



補充劑和生活方式 補充劑和生活方式從今天開始健康生活!我們提供最全面的補充劑和健康食品,讓您做好準備。


292 products

  • 蜂巢玻尿酸紧致次抛原液 蜂巢玻尿酸紧致次抛原液


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    Biohyalux Lifting&FirmingSerum Net Weight: 30 x (1.5 ml/0.05 fl.oz.) HA Lifting & Firming Serum Our exclusive Hexagonal Hyaluronic Acid Formulation (HHAF) is created through a patented process, utilizing four different molecular weights' Hyaluronic Acid (HA), including miniHA® and microHA™. Each molecular weight HA effectively penetrates and hydrates a different layer of the skin to fulfill a wide range of regenerative and protective functions in any type of skin. Strengthened by Hyacross with its superior moisture-retaining properties, anti-aging effects are further enhanced with the addition of Bifida Ferment Extract and Natto Extract. Skin looks firmer and smoother as it is lifted to glowing fullness. Biohyalux HA Research Institute. Ingredients:water (aqua), bifida ferment lysate, butylene glycol, glycerin, pentylene glycol, peg/ppg/polybutylene glycol-8/5/3 glycerin, sodium hyaluronate crosspolymer, bis-peg-18 methyl ether dimethyl silane, carbomer, sodium hyaluronate, hydrolyzed sodium hyaluronate, caprylyl glycol, ammonium acryloyldimethyltaurate/vp copolymer, hydroxyethyl acrylate/sodium acryloyldimethyl taurate copolymer, isohexadecane, polysorbate 60, phenoxyethanol, sodium benzoate, methyl gluceth-20, sodium hydroxide. Instruction: Twist cap to open. Massage serum evenly onto freshly cleansed skin until it is fully absorbed. 

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  • 山楂六物膏(150g) 山楂六物膏(150g)


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    SHAN ZHA LIU WU GAO Ingredients: Hawthorn, Jujube, Yam, Malt, Poria cocos, chickens gizzard-membrane, crystal sugar, Water Using suggestion: eat it directly or drink it with warm water about 60 C recommended, 10-20g each time, 1-2 times per days. Storage: This product does not contain preservatives. Store at room temperature, it is recommended to eat it within one month after opening. Manufacturer: Guangdong, FengchunDistributed By: Hygia heal thcare. 山楂六物膏原料:山楂、大棗、山藥、麥芽、茯苓、雞胗膜、冰糖、水使用建議:直接食用或用建議60℃左右的溫開水飲用,每次10-20g,每日1-2次。儲存:本產品不含防腐劑。 常溫保存,建議開封後1個月內食用。生產廠商:廣東豐春分發者:Hygia 治愈 thcare。

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    杏林牌 利胆片 120粒/支 

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    杏林牌 利胆片  120粒/支  青岛国风药业股份有限公司 Qingdao Growful Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd. Exp: 09/19/2023 规格: 120粒濃縮丸/瓶(每片330毫克) 功效: 清熱, 祛濕,利膽。用於條例肝膽濕熱引起的不適 成分: 黃芩,金錢草,金銀花,茵陳,柴胡,大青葉,大黃 用法用量: 每次4-6粒, 每日3次 溫開水送服孕婦忌服, 避免兒童接觸   Size: 120pills/bottle (330mg/each) Effect: Clears heat, dispels dampness, and promotes gallbladder. Used to regulate the discomfort caused by damp heat in the liver and gallbladder Component: Scutellaria baicalensis root, Desmodium styracifolium, Lonicera dasystyla flower bud, Artemisias coparia top, Buplerum Chinense Root, Strobilanthes cusia leaf, Rhubarb Direction to use: 4-6 capsules each time, 3 times a day with warm waterPregnant women should not take it, keep out of reach of children

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  • 仙芝樓牌靈芝孢子油軟膠囊 仙芝樓牌靈芝孢子油軟膠囊


