Porcelain Hand-painted Bamboo Gaiwan







  1. 优质材质:选用上乘瓷土烧制而成,瓷质坚实细腻,手感温润舒适。经过高温烧制,瓷体致密,具有良好的保温性能,能更好地锁住茶香,让您在品茶时充分感受茶叶的醇厚韵味。同时,瓷质的优良也保证了盖碗的耐用性,经得起岁月的洗礼,长久陪伴您的品茶时光。
  2. 手绘艺术:每一只盖碗上的竹子图案均由技艺精湛的匠人纯手工绘制,匠人以细腻的笔触和独特的艺术视角,将竹子的神韵完美呈现。每一片竹叶、每一节竹枝都饱含着匠人的心血与情感,使得每一只盖碗都成为独一无二的艺术品,具有极高的艺术价值和收藏价值。


  1. 盖碗组合,功能完备:此盖碗由碗身、碗盖和碗托三部分组成,各司其职,相得益彰。碗身容量适中,适合单人静心品茶,宽大的碗口便于茶叶充分舒展,释放出浓郁的茶香;碗盖可用于保温、聚香,还能在倒茶时起到滤茶的作用,使茶汤更加清澈透亮;碗托则起到隔热和稳定的作用,放置盖碗时更加平稳,同时也能保护桌面不被烫伤,为您营造一个舒适的品茶环境。
  2. 人体工学设计:碗身的弧度设计符合人体工学原理,握持舒适,方便端拿,即使长时间品茶也不会感到手部疲劳。无论是在家中独自品味茶香,还是在茶室与友人共赏佳茗,这款盖碗都能让您轻松驾驭,尽享品茶之乐。



Porcelain Hand-painted Bamboo Gaiwan

I. Elegant Appearance with Long-lasting Bamboo Charm

This hand-painted bamboo horse-hoof-shaped gaiwan features a unique shape resembling a horse's hoof, with smooth and natural lines, fully demonstrating the beauty of simplicity and elegance. The body of the gaiwan takes a light beige color as the base, which is smooth and delicate, just like mutton fat white jade. On it, bamboo patterns are meticulously hand-painted. The bamboo leaves are painted in a fresh blue color with delicate and smooth brushstrokes, making the forms of the bamboo leaves vivid as if they were gently swaying in the breeze. The bamboo joints are upright and strong, fully showing the tenacity and nobility of bamboo. The edges and bottom of the gaiwan are decorated with a circle of antique brownish-yellow glaze edge, adding a touch of the charm of time. The overall appearance gives people a feeling of being fresh, refined, peaceful and far-reaching, as if being in the depths of a bamboo forest and enjoying the serene environment.

II. Exquisite Craftsmanship and Extraordinary Quality

  1. High-quality Materials: It is made of superior porcelain clay and fired at high temperatures. The porcelain is solid and fine, with a warm and comfortable hand feel. After high-temperature firing, the porcelain body is dense, having good heat preservation performance, which can better retain the fragrance of tea, allowing you to fully experience the mellow taste of tea when tasting. At the same time, the excellent quality of the porcelain also ensures the durability of the gaiwan, able to withstand the test of time and accompany your tea-tasting time for a long time.
  2. Hand-painting Art: The bamboo patterns on each gaiwan are purely hand-painted by highly skilled craftsmen. With delicate brushstrokes and a unique artistic perspective, the craftsmen perfectly present the charm of bamboo. Every bamboo leaf and every bamboo joint are filled with the craftsmen's efforts and emotions, making each gaiwan a unique work of art with high artistic value and collection value.

III. Practical Design, an Excellent Tea Set

  1. Gaiwan Combination with Complete Functions: This gaiwan consists of three parts: the body, the lid, and the saucer, each performing its own functions and complementing each other. The body has a moderate capacity, suitable for individual quiet tea tasting. The wide mouth of the bowl is convenient for the tea leaves to fully unfold and release a rich tea fragrance; the lid can be used for heat preservation and fragrance concentration, and can also play the role of filtering tea leaves when pouring tea, making the tea soup clearer and more translucent; the saucer serves as heat insulation and provides stability, making the placement of the gaiwan more stable and protecting the table surface from being scalded, creating a comfortable tea-tasting environment for you.
  2. Ergonomic Design: The curvature design of the body conforms to ergonomic principles, providing a comfortable grip and easy handling. Even during long hours of tea tasting, you will not feel hand fatigue. Whether you are savoring the fragrance of tea alone at home or enjoying good tea with friends in a tea room, this gaiwan can be easily handled, allowing you to fully enjoy the pleasure of tea tasting.

