*康维他®UMF™20+麦卢卡蜂蜜 康维他®UMF™20+是一种产自新西兰,稀有且高活性的麦卢卡蜂蜜。 由新西兰麦卢卡树(Leptospermum scoparium)的花蜜制成。因其高纯度和高活性等级而享誉全球,是被研究最多的蜂蜜品种之一。 UMF™HA®(新西兰UMF蜂蜜协会)是麦卢卡蜂蜜独立检测和评级的权威认证机构,对麦卢卡蜂蜜中的天然化合物进行鉴定,确保蜂蜜的纯度和品质。 每一滴康维他®UMF™20+麦卢卡蜂蜜都经过检测评级,保证每批产品中都含有三种独特的天然麦卢卡蜂蜜化合物(MGO甲基乙二醛、Leptospermum独麦素、DHA二羟基丙酮)。 使用说明 康维他®UMF™20+麦卢卡蜂蜜可用来制作各种风味美食。可通过温热软化或冷藏凝固。 不适合一岁以下的儿童。 如需外用,请使用康维他® Medihoney® 医疗级抗菌蜂蜜品牌。如果瓶盖密封破损,请勿使用。 成分 康维他®UMF™20+麦卢卡蜂蜜含有纯粹新西兰麦卢卡蜂蜜。 UMF的全称是“独特麦卢卡因子(Unique Manuka Factor)”,UMF等级体系是检测麦卢卡蜂蜜中独有天然活性成分独麦素的含量标准。 康维他®UMF™20+麦卢卡蜂蜜的等级保证至少是UMF™20或以上。 Comvita® UMF™ 20+ MANUKA HONEY 8.8OZ CERTIFIED UMF 20+ (MGO 829+) Our rarest, Ultra Premium Grade Raw Manuka Honey comes from the nectar of the Manuka flower in the pristine forests of New Zealand. Comvita Manuka Honey is Raw, Wild, Unpasteurized, Non-GMO Project Verified, Halal, Kosher, and Certified Gluten-Free. THE GOLD STANDARD Every batch of Comvita Manuka Honey is independently tested and certified by the UMF Honey Association. Only UMF measures the three signature compounds (Leptosperin, DHA, and MGO – the key antibacterial marker) found in genuine, monofloral Manuka Honey. NOT ALL MANUKA IS CREATED EQUAL Many other popular Manuka products without UMF certification are branded with self-created terms like “Factors”, "Bio-Active", or “Active”. These lack the measurable standards ensuring Manuka’s quality, purity, authenticity, and value. BENEFITS & USES Manuka Honey is one of nature’s powerful wonders. It contains a unique range of beneficial oligosaccharides and prebiotics, amino acids, polyphenolic and other plant-derived compounds. Delicious and creamed to perfection, enjoy adding to your tea, oatmeal, yogurt, smoothie, or simply by the spoon. Great as a morning wellness ritual, pre-workout natural energy source, or as a DIY skin brightening facemask! NEW ZEALAND’S #1 UMF™ MANUKA HONEY BRAND Beekeeping Since 1974, Comvita also supplies medical-grade (sterilized, high UMF) Manuka Honey, which is administered topically for its antibacterial properties to treat wounds and burns in hospitals and wound care clinics. WAYS TO USE Directions Add Manuka to your tea, toast, yogurt or smoothies. Enjoy a spoonful in the morning or before a workout. Make Manuka part of your daily beauty routine.
