚甘甜,汤色清澈明亮 Mellow, roasted chestnuts with an underlying note of bitterness 储存方法 Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存 Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place Cloud and Fog Green Tea is grown on Lu Mountain in Jiangxi, China. The significance of the location is important in producing these one of a kind tea leaves. The mountain is situated between the Yangtze River and Lake Poyang, both of which provide ample mist and water for the growing tea shrubs. 云雾茶芽肥绿润多毫,条索紧凑秀丽,香气鲜爽持久,滋味醇厚甘甜,汤色清澈明亮,叶底嫩绿匀齐,是绿茶中的精品,以“味醇、色秀、香馨、液清”而久负盛名。 Brewing Method: Tea cup  Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 8.8oz / 250ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 185℉ / 85℃ 185℉ / 85℃ Tea Quantity:  2 Teaspoon / 2g  4g  Brewing time:   3 - 5 mins 3 steeps: rinse, 30s, 60s, 90s

    $5.80 - $23.20

  • 好蓮沱茶 降糖 减脂 好蓮沱茶 降糖 减脂

    香港 好蓮沱茶 減脂降壓 (90+4 包)

    4 reviews

    香港好莲沱茶富含茶多酚、茶黄素、儿茶素类、黄铜酵类、花白素和花青素类、芬酸等多种活性物质,其中以茶多酚含量最高,占多酚类总量的80%,活性极强,可使细胞活性增强,全面调理血管,增加血管弹性,稀释血液,从而使血压、血脂调节为正常状态。达到延年益寿、清洗血管、对抗三高、去脂减肥、秀身健美、延缓衰老的妙效。 【产品介绍】:好莲沱茶 三高克星健康源泉 【配料】:优质普洱茶,不含中药或任何化学成分,保留茶叶中天然成分 【规格】:90茶包×2.5克 【用法用量】:一日三餐,一餐一小袋,边吃饭边喝 【贮藏方法】:存放在阴凉避光无异味处 【注意事项】:100%天然本草复方茶,坚持餐餐饮用不中断,能调和营养,长期饮用必得妙效!袋泡茶,不带线、不带钉,绿色环保。每盒90小袋,一日三餐不中断,一个月分量。 【适 应 症】: 三高(高血压,高胆固醇,高血脂)人群



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