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Treat yourself or share your love with a Wing Hop Fung Gift Set. Natural health and beauty items include delicious Teas, Delicacies from the Sea, and more!!


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Treat yourself or share your love with a Wing Hop Fung Gift Set. Natural health and beauty items include delicious Teas, Delicacies from the Sea, and more!!

6 products

  • 茗典茶禮 天青色  限量小罐茶禮盒 茗典茶禮 天青色  限量小罐茶禮盒

    茗典茶禮 天青色 限量小罐茶禮盒

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    茗典茶礼 天青色 限量小罐茶礼盒 尊贵金罐  经典搭配 永合豐 精选四种茶品组成此款礼盒。附赠精美手提袋,专属茶礼,品质选择。  Give the gift of four superior Chinese red teas for heavenly aroma, brisk flavor, and vibrant health.  Wing Hop Fung offers four tea selections ranging from fresh Longjing green, fragrant jasmine, floral white, and rich black top-quality teas. (Classic Queen Pearl of Jasmine, Shifeng Longjing Green Tea, White Silver Needle tea, and Jinjunmei Black Tea) make up this gift box. Rich in antioxidants that offer health benefits, this selection is perfect for the tea connoisseur who loves variety. Dragon Well West Lake Longjing tea is a variety of pan-roasted green tea from the area of Longjing Village in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. It is produced mostly by hand and renowned for its high quality, earning it the China Famous Tea title.  Everyone loves delicious jasmine tea which has become synonymous with fine Chinese tea culture. It takes nearly a year to gather and process the aroma and flavor of jasmine flowers infused into the delicate tea.  White tea is famous for being particularly high in antioxidants and is claimed to have the ability to combat aging and cancer. Experts claim silver needle lowers blood pressure and cholesterol and helps improve eyesight. JinJunMei is the highest quality black tea made from tender young buds harvested by hand in the forests of northern Fujian and processed to be a rich full-flavored tea. The final step of processing is especially crucial in black tea production which results in fully fermented tea. The gold-colored JinJunMei tea has a creamy aroma and a fruity, velvety flavor that resembles dry longan fruit.

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  • 20% OFF
    烏龍戲珠 鐵觀音&普洱 茗茶禮盒 烏龍戲珠 鐵觀音&普洱 茗茶禮盒

    烏龍戲珠 鐵觀音&普洱 茗茶禮盒

    乌龙戏珠 铁观音&家藏普洱  茗茶礼盒 Tie Guan Yin Oolong Tea (24 g) & Pu-Erh Tea (24 g) Oolong tastes bracing, exciting, fragrantly delicious Pu-Erh is earthy, grounding, digestive and comforting Oolong Tea Benefits You Didn't Know About Reduces the Risk of Heart Disease. Researchers have found a connection in drinking oolong tea and lowering cholesterol levels. ...  Lowers Risk of Cancer. ...  Decreases Inflammation. ...  Helps Fight Obesity. ...  Diabetes Prevention. ...  Boosts Energy. ...  Improves Tooth and Skin Health. ( Health Benefits of Pu-Erh Tea Increases Energy. Thanks to the caffeine in Pu-erh tea, drinking a cup a day can help to increase your energy levels and focus. ...  Promotes a Healthy Heart. ...  Cleanses Toxins and Free Radicals. ...  Prevents Cancer. ...  Protects Bone Health. ...  Aids in Weight Loss. ...  Reduces Stress. ...  Prevents Illness. (


  • 珍品佳茗 中國紅 限量小罐茶禮盒 珍品佳茗 中國紅 限量小罐茶禮盒

    珍品佳茗 中國紅 限量小罐茶禮盒

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    珍品佳茗 中国红 限量小罐茶礼盒 品质红罐  经典搭配 永合豐 精选三种茶品(安溪浓香型 红心铁观音,1990年家藏 普洱茶,福建正山金骏眉)组成此款礼盒。附赠精美手提袋,专属茶礼,品质选择。  Give the gift of three superior Chinese red teas for heavenly aroma, brisk flavor, and vibrant health.  WHF selected three classic teas (Anxi Tieguanyin oolong tea, 1990s collection of Pu'erh tea, and Jinjunmei black tea) to make up this elegant gift box. It comes with an exquisite handbag, exclusive tea ceremony, and its high-quality choice teas are packed in canisters to assure freshness. Oolong often described as having fruit or floral aroma and an elegantly delicious nutlike flavor, is often recommended for weight loss because it speeds metabolism. It has been recommended for health benefits for heart, brain, bone, and dental health. In addition, it may decrease the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and protect against certain types of cancer. ( Pu-Erh tea has beautifying and anti-aging benefits. It is a red fermented tea known to reduce harmful cholesterol, enhance digestion and reduce body fat. It has a rich earthy flavor and satisfying sweet aftertaste. It helps to detoxify the body, improve circulation and enhance vitality. JinJunMei is a premier category of ZhengShan XiaoZhong (LapSang) tea produced in Tongmu Village at WuYi Mountain in northern Fujian province. At an altitude of 1,500 to 1,800 meters, this national treasure is the birthplace of black tea 300 years ago. JinJunMei tea is created with tender young buds from wild tea bushes growing in the woods. The tips of the buds are harvested according to stringent and meticulous regulations; an estimated 50,000 bud tips are needed for every 500 grams of JinJunMei tea. JinJunMei uses a traditional manufacturing process similar to ZhengShan XiaoZhong and other black teas, i.e. withering, rolling, fermentation and roasting. The final step is especially crucial in black tea production which results in a fully fermented tea. The gold-colored JinJunMei tea has a creamy aroma and a fruity, velvety flavor that resembles dry longan fruit. Its ethereal sweetness lingers in your mouth while it soothes your mind, pleasuring both the eyes and palate.

