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Wing Hop Fung has a Tea for every Season and Taste: White, Green, Pu’er, Oolong, Black teas, flower teas, and more from quality-controlled estates in China, Japan, England, Europe, and India.


Traditional Herbal Remedies Traditional Herbal Remedies Tea is serenity, medication, peace and everything a lover adore. Directly from our tea gardens in China and Japan.

Wing Hop Fung has a Tea for every Season and Taste: White, Green, Pu’er, Oolong, Black teas, flower teas, and more from quality-controlled estates in China, Japan, England, Europe, and India.

477 products

  • 10% OFF
    台灣新竹 東方美人 膨風 烏龍茶 150克

    台灣新竹 東方美人 膨風 烏龍茶 150克

    台灣新竹 東方美人 膨風 烏龍茶 150克 东方美人茶属于台湾乌龙茶,是台湾特有茶叶品种,产地主要分布在台湾新竹、竹东、苗栗一带。东方美人乌龙茶为发酵度较高的半发酵,一般的发酵度为60%,有些则多达75-85%,故不会产生任何生菁臭味,且不苦不涩。茶叶呈金黄色,形如被火烧一般,茶汤呈琥珀色,具有天然果蜜香味。因其茶芽白毫显著,因此又被称为台湾白毫乌龙茶。 东方美人茶的历史传说: 一。东方美人茶原本叫做膨風茶,名称源来自早年种植时,经常遭受病虫害,不仅斑点多,有些茶叶卷曲起来,使得茶叶卖相非常不好,其中一位茶农不甘辛苦种植劳作白费,还是按照正常乌龙茶制作工艺加工,然后怀着忐忑的心拿到茶行去卖,但没想到茶行买办试喝这款虫蛀过的茶后,发现茶汤味道甘醇甜美,且带有明显的成熟果蜜香,口感香气比市面上其他乌龙茶要好,于是茶行买办高价收购这款乌龙茶,茶农高兴之余向邻居茶农们,炫耀他的虫蛀茶卖了高价,但茶农们都不相信,觉得他在吹牛,于是便把虫蛀茶称为膨風茶,膨風就是吹牛的意思,膨風茶之名不胫而走,从此台湾有了这款膨風茶。 二。台湾膨風茶卖到英国后,英国茶商觉得此款茶,果蜜香口感非常不错,便献给当时的英国女王维多利亚,女王冲泡后发现这款膨風茶外观艳丽,犹如绝色美人漫舞在水晶杯中,品尝茶汤后,口感醇厚甘甜,独具特色的果蜜香,于是便赐名“东方美人茶”,从此这款虫蛀膨風茶,便有了新名字叫“东方美人茶”。 特点:东方美人茶叶中所含营养物质丰富,东方美人茶具有温和暖胃、抗衰老、美肤养颜、减肥、养生保健等功效,因此,东方美人茶特别适合女士饮用。 冲泡法 热冲泡:选择传热散热快的冲泡器皿,以瓷壶较佳,水温不宜过高,摄氏85-90度为宜。 冷冲泡:10克茶叶泡600毫升常温水,放冰箱冷藏8-12小时后可饮用。


  • 東方美人


    Oriental Beauty(2oz) Oriental Beauty tea is made with white tea and carnation flowers. It brews an aromatic and delicate floral blend that is soothing and refreshing. Entice your senses with these small rosettes that are individually hand-crafted by skillful artisans. Each one blooms right before your eyes into a beautiful bouquet of tea leaves and flowers, bringing along a myriad of flavors unique to each floret. There are about 7 to 10 rosettes per can. White tea is high in antioxidants and lowers in caffeine than other teas. Freshly-brewed organic carnation tea provides relief from stress and nervousness. It is also a remedy for motion sickness. Carnation is used for treating muscle spasms and improves heart health. It is also useful for treating the problem of hair loss and sore muscles. (


  • 銀花香、高山單樅) 銀花香、高山單樅)

