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2359 products

  • 步长 复方石韦胶囊 步长 复方石韦胶囊

    步长 复方石韦胶囊

    复方石韦胶囊  【功能主治】清热燥湿, 利尿通淋, 用于小便不利, 尿频, 尿急, 尿痛, 下肢浮肿等症也可用于急慢性肾小球肾炎, 肾盂肾炎, 膀胱炎, 尿道炎, 见有上述症候状者【成分】石韦, 黄耆, 苦蔘, 萹蓄【用法用量】口服。一次5粒,一日3次,15天为一疗程, 可连服两个疗程。【不良反应】服用本品后可能会出现皮疹、瘙痒、头晕、 头痛、腹痛、胃不适、腹泻、恶心、呕吐等。 【禁忌】对本品过敏者禁用,过敏体质者慎用【注意事项】忌烟、酒及辛辣食物等详见说明书。 【贮藏】密封【包装】铝塑板装,3×12粒/板/盒。【规格】每粒装0.45g


  • 千金 益母颗粒14gx12 千金 益母颗粒14gx12

    千金 益母颗粒14gx12

    千金 益母颗粒 Size: 14克/袋 * 12袋/盒  14g/sachet * 12 sachets/pcs Yimu Granules (Herbal Supplement) Herbal Supplement 膳食补充剂 Serving Size 1 Sachet (14 g). 每次服食量1袋(14g)Serving Per Container 12 Doses 每包裝含12次服食量 Proprietary Blend 专用混合物 Leonuri Herba (aerial part) [yimucao] 益母草,Angelicae sinensis Radix (root) [danggui] 当归,Chuanxiong Rhizoma (rhizome) [chuanxiong] 川芎,Aucklandiae Radix (root) [muxiang] 木香. 【功能主治】活血调经,行气止痛。用于气滞血瘀所致月经不调,痛经。【规 格】每袋重14克(相当于原药材5克)【用法用量】开水冲服,一次14克,一日2次。


  •  小豬佩奇  小豬佩奇

    宜興紫砂茶寵 3“- 撒尿男孩 / 小豬佩奇

    宜興紫砂茶寵 3“- 撒尿男孩 / 小豬佩奇 茶寵,亦稱茶玩,是中國茶文化中一種旨在增添飲茶時情趣的把玩之物,常以紫砂,澄泥等製作而成。 洗茶時,常將茶湯淋在茶寵上以便滋養。一些茶寵設計成中空結構,倒上茶湯后會呈現吐泡,噴水等有趣現象。 宜興紫砂茶寵 3‘’有兩款選擇:撒尿男孩 / 小豬佩奇

  • Bag) Bag)

    Jasmine Green Tea(1Lb/Bag)

    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: China 品名Name: 茉莉花茶  Jasmine Tea Bags 保质期Shelf Life: 18months 分类Sort: 花茶  Green Tea 等级Level: 一级 Premium 包装 Package: 袋Bag Caffeine Level: ☆☆ 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place Our Jasmine Green Tea is a select blend of hand-tossed fine green tea leaves and jasmine flowers. This tea is a light green brew with the fragrant smell of jasmine flowers. Directions: Pour hot water over tea bag. Steep for 3-5 minutes. May sweeten with honey. Serve hot or chilled with ice. Enjoy! 雀石茉莉花茶选用高山云雾绿茶,配以精选茉莉花,结合传统工艺与现代科技精制而成,为纯净无污染的绿色天然产品。


  • 羚锐 壮骨麝香止痛膏 10片装 羚锐 壮骨麝香止痛膏 10片装

    羚锐 壮骨麝香止痛膏 10片装

    羚锐 壮骨麝香止痛膏 10片装 【成 份】人工麝香、生草乌、生川乌、乳香、没药、 生马钱子、丁香、肉桂、荆芥、防风、老鹅草、香加皮、 积雪草、骨碎补、白芷、山奈、干姜、水杨酸甲酯、薄荷脑、 冰片、樟脑、芸香浸膏、颠茄流浸膏。辅料为:橡胶、松香、 氧化锌、羊毛脂、凡士林、液状石蜡、二甲基亚砜、抗 氧剂1010。【性状】本品为淡黄绿色的片状橡胶膏;气芳香。【功能主治】祛风湿,活血止痛。用于风湿关节、肌肉痛、 扭伤。【规格】7厘米×10厘米【用法用量】外用,贴于患处。【不良反应】本品可能引起瘙痒、刺痛、皮疹(如红斑、 丘疹、水疱)、用药局部水肿、皮肤溃烂等,极个别有 全身不适。【禁忌】1.孕妇禁用。2. 婴幼儿禁用。3. 皮肤破 溃、皮损或感染处禁用。4.对本品及所含成份(包括 辅料)过敏者禁用。5.对橡胶膏过敏者禁用。【注意事项】1. 本品为外用药。2.切勿接触眼睛、口 腔等黏膜处,使用后即洗手。3.忌食生冷、油腻食物。 4. 有出血倾向者慎用。5.糖尿病严重者慎用,以防止 使用不当引起皮肤损伤。6.运动员慎用,且应在医师 指导下使用。7. 青光眼、前列腺肥大患者应在医师指 导下使用。8. 经期及哺乳期妇女慎用。儿童、年老体 弱者应在医师指导下使用。9.本品含生川乌、生草乌、生马钱子,不宜长期或大面积使用。自行用药宜在7天 以内,如用药超过7天,应向医师咨询。10.用药后局部 皮肤如出现瘙痒、刺痛、皮疹时,应立即取下,停止使用, 症状严重者应及时就医。如出现皮肤以外的全身不适, 应立即停用,严重者应及时就医。 11. 用药 3 天症状无 缓解,应去医院就诊。12.对本品过敏者禁用,过敏体质 者慎用。13.本品性状发生改变时禁止使用。14.儿童 必须在成人监护下使用。15.请将本品放在儿童不能接 触的地方。16.如正在使用其他药品,使用本品前请咨 询医师或药师。【贮藏】密封,置阴凉干燥处。【包 装】药品包装用复合膜袋,每袋装5贴,每盒 装2袋。


