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5 products

  •  Cinnamon Slice

    玉桂 肉桂丝

    大树玉桂 /肉桂丝 This is sliced cinnamon, can be used to make tea or bake. 为樟科植物肉桂的干皮及枝皮。  性味 辛甘,热。 经脉 入肾经、脾经,膀胱经。 主治 补元阳,暖脾胃,除积冷,通血脉。治命门火衰,肢冷脉微,亡阳虚脱,腹痛泄泻,寒疝奔豚,腰膝冷痛,经闭癥瘕,阴疽,流注,及虚阳浮越,上热下寒。 注意禁忌 阴虚火旺忌服,孕妇慎服。 【食疗方】 山楂肉桂汤 山楂15g,肉桂6g,红糖25g。山楂与肉桂加水共煎,去渣,加红糖稍煎即得。 用于血寒性月经后延,面色苍白等症。肉桂能温肾壮阳,温通经脉,活血行瘀,祛寒止痛。红糖和中散寒,温经活血,三者对血寒型月经错后效果显著。 Rou Gui / Cinnamon Slice /Cassia Bark (4 oz) Some people use it for erectile dysfunction (ED), hernia, bed-wetting, joint pain, menopausal symptoms, menstrual problems, and to cause abortions. Cassia cinnamon is also used for chest pain, kidney disorders, high blood pressure, cramps, and cancer. People apply cassia cinnamon to the skin to repel mosquitoes. ( From the manufacturer:   This is sliced ​​cinnamon that can be used to make tea or baked. It is the dried bark and branch bark of Lauraceae cinnamon. The taste is spicy hot. It enters the Kidney, Spleen, and Bladder meridians.  Indications: for replenishing Yuanyang, warming the spleen and stomach, removing cold accumulation, and clearing blood vessels. It has been used to cure “mingmen life-span fire failure,” cold limbs and weak pulse, collapsed yang, abdominal pain and diarrhea, cold hernia, cold pain in the waist and knees, amenorrhea, yin gangrene [slow healing, oozing wound], and floating yang, upper heat and lower cold [feeling as though feverish in the head but with cold lower body and extremities.]  Cautions: Avoid taking with Yin-deficiency [fever, chronic thirst and hunger] Huowang, pregnant women should avoid it. Diet Therapy Hawthorn Cinnamon Soup   Ingredients: Hawthorn 15g, cinnamon 6g, brown sugar 25g.  Boil the hawthorn and cinnamon with water for 30 minutes, remove the herbs, add brown sugar and simmer for a while.   It is used for “blood-cold menstrual delay” and pale complexion. [when menstruation is delayed due to chills, exposure to exogenous cold temperatures or chronic weakness with pallor. . . Also useful for cramps with sparse, pale menstrual flow.] Cinnamon can warm the kidney and strengthen yang, warm the meridians, promote blood circulation, reduce blood stasis, dispel cold and relieve pain. Brown sugar, dispells cold in the middle, warming menstruation and promoting blood circulation, the three have significant effects on menstrual problems of “blood-cold type.” Cautions: Avoid this tea during pregnancy 

    $12.50 - $45.99

  • 20% OFF


    西柚香橙 口感清新爽口,汤色鲜红亮丽,唇齿留香。配料:玫瑰茄,白玫瑰茄,菊花,苹果干,葡萄干,香茅,橘皮,橙皮,胡萝卜,薄荷,食品用香精。 A blend of orange peel, orange slices, roselle, dried apples, chrysanthemum, raisins, lemongrass, carrots, mint, and natural flavors. Tart with refreshing citrus zest, full of antioxidants and vitamin C.  Enjoy it hot, with some spices or honey. To enjoy ice, we recommend brewing strong with boiling water, adding a bit of sweetener and fresh fruits as a garnish, and serving over ice! Great for the kids too as it does not contain any caffeine Origin: Zhejiang Brew: light red Flavor: fruity, tart with a citrus zest Caffeine: 0/5

    $10.80 - $38.39

  • 敵糖 蕃石榴茶 (94包)


  • 盒)

    永合豐 雀石B845 绞股蓝 茶包(60包/盒)

    永合豐 雀石B845 绞股蓝 茶包(60包/盒)   絞股藍,又名七葉膽,在中國《農政全書》有記載;經國內外專家研究發現,絞股藍中含有絞股藍皂苷、人參皂苷和多種微量元素,故有南方人參之美稱。 絞股藍袋泡茶選自中國閩西無污染的西梅花山自然保護區的優質絞股藍為原料,經過科學工藝精製而成。湯色清亮,口味甘醇,深受消費者喜愛。 (內含 : 2克 X 60 茶包)   Jiao Gu Lan / 7-Leaf Ginseng Tea Bags (60 bags/box) Jiao Gu Lian Tea has been enjoyed by the Asian culture for thousands of years. It is made from a plant called Gynostemma Pentaphyllum, also known as Qiyedan or the "Miracle Grass". This tea is known to boost antioxidants and may aid in relieving stress and detoxifying the body, Jiao Gu Lian Tea is a healthy, caffeine-free drink. Jiaogulan is used for high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and improving heart function. It is also used for strengthening the immune system, increasing stamina and endurance, increasing resistance to environmental stress (as an “adaptogen”), improving memory, and preventing hair loss. (


  • 20% OFF
    云南安宁 玫瑰花 #1328

    云南安宁 玫瑰花 #1328

    2 reviews

    云南安宁 玫瑰花 #1328  玫瑰花茶是一種清新淡雅的花茶,美容功效非常好,所以它非常受女性朋友的歡迎。只要加入開水,浸泡5分鐘後即可飲用。 玫瑰花茶的味道清香幽雅,能令人緩和情緒、紓解抑鬱中醫認為,玫瑰花具有疏肝解鬱、健脾降火、潤腸通便、行氣活血和消除疲勞的功效。長期飲用,對治療口臭及改善睡眠也有很好效果。   Dried Chinese Rose #1328 Chinese Rose Tea is made from buds specially selected and handpicked when they are young to preserve the natural shape of the flowers when being dried. As a result, they retain the full flavors and aroma within each rosette, emanating the natural rose essence. Enjoyable when brewed by itself or lightly sprinkled over other teas, Chinese Rose is traditionally enjoyed in Asia and is believed to beautify the complexion. Rose tea is a fresh and elegant scented tea with very good beauty benefits, so it is very popular with female friends. Just add boiling water, steep for 5 minutes, inhale the delicious aroma, and drink it any time of day. Rose tea has a delicate fragrance and elegant taste, which can help treat emotional upset and prevent depression. Chinese medicine believes that roses soothe the liver and relieve depression, strengthen the spleen and reduce inflammation, help soothe stomach upset and constipation, promote qi and blood circulation and eliminate fatigue. Long-term drinking prevents bad breath and improves sleep.

    $11.00 - $33.60


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