    原生態 手工烏龍茶 (鋸朵仔/杏仁香、蜜蘭香、鴨屎香/銀花香、高山單樅)

    原生態 手工烏龍茶 (鋸朵仔/杏仁香、蜜蘭香、鴨屎香/銀花香、高山單樅) 鳳凰單樅茶屬於烏龍茶的一種,是中國傳統的名茶之一,它產自廣東省的鳳凰山地區,鳳凰山區的高海拔、雲霧繚繞以及特有的土壤條件,賦予鳳凰單樅茶獨特的品質。 烏龍茶是一類發酵程度,介於綠茶和紅茶之間的茶葉,具有獨特的花香和果香特色和口感而聞名。鳳凰單樅茶的香味濃郁而持久,細心欣賞,可以聞到棗、桂花和橄欖的怡人香氣,口感甘甜而豐滿。 鳳凰單樅茶的外形,呈現出完整的條索狀,茶葉扁平而彎曲,色澤深綠帶黃。其雜亂的外觀,表現其天然野生的茶葉特質。與熱帶氣候和富含有機質的土壤相結合,這些特質使得鳳凰單樅茶在茶界中獨樹一幟。 鳳凰單樅茶具有許多保健效果。首先,它富含維生素C和茶多酚等營養物質,具有抗氧化和養胃的作用。其次,鳳凰單樅茶還含有茶氨酸和咖啡碱等成分,對於提神醒腦有一定效果;此外还能清凉解渴、消暑降火。 鋸朵仔—又名杏仁香,名字得來是杏仁香單樅茶樹,其葉片細小有明顯的鋸齒形狀,所以叫“鋸朵仔“,原產於鳳凰鎮南管區橋頭村,為鳳凰單樅茶十大香型之一,是鳳凰單樅茶中最為精緻美麗的茶款。 鋸朵仔茶樹葉片細小,人工采摘過程中耗時耗力,茶農一天辛苦只能采摘二三斤,相較於其他茶葉每天采摘十來斤,可謂生產和製作成本高。鋸朵仔的製作發酵工藝不重,葉底仍可見砂綠色,成品茶隱約可見玉葉金邊的烏龍茶特徵,十分清秀迷人,因其葉片極小,在鳳凰茶鄉有“做前蝦米,做后牙籤”之稱。 香味口感:冲泡時,杏仁果香味與奶香味交相輝映,茶湯金黃明亮、喉韻飽滿、入口甘潤、質感柔軟、滋味腴醇、回甘綿長。 冲泡方式:投茶量約8克或者泡茶蓋碗五六成,用沸騰開水,建議入水后立刻泡出無需悶茶,茶葉耐泡冲泡程度,依茶葉的樹齡和做工而有區別。選購又以春季的鋸朵仔最佳。

