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Bamboo Tea Tray Small 20*20cm
密胺竹茶盤 小 20*20cm 密胺竹茶盘,将现代工艺与自然材质完美结合,以其简约时尚的外观、优良的材质和实用的功能,为您打造一个舒适、便捷的品茶空间,让您在品茶的过程中尽享惬意与美好。 一、简约时尚,自然之美 这款密胺竹茶盘,尺寸为 20*20cm,小巧精致,尽显简约时尚之美。茶盘以白色密胺材质为边框,线条简洁流畅,给人一种干净利落的感觉。中间的竹制茶盘面板,纹理清晰自然,散发着淡淡的竹香,仿佛将大自然的气息引入茶室,为您营造出宁静、舒适的品茶氛围。 二、材质优良,品质保障 密胺边框:选用高品质密胺材质制作边框,具有良好的耐摔、耐磨性能,不易损坏,经久耐用。同时,密胺材质易于清洁,只需轻轻擦拭,即可去除污渍,保持茶盘的整洁美观。 竹制面板:竹制面板精选优质竹子,经过精细加工处理,质地坚实,表面光滑细腻。竹子本身具有良好的防潮、防霉性能,能够适应不同的环境,确保茶盘的使用寿命。 三、实用设计,贴心细节 排水功能:竹制面板上设有均匀排列的细长缝隙,可快速沥干茶水,避免积水。面板上还设有一个圆形排水孔,与下方的白色密胺托盘相配合,方便收集和倾倒废水,保持桌面干爽清洁。 可拆卸设计:茶盘采用可拆卸结构,竹制面板可轻松取下,便于清洗和收纳。这种设计不仅方便日常使用,还能有效防止茶渍残留,延长茶盘的使用寿命。 四、多样场景,随心搭配 密胺竹茶盘适用于多种场景,无论是在家中享受悠闲的下午茶时光,还是在办公室与同事分享茶香,亦或是在户外进行野餐品茶活动,它都能轻松胜任。其简约的设计风格可以与各种茶具和茶室装饰相得益彰,为您的品茶体验增添一份雅致与便捷。无论是自用还是馈赠亲友,都是不错的选择。 Bamboo Tea Tray 20*20cm I. Simple and Stylish, Natural Beauty This melamine bamboo tea tray, with dimensions of 20*20cm, is small and exquisite, fully demonstrating a simple and stylish beauty. The tea tray features a white melamine material as the frame, with simple and smooth lines, giving people a clean and neat feeling. The bamboo panel in the middle has clear and natural textures, emitting a faint bamboo fragrance, as if bringing the breath of nature into the tea room, creating a peaceful and comfortable tea-tasting atmosphere for you. II. High-quality Materials, Quality Assurance Melamine Frame: High-quality melamine material is selected to make the frame, which has good resistance to falling and abrasion, is not easy to be damaged, and is durable. At the same time, the melamine material is easy to clean. Just a gentle wipe can remove stains, keeping the tea tray clean and beautiful. Bamboo Panel: The bamboo panel is made of selected high-quality bamboo, which has been finely processed. It has a solid texture and a smooth and delicate surface. Bamboo itself has good moisture-proof and mildew-proof properties, which can adapt to different environments and ensure the service life of the tea tray. III. Practical Design, Thoughtful Details Drainage Function: The bamboo panel is equipped with evenly arranged slender slits, which can quickly drain the tea water and avoid water accumulation. There is also a circular drainage hole on the panel, which cooperates with the white melamine tray below to facilitate the collection and pouring of waste water, keeping the table dry and clean. Detachable Design: The tea tray adopts a detachable structure. The bamboo panel can be easily removed for cleaning and storage. This design not only facilitates daily use but also effectively prevents the residue of tea stains and extends the service life of the tea tray. IV. Versatile Scenarios, Free Combination The melamine bamboo tea tray is suitable for a variety of scenarios. Whether you are enjoying a leisurely afternoon tea time at home, sharing the fragrance of tea with colleagues in the office, or having a picnic tea activity outdoors, it can easily handle it. Its simple design style can complement various tea sets and tea room decorations, adding a touch of elegance and convenience to your tea-tasting experience. It is a good choice whether for personal use or as a gift for relatives and friends.
Bamboo Tea Tray 24.5*13.8*2cm
微棠茶盤 24.5*13.8*2cm 微棠竹制茶盘,以其精巧的外观、优质的竹材和贴心的设计,为您打造舒适优雅的品茶环境,让每一次品茶都成为一场身心愉悦的美妙体验,带您领略竹韵茶香的独特魅力。 一、精巧雅致,韵味悠长 微棠竹制茶盘,小巧而不失韵味。整体造型简约大方,边缘呈独特的波浪形设计,线条流畅自然,仿若微风拂过竹林,灵动之美跃然眼前。茶盘表面以深棕色竹材为主,尽显古朴典雅之气质,竹纹清晰可见,仿佛诉说着自然的故事,能轻松融入各类茶室风格,为您的品茶空间增添一份清幽雅致。 二、优质竹材,质感卓越 精选竹材:茶盘由优质竹子精心打造而成,竹子质地坚韧,纹理细腻且富有层次感,展现出天然材质的独特魅力。竹子经过特殊工艺处理,具有良好的防潮、防霉性能,经久耐用,可长久陪伴您的品茶之旅。 边框材质:边框采用黑色材质,与竹质主体形成鲜明对比,不仅增强了视觉上的层次感,还为茶盘提供了稳固的支撑与保护。黑色边框质感细腻,触感舒适,与整体设计相得益彰,尽显品质与格调。 三、实用功能,细节贴心 圆形凹槽设计:茶盘中央设有圆形凹槽,可恰到好处地放置茶壶或其他茶具,有效防止茶水溢出,保持桌面整洁干净。凹槽大小适中,适配多种茶具,满足您不同的品茶需求,让您的品茶过程更加从容惬意。 底部防滑设计:茶盘底部配备四个黑色防滑脚垫,稳固性极佳,放置于桌面时不易滑动,确保使用安全稳定。同时,脚垫还能起到缓冲作用,保护桌面不受磨损,彰显设计的贴心之处。 四、多样场景,随心搭配 这款微棠竹制茶盘适用于多种场景,无论是在家中悠闲地独自品茗,还是与亲朋好友欢聚一堂共赏茶香,它都能成为您品茶的得力助手。其小巧的尺寸便于携带和收纳,无论是在客厅、书房,还是户外野餐,都能轻松营造出温馨的品茶氛围。此外,它更是馈赠茶友的上乘之选,精致的外观与实用的功能相结合,定会让收礼者爱不释手,感受到您的用心与品味。 Bamboo Tea Tray 24.5*13.8*2cm I. Exquisite and Elegant with Long-lasting Charm Bamboo Tea Tray, is small yet full of charm. Its overall design is simple and generous, featuring a unique wavy edge design with smooth and natural lines, just like a gentle breeze blowing through a bamboo forest, presenting a vivid sense of agility. The surface of the tea tray is mainly made of dark brown bamboo, fully demonstrating an ancient and elegant temperament. The clear bamboo grain seems to tell the story of nature, and it can easily blend into various tea room styles, adding a touch of quiet elegance to your tea-tasting space. II. High-quality Bamboo Material with Excellent Texture Selected Bamboo Material: The tea tray is meticulously crafted from high-quality bamboo. Bamboo has a tough texture, fine and layered grain, showing the unique charm of natural materials. The bamboo has undergone special processing, possessing good moisture-proof and mildew-proof properties, being durable and able to accompany you on your tea-tasting journey for a long time. Border Material: The border is made of black material, forming a sharp contrast with the