  • 荷花 满堂 春怡心 蓋碗 荷花 满堂 春怡心 蓋碗

    荷花 满堂 春怡心 蓋碗

    荷花 满堂 春怡心 蓋碗 Item Information: Condition:100% Brand NewMaterial: PorcelainSpecifications:茶杯盖 teacup lid: 3.5 * 1.2茶杯 Tea cup: 3.7 * 1.2托盘 Tray: 4 * 1.1Colour : as the picture showsCraft : handmade Features: Easy to use and convenient. Family use, travel and gift options.


  • 日本抹茶碗 日本抹茶碗


    日本抹茶碗 是饮用抹茶的核心器具。内部采用透明釉,光滑有光泽,易清洗,呈现茶汤本色,有助于区分不同茶汤颜色。无釉经过精密打磨,外观精美,手感特别好。 呈现出真正的陶瓷触感和外观,让茶友在享受茶汤的同时获得一种美妙而特别的触感。 平底设计,握持舒适,不会刮伤您的桌子。 日本制造


  • 10% OFF
    印尼爪哇天然 原色燕窩(4oz) 印尼爪哇天然 原色燕窩(4oz)

    印尼爪哇天然 原色燕窩(4oz)

    永合豐 印尼爪哇天然 原色燕窩(4oz/盒) 產品信息 品牌: 永合豐 品名: 印尼爪哇 天然燕盞 產地: 印度尼西亞 爪哇島 色澤: 原色 未漂白 發頭: 8-10倍 保質期: 三年 淨含量: 4Oz 等級: 一級 含水率: 5%-10% 儲藏方法: 陰涼乾燥或41℉以下儲藏 適合人群: 孕婦,男女老少皆宜 每日用量: 日常保養2-3克,孕婦每天3-5克 燉煮方法: 泡發2-4小時,清理換水,隔水燉30分鐘即可。 此燕窩產品為純天然手工加工產品,會有輕微絨毛殘留。由於此產品未經過任何漂白和漂洗,更適合孕婦滋補食用。請在食用前多清洗兩到三次。如果有任何顧慮,請勿購買此產品。 永合豐集團對下屬的燕窩工廠所生產的燕窩產品有嚴格明確的量化指標 讓您買得放心吃的舒心  質量規定 特級 一級 二級 燕條、燕絲 色澤標準 象牙白,顏色均勻(雜色不超過10%) 米白色、暗紅色、金黃色,顏色均勻(雜色不超過20%) 白色、橙紅色、黃色,顏色均勻(雜色不超過30%) 白色、黃白色,顏色均勻 外形標準 完整(破損小於1%) 較完整(破損小於3%) 適度完整(破損小於5%) 條形或絲狀 尺寸標準( in.) 長度≥4  寬度≥1  長度≥3.5  寬度≥1  長度≥2.7   寬度≥1 - 清潔程度 無肉眼可見雜質和異物 稍有可見絨毛 稍有可見絨毛 有細微絨毛,但無其他外來雜質 含水率 % ≤12 12-14 14-18 12-15 唾液酸含量 % ≥10 7~10 5~7 5~10 蛋白質含量 % ≥50 40~50 30~40 30~50 質量偏差率 允許10%的燕窩達不到特級要求,但符合一級要求 允許15%的燕窩達不到一級要求,但符合二級要求 允許15%的燕窩達不到二級要求,但不影響食用加工 -   For over 1,200 years, Asian people have enjoyed processed swallow’s nests prepared as a soup. The nests have high nutritional and medicinal value, with anti-aging and anti-cancer properties. Some people use the soup to improve complexion quality, due to the high collagen content, and to improve concentration and raise libido. Bird's Nest is also a good supplement for growing children: Bird's Nest contains proteins, amino acids and minerals essential for healthy development. According to TCM, traditional Chinese medicine, regular consumption of Bird's Nest helps prevent colds and flu. Wing Hop Fung Brand Natural Bird’s Nest, First Class Grade, is unbleached. The origin is Indonesia from Java Island. Net content:  Store in a cool, dry place or below 41°F. Shelf life is three years.Bird’s Nest is highly suitable for pregnant women, as well as men and women who wish to remain healthy and beautiful. It is rich in glycoprotein, collagen, amino acids, antioxidants, hormones and various minerals. Have Bird’s Nest soup on an empty stomach or ½ hour before meals to enhance absorption. It is “neutral” in temperature, neither too heating nor cooling for the body. It enters the lung, stomach and kidney meridians.Daily dosage: 2-3 grams for daily maintenance, 3-5 grams per day for pregnant women. The method of stewing: Soak for 2-4 hours, clean and change the water, and simmer for 30 minutes.This bird's nest product is purely natural and hand-processed without bleaching and rinsing. It is darker in color which is a suitable tonic for pregnant women. Please wash two or three more times before eating. If you have any individual concerns, please do not purchase this product.Wing Hop Fung Bird’s Nests are cultivated in protected estates where quality is guaranteed. The ecology yields a productive environment for these rare birds to produce this highly valued delicacy.REFRIGERATE All BIRD'S NESTS. They are shipped Same Day Shipping or 2nd Day Shipping. Other shipping options are risk deterioration of the product. Purchases are not refundable.