    $29.99 - $39.99

  • 20% OFF
    桂花绿茶 #1188

    桂花绿茶 #1188

    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 福建 Fujian, China 品名Name: 桂花绿茶 Osmanthus Green Tea  保质期Shelf Life: 18months 分类Sort: 拼配绿茶 Green Tea Caffeine Level: ☆☆ 干茶 Body: 甜润的桂花香和茶香交融,相得益彰 Select green tea sprinkled with osmanthus flowers for a fresh apricot taste 茶汤 Liquor: 黄绿明亮,醇和香润  Nutty and sweet with a pineapple-apricot end 配料Ingredient: 早春绿茶 Green Tea, 桂花Osmanthus 储存方法 Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存 Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place   桂花绿茶是以早春绿茶配以仲秋桂花窨制而成,以桂花的馥郁芬芳衬托绿茶的清澈鲜爽,别具风味。 此茶可以尝试冷泡法: 取3-5g茶叶,冲入300ml冷水充分浸泡 放入冰箱,冷藏1-3小时 滤除茶叶即可饮用,可依个人口味加入糖或蜂蜜 Osmanthus Green Tea is a newly famous scented tea nowadays. Tea drinkers are trying more different ways to brew their tea by mixing around different ingredients. Osmanthus Green Tea is now easily found in local fusion restaurants with a younger generation crowd. Osmanthus Green Tea when brew gives a sweet strong osmanthus greenish aroma tea. Osmanthus flower is incredibly beautiful and has a unique sweet, creamy, peachy and floral aroma and flavor. In fact, this flower tea is unlike any other flower tea. . . ( In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), osmanthus is a well-known herb that can improve skin, detoxify the body, reduce thick saliva in the throat and boost lung health. In practice, osmanthus tea is often consumed when one suffers from dry skin or hoarseness. ( Unlike many other flower petals that are bitter to the taste, osmanthus petals have a unique flavor that is only slightly bitter and very mildly sweet; making it ideal for cooking, making teas and wines, or as an ingredient for fragrance. (  This tea is really good for cold brew. Brewing Method: Teacup  Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 185℉ / 85℃ 185℉ / 85℃ Tea Quantity:  1.5 Teaspoon / 2g   4g  Brewing time:   3 - 5 mins 7 steeps: rinse,15s, 25s, 35s, 45s, 55s, 65s, 80s Rinse time is around 5 seconds

    $12.00 - $44.80

  • 20% OFF
    台灣金萱 桂花烏龍茶#1133

    台灣金萱 桂花烏龍茶#1133

    3 reviews

    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 台灣 南投县Taiwan 品名Name: 金萱 桂花 奶香乌龙茶Osmanthus Milk Oolong Tea 等级Level: 特级 Supreme 分类Sort: 调味乌龙茶 Oolong Tea 保质期Shelf Life: 24 months 香型 Aroma: 清香型 faint scent Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆ 干茶 Body: 颗粒饱满,色泽墨绿,茶香飘逸 Rolled into tight tiny ball shape, sand-green in color 茶汤 Liquor: 蜜黄明亮,口感顺滑,花香奶香清雅 Silky, smooth, and buttery 储存方法 Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存 Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place 所谓桂花乌龙茶,实际上是用桂花与乌龙茶拌合熏制而成的。制作时先铺一层茶叶,再用一层桂花铺匀,让茶叶吸收桂花香,密封窖藏。从制作工艺上,严格来说桂花乌龙算是花茶了,但却不失乌龙茶的风味。 From the high misty mountains in Taiwan comes a naturally rich and milky flavored tea. Just smell the tea leaves and you’ll know what we’re talking about! Surprisingly, no actual milk is used - the flavor is purely natural from the climate conditions the tea trees grow in. All we did was infuse this tea with the unforgettable sweet fragrance of Osmanthus flowers for a delightful cup of tea. Osmanthus flower is incredibly beautiful and has a unique sweet, creamy, peachy, and floral aroma, and flavor. In fact, this flower tea is unlike any other flower tea. . . ( This tea is really good for cold brew. Brewing Method: Teacup Chinese Gongfu Method Water Volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 212℉ / 100℃ 212℉ / 100℃ Tea Quantity:  2 Teaspoons / 5g Tea    7g Tea Brewing time:   3 - 5 mins  7 steeps: rinse, 15s, 25s, 35s, 45s, 55s, 75s, 85s

    $23.60 - $94.40

  • 20% OFF
    宫廷A级 2013年 普洱熟茶 #1399

    宫廷A级 2013年 普洱熟茶 #1399

    宫廷A级 2013年 普洱熟茶 #1399 Palace A Grade Ripe Pu-Erh Tea#1399 Pu-Erh is a fermented, digestive tea. Dark (aka ripe pu’er) is aged longer than raw Pu-Erh and has a stronger distinctive earthy, semi-sweet flavor. It has been used to improve digestion and circulation and contains a natural statin known to help reduce harmful cholesterol and improve weight loss.  This tea has a very smooth character without any astringency or bitterness. The clean woody profile has soft, creamy, and earthy notes of walnuts. Overall this is a comforting tea with an accessible taste that is a great introduction to Pu-Erh teas. We suggest brewing at 90°C for 3-5 minutes according to your taste. ( Brewing Method: Teacup  Chinese Gaiwan Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature:  212℉ /100℃  212℉ /100℃ Tea Quantity: 5 g Tea 7 g Tea Brewing time:  1-2 mins 8 steps: rinse,10s,15s,20s,25s,35s,45s 60s,90s  Rinse time is around 4 seconds