bamboo body, which not only enhances the visual layering but also provides a stable support and protection for the tea tray. The black border has a fine texture and a comfortable touch, complementing the overall design and fully demonstrating quality and style. III. Practical Functions with Thoughtful Details Round Groove Design: There is a round groove in the center of the tea tray, which can appropriately place a teapot or other tea sets, effectively preventing tea spills and keeping the table clean and tidy. The size of the groove is moderate and suitable for various tea sets, meeting your different tea-tasting needs and making your tea-tasting process more relaxed and pleasant. Anti-slip Design at the Bottom: The bottom of the tea tray is equipped with four black anti-slip footpads, which have excellent stability and are not easy to slide when placed on the table, ensuring safety and stability during use. At the same time, the footpads can also play a buffering role, protecting the table from wear and tear, highlighting the thoughtfulness of the design. IV. Versatile Scenarios for Free Combination This Weitang Bamboo Tea Tray is suitable for a variety of scenarios. Whether you are leisurely tasting tea alone at home or gathering with relatives and friends to enjoy the fragrance of tea together, it can be your capable assistant for tea tasting. Its small size is convenient for carrying and storage. Whether in the living room, study, or outdoor picnic, it can easily create a warm tea-tasting atmosphere. In addition, it is an excellent choice as a gift for tea friends. The combination of its exquisite appearance and practical functions will surely make the recipient love it and feel your thoughtfulness and taste.
Glass Linglang Gong Cup 500ml
玻璃琳琅公杯 500ML 玻璃琳琅公杯 500ML,以其独特的外观、优质的材质和实用的功能,成为您品茶过程中不可或缺的伴侣,让每一次品茶都成为一场视觉与味觉的盛宴。 一、独特外观,尽显雅致 这款玻璃琳琅公杯,容量达 500ML,造型简约而不失优雅。杯身采用独特的锤纹设计,宛如波光粼粼的湖面,光影交错间,折射出灵动的美感,为您的茶席增添一份别样的韵味。透明的玻璃材质,纯净无暇,可清晰观赏茶汤色泽,让品茶过程更具视觉享受。金色的把手点缀其间,宛如一抹暖阳,不仅为整体造型增色,更提供了舒适的握持感,彰显品质与格调。 二、优质材质,安全耐用 高品质玻璃:选用优质高硼硅玻璃材质,具有良好的耐热性能,可承受瞬间温差,无论是注入滚烫的茶水还是放置于冰箱冷藏,都不易破裂,安全可靠。同时,玻璃材质无异味、不吸附茶香,能最大程度地保留茶汤的原始风味,让您尽享纯正茶香。 精湛工艺:经过精细的制作工艺,杯身的锤纹均匀细腻,质感十足。把手与杯身的连接处紧密牢固,做工精良,经久耐用,经得起日常使用的考验,陪伴您度过无数个品茶时光。 三、实用功能,贴心设计 公道分茶:作为公杯,其 500ML 的容量适中,可满足多人品茶需求。公道的设计确保茶汤均匀分配,让每一位品茶者都能品尝到相同口感的茶汤,体现了茶道中的公平与和谐。 易于清洗:光滑的玻璃表面和简洁的结构,使得清洗变得轻松便捷。只需轻轻一冲,即可去除残留的茶渍,省时省力,让您能更专注于品茶的乐趣。 四、多样场景,随心搭配 这款玻璃琳琅公杯适用于多种场景,无论是中式传统茶席,还是现代简约的家居环境,亦或是高端的商务茶室,它都能完美融入,与各种茶具搭配相得益彰。无论是自用还是馈赠亲友,都是绝佳之选,为品茶生活增添一份精致与优雅。 Glass Linglang Gong Cup 500ml I. Unique Appearance, Full of Elegance This 500ML glass Linglang Gong cup features a simple yet elegant design. The cup body adopts a unique hammered pattern design, just like a sparkling lake surface. With the interplay of light and shadow, it reflects a vivid beauty, adding a distinctive charm to your tea setting. The transparent glass material is pure and flawless, allowing you to clearly observe the color of the tea soup, making the tea-tasting process more visually enjoyable. The golden handle embellished in between is like a ray of warm sunlight, not only enhancing the overall appearance but also providing a comfortable grip, demonstrating quality and style. II. High-quality Materials, Safe and Durable High-quality Glass: It is made of high-quality borosilicate glass, which has excellent heat resistance and can withstand instant temperature differences. Whether pouring in boiling hot tea or placing it in the refrigerator for refrigeration, it is not easy to break, ensuring safety and reliability. At the same time, the glass material has no odor and does not absorb the fragrance of tea, which can retain the original flavor of the tea soup to the greatest extent, allowing you to fully enjoy the pure aroma of tea. Exquisite Craftsmanship: Through fine manufacturing processes, the hammered patterns on the cup body are uniform and delicate, with a full texture. The connection between the handle and the cup body is tight and firm, with excellent workmanship and durability, able to withstand the test of daily use and accompany you through countless tea-tasting moments. III. Practical Functions, Thoughtful Design Fair Tea Distribution: As a Gong cup, its 500ML capacity is moderate and can meet the needs of multiple people for tea tasting. The fair design ensures an even distribution of the tea soup, allowing every tea taster to taste the tea with the same flavor, reflecting fairness and harmony in the tea ceremony. Easy to Clean: The smooth glass surface and simple structure make cleaning easy and convenient. Just a gentle rinse can remove the remaining tea stains, saving time and effort, allowing you to focus more on the pleasure of tea tasting. IV. Versatile Scenarios, Free Combination This 500ML glass Linglang Gong cup is suitable for a variety of scenarios. Whether it is a traditional Chinese tea setting, a modern and simple home environment, or a high-end business tea room, it can be perfectly integrated and complement various tea sets. It is an excellent choice whether for personal use or as a gift for relatives and friends, adding a touch of delicacy and elegance to the tea-tasting life.