IV. Cultural Connotations, a Gentleman's Utensil

Bamboo has profound significance in traditional Chinese culture, symbolizing the qualities of a gentleman, such as integrity, humility, and tenacity. Owning this hand-painted bamboo horse-hoof-shaped gaiwan is not only having a practical tea set but also having a spiritual sustenance and cultural inheritance. During the process of tea tasting, you can savor the gentlemanly demeanor contained in bamboo and feel the broad and profound traditional culture, allowing your soul to be nourished and sublimated in the fragrance of tea and the charm of bamboo. At the same time, this gaiwan is also an excellent gift for relatives and friends, conveying beautiful meanings and blessings to the people around you, so that they can also feel your thoughtfulness and care when tasting tea.

I. Elegant Appearance with Long-lasting Bamboo Charm

This hand-painted bamboo horse-hoof-shaped gaiwan features a unique shape resembling a horse's hoof, with smooth and natural lines, fully demonstrating the beauty of simplicity and elegance. The body of the gaiwan takes a light beige color as the base, which is smooth and delicate, just like mutton fat white jade. On it, bamboo patterns are meticulously hand-painted. The bamboo leaves are painted in a fresh blue color with delicate and smooth brushstrokes, making the forms of the bamboo leaves vivid as if they were gently swaying in the breeze. The bamboo joints are upright and strong, fully showing the tenacity and nobility of bamboo. The edges and bottom of the gaiwan are decorated with a circle of antique brownish-yellow glaze edge, adding a touch of the charm of time. The overall appearance gives people a feeling of being fresh, refined, peaceful and far-reaching, as if being in the depths of a bamboo forest and enjoying the serene environment.

II. Exquisite Craftsmanship and Extraordinary Quality

  1. High-quality Materials: It is made of superior porcelain clay and fired at high temperatures. The porcelain is solid and fine, with a warm and comfortable hand feel. After high-temperature firing, the porcelain body is dense, having good heat preservation performance, which can better retain the fragrance of tea, allowing you to fully experience the mellow taste of tea when tasting. At the same time, the excellent quality of the porcelain also ensures the durability of the gaiwan, able to withstand the test of time and accompany your tea-tasting time for a long time.
  2. Hand-painting Art: The bamboo patterns on each gaiwan are purely hand-painted by highly skilled craftsmen. With delicate brushstrokes and a unique artistic perspective, the craftsmen perfectly present the charm of bamboo. Every bamboo leaf and every bamboo joint are filled with the craftsmen's efforts and emotions, making each gaiwan a unique work of art with high artistic value and collection value.

III. Practical Design, an Excellent Tea Set

  1. Gaiwan Combination with Complete Functions: This gaiwan consists of three parts: the body, the lid, and the saucer, each performing its own functions and complementing each other. The body has a moderate capacity, suitable for individual quiet tea tasting. The wide mouth of the bowl is convenient for the tea leaves to fully unfold and release a rich tea fragrance; the lid can be used for heat preservation and fragrance concentration, and can also play the role of filtering tea leaves when pouring tea, making the tea soup clearer and more translucent; the saucer serves as heat insulation and provides stability, making the placement of the gaiwan more stable and protecting the table surface from being scalded, creating a comfortable tea-tasting environment for you.
  2. Ergonomic Design: The curvature design of the body conforms to ergonomic principles, providing a comfortable grip and easy handling. Even during long hours of tea tasting, you will not feel hand fatigue. Whether you are savoring the fragrance of tea alone at home or enjoying good tea with friends in a tea room, this gaiwan can be easily handled, allowing you to fully enjoy the pleasure of tea tasting.