    $7.99 - $31.20

  • 20% OFF
    巴黎香榭 花果茶#1310 巴黎香榭 花果茶#1310

    巴黎香榭 花果茶#1310

    巴黎香榭 花果茶#1310 Parisian Romance Fruit Tea is a blend of botanical herbs, flowers, fruits and spices. The deep russet brew and tangy flavor comes from hibiscus flowers. Caffeine-free with aromatic notes, it is sure to tickle your taste buds. Parisian Romance is made from hibiscus, rose hips, apple bits, citrus peels, grapes, pineapple bits and mint.  巴黎浪漫果茶由芙蓉,玫瑰果,苹果,柑橘皮,葡萄,菠萝和薄荷制成。口感醇香,悠長,讓身心沐浴在浪漫之中。

    $8.80 - $37.60

  • 20% OFF
    奶油蜜桃 花果茶#1483 奶油蜜桃 花果茶#1483

    奶油蜜桃 花果茶#1483

    1 review

    奶油蜜桃 花果茶#1483 Peach Orchard Fruit Tea #1483 Reminisce about summertime with Peach Orchard Fruit tea. Its tart peach and citrus notes are sure to please. This tea is caffeine-free, high in vitamin C, and excellent sweetened and iced. Peach Orchard is made from hibiscus, dried peach, apple, orange peel, and marigold. Some Health Benefits of Hibiscus Tea include: Packed With Antioxidants.  May Help Lower Blood Pressure. ...  May Help Lower Blood Lipid Levels. ...  May Boost Liver Health. ...  Could Promote Weight Loss. ...  Contains Compounds That May Help Prevent Cancer. ...  Could Help Fight Bacteria. ...  Flavorful and Calming Marigold tea drunk three times a day, alleviates cramps and aids digestion. It will also bring relief for nausea, stomach ulcers and menstrual discomfort. (

    $9.60 - $37.60

  • 20% OFF
    蜜桃天堂 花果茶#1484 蜜桃天堂 花果茶#1484

    蜜桃天堂 花果茶#1484

    蜜桃天堂水果綠茶#1484 Peach Paradise Fruit Tea#1484 Indulge your taste buds with this green tea blend that boasts delicate, tart, and peachy notes. Peach Paradise is made of select green tea, dried peach, apple, marigold, and hibiscus. Some Health Benefits of Hibiscus Tea include: Packed With Antioxidants.  May Help Lower Blood Pressure. ...  May Help Lower Blood Lipid Levels. ...  May Boost Liver Health. ...  Could Promote Weight Loss. ...  Contains Compounds That May Help Prevent Cancer. ...  Could Help Fight Bacteria. ...  Flavorful and Calming Marigold tea drunk three times a day, alleviates cramps, and aids digestion. It will also bring relief for nausea, stomach ulcers, and menstrual discomfort. (

    $10.39 - $37.60

  • 25% OFF
    夏日繁花 茉莉龙珠 花茶禮盒 夏日繁花 茉莉龙珠 花茶禮盒

    夏日繁花 茉莉龙珠 花茶禮盒

    1 review

    夏日繁花 茉莉龙珠 花茶禮盒 Pearl Of Jasmine Green Tea Gift Set Made from tender silvery green tea buds infused with jasmine flowers, these pearls are meant for brewing! The blending process takes three rounds with a fresh batch of flowers each time. The leaves are then tightly rolled into a lovely pearl shape which slowly unfurls in hot water. A traditional Chinese tea perfect for gift giving.  First produced in China over 1,000 years ago, jasmine tea's scenting process began during the South-Song Dynasty in China and was further developed under the Ming Dynasty. ( Jasmine flowers originate from Persia - now known as Iran.