Porcelain Hand-painted Bamboo Gaiwan
手繪竹子馬蹄蓋碗 传统工艺与文化内涵的完美结合,是您品茶、赏器、修身养性的理想之选,为您的生活增添一份雅致与韵味,让您在喧嚣的尘世中寻得一方宁静的品茶天地。 一、清雅外观,竹韵悠长 这款手绘竹子马蹄盖碗,造型别致,宛如马蹄,线条流畅自然,尽显古朴雅致之美。碗身以淡雅的米白色为底色,温润细腻,仿若羊脂白玉。其上精心手绘着竹子图案,竹叶以清新的蓝色绘制,笔触细腻流畅,竹叶的形态栩栩如生,仿佛微风拂过,竹叶轻轻摇曳,竹节挺拔有力,尽显竹子的坚韧与高洁。盖碗边缘及底部饰有一圈古朴的棕黄色釉边,增添了几分岁月的韵味,整体给人一种清新脱俗、宁静致远的感觉,仿佛置身于竹林深处,尽享清幽之境。 二、精湛工艺,品质非凡 优质材质:选用上乘瓷土烧制而成,瓷质坚实细腻,手感温润舒适。经过高温烧制,瓷体致密,具有良好的保温性能,能更好地锁住茶香,让您在品茶时充分感受茶叶的醇厚韵味。同时,瓷质的优良也保证了盖碗的耐用性,经得起岁月的洗礼,长久陪伴您的品茶时光。 手绘艺术:每一只盖碗上的竹子图案均由技艺精湛的匠人纯手工绘制,匠人以细腻的笔触和独特的艺术视角,将竹子的神韵完美呈现。每一片竹叶、每一节竹枝都饱含着匠人的心血与情感,使得每一只盖碗都成为独一无二的艺术品,具有极高的艺术价值和收藏价值。 三、实用设计,品茶佳器 盖碗组合,功能完备:此盖碗由碗身、碗盖和碗托三部分组成,各司其职,相得益彰。碗身容量适中,适合单人静心品茶,宽大的碗口便于茶叶充分舒展,释放出浓郁的茶香;碗盖可用于保温、聚香,还能在倒茶时起到滤茶的作用,使茶汤更加清澈透亮;碗托则起到隔热和稳定的作用,放置盖碗时更加平稳,同时也能保护桌面不被烫伤,为您营造一个舒适的品茶环境。 人体工学设计:碗身的弧度设计符合人体工学原理,握持舒适,方便端拿,即使长时间品茶也不会感到手部疲劳。无论是在家中独自品味茶香,还是在茶室与友人共赏佳茗,这款盖碗都能让您轻松驾驭,尽享品茶之乐。 四、文化内涵,君子之器 竹子在中国传统文化中具有深远的意义,它象征着君子的品质,如正直、谦逊、坚韧不拔等。拥有这款手绘竹子马蹄盖碗,不仅是拥有了一件实用的茶具,更是拥有了一份精神寄托和文化传承。在品茶的过程中,您可以细细品味竹子所蕴含的君子之风,感受传统文化的博大精深,让心灵在茶香与竹韵中得到滋养和升华。同时,这款盖碗也是馈赠亲友的佳品,将美好的寓意和祝福传递给身边的人,让他们在品茶之时也能感受到您的用心与关怀。 Porcelain Hand-painted Bamboo Gaiwan I. Elegant Appearance with Long-lasting Bamboo Charm This hand-painted bamboo horse-hoof-shaped gaiwan features a unique shape resembling a horse's hoof, with smooth and natural lines, fully demonstrating the beauty of simplicity and elegance. The body of the gaiwan takes a light beige color as the base, which is smooth and delicate, just like mutton fat white jade. On it, bamboo patterns are meticulously hand-painted. The bamboo leaves are painted in a fresh blue color with delicate and smooth brushstrokes, making the forms of the bamboo leaves vivid as if they were gently swaying in the breeze. The bamboo joints are upright and strong, fully showing the tenacity and nobility of bamboo. The edges and bottom of the gaiwan are decorated with a circle of antique brownish-yellow glaze edge, adding a touch of the charm of time. The overall appearance gives people a feeling of being fresh, refined, peaceful and far-reaching, as if being in the depths of a bamboo forest and enjoying the serene environment. II. Exquisite Craftsmanship and Extraordinary Quality High-quality Materials: It is made of superior porcelain clay and fired at high temperatures. The porcelain is solid and fine, with a warm and comfortable hand feel. After high-temperature firing, the porcelain body is dense, having good heat preservation performance, which can better retain the fragrance of tea, allowing you to fully experience the mellow taste of tea when tasting. At the same time, the excellent quality of the porcelain also ensures the durability of the gaiwan, able to withstand the test of time and accompany your tea-tasting time for a long time. Hand-painting Art: The bamboo patterns on each gaiwan are purely hand-painted by highly skilled craftsmen. With delicate brushstrokes and a unique artistic perspective, the craftsmen perfectly present the charm of bamboo. Every bamboo leaf and every bamboo joint are filled with the craftsmen's efforts and emotions, making each gaiwan a unique work of art with high artistic value and collection value. III. Practical Design, an Excellent Tea Set Gaiwan Combination with Complete Functions: This gaiwan consists of three parts: the body, the lid, and the saucer, each performing its own functions and complementing each other. The body has a moderate capacity, suitable for individual quiet tea tasting. The wide mouth of the bowl is convenient for the tea leaves to fully unfold and release a rich tea fragrance; the lid can be used for heat preservation and fragrance concentration, and can also play the role of filtering tea leaves when pouring tea, making the tea soup clearer and more translucent; the saucer serves as heat insulation and provides stability, making the placement of the gaiwan more stable and protecting the table surface from being scalded, creating a comfortable tea-tasting environment for you. Ergonomic Design: The curvature design of the body conforms to ergonomic principles, providing a comfortable grip and easy handling. Even during long hours of tea tasting, you will not feel hand fatigue. Whether you are savoring the fragrance of tea alone at home or enjoying good tea with friends in a tea room, this gaiwan can be easily handled, allowing you to fully enjoy the pleasure of tea tasting. IV. Cultural Connotations, a Gentleman's Utensil Bamboo has profound significance in traditional Chinese culture, symbolizing the qualities of a gentleman, such as integrity, humility, and tenacity. Owning this hand-painted bamboo horse-hoof-shaped gaiwan is not only having a practical