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    仙芝楼牌灵芝孢子油软胶囊优势 最后促销,不接受退换 exp: 11/23/2023 产品属性 【品 名】:仙芝楼牌灵芝孢子油软胶囊 【保健功能】:增强免疫力、对化学性肝损伤有辅助保护功能 【主要原料】:灵芝孢子粉、甘油、明胶、纯化水 【产品规格】:0.5g*20*粒*3瓶/盒 【成分含量】:每100g中含:总三萜20g 【用法用量】:每日2次,每次2粒、口服 【适宜人群】:免疫力低下者、有化学性肝损伤危险者 【不宜人群】:少年儿童、孕妇、乳母 【贮藏方法】:密封、置阴凉干燥处 【注意事项】:本品不能代替药物 【保 质 期】:24个月 灵芝基地 得天独厚的灵芝栽培基地——武夷山脉 连续15年获中、美、日、欧盟有机认证, 一木一芝、两作三休仿野生原木栽培。 有机栽培流程 灵芝菌种 仙芝楼从国内外百余种优良赤芝菌种中进行筛选和培育,选育药用价值最高的“芝102”和“芝120”菌种, 通过中国科学院微生物研究所鉴定;子实体朵大而肉厚;色泽好;孢子颗粒大而饱满。 生产车间 GMP认证的生产车间 自2005年以来,仙芝楼先后在福州和南平 建立了集中草药提取、孢子破壁、超微粉碎与 硬胶囊剂、软胶囊剂、粉剂、颗粒剂保健食品 车间、GMP中药饮片车间、固体饮料车间、含 茶制品车间、代用茶车间,全程掌握从原料到 产品的每个细节。 拥有空气净化达10万级、符合GMP标准 的现代化生产车间,并通过1022000:2005和  HACCP两大国际 上重要的食品安全管理系统 认证,确保“从农场到餐桌”的食品安全。 2017年通过中国医药保健品进出口商会 (CCMHPIE)与美国国家卫生基金会(NSF) 共同 认证,符合GEP质量管体系要求。 十万级洁净度生产车间 恒温恒湿车间:生产车间温度18-26℃,湿度45%-65%(特殊需求除外) 三级空气过滤系统:初效过滤、中效过滤、高效过滤 三级空气过滤 净化,净化效率达 99.95% ;可以过滤0.3微米的颗粒 相对压差:相对正压15Pa以上(国家标准≥10pa) 加工技术 领先行业的深加工技术 创新的灵芝孢子油超临界CO2  提取和分离纯化技术,实现孢子油 与杂质的在线分离纯化。(专利号: ZL201010203684.7) 质量控制实验室 建有功能齐全的质量控制实验室, 包括:感官品评、理化检测、功效成分检测、安全指标例如农药残留、重金属检测、微生物检测等。 质量保证与控制 美国、日本等进口的十几台精密仪器达到高速、精准分析。 包括:高效液相色谱仪(HPLC)、超高效液相色 谱仪、气相色谱仪(GC)、气相色谱质谱联用仪(GC-  MS)、原子吸收分光光度计(AA)、电感偶合等离子质 谱仪(ICP-MS) 低温物理破壁技术 萃取技术 三萜含量(灵芝总三萜≥20%) 仙芝楼灵芝孢子油软胶囊——牛骨胶 我们选用的是明胶行业顶尖生产企 业广东罗赛洛生产的牛骨胶, 大部份企 业采用的是猪骨胶, 牛骨明胶中胶皮蛋 白质含量高, 冻力好, 易吸收。   全程追溯码 微信扫描二维码即可查询产品信息、基地信息、产品检验报告 仙芝楼孢子油麦角甾醇含量 仙芝楼孢子油没有标麦角甾醇的 含量,但实际测量值中麦角甾醇 的含量很高。 麦角甾醇在储存过程中会降解,刚提取出来时一般都比较高 仙芝楼麦角甾醇含量平均值:0 . 89 mg/ g= 89 mg/ 100 g, 最高值:4 . 03 mg/ g= 403 mg/ 100 g   GanoHerb Ganoderma Lucidum Spore Oil Softgel Enhance immunity Protect against chemical liver damage Anti-cancer properties Fights fatigue and depression May improve heart health and blood sugar control Ganoderma Lucidum spore oil is an oily lipid extracted from broken Ganoderma spores by supercritical carbon dioxide fluid extraction technology, which integrates a variety of active ingredients of Ganoderma Lucidum spores. Raw materials: Ganoderma Lucidum spore powder, glycerin, gelatin, purified water. Each 100g contains: total triterpenes of 20g  Dosage: orally 2 times a day, 2 capsules each time Suitable for people with low immunity, those at risk of liver damage  Use with caution or avoid use for children, pregnant women, or nursing mothers. Precautions: This product cannot replace drugs Storage method: Sealed, placed in a cool and dry place  Shelf life: 24 months Ganoderma base  The unique cultivation base of Ganoderma Lucidum is Wuyi Mountains.  For 15 consecutive years, it has obtained organic certifications from China, the United States, Japan, and the European Union. Ganoderma Lucidum Xianzhilou is screened and cultivated from more than 100 kinds of excellent Ganoderma Lucidum strains at home and abroad, and the strains with the highest medicinal value are selected and identified by the Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences... [This product] meets GMP standards and two important international food safety management systems, to ensure food safety from "farm to table".  