IV. Cultural Connotations, a Gentleman's Utensil

Bamboo has profound significance in traditional Chinese culture, symbolizing the qualities of a gentleman, such as integrity, humility, and tenacity. Owning this hand-painted bamboo horse-hoof-shaped gaiwan is not only having a practical tea set but also having a spiritual sustenance and cultural inheritance. During the process of tea tasting, you can savor the gentlemanly demeanor contained in bamboo and feel the broad and profound traditional culture, allowing your soul to be nourished and sublimated in the fragrance of tea and the charm of bamboo. At the same time, this gaiwan is also an excellent gift for relatives and friends, conveying beautiful meanings and blessings to the people around you, so that they can also feel your thoughtfulness and care when tasting tea.
Product form

手繪竹子馬蹄蓋碗 传统工艺与文化内涵的完美结合,是您品茶、赏器、修身养性的理想之选,为您的生活增添一份雅致与韵味,让您在喧嚣的尘世中寻得一方宁静的品茶天地。 一、清雅外观,竹韵悠长 这款手绘竹子马蹄盖碗,造型别致,宛如马蹄,线条流畅自然,尽显古朴雅致之美。碗身以淡雅的米白色为底色,温润细腻,仿若羊脂白玉。其上精心手绘着竹子图案,竹叶以清新的蓝色绘制,笔触细腻流畅,竹叶的形态栩栩如生,仿佛微风拂过,竹叶轻轻摇曳,竹节挺拔有力,尽显竹子的坚韧与高洁。盖碗边缘及底部饰有一圈古朴的棕黄色釉边,增添了几分岁月的韵味,整体给人一种清新脱俗、宁静致远的感觉,仿佛置身于竹林深处,尽享清幽之境。 二、精湛工艺,品质非凡 优质材质:选用上乘瓷土烧制而成,瓷质坚实细腻,手感温润舒适。经过高温烧制,瓷体致密,具有良好的保温性能,能更好地锁住茶香,让您在品茶时充分感受茶叶的醇厚韵味。同时,瓷质的优良也保证了盖碗的耐用性,经得起岁月的洗礼,长久陪伴您的品茶时光。 手绘艺术:每一只盖碗上的竹子图案均由技艺精湛的匠人纯手工绘制,匠人以细腻的笔触和独特的艺术视角,将竹子的神韵完美呈现。每一片竹叶、每一节竹枝都饱含着匠人的心血与情感,使得每一只盖碗都成为独一无二的艺术品,具有极高的艺术价值和收藏价值。 三、实用设计,品茶佳器 盖碗组合,功能完备:此盖碗由碗身、碗盖和碗托三部分组成,各司其职,相得益彰。碗身容量适中,适合单人静心品茶,宽大的碗口便于茶叶充分舒展,释放出浓郁的茶香;碗盖可用于保温、聚香,还能在倒茶时起到滤茶的作用,使茶汤更加清澈透亮;碗托则起到隔热和稳定的作用,放置盖碗时更加平稳,同时也能保护桌面不被烫伤,为您营造一个舒适的品茶环境。 人体工学设计:碗身的弧度设计符合人体工学原理,握持舒适,方便端拿,即使长时间品茶也不会感到手部疲劳。无论是在家中独自品味茶香,还是在茶室与友人共赏佳茗,这款盖碗都能让您轻松驾驭,尽享品茶之乐。 四、文化内涵,君子之器 竹子在中国传统文化中具有深远的意义,它象征着君子的品质,如正直、谦逊、坚韧不拔等。拥有这款手绘竹子马蹄盖碗,不仅是拥有了一件实用的茶具,更是拥有了一份精神寄托和文化传承。在品茶的过程中,您可以细细品味竹子所蕴含的君子之风,感受传统文化的博大精深,让心灵在茶香与竹韵中得到滋养和升华。同时,这款盖碗也是馈赠亲友的佳品,将美好的寓意和祝福传递给身边的人,让他们在品茶之时也能感受到您的用心与关怀。 Porcelain Hand-painted Bamboo Gaiwan I. Elegant Appearance with... Read more

SKU: 849682ORIGIN: China
BARCODE: 0000010013031WEIGHT: 0.9 lb
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    1. 优质材质:选用上乘瓷土烧制而成,瓷质坚实细腻,手感温润舒适。经过高温烧制,瓷体致密,具有良好的保温性能,能更好地锁住茶香,让您在品茶时充分感受茶叶的醇厚韵味。同时,瓷质的优良也保证了盖碗的耐用性,经得起岁月的洗礼,长久陪伴您的品茶时光。
    2. 手绘艺术:每一只盖碗上的竹子图案均由技艺精湛的匠人纯手工绘制,匠人以细腻的笔触和独特的艺术视角,将竹子的神韵完美呈现。每一片竹叶、每一节竹枝都饱含着匠人的心血与情感,使得每一只盖碗都成为独一无二的艺术品,具有极高的艺术价值和收藏价值。