tea set but also having a spiritual sustenance and cultural inheritance. During the process of tea tasting, you can savor the gentlemanly demeanor contained in bamboo and feel the broad and profound traditional culture, allowing your soul to be nourished and sublimated in the fragrance of tea and the charm of bamboo. At the same time, this gaiwan is also an excellent gift for relatives and friends, conveying beautiful meanings and blessings to the people around you, so that they can also feel your thoughtfulness and care when tasting tea. I. Elegant Appearance with Long-lasting Bamboo Charm This hand-painted bamboo horse-hoof-shaped gaiwan features a unique shape resembling a horse's hoof, with smooth and natural lines, fully demonstrating the beauty of simplicity and elegance. The body of the gaiwan takes a light beige color as the base, which is smooth and delicate, just like mutton fat white jade. On it, bamboo patterns are meticulously hand-painted. The bamboo leaves are painted in a fresh blue color with delicate and smooth brushstrokes, making the forms of the bamboo leaves vivid as if they were gently swaying in the breeze. The bamboo joints are upright and strong, fully showing the tenacity and nobility of bamboo. The edges and bottom of the gaiwan are decorated with a circle of antique brownish-yellow glaze edge, adding a touch of the charm of time. The overall appearance gives people a feeling of being fresh, refined, peaceful and far-reaching, as if being in the depths of a bamboo forest and enjoying the serene environment. II. Exquisite Craftsmanship and Extraordinary Quality High-quality Materials: It is made of superior porcelain clay and fired at high temperatures. The porcelain is solid and fine, with a warm and comfortable hand feel. After high-temperature firing, the porcelain body is dense, having good heat preservation performance, which can better retain the fragrance of tea, allowing you to fully experience the mellow taste of tea when tasting. At the same time, the excellent quality of the porcelain also ensures the durability of the gaiwan, able to withstand the test of time and accompany your tea-tasting time for a long time. Hand-painting Art: The bamboo patterns on each gaiwan are purely hand-painted by highly skilled craftsmen. With delicate brushstrokes and a unique artistic perspective, the craftsmen perfectly present the charm of bamboo. Every bamboo leaf and every bamboo joint are filled with the craftsmen's efforts and emotions, making each gaiwan a unique work of art with high artistic value and collection value. III. Practical Design, an Excellent Tea Set Gaiwan Combination with Complete Functions: This gaiwan consists of three parts: the body, the lid, and the saucer, each performing its own functions and complementing each other. The body has a moderate capacity, suitable for individual quiet tea tasting. The wide mouth of the bowl is convenient for the tea leaves to fully unfold and release a rich tea fragrance; the lid can be used for heat preservation and fragrance concentration, and can also play the role of filtering tea leaves when pouring tea, making the tea soup clearer and more translucent; the saucer serves as heat insulation and provides stability, making the placement of the gaiwan more stable and protecting the table surface from being scalded, creating a comfortable tea-tasting environment for you. Ergonomic Design: The curvature design of the body conforms to ergonomic principles, providing a comfortable grip and easy handling. Even during long hours of tea tasting, you will not feel hand fatigue. Whether you are savoring the fragrance of tea alone at home or enjoying good tea with friends in a tea room, this gaiwan can be easily handled, allowing you to fully enjoy the pleasure of tea tasting. IV. Cultural Connotations, a Gentleman's Utensil Bamboo has profound significance in traditional Chinese culture, symbolizing the qualities of a gentleman, such as integrity, humility, and tenacity. Owning this hand-painted bamboo horse-hoof-shaped gaiwan is not only having a practical tea set but also having a spiritual sustenance and cultural inheritance. During the process of tea tasting, you can savor the gentlemanly demeanor contained in bamboo and feel the broad and profound traditional culture, allowing your soul to be nourished and sublimated in the fragrance of tea and the charm of bamboo. At the same time, this gaiwan is also an excellent gift for relatives and friends, conveying beautiful meanings and blessings to the people around you, so that they can also feel your thoughtfulness and care when tasting tea.