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  • 總統牌 板藍根顆粒 160g

    總統牌 板藍根顆粒 160g

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    总统牌 板蓝根冲剂(16包) Ban Lan Gen Beverage (16 Sachets) Ban-Lan-Gen (BLG) has a thousand-year history of use for the prevention and treatment of respiratory tract infections (particularly respiratory viral diseases). BLG was highlighted as a classic antiviral and anti-influenza agent in the People’s Republic of China Pharmacopoeia in 1979 and 2010, respectively. Additionally, BLG was one of the eight major medicines recommended by the Chinese government for the prevention and control of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)... The Isatis indigotica root (IIR) is the single largest component of BLG granules. ( Ban Lan Gen is bitter, cold [anti-inflammatory in effect]. Therefore the granules have added sugar so that it may be used by children and adults. It can be taken at the beginning of colds/flu to reduce fever and aches. It can be used as a tea sweetener for chronic infectious diseases. Banlangen (Isatis) enters the Heart and Stomach meridians.Actions: Clears heat and resolves toxicity.  Cools the blood and benefits the throat.  Take 1 sachet, 1 to 2 times per day, or as instructed by a herbal practitioner. Dissolve in hot water .  

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  • 片仔廣 藿香正氣水  6瓶入 片仔廣 藿香正氣水  6瓶入

    片仔廣 藿香正氣水 6瓶入

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    片仔癀 藿香正氣水 ( 6支 x 10毫升) 名称: 藿香正气水 品牌: 片仔黄 产地: 中国 含量:60毫升 (10毫升X6支) 功效: 具有解表化湿,理气和中之功效   Pien Tze Huang Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Shui 6 x 0.35 Fl oz Detoxification: Reduces Body-Heat, Benefits Kidney and Spleen. PIEN TZE HUANG is a famous Chinese trademark of popular health products.  Choosing genuine herbs carefully, following traditional processing techniques with highly effective ingredients. Use them with the advice of a Chinese herbal expert.  Ingredients:  Rhizoma Atractylodis, Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae,Cortex Magnoliae, Radix Angelicae Dahuricae, Poria,Pericarpium Arecae,Rhizoma Pinelliae, Extractum Glycyrrhizae, Oleum Pogostemonis, Oleum Folii Perillae The liquid tastes pungent and bitter.TCM Functions and actions: Relieving exterior syndrome, resolving dampness, and regulating qi to harmonize the middle-energizer [digestion, Spleen/Stomach].Used for colds due to affliction from external wind-cold and internal retention of dampness or summer-heat and dampness, with manifestations of headache with heavy sensation, constriction in the chest, distending pain in the stomach and abdomen, vomiting and diarrhea; gastrointestinal cold with above symptoms.  