  • 天士力 加味藿香正气丸 6g*6包 天士力 加味藿香正气丸 6g*6包

    天士力 加味藿香正气丸 6g*6包

    天士力 加味藿香正气丸 6g*6包  天士力医药集团股份有限公司 Tasly Pharmaceutical Group Co.,LTD Expi: 04/2024 规格: 6包(每包6克) 功效: 解表化湿,理气和中,用于外感风寒,内伤湿滞或夏伤暑湿所致的感冒,症见头痛昏重,胸膈痞闷,脘腹胀痛,呕吐泄泻;肠胃型感冒 成分: 苍术,陈皮,姜厚补,白芷,茯苓,大腹皮,生半夏,甘草浸膏,广藿香油,紫苏叶油. 用法用量: 每次1袋, 每日2次,   By aiding digestion, Chinese herbs allow the body to process food into necessary protective energy called Wei Qi. HX ZHENGQI DRIPPING PILLS include astringent herbs, such as dried citrus peel and pinellia, that dry digestive phlegm, in order to ease bloating, nausea and indigestion (dampness). Additional herbs in the formula enhance internal cleansing through increased sweating (to relieve the surface) and urination. This boosts metabolism and immunity while ridding the body of discomforts that arise from inclement weather, poor diet and weak digestion.


  • 10% OFF
    鳳凰單樅礼盒(蜜蘭香) 鳳凰單樅礼盒(蜜蘭香)


    品牌Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地Origin: 广东 潮州 Guangdong, China 品名Name: 鳳凰單樅 蜜蘭香Phoenix Dan Cong Mi Lan Xiang 等级Level: 一级 Premium 分类Sort: 乌龙茶 Oolong Tea 保质期Shelf Life: 24 months 香型 Aroma: 浓香型 Highly aromatic Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆☆ 干茶Body: 条索粗壮,匀称挺直Tight and even strips, dark brown bloom glossy with honey aroma 茶汤Liquor: 橙黄明亮,清香浓郁,回甘佳Bright orange color. Lasting orchid fragrance and strong honey aroma 储存方法Storage: 常温、阴凉、干燥、可长期保存Store in airtight, opaque packaging; in cool, dry place   Mi Lan Xiang means ‘honey orchid fragrance’ and is one of the famous types of Phoenix dan cong, with a mother tree older than 600 years. The tea has a characteristic honey aroma and orchid flavor, giving it this name; these flavors are wonderfully blended together in the tea, making it an exceptional specimen. When we drink tea, our mouth is filled with the natural aroma of the leaves, like an elegant perfume. Because of this, many tea lovers say that dan cong is a kind of drinkable perfume; when savoring the tea, the taste is mellow and smooth with a strong, sweet aftertaste, the sweet honey and elegant orchid flavors mixing perfectly with the mountain minerality to build a totally unique drinking experience. Drinking this tea in a zisha teapot can better bring out the unique flavors of this tea, and make its aroma and flavor more vivid. Brewing Method: Tea cup Chinese Gongfu Method Water volume: 12oz / 355ml 3.8oz / 110ml Temperature: 212℉ / 100℃ 212℉ / 100℃ Tea Quantity:  3g Tea  8g Tea Brewing time:   3 - 5 mins 10 steeps: rinse, 5s, 10s, 20s, 35s, 45s, 60s, 90s, 120s, 210s, 280s  Rinse time is around 5 seconds


  • 玉瓷觀音手茶架 玉瓷觀音手茶架


    Porcelain Kwan Yin Hand(玉瓷觀音手茶架) Material: Ceramic. Color: White. High quality and great value. Adorable Size: 3 Length x 2 Width x 1.7" Height. Perfect Gift: Air plant kit is a perfect gift choice for a birthday, housewarming or other special moments for your friends and family.


  • Alpha Omega Two Red Napa Valley 2017

    Alpha Omega Two Red Napa Valley 2017

    Fairly fruit forward but balanced. Blueberry, black currant, cassis. Leather, spice, bell pepper. Cocoa, maple syrup. Herbs. Lush full silky mouthfeel.



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