3Pcs Cup of Deer and Crane in Spring with Blessings
鹿鹤同春蕴福三件杯 鹿鹤同春蕴福三件杯,乃匠心独运之茶具佳品,将传统祥瑞寓意与精湛工艺完美融合,为您的品茗时光增添一抹雅致与福气。 一、精美外观,祥瑞之韵此套杯子以纯净的白色瓷质为底,宛如无瑕美玉,温润细腻。杯身之上,一幅灵动的 “鹿鹤同春” 图跃然呈现。只见仙鹤展翅翱翔于天际,身姿优雅,羽毛纤毫毕现,象征着长寿与高洁;灵鹿奔腾于山峦之间,体态矫健,皮毛色泽柔和,寓意着福禄与吉祥。周围祥云缭绕,红日高悬,青山绿水相映成趣,色彩丰富且过渡自然,宛如一幅生机盎然的山水画卷。整体画面构图精妙,细节之处尽显匠心,将传统祥瑞元素与自然美景巧妙融合,给人以视觉上的极致享受,仿佛置身于祥和美好的春日之境,尽显东方美学的神韵与魅力。 二、卓越品质,精湛工艺1. 材质上乘:精选高品质瓷土,经高温烧制而成,瓷质坚实致密,具有良好的保温性能,能更好地锁住茶香,让您尽享醇厚滋味。同时,瓷体细腻光滑,触感舒适,尽显品质之卓越。2. 工艺精湛:采用传统手工绘制与现代工艺相结合的方式,每一处图案均由技艺精湛的匠人精心绘制,色彩鲜艳且经久不褪。杯口及杯沿处饰以金边,不仅增添了奢华之感,更彰显出工艺的精细与考究,使整套杯子宛如一件精美的艺术品,值得细细品味与珍藏。 三、实用设计,贴心之选三件组合,功能完备:包含杯身、杯盖及内置茶滤,满足您泡茶、品茶的全方位需求。杯盖设计精巧,可有效保温防尘,让茶香不易散失;内置茶滤细密均匀,能精准过滤茶叶,使茶汤清澈纯净,让您在品茶时无需担心茶叶混入,尽享惬意时光。舒适握感:杯身的把手造型独特,符合人体工学设计,握持舒适,方便端拿,即使长时间使用也不会感到手部疲劳,为您的品茗过程增添一份舒适与自在。 四、精美包装,送礼佳品鹿鹤同春蕴福三件杯配有精致的包装盒及手提袋,包装盒以清新淡雅的浅绿色为主色调,搭配黑色边框及烫金文字,简约而不失大气;手提袋设计精美,携带方便。无论是节日馈赠、商务往来还是亲友聚会,它都是传递美好祝福与心意的绝佳之选,让收礼者在品味茶香的同时,更能感受到您的浓浓情意与对美好生活的期许。 The Three-Piece Cup of Deer and Crane in Spring with Blessings The Three-Piece Cup of Deer and Crane in Spring with Blessings is an exquisite tea set that perfectly combines traditional auspicious meanings with superb craftsmanship, adding a touch of elegance and good fortune to your tea-drinking time. I. Exquisite Appearance and Auspicious Charm This set of cups features a pure white porcelain base, as smooth and delicate as flawless jade. On the cup body, a vivid "Deer and Crane in Spring" pattern comes to life. The crane spreads its wings and soars in the sky with an elegant posture, and its feathers are depicted in fine detail, symbolizing longevity and purity. The agile deer gallops among the mountains, with a gentle fur color, implying good fortune and auspiciousness. Surrounding them are swirling auspicious clouds, a high-hanging red sun, and green mountains and clear waters complementing each other, with rich and natural color transitions, just like a vibrant landscape painting. The overall composition of the picture is exquisite, and the craftsmanship is evident in every detail, skillfully integrating traditional auspicious elements with natural beauty, providing an ultimate visual enjoyment as if one were in a peaceful and beautiful spring scene, fully demonstrating the charm and elegance of oriental aesthetics. II. Excellent Quality and Exquisite Craftsmanship High-quality Materials: Selected high-quality porcelain clay is fired at high temperatures to form a solid and dense porcelain body, which has good heat preservation performance, can better retain the fragrance of tea, allowing you to fully enjoy the mellow taste. At the same time, the porcelain is smooth and comfortable to the touch, highlighting the excellence of quality. Exquisite Craftsmanship: It adopts a combination of traditional hand-painting and modern technology. Each pattern is carefully painted by skilled craftsmen, with bright colors that do not fade over time. The cup mouth and rim are decorated with gold edges, which not only add a sense of luxury but also demonstrate the fineness and sophistication of the craftsmanship, making the entire set of cups like a beautiful work of art worthy of careful appreciation and collection. III. Practical Design and Thoughtful Choice Three-Piece Combination with Complete Functions: It includes a cup body, a cup lid, and an internal tea filter, meeting all your needs for making and drinking tea. The cup lid is ingeniously designed to effectively keep the tea warm and dust-free, preventing the fragrance of tea from dissipating easily. The internal tea filter is fine and uniform, which can accurately filter the tea leaves, making the tea soup clear and pure, allowing you to enjoy the pleasant time without worrying about tea leaves mixing in. Comfortable Grip: The handle of the cup body has a unique shape and is designed in accordance with ergonomics, providing a comfortable grip and easy handling. Even with prolonged use, it will not cause hand fatigue, adding a sense of comfort and ease to your tea-drinking process. IV. Exquisite Packaging, an Ideal Gift The Three-Piece Cup of Deer and Crane in Spring with Blessings comes with an exquisite packaging box and a tote bag. The packaging box features a fresh and elegant light green color as the main tone, complemented by a black border and gold-foiled text, simple yet grand. The tote bag is beautifully designed and convenient to carry. Whether it is for festival gifts, business exchanges, or gatherings with relatives and friends, it is an excellent choice to convey good wishes and heartfelt feelings, allowing the recipient to feel your deep affection and expectations for a better life while savoring the fragrance of tea.
Porcelain Tea Cup (Peony)
洽順四件杯(藍牡丹) 洽順四件杯(藍牡丹),瓷质细腻,以白为底,蓝牡丹图案精美,边缘回纹添古朴韵味。采用优质瓷土烧制,釉下彩工艺让图案鲜艳持久。 含杯身、杯盖、杯碟与茶滤,功能完备。杯盖保温防尘,杯碟整洁桌面,茶滤过滤茶叶。弧形把手舒适。 适用多种场景,送礼自用皆佳,为品茶增添雅致韵味。 Porcelain Tea Cup features fine porcelain with a white base and exquisite blue peony patterns. The traditional fret patterns on the edges add an antique charm. Made from high-quality porcelain clay and fired with underglaze color technique, the patterns remain vivid and long-lasting. It consists of a cup body, a cup lid, a saucer, and a tea filter, offering complete functionality. The cup lid keeps the tea warm and dust-free, the saucer keeps the table tidy, and the tea filter effectively filters the tea leaves. The ergonomic curved handle ensures a comfortable grip. Suitable for various occasions, it is an excellent choice for both gifting and personal use, adding an elegant touch to the tea-tasting experience.