位元堂 燕窩白鳳丸 WYT Bird's Nest Pak Fung Pills (6 balls) Functions Helps to enhance vital energy, tonifies blood, nourishes the liver and tonifies the kidneys, promotes blood circulation, soothes the nerves, improves the skin texture. Ingredient Radix Rehmanniae Praeparata, Rhizoma Dioscoreae, Radix Angelicae Sinensis, Semen Glycines Macis Praeparata, Poria, Radix Paeoniae Alba, Fructus Lycii, Herba Taxilli, Radix Astragali Praeparata cum Melle, Radix Codonopsis Praeparata, Rhizoma Chuanxiong, Herba Leonuri Praeparata, Folium Artemisiae Argyi Praeparata, Olibanum, Myrrha, Nidus Collocaliae Traditional Chinese herbs Dosage Adults, 1 ball to be taken orally daily Packaging Each box contains 6 herbal balls Remarks Use with caution or consult a physician during menstruation. Not to be used when suffering from common cold, fever or during pregnancy. This statement has not been evaluated by FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure and prevent any disease. 補品成份表 Supplement Facts每次用量:小丸(9.5克)Serving size 1 ball(9.5g)每次用量 Amount perserving中文名稱 Chinese name 熟地黄 Radix Rehmanniae Preparata山 藥 Rhizoma Dioscoreae當歸 Radix Angelicae Sinensis炒黑豆 Semen Glycine Max茯苓 Poria白芍 Radix Paeoniae Alba 炙黨參 Radix Codonopsis炙黃芪 Radix Astragali川芎 Rhizoma Chuanxiong 製益母草 Herba Leonuri煅艾葉 Folium Artemisiae Argyi燕窩 Nidus Collocaliae*每日服量尚未定 *Daily value not established 非有效成份:蜂蜜 Inactive ingredient:Honey
余仁生 金牌 川貝枇杷膏 (300 ml) 余仁生川贝枇杷膏能润肺止咳,化痰顺气,为日常服用之理想保健品。 润肺止咳 化痰顺气 燥热咳嗽,外感咳嗽 老人阴虚久咳,而见咳嗽痰多,或痰粘难咯,或干咳少痰,喉痛声沙。 EYS Gold Label Chuanbei Pei Pa Koa (300 ml) Pei pa koa is made up of a blend of herbal ingredients including a throat soothing demulcent loquat leaf, fu ling to deepen breath, pomelo peel to reduce mucus, platycodon, pinellia to improve digestion and reduce mucus, schisandra to improve energy and immunity, trichosanthes seed coltsfoot flower to reduce cough, thinleaf milkwort polygala tenufolia an expectorant, apricot kernel to moisten dry throat, ginger, licorice, menthol and honey. This Gold Label Chuanbei Pei Pa Koa is made of a variety natural herbs under GMP manufacturing process. It has been marketed in Asia for centuries because of its herbs properties and good taste for daily use. Soothes lungs to relieve cough Reduces phlegm and facilitates better breathing For dry cough due to excessive heat, minor flu and colds For chronic cough of the elderly with phlegm that is difficult to expectorate, hoarseness and sore throat. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
御惠 特强EX 赤灵芝胶囊(60 粒) 每粒【御惠牌】特强EX胶囊含250毫克浓缩度为16.6比1的赤灵芝精华,相当于用4150毫克的优质赤灵芝子实体,利用仿效古方煲药原理的热水抽出法提炼赤灵芝精华,疗效极高! 【御惠牌】精益求精,在生产御惠特强EX赤灵芝胶囊(白金装)的时候,将每颗赤灵芝精华的含量提高25%。每盒【御惠牌】赤灵芝特强EX含有60粒胶囊,赤灵芝精华含量从200mg提高到250mg。