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  • 北京同仁堂李時珍大活絡丹 10丸 北京同仁堂李時珍大活絡丹 10丸

    北京同仁堂李時珍大活絡丹 10丸

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    北京同仁堂李時珍大活络丹 10丸 功能主治 袪風舒筋、活絡、除濕。用於風寒濕痺引起的肢體疼痛、手足麻木、筋骨不利、行動不便。 成分 蘄蛇、人工牛黃、烏梢蛇、天麻、熟大黃、血竭及其他藥材。 服法 口服,溫黃酒或溫開水送服,每日2次,每次1-2丸 。 规格 3.6 克/ 丸,10丸/ 盒 注意事项: 本品不可整丸吞服。孕婦忌服。 如對以上產品有任何疑問,請諮詢註冊中醫師。   Beijing Tong Ren Tang Da Huo Luo Dan 10 Pills  A trusted, strong Qi-mover to ease arthralgia pain Used to dispel wind and remove dampness, to relax muscles and tendons, activate the collaterals. Indications: Arthralgia due to wind-cold dampness, marked by the pain of the limbs, numb hands and feet, muscular constriction. [Wind-cold dampness refers to severe pain and stiffness made worse by cold weather, weakness, cold under-nourishing foods, age, stress, and dampness refers to edema, swollen joints, and lethargy.] Usage and dosage: 1-2pills a day, to be taken between meals with warm yellow rice wine or boiled water. Precaution: Contraindicated in pregnancy.  

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  • 杏林 銀翹解毒片(120粒)

    杏林 銀翹解毒片(120粒)

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    杏林 银翘解毒片 YINChiao Tablet(120粒) Dietary Supplement For cold seasons 疏风解表,清热解毒,用于调理风热所致的不适,帮助您在季节转换的日子里,保持健康。 It relieves wind, clears away heat, and detoxifies, it is used to regulate the discomfort caused by wind-heat and helps you stay healthy on the days when the seasons change. 服法和用量:每日3次,每次3-4粒。 成分:金银花,连翘,板蓝根,淡竹叶,薄荷,牛蒡子 Single Brand Yin Chiao tablet is a dietary herbal supplement with all-natural herbs. Directions: Ad a dietary supplement, take 3-4 capsules 3 times a day. Supplement Facts: Honeysuckle, Forsythia, Isatidis, Lophatherum, Mint, Burdock Seed   *根據美國醫藥衛生條例,以上的中醫藥理論並未經美國食品和醫藥局FDA的正式評估,因此本品不宜作藥用註解。 *This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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  • 峨眉山 风湿膏 5贴入