Hiyashimasu Cooling Gel Sheets for Children
Hiyashimasu 兒童退热贴4枚 粉色蜜桃味 每盒包含 4 片退热贴,每片尺寸为 5×12 cm儿童用退热贴是一款方便、有效的儿童退热产品,其温和的配方和持久的冷却效果能够为儿童在发烧时提供良好的护理。 主要特点 温和配方 该退热贴具有弱酸性和微香气味,对儿童皮肤较为温和,减少了对皮肤的刺激。 持久冷却 每片退热贴能够提供长达 10 小时的冷却效果,可以长时间帮助儿童降低体温,缓解发烧带来的不适。 贴合舒适 退热贴能够很好地贴合在皮肤上,不会轻易脱落,确保在使用过程中能够持续发挥作用。 使用方式 使用前准备 撕开退热贴的包装,取出退热贴。 贴敷位置 将退热贴贴在儿童的额头部位,确保退热贴与皮肤充分接触。如果有需要,也可以贴在颈部等其他部位,但需避免贴在眼睛和有伤口的皮肤上。 使用频率 根据儿童的体温情况,可以按需更换退热贴。每片退热贴最长可使用 10 小时。 功效 物理降温 这款退热贴通过物理降温的方式,帮助儿童在发烧时降低体温。其冷却效果能够缓解因发烧引起的不适,如头痛、头晕等。 舒缓不适 对于因发热而感到烦躁不安的儿童,退热贴带来的清凉感可以在一定程度上舒缓他们的情绪,让儿童感觉更加舒适。 注意事项 适用人群 本产品专为儿童设计,但成人在必要时也可使用。 使用禁忌 不要在有伤口、皮疹或皮肤过敏的部位使用。 如果在使用过程中儿童出现皮肤发红、瘙痒等不适症状,应立即停止使用。 避免贴在眼睛周围。 Main Features Mild Formula The cooling gel sheets have a mild - acid and subtle - scent property, being gentle on children's skin and reducing skin irritation. Long - lasting Cooling Each cooling gel sheet can provide up to 10 hours of cooling effect, which can help lower children's body temperature for a long time and relieve the discomfort caused by fever. Comfortable Adhesion The cooling gel sheets can adhere well to the skin without falling off easily, ensuring continuous effectiveness during use. Usage Preparation Before Use Tear open the packaging of the cooling gel sheet and take out the sheet. Application Position Apply the cooling gel sheet to the child's forehead, ensuring full contact with the skin. If necessary, it can also be applied to other parts such as the neck, but avoid applying it to the eyes and areas with wounds. Frequency of Use The cooling gel sheet can be replaced as needed according to the child's body temperature. Each sheet can be used for up to 10 hours. Efficacy Physical Cooling This cooling gel sheet helps lower children's body temperature through physical cooling when they have a fever. Its cooling effect can relieve discomforts such as headaches and dizziness caused by fever. Relieving Discomfort For children who are restless due to fever, the cooling sensation brought by the cooling gel sheet can relieve their mood to some extent and make them feel more comfortable. Precautions Suitable Population This product is specifically designed for children, but adults can also use it when necessary. Contraindications Do not use it on areas with wounds, rashes, or skin allergies. If the child experiences discomfort symptoms such as skin redness or itching during use, stop using it immediately. Avoid applying it around the eyes.
Salonpas LidocainePlus Roll-on
沙隆巴斯 利多卡因止痛露-滚珠 【缓解疼痛】 该止痛液适用于缓解因神经刺激引起的各种疼痛,包括: 背部疼痛(Back):对于因肌肉劳损、椎间盘问题等引起的背部疼痛有一定的缓解作用。 颈部疼痛(Neck):可缓解因长时间低头、颈部肌肉紧张等导致的颈部不适。 肩部疼痛(Shoulders):对肩部肌肉拉伤、肩周炎等引起的疼痛有缓解功效。 膝盖和肘部疼痛(Knees & Elbows):可减轻因关节炎、运动损伤等引起的关节疼痛。 【使用方式】 适用人群及使用频率 成人和 12 岁及以上儿童: 清洁并擦干疼痛部位。 将止痛液涂抹于疼痛区域,每天最多使用 3 - 4 次。 12 岁以下儿童:使用前需咨询医生。 使用步骤 在使用前,请确保皮肤干净、干燥且无破损。 将瓶身倒置,轻轻滚动涂抹器,使止痛液接触到涂抹头。 将涂抹头对准疼痛部位,缓慢滚动涂抹器,使止痛液均匀地涂抹在皮肤上。 【注意事项】 使用禁忌 仅供外用,不可内服。 远离火源,该产品易燃。 不要在伤口、破损皮肤或大量使用的情况下使用。 如果对本品中的任何成分过敏,请勿使用。 避免接触眼睛、黏膜、皮疹处。 使用时不要包扎过紧。 特殊情况 如果在使用过程中出现皮肤反应,如皮疹、瘙痒、红肿、疼痛、肿胀或起水泡等,应立即停止使用并咨询医生。 如果症状恶化、持续超过 7 天或在几天内反复出现,应停止使用并就医。 孕妇或哺乳期妇女在使用前应咨询医生。 请将本品放在儿童接触不到的地方,若不慎吞服,应立即寻求医疗帮助或联系中毒控制中心。 Pain Relief This pain - relieving liquid is suitable for relieving various pains caused by nerve irritation, including: Back pain: It has a certain relieving effect on back pain caused by muscle strain, intervertebral disc problems, etc. Neck pain: It can relieve neck discomfort caused by prolonged bowing of the head, neck muscle tension, etc. Shoulder pain: It is effective in relieving pain caused by shoulder muscle strain, periarthritis of the shoulder, etc. Knee and elbow pain: It can reduce joint pain caused by arthritis, sports injuries, etc. Usage Applicable Population and Frequency of Use Adults and children aged 12 and above: Clean and dry the painful area. Apply the pain - relieving liquid to the painful area, up to 3 - 4 times a day. Children under 12 years old: Consult a doctor before use. Usage Steps Before use, make sure the skin is clean, dry, and intact. Invert the bottle and gently roll the applicator to make the pain - relieving liquid touch the applicator head. Point the applicator head at the painful area and slowly roll the applicator to evenly apply the pain - relieving liquid on the skin. Precautions Contraindications For external use only, do not take internally. Keep away from fire, as this product is flammable. Do not use on wounds, broken skin, or in large quantities. Do not use if you are allergic to any ingredient in this product. Avoid contact with eyes, mucous membranes, and rashes. Do not bandage tightly when using. Special Situations If skin reactions such as rash, itching, redness, pain, swelling, or blisters occur during use, stop using immediately and consult a doctor. If symptoms worsen, persist for more than 7 days, or recur within a few days, stop using and seek medical attention. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should consult a doctor before use. Keep this product out of reach of children. If accidentally swallowed, seek medical help or contact a Poison Control Center immediately.