    $42.99 - $43.99

  • 罐) 罐)

    永合豐 五窨 龍團珠茉莉花茶(8oz/罐)

    1 review

    永合豐 龍團珠 茉莉花茶皇(8oz) 品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 產地Origin: 福建 福州 Fujian, Fuzhou, China 品名Name: 龍團珠 茉莉花茶皇 Queen Pearl of Jasmine Tea 保質期Shelf Life: 18個月 18months 分類Sort: 花茶 綠茶  Green Tea 等級Level: 特級 Supreme 採摘Season: 谷雨前 Spring Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆ 乾茶Body: 卷如绣球,圆潤匀整,白毫滿披Hand rolled into pearl shape, with obvious white tips 茶湯Liquor: 香氣鮮靈清雅,口感馥郁香醇,湯色清亮, 回甘佳Citrus-like aroma with a smooth, crisp finish, sweet after taste 儲存方法Storage: 陰凉、乾燥、防異味Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place 暢銷三十年,品質保證! 永合豐珍珠茉莉花茶皇又名龍團珠茉莉花茶,產於福建福州,選用了谷雨前的福建大白毫春茶和盛夏時節的單瓣茉莉。品質特點:外形圓緊重實、匀整;内質香氣鮮濃,滋味醇厚,湯色黄亮,葉底肥厚。 永合豐的此款龍珠團茉莉花茶先後共窨製五次,窨(yin)制,意為将茶與花按1:1的比例拼合熏製後,再將茶與花分離,此为一窨。使茶葉充分吸收茉莉花的香氣,又不至掩蓋了茶香,少一次則不足,多一次則有餘,成茶後只聞香不見花。 存放建議:茉莉花茶的香氣是芳烃類物質,易揮發。保管時需注意防潮,建議存放在陰涼,乾燥,透氣無異味的環境中。 


  • 20% OFF
    鳳凰單樅  黄枝香 烏龍茶#1118

    鳳凰單樅 黄枝香 烏龍茶#1118

    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 广东 潮州 Guangdong, China 品名Name: 凤凰单枞 黄枝香Phoenix Dan Cong Gardenia fragrance  等级Level: 二级Regular 分类Sort: 乌龙茶 Oolong Tea 保质期Shelf Life: 24 months 香型 Aroma: 浓香型 Highly aromatic Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆☆ 干茶Body: 条索粗壮,匀称挺直Tight and even strips, dark brown bloom glossy  茶汤Liquor: 橙黄明亮,清香浓郁,回甘佳Mellow and smooth taste with strong honey aroma 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in a cool, dry place   Phoenix Yellow Stone Oolong Tea is cultivated from tea trees in Guangdong, China that have been there since the Song Dynasty. It is said they were once only reserved for royalty. Today, this tea is still rare due to its limited production but you can now enjoy its rich and complex flavor. Dan Cong is a special type of Oolong from Fenghuang shan (Phoenix mountains) in Guandong province, China. The Phoenix Mountains are elevated from 350 - 1560 meters above sea level. Niaoji shan (1560m) is the highest mountain while in Wudong shan (1391m) the main Dancong production is located. Dancong literally translated means "single bush". Brewing Method: Teacup Chinese Gongfu Method Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 212℉ / 100℃ 212℉ / 100℃ Tea Quantity:  3g Tea  8g Tea Brewing time:   3 - 5 mins 10 steeps: rinse, 5s, 10s, 20s, 35s, 45s, 60s, 90s, 120s, 210s, 280s  Rinse time is around 5 seconds

    $24.00 - $92.80


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