海山 華陀跌打止痛膏 5片 暫時舒緩肌肉酸痛,肩頸僵硬,背痛,肌肉酸痛,或因關節炎運動挫傷,跌打扭傷及瘀傷所引起的疼痛。 主要成分:薄荷腦、冬青油、乳香、沒藥、樹脂、麻油 用法:先清洗弄乾疼痛處,撕開薄膜,將膏藥面貼在患處,每日不宜超過三、四次,勿貼於毛髮特別多的皮膚,以防撕下膏藥時傷害皮膚。使用時避免觸及眼睛及黏膜部位。 注意: 1. 只供外用,成人和十二嵗以上孩童。 2. 勿接觸眼睛部位,勿使用於傷口和破損皮膚處,皮膚過敏者不宜使用。 3. 使用時可能引起皮疹或皮膚潰爛,若在七日内症狀持續未改善時,請停止使用並咨詢醫生。 4. 孕婦及哺乳期間請勿使用。 5. 將此產品放於孩童無法觸及處所。 Hysan HuaTuo Pain Relief Plaster 5 pcs Traditional Chinese medicine hospitals and martial arts clubs make highly effective remedies for chronic pain, injuries, and broken bones. Hua Tuo plaster, a traditional pain remedy in a sheet applied directly to the skin, is a very good medium strength, general use plaster for temporary relief of minor aches and pains of muscles, stiffness around the neck and shoulders. Ingredients: Menthol, Methyl Salicylate, Sesame oil, Yellow wax, Myrrh, Frankincense TCM Functions: Invigorates blood, dispels blood stasis, disperses swelling, relieves pain.Apply it topically for minor injuries, aches, and pains. Applicable for injuries with bruising, lower back pain, temporary joint pain. An excellent choice for residual stiffness and pain. Avoid open wounds and sensitive areas. Avoid use during pregnancy and for small children. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
海山活絡油 50ml 海山活絡油是遴用名贵天然药料提谏而成,功能超卓、气味芬香、具有镇痛及消除旧患之疗效功能。 適應:暫時舒緩輕微肌肉痛、背痛,或因關節炎,損傷,扭傷及瘀傷所引起的疼痛 功能:跌打肿痛'腰酸背痛、筋格抽缩、头晕眼花'胸腹肚痛、舒筋活络、统治痛症、快速見效。 用法:搽用適量活絡油於患處,然後用指尖在患處最痠痛的部位運用壓力,進行以慢旋轉法,力度由輕至重,按壓15至20分鐘,要以患者不感痛苦為宜,每天按壓兩次或以上直至痊癒為止。使用時避免觸及眼睛及黏膜。兒童使用本品前,應諮詢中醫師或醫生意見。 主要成分: 水楊酸甲酯、薄荷、樟腦
海山 華陀活絡油 50ml 暫時舒緩輕微肌肉痛、背痛、或因關節炎,損傷,扭傷及瘀傷所引起的疼痛 華陀活絡油是由海山堂出品,主要適用於各種跌打痛症,是家居常備良药。它含有樟脑、薄荷冰等成分,用後清凉消腫,醒腦開神。適合跌打腫痛、腰酸背痛、筋络抽痛、頭暈眼花、胸腹肚痛,用后能舒筋活络,及舒緩各种痛症。 用法用量:成年人及十二歲以上兒童,搽用適量於患處,用指尖緩和地在患处最酸痛的部位運壓力,以慢旋轉法,力度由輕至重,按壓十五至二十分鐘,直至完全滲透,要以患者不感痛苦為宜,每天塗抹於患處不超過三至四次。十二歲一下兒童,塗用前請先查詢醫生。 注意:1. 忌食,僅供外用,直接塗於患處,切勿塗於破損的傷口及皮膚,避免觸及眼睛,如用綳帶不可包紥太緊,使用後如症狀加劇或持續七日以上,或好轉後症狀在數天内再重新時,請立即停用並請醫生診治。2. 孕婦或哺乳期間的婦女,塗用前請先詢問醫生。3. 請將本藥油放置在兒童無法觸及之處所。 **根據美國醫藥衛生條例,以上的聲明和中醫藥理,並未有經過美國食品和醫藥管理局(FDA)的正式評估。本產品不宜作藥用注解,不適用於針對診斷、治療、治愈或預防任何疾病。
御惠 赤靈芝精華膠囊/ 赤灵芝精华胶囊装 (60粒) 服用方法: 保健 (每日1次,1 – 2顆) 扶病 (每日2次,2 – 4顆) 儲存方法: 【御惠牌】以熱水抽出法製成的赤靈芝精華很容易被人體吸收,但因精華粉末幼細,較易受潮。每次服食後請即將膠袋密封,並放入陰涼乾燥的地方或冰箱保存。開封后,請盡快服用。
Comvita® Propolis Oral Spray (20ml) 保持口腔清洁 含有10%UMF™麦卢卡蜂蜜 含有蜂胶 为了保持天然口腔清洁,蜂胶口服喷雾结合了蜂胶的强大抗氧化特性和UMF™10+麦卢卡蜂蜜。 蜂胶是一种奇妙的天然保护体系,具有强大的抗氧化特性,可保持身体强健并增强人体免疫力。 使用说明 根据需要直接喷入口腔和咽喉。 警告: 蜂胶可能引起严重的过敏反应。 如果口腔或喉咙发炎或肿胀,请停止使用并咨询医生。 不适合2岁以下的婴儿。 孕妇或哺乳期妇女: 使用前请咨询您的医生。 成分 含有麦卢卡蜂蜜(抗氧化剂,舒缓口腔粘膜),蜂胶提取物(无酒精),薄荷,丁香,没药油和水。 Helps maintain oral hygiene Contains 10% UMF™ Manuka Honey Contains Propolis Propolis Oral Spray combines the powerful antioxidant properties of Propolis with UMF™ 10+ Manuka honey for your natural oral hygiene. Propolis is a wonderful natural protective system designed to promote well-being and long lasting health, with well-known antioxidant properties to help maintain a healthy immune system. Directions Spray directly into mouth and throat as needed. WARNING: Propolis may cause severe allergic reactions. If irritation or swelling of the mouth or throat occurs, discontinue use and consult a healthcare practitioner. Not suitable for infants under the age of two. PREGNANT OR LACTATING WOMEN: Consult your healthcare practitioner before use. Ingredients Manuka Honey (Anti-oxidant, soothing to mucous membranes), Propolis Extract (alcohol free), combined with Peppermint, Clove and Myrrh Oils in Water.