Salonpas Large Pain Reliving Patch (6 Pcs)
沙隆巴斯 鎮痛貼 大片裝 6片 5.67" x 3.62" (14.4cm x 9.2cm) 【缓解疼痛】 该止痛贴适用于缓解轻微疼痛,包括: 颈部僵硬:长时间保持不良姿势或过度劳累导致的颈部肌肉紧张和疼痛可以通过使用止痛贴得到缓解。 肩部酸痛:无论是由于运动过度还是日常劳损引起的肩部不适,都能在一定程度上得到改善。 背部疼痛:对因久坐、体力劳动等引起的背部肌肉疼痛有缓解作用。 关节疼痛:如膝盖、手肘等关节部位的轻微疼痛可以通过贴敷止痛贴来减轻。 【使用方式】 使用部位 肩部:将止痛贴贴在肩部疼痛部位,可根据疼痛范围选择贴敷的数量。 背部:按照背部疼痛的具体位置,将贴片贴在相应处,可同时使用多片以覆盖疼痛区域。 脚部和小腿:对于脚部和小腿的疼痛,可将贴片贴在脚底、脚背、小腿两侧等疼痛部位。 使用步骤 清洁并擦干需要贴敷的皮肤部位。 从包装中取出止痛贴,揭去贴片上的保护膜。 将止痛贴平整地贴在疼痛部位,轻轻按压以确保贴片与皮肤充分接触。 每片止痛贴可贴敷 8 小时,每天使用不超过 3 - 4 次。 【注意事项】 适用人群 该产品适用于 12 岁及以上人群。 12 岁以下儿童使用前需咨询医生。 使用禁忌 仅供外用,避免接触眼睛、黏膜、伤口或破损皮肤。 若对水杨酸甲酯、薄荷醇、辣椒素或其他成分过敏,请勿使用。 不要在加热垫上使用,也不要与其他外用止痛产品同时使用。 如果在使用过程中出现皮疹、瘙痒、红肿等过敏反应,应立即停止使用并咨询医生。 孕妇或哺乳期妇女在使用前应咨询医生。 如果疼痛症状持续 7 天以上,或者在使用后疼痛加剧、出现新的症状,应停止使用并就医。 Pain Relief This pain - relieving patch is suitable for relieving minor pains, including: Stiff Neck: Tension and pain in the neck muscles caused by maintaining a bad posture for a long time or overwork can be relieved by using Salonpas pain - relieving patches. Sore Shoulder: Shoulder discomfort caused by either excessive exercise or daily strain can be improved to some extent. Backache: It can relieve muscle pain in the back caused by sitting for long periods or physical labor. Joint Pain: Minor pain in joint areas such as knees and elbows can be alleviated by applying the pain - relieving patch. Usage Application Sites Shoulders: Apply the pain - relieving patch to the painful area of the shoulder. The number of patches can be selected according to the range of pain. Back: According to the specific location of back pain, apply the patches to the corresponding positions. Multiple patches can be used simultaneously to cover the painful area. Feet and Calves: For pain in the feet and calves, apply the patches to the soles, insteps, sides of the calves, and other painful areas. Application Steps Clean and dry the skin area where the patch will be applied. Take out the pain - relieving patch from the package and remove the protective film on the patch. Apply the pain - relieving patch evenly to the painful area and press gently to ensure that the patch is in full contact with the skin. Each patch can be applied for 8 hours, and it should not be used more than 3 - 4 times a day. Precautions Applicable Population This product is suitable for people aged 12 and above. Children under 12 years old should consult a doctor before using. Contraindications For external use only. Avoid contact with eyes, mucous membranes, wounds, or broken skin. Do not use if you are allergic to methyl salicylate, menthol, capsicum extract, or other ingredients. Do not use on a heating pad, and do not use it in combination with other topical pain - relieving products. If an allergic reaction such as a rash, itching, or redness occurs during use, stop using it immediately and consult a doctor. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should consult a doctor before using. If pain symptoms persist for more than 7 days, or if pain worsens or new symptoms appear after use, stop using it and seek medical advice.