    峨眉山 风湿膏 5贴入

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    峨眉山 风湿膏 5贴入 名称: 峨眉山风湿膏5P 产地: 中国制造商: 成都蓉药集团四川长威制药公司主要成分: 樟脑,薄荷脑,水杨酸甲酯功能主治: 暂时缓解因下列症状引起的肌肉和关节的轻微疼痛:一般腰背痛、关节炎、瘀伤、损伤、扭伤用法用量: 成人和儿童3岁以上,贴在患处每天不超过3?4次,3岁以下的儿童,向医生咨询注意事项: 只供外用。 避免接触眼睛。 如果病情恶化,或如果症状持续超过7天,并反复,应停止使用该产品,并咨询医生。 不要涂在伤口或破损的皮肤。 不要贴的过紧 皮肤有严重刺激或发炎。 不建议皮肤敏感的人。 保持这和所有药品放在儿童不能接触的地方。贮藏方法: 容器闭紧储放于干燥避光处,室温保持在摄氏15-30度(华氏59-86度)之间   E Mei Shan Medicated Plaster Apply this Chinese herbal medicated plaster to temporarily relieve minor aches and pains of muscles and joints. How to use Adults and children 2 years of age and older: Remove the protective film from the plaster. Apply to the affected area, not more than 3 to 4 times daily. A MUST-HAVE TO EASE ACHES AND PAINS: Work, play, and the aging process can do a number on our joints and muscles. E Mei Shan Medicated Plaster (Jako Kototsu) is a must-have in your house and backpack to ease minor aches such as lower back pain and works to ease minor aches such as back pain, muscle pain, joint pain, and sports injuries. QUICK RELIEF TO THE DIRECT AREA: Unlike pills or prescriptions, E Mei Shan Medicated Plaster (Jako Kototsu) provides quick and direct relief to the affected area of the body without harsh side effects. HERBAL REMEDY FOR MINOR ACHES: Prescription drugs and frequent doctor visits may not be your only path to relief. E Mei Shan Medicated Plaster (Jako Kototsu) is a proprietary blend of herbal ingredients fused into a patch for simple backaches and pain stemming from sporting injuries, sprains, strains, and bruises. Apply the adhesive patch to the affected area and it will do the rest! RECOMMENDED FOR SPORTS LOVERS: E Mei Shan Medicated Plaster (Jako Kototsu) is the perfect match for active sports enthusiasts that occasionally suffer from minor aches and muscular pain - recommended for use before, during, and after your training or workout session. USA VERSION: E Mei Shan Medicated Plaster (Jako Kototsu) is inspected by US Customs and allowed to be sold in the US market. WARNING: legal: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (F.D.A.). This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Individual results obtained from taking these products may vary and are not guaranteed. Please consult your doctor before starting any exercise or nutritional supplements program or before using these or any product during pregnancy or if you have a serious medical condition.

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  • 北京 同仁堂 牛黄解毒片

    北京 同仁堂 牛黄解毒片

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    北京 同仁堂 牛黄解毒片(96片) Description Made from the highest quality of natural herbs, this popular supplement is formulated to support the health of the inner ear mouth, teeth, throat, salivary glands, as well as gastrointestinal and circulatory systems. Packaging 96 tabs (12 vials of 8) Suggested Use As herbal supplement, take 2 tabs at a time, twice daily. Ingredients Honeysuckle Flower, Forsythia Fruit, Fructus Gardeniae, Siler Root, Cnidium Root, Licorice Root, Inula Flower, Mint Leaf, Rhubarb Root, Chrysanthemum Flower, Gypsum, Platycodon Root, Schizonepeta Leaf, Angelica Root, Seashore Vitex Seed. About Tong Ren Tang Tong Ren Tang (also known as Tongrentang or Tong Ren Tang) was founded in 1669 and had been designated to provide remedies to the imperial palace of the Qing Dynasty for nearly 200 years. Tong Ren Tang's commandment: no manpower shall be spared, no matter how complicated the procedures of production are; and no material shall be reduced, no matter how much the cost is. The plan has established the strategic goals of the company - "With modern TCM at the core, developing the industry of health and becoming an internationally famous modern TCM group". Safety Do not use if pregnant or nursing. Keep out of reach of children. Please consult your health care provider if currently under care or treatment. Do not exceed recommended serving. See product packaging for additional safety information. Disclaimer Individual results may vary. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The statements on this website and all affiliates have not been evaluated by the FDA. Advice on treatment or care of an individual patient should be obtained through consultation with a trained health care practitioner. 性状 本品为素片、糖衣片或薄膜衣片、素片或包衣片除去包衣后显棕黄色;有冰片香气,味微苦、辛。 组成 人工牛黄、雄黄、石膏、大黄、黄芩、桔梗、冰片、甘草。 主要功效 清热解毒。 适用病症 火热内盛,咽喉肿痛,牙龈肿痛,口舌生疮,目赤肿痛。 用法用量 口服。一次3片,一日2次~3次。 药性分析 方中牛黄味苦气凉,入肝、心经,功善清热凉心解毒,以之为主药。生石膏味辛能散,气大寒可清热,清热泻火,除烦止渴;黄芩味苦气寒,清热燥湿,泻火解毒;大黄苦寒沉降,清热泻火,泻下通便,共为辅药。雄黄、冰片清热解毒,消肿止痛;桔梗味苦辛,入肺经,宣肺利咽,共为佐药。甘草味甘性平,调和诸药,为使药。诸药合用,共奏清热解毒泻火之效。 不良反应 尚不明确。 药品禁忌 孕妇禁用。 注意事项 本品不宜久服。