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  • 罐) 罐)

    小青柑 新會柑普茶(250克/罐)

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    精裝新会 小青柑 柑普茶(250 G/CAN) 选取已有600年生产历史的天马产区新会柑和5年云南一级宫廷普洱老茶为原料。冲泡后的汤色橙红透亮,回味爽甜并有陈香味。 中医认为,青皮陈皮性微温,味苦辛,入肝、胆经,具有理肝气、咽炎、消积化滞、保护心血管功效,与熟普茶结合后,其保健功效自然兼有两者的好处:具有健脾养胃、化痰止咳、降脂减肥、美容养颜、抗衰老等各种作用。 Mandarin Orange Peel Pu-Erh Tea (250g/ can) This rich, delicious tea has a 600-year production history. It is made from Xinhui mandarin orange and 5-year-old first-class Pu-Erh tea, “Palace” grade from Yunnan. After brewing, the color of the soup is orange-red and translucent, with a sweet aftertaste and a precious “ancient tree” fragrance. This is because the citrus fruit aroma in the area is very special. This Pu-Erh tea has long adsorbed the fruit aroma of citrus peel.  Traditional Chinese medicine believes that green tangerine peel is mild in nature, bitter and pungent, and enters the liver and gallbladder meridians. It has the functions of regulating liver qi, improving pharyngitis, eliminating stagnation, and protecting the cardiovascular system. When combined with aged Pu-Erh tea, its health benefits are doubled.  Benefits: The tea has various functions such as invigorating the spleen and stomach, resolving phlegm and relieving cough, reducing body fat, and improving digestion and weight loss. It beautifies the skin and is anti-aging.   Benefits: The tea has various functions such as invigorating the spleen and stomach, resolving phlegm and relieving cough, reducing body fat and improving digestion and weight loss. It beautifies the skin and is anti-aging. Benefits: The tea has various functions such as invigorating the spleen and stomach, resolving phlegm and relieving cough, reducing body fat, and improving digestion and weight loss. It beautifies the skin and is anti-aging.  


  • 20% OFF
    永合丰 珍藏孔雀 普洱熟茶饼 357g 永合丰 珍藏孔雀 普洱熟茶饼 357g

    永合丰 珍藏孔雀 普洱熟茶饼 357g

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    永合豐 珍藏孔雀 普洱熟茶饼 357g 日常自飲口感上佳   傾情禮贈品味不俗   款待貴客心意十足 珍藏孔雀 普洱熟茶餅,該款茶葉輕發酵後經傳統工藝壓制而成,乾倉存放,原料在壓制成餅前,經過多年陳放,味醇甘滑,口齒留香。同時也是一款具代表性的熟餅茶,發酵適度,茶品色澤褐紅,滋味醇厚,湯色紅亮,綜合品質高,為大眾所推崇。 優質的茶源,由製作師精心篩選,鮮葉晾晒攤放1-2小時,分級揉捻,在無污染環境通過透氣晾晒,嚴格控制發酵溫度,壓制好檢查厚度、餅型、重量。再精確包裝成列,放在干燥、清潔、無異味的倉庫儲存。 此款 永合豐 精選珍藏孔雀普洱茶餅,是一款備受歡迎普洱茶品,孔雀象徵著 “高貴、幸福、吉祥”,挑選優質茶芽,經傳統蒸壓工藝發酵乾燥提香而成,由於其獨特的明顯豐富口感,其色澤紅潤透亮、陳香純正、味醇厚且順滑,成為茶葉愛好者們喜愛的滋味首選。搭配高貴御禮納福紅禮盒,更顯貴氣隆重,是一款日常自飲口感上佳、傾情禮贈品味不俗、款待貴客心意十足的最佳選擇。 產品名稱:珍藏孔雀 普洱茶(熟茶) 配料:雲南大葉種曬青毛茶 產地:雲南 勐海 存儲條件:在清潔、通風、乾燥、無異味、避免陽光直曬,無污染的環境下儲存。 保質期:在符合儲存條件下,普洱茶適宜長期保存 生產廠家:西雙版納 金福茶業有限公司


  • 15% OFF
    永合丰 老班章茶餅 龍年米色禮盒 357g 永合丰 老班章茶餅 龍年米色禮盒 357g

    永合丰 老班章茶餅 龍年米色禮盒 357g

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    永合丰 老班章茶餅 龍年米色禮盒(普洱生茶)357g 茶中王者   霸氣十足 老班章茶树大多种植于1476年,距今五百多年岁月,千年以上的高龄古树茶的茶叶极为珍稀。位于西双版纳世界茶王之乡勐海县布朗山乡,布朗族后裔(属古代濮人的后代),是世界上最早栽培、制作和饮用茶叶的民族。海拔1700米至1900米,山峦起伏连绵,沟谷纵横交错,北部因有哀老山和无量山的屏障作用,天成“冬无严寒,夏无酷署,四季如春”、“冬春两季多雾”的气候特点,原生态植被多样性保存完好,特别适合古茶树的生长。从古至今,老班章村民一直沿用传统古法、人工养护古茶树,手工采摘鲜叶,日光晒青毛茶,石磨土法压制各种紧压茶。 老班章古树茶,因其生长的天时地利条件,造就口感丰富的香气,独特的兰香引人入胜,浓厚润滑、喉韵深、回味悠长的普洱茶。 永合丰龙年礼盒,采用选料上乘老班章古树茶,米色礼盒精美雅致,无论品饮、鉴赏、馈赠或收藏,都是顶级珍茗佳品最佳选择。



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