Salonpas Pain Reliving Patch (60 Pcs)
沙隆巴斯 鎮痛貼 60片 2.83" x 1.81" (7.2cm x 4.6cm) 【缓解疼痛】 该止痛贴适用于缓解轻微疼痛,包括: 颈部僵硬:长时间保持不良姿势或过度劳累导致的颈部肌肉紧张和疼痛可以通过使用止痛贴得到缓解。 肩部酸痛:无论是由于运动过度还是日常劳损引起的肩部不适,都能在一定程度上得到改善。 背部疼痛:对因久坐、体力劳动等引起的背部肌肉疼痛有缓解作用。 关节疼痛:如膝盖、手肘等关节部位的轻微疼痛可以通过贴敷止痛贴来减轻。 【使用方式】 使用部位 肩部:将止痛贴贴在肩部疼痛部位,可根据疼痛范围选择贴敷的数量。 背部:按照背部疼痛的具体位置,将贴片贴在相应处,可同时使用多片以覆盖疼痛区域。 脚部和小腿:对于脚部和小腿的疼痛,可将贴片贴在脚底、脚背、小腿两侧等疼痛部位。 使用步骤 清洁并擦干需要贴敷的皮肤部位。 从包装中取出止痛贴,揭去贴片上的保护膜。 将止痛贴平整地贴在疼痛部位,轻轻按压以确保贴片与皮肤充分接触。 每片止痛贴可贴敷 8 小时,每天使用不超过 3 - 4 次。 【注意事项】 适用人群 该产品适用于 12 岁及以上人群。 12 岁以下儿童使用前需咨询医生。 使用禁忌 仅供外用,避免接触眼睛、黏膜、伤口或破损皮肤。 若对水杨酸甲酯、薄荷醇、辣椒素或其他成分过敏,请勿使用。 不要在加热垫上使用,也不要与其他外用止痛产品同时使用。 如果在使用过程中出现皮疹、瘙痒、红肿等过敏反应,应立即停止使用并咨询医生。 孕妇或哺乳期妇女在使用前应咨询医生。 如果疼痛症状持续 7 天以上,或者在使用后疼痛加剧、出现新的症状,应停止使用并就医。 Pain Relief This pain - relieving patch is suitable for relieving minor pains, including: Stiff Neck: Tension and pain in the neck muscles caused by maintaining a bad posture for a long time or overwork can be relieved by using Salonpas pain - relieving patches. Sore Shoulder: Shoulder discomfort caused by either excessive exercise or daily strain can be improved to some extent. Backache: It can relieve muscle pain in the back caused by sitting for long periods or physical labor. Joint Pain: Minor pain in joint areas such as knees and elbows can be alleviated by applying the pain - relieving patch. Usage Application Sites Shoulders: Apply the pain - relieving patch to the painful area of the shoulder. The number of patches can be selected according to the range of pain. Back: According to the specific location of back pain, apply the patches to the corresponding positions. Multiple patches can be used simultaneously to cover the painful area. Feet and Calves: For pain in the feet and calves, apply the patches to the soles, insteps, sides of the calves, and other painful areas. Application Steps Clean and dry the skin area where the patch will be applied. Take out the pain - relieving patch from the package and remove the protective film on the patch. Apply the pain - relieving patch evenly to the painful area and press gently to ensure that the patch is in full contact with the skin. Each patch can be applied for 8 hours, and it should not be used more than 3 - 4 times a day. Precautions Applicable Population This product is suitable for people aged 12 and above. Children under 12 years old should consult a doctor before using. Contraindications For external use only. Avoid contact with eyes, mucous membranes, wounds, or broken skin. Do not use if you are allergic to methyl salicylate, menthol, capsicum extract, or other ingredients. Do not use on a heating pad, and do not use it in combination with other topical pain - relieving products. If an allergic reaction such as a rash, itching, or redness occurs during use, stop using it immediately and consult a doctor. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should consult a doctor before using. If pain symptoms persist for more than 7 days, or if pain worsens or new symptoms appear after use, stop using it and seek medical advice.
Tenken C. Sinensis Formul (60 Capsules)
天研蟲草秘方 60粒/盒 主要成分 冬虫夏草提取物:采用 5:1 高浓缩提取技术,每粒胶囊相当于 1000 毫克干货。冬虫夏草含有虫草酸、虫草素、腺苷、虫草多糖、d - 甘露醇、麦角甾醇、胆甾醇、粗蛋白、脂肪及脂肪酸、维生素 B12 等多种成分,具有增强免疫力、抗疲劳、补肾益肺、止血化痰等功效24。 灵芝子实体提取物:采用 16:1 的高浓缩提取,每粒胶囊相当于 800 毫克干货。灵芝含有多种生物活性成分,如灵芝多糖、三萜类化合物等,具有调节免疫、抗氧化等作用。 食用方法 每日口服 1-3 粒,或遵医嘱。 适用人群 免疫力低下者:如经常感冒、易疲劳、精神不振、注意力不集中等亚健康人群,冬虫夏草和灵芝的成分可以帮助调节免疫系统,增强身体的抵抗力。 呼吸系统不适者:对于久咳虚喘、劳嗽咯血,如慢性支气管炎、肺气肿、肺结核患者等,冬虫夏草能起到一定的调理作用,与灵芝协同可进一步改善症状。 肾虚人群:像腰膝酸痛、阳痿遗精、自汗盗汗、畏寒怕冷、性冷淡、性功能低下的肾阳虚者,食用冬虫夏草可帮助改善症状。 注意事项 孕妇或哺乳期妇女在使用前应咨询医生。 储存在阴凉、干燥处。如果密封破损或缺失,请勿使用。开封后重新密封铝箔袋 Main Ingredients Cordyceps sinensis extract: Using a 5:1 high - concentration extraction technology, each capsule is equivalent to 1000 mg of dry goods. Cordyceps sinensis contains many components, such as cordycepic acid, cordycepin, adenosine, cordyceps polysaccharide, d - mannitol, ergosterol, cholesterol, crude protein, fat and fatty acids, vitamin B12, etc. It has functions such as enhancing immunity, anti - fatigue, tonifying the kidney and benefiting the lung, stopping bleeding and resolving phlegm. Ganoderma lucidum fruiting body extract: Using a 16:1 high - concentration extraction, each capsule is equivalent to 800 mg of dry goods. Ganoderma lucidum contains a variety of bioactive components, such as ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides, triterpenoids, etc., which have functions such as regulating immunity and anti - oxidation. Consumption Methods Take 1 - 3 capsules orally every day, or as directed by a doctor. Applicable Populations People with low immunity: Such as sub - healthy people who often catch colds, are easily fatigued, have low spirits, and have difficulty concentrating. The ingredients of Cordyceps sinensis and Ganoderma lucidum can help regulate the immune system and enhance the body's resistance. People with respiratory discomfort: For those with chronic cough, virtual asthma, and hemoptysis due to over - strain, such as patients with chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and pulmonary tuberculosis, Cordyceps sinensis can play a certain conditioning role, and combined with Ganoderma lucidum, symptoms can be further improved. People with kidney deficiency: Such as those with kidney - yang deficiency symptoms like waist and knee soreness, impotence, spermatorrhea, spontaneous sweating, night sweats, aversion to cold, frigidity, and low sexual function. Consuming Cordyceps sinensis can help improve symptoms. Precautions Pregnant or lactating women should consult a doctor before use. Store in a cool, dry place. Do not use if the seal is broken or missing. Reseal the foil bag after opening.
Macallan 25 Years Sherry Cask
Macallan 25 Years Sherry Cask is a remarkable single malt Scotch whisky from Speyside. It uses "Golden Promise" barley and is distilled in small stills. Aged for at least 25 years in Spanish sherry casks, it shows a beautiful color and has a complex aroma of citrus, cinnamon, sherry, and dried fruits. The taste is full-bodied, smooth, and rich in flavors. With a long finish and limited availability, it's highly prized by collectors for its quality and potential value.