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  • AXE Brand Medicated Oil(1.89 fl oz)

    AXE Brand Medicated Oil(1.89 fl oz)

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    斧标驱风油 Name: AXE Medicated Oil Origin: SINGAPORE Manufacturer: Leung Kai Fook Medical Co., Pte. Ltd. Packaging: 1.89oz Component: Menthol, Camphor, and Methyl Salicylate Uses: For the temporary relief of minor aches and pains of muscles and joints due to: simple backache, arthritis, strains, bruises, sprains Serving Size: Adults and children 2 years of age and older: Apply to affected area not more than 3 to 4 times daily. Children under 2 years of age: Do not use, consult a physician. Warnings: Do not use: - on wounds - other than as directed as such use may be dangerous- on damaged skin Precautions: For external use only. When using this product: - do not bandage tightly - avoid contact with the eyes or mucous membranes. Stop use and ask doctor if:- condition worsens - symptoms persist for more than 7 days - symptoms clear up and occur again w Storage Method: Keep container tightly closed. Store at 15-30℃(59-86°F)

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  • 葛仙翁 感冒清热颗粒(15包) 葛仙翁 感冒清热颗粒(15包)

    葛仙翁 感冒清热颗粒(15包)

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    葛仙翁 感冒清热颗粒(15包)   GXW GANMAO QINGRE KELI(15 Sachets) Granules added to water or juice for detoxification and treatment of cold/flu symptoms. Cooling, refreshing a pleasant way to take a cold or headache remedy.  Ingredients:  Schizonepetae Spica, Menthae Herba, Saposhnikoviae Radix, Bupleuri Radix, Perillae Foliun, Puerariae Lobatae Radix, Platycodonis Radix, Armeniacae Amarun Semen, Angelicae Dahuricae Radix, Corydalis Bungeanae Herba, Phragmitis Rhizoma. From the manufacturer:  Effect of the drug: antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, anti-toxic, expectorant. Indications for use: colds, headache, heat, chills, aching body, runny nose and nasal congestion, cough and dryness in the throat. Mode of application: for oral administration, pour the granules into boiled water and take 1 sachet 2 times a day. Attention: It is recommended to refrain from smoking, alcohol, spicy, cold, greasy food. Do not take this simultaneously with tonic drugs [like ginseng]. In the presence of diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, hepatopathy, renal failure, and others. Chronic diseases [it should be] taken only under medical supervision. Children, women during menstruation and lactation, as well as elderly people use [it] only under medical supervision. If the patient's temperature exceeds 38.5 ° C, [101 degrees F] consult your doctor. If after 3 days of taking the medication symptoms [are not] weakened, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Not recommended with hypersensitivity to any of the components of the formulation. In the case of predisposition to allergy use with caution. If you change the characteristics of the product, discontinue use. Children take only under adult supervision. Store this medication must be [out of]  reach of children. In the case of simultaneous use of other drugs [you] should consult with a physician. Drug Interactions: Simultaneous use with other drugs may [result in] some interaction. For more information, please contact your doctor. Tags: Detoxification of the body | Cough Treatment | rhinitis Treatment | cold treatment | Action from the perspective of TCM:  Calms and dispels wind. Eliminates External Wind-Cold syndrome. Net domestic heat. Symptoms: fever, headache, a feeling of heat, cold intolerance, body aches, nasal congestion or nasal discharge light, pain and dryness in the throat, cough. Tongue: normal color, or red with a thin white coating. Pulse surface. Clinical indications: hypothermia, acute respiratory disease, SARS, influenza with the above symptoms. Product description: yellow-brown granules, have a sweet, slightly bitter taste.  

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