白蘭氏無糖燕窩 (6 瓶 X 68ml ) 白蘭氏冰糖燕窩採用純正高級燕窩,經人手仔細清淨後,加入清純冰糖以傳統方法燉製而成。白蘭氏冰糖燕窩是以真空處理,確保新鮮。 ● 純天然● 不含脂肪或胆固醇● 不含人造色素,味精或防腐劑● 容易為人體吸收 內含 : 6 瓶 X 2.3 oz (68 ml) BRAND'S® Bird's Nest Drink Sugar Free is made of 100% genuine, premium quality bird's nest. It is formulated for those who want to or need to lower sugar and calorie intake. It is sweetened with two natural sweeteners, Sorbitol and Xylitol. Now keeping sugar out of the diet does not mean keeping sweetness out too.● It is all natural.● It contains no fats and cholesterol.● It is free of all artificial stimulants.● It is easily digested.Contains : 6 bottles X 2.3 oz (68 ml)
白兰氏 冰糖燕窝 BRAND'S Bird's Nest Drink with Rock Sugar (6 X 68 ml) Bird's nest is a traditional precious natural tonic that has been consumed in China since the Ming Dynasty. It has traditionally been an effective tonic for emperors and nobles. Bird's nest is mainly produced in Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia and other places. The bird's nest is formed by condensing saliva from the mouth of the swiftlet sparrow or the same genus. The bird's nest is high in protein, with a delicate fragrance and a slight stickiness when chewed. Since ancient times, bird's nest has been regarded as a fine food and precious product for nourishing yin body fluids and beauty. Bird's Nest is traditionally used to clear phlegm, ease chronic dry coughs and relieve fatigue and premature aging. Bird's Nest can also be used to stimulate the appetite, improve digestion and stimulate bowel movement. BRAND'S® Bird's Nest Drink with Rock Sugar is made of 100% genuine bird's nest from Southeast Asia. BRAND’S uses FTIR (Fingerprinting) Technology to ensure only genuine nests are used in the products. It is brewed with a pure Rock Sugar solution and prepared using a traditional recipe that seals in its flavor and natural goodness. ● It is all natural. ● It contains no fats and cholesterol. ● It is free of all artificial stimulants. ● It is easily digested. Contains : 6 bottles X 2.3 oz (68 ml)
永合丰 鲜皇浆/鲜王浆/蜂王浆(1000克/罐) 蜂皇漿是蜜蜂提供給新蜂后幼蟲的食物。蜂皇漿營養豐富,它含有多種的人體所需的蛋白質、維生素、礦物質、與及氨基酸等,有效促進人體新陳代謝,強身健體。 性味--甘酸,平。 经脉--肝;脾经 功效--滋补强壮,益肝,健脾。治病后虚弱,小儿营养不良,老年体衰,传染性肝炎,高血压病,风湿关节炎,十二指肠溃疡。 注意禁忌: 湿热泻痢者禁服,孕妇慎服。 食用方法: 最好将蜂王浆放入舌下而不是直接口中含服,慢慢咽下,使人体充分吸收。不可用热开水冲服,成分遇热否则会大量营养损失。如不适应蜂王浆的味道,可用蜂蜜2份,鲜蜂王浆1份混合后冲服,与蜂蜜蜂花粉同时食用也行,但最好是单独食用。 温馨提示:蜂王浆冰冻,冻成冰块直接舌服咽下比解冻之后吃的口味要好很多。解冻后的口味比较差,有些人受不了。 (1)蜂王浆是天然物质,可直接食用并被人体吸收。一般早、晚各一次,常人保健一天不得超过5克,空腹服用效果更佳。 (2)年老体弱及病状较重者,可适量增加,剂量增大时不会产生副作用。 (3)蜂王浆的口感特殊,为改善口感和使营养更全面、品质更稳定,可配制成王浆蜜食用。一般1000克蜂蜜100-200克王浆混匀,早晚各一次,每次10-20克,温开水送服,配制的王浆蜜不用时可放在冰箱的冷藏室保存。 (4)含服,取少量鲜王浆(2-5克)含于舌下,效果较明显。 (5)用于保健:选1000克优质蜂蜜加入100-200克鲜蜂王浆,进行充分搅拌后,置于冰箱,每日1-2次,每次20克,温开水送服或冲服,若有不适,可在饭后服用(每次服用时最好进行搅拌或晃匀,因蜂王浆比重小,易上浮)。 保存方法:蜂王浆要求在低温下贮存,贮存温度以-5—-7℃为宜。实践证明,在这样的温度条件下,存放一年,其成分变化甚微,在-18℃的条件下可存放数年,不会变质。胶囊和片剂可以在常温下可保存2年。