    1. 盖碗组合,功能完备:此盖碗由碗身、碗盖和碗托三部分组成,各司其职,相得益彰。碗身容量适中,适合单人静心品茶,宽大的碗口便于茶叶充分舒展,释放出浓郁的茶香;碗盖可用于保温、聚香,还能在倒茶时起到滤茶的作用,使茶汤更加清澈透亮;碗托则起到隔热和稳定的作用,放置盖碗时更加平稳,同时也能保护桌面不被烫伤,为您营造一个舒适的品茶环境。
    2. 人体工学设计:碗身的弧度设计符合人体工学原理,握持舒适,方便端拿,即使长时间品茶也不会感到手部疲劳。无论是在家中独自品味茶香,还是在茶室与友人共赏佳茗,这款盖碗都能让您轻松驾驭,尽享品茶之乐。



    Porcelain Hand-painted Bamboo Gaiwan

    I. Elegant Appearance with Long-lasting Bamboo Charm

    This hand-painted bamboo horse-hoof-shaped gaiwan features a unique shape resembling a horse's hoof, with smooth and natural lines, fully demonstrating the beauty of simplicity and elegance. The body of the gaiwan takes a light beige color as the base, which is smooth and delicate, just like mutton fat white jade. On it, bamboo patterns are meticulously hand-painted. The bamboo leaves are painted in a fresh blue color with delicate and smooth brushstrokes, making the forms of the bamboo leaves vivid as if they were gently swaying in the breeze. The bamboo joints are upright and strong, fully showing the tenacity and nobility of bamboo. The edges and bottom of the gaiwan are decorated with a circle of antique brownish-yellow glaze edge, adding a touch of the charm of time. The overall appearance gives people a feeling of being fresh, refined, peaceful and far-reaching, as if being in the depths of a bamboo forest and enjoying the serene environment.

    II. Exquisite Craftsmanship and Extraordinary Quality

    1. High-quality Materials: It is made of superior porcelain clay and fired at high temperatures. The porcelain is solid and fine, with a warm and comfortable hand feel. After high-temperature firing, the porcelain body is dense, having good heat preservation performance, which can better retain the fragrance of tea, allowing you to fully experience the mellow taste of tea when tasting. At the same time, the excellent quality of the porcelain also ensures the durability of the gaiwan, able to withstand the test of time and accompany your tea-tasting time for a long time.
    2. Hand-painting Art: The bamboo patterns on each gaiwan are purely hand-painted by highly skilled craftsmen. With delicate brushstrokes and a unique artistic perspective, the craftsmen perfectly present the charm of bamboo. Every bamboo leaf and every bamboo joint are filled with the craftsmen's efforts and emotions, making each gaiwan a unique work of art with high artistic value and collection value.

    III. Practical Design, an Excellent Tea Set

    1. Gaiwan Combination with Complete Functions: This gaiwan consists of three parts: the body, the lid, and the saucer, each performing its own functions and complementing each other. The body has a moderate capacity, suitable for individual quiet tea tasting. The wide mouth of the bowl is convenient for the tea leaves to fully unfold and release a rich tea fragrance; the lid can be used for heat preservation and fragrance concentration, and can also play the role of filtering tea leaves when pouring tea, making the tea soup clearer and more translucent; the saucer serves as heat insulation and provides stability, making the placement of the gaiwan more stable and protecting the table surface from being scalded, creating a comfortable tea-tasting environment for you.
    2. Ergonomic Design: The curvature design of the body conforms to ergonomic principles, providing a comfortable grip and easy handling. Even during long hours of tea tasting, you will not feel hand fatigue. Whether you are savoring the fragrance of tea alone at home or enjoying good tea with friends in a tea room, this gaiwan can be easily handled, allowing you to fully enjoy the pleasure of tea tasting.

    IV. Cultural Connotations, a Gentleman's Utensil

    Bamboo has profound significance in traditional Chinese culture, symbolizing the qualities of a gentleman, such as integrity, humility, and tenacity. Owning this hand-painted bamboo horse-hoof-shaped gaiwan is not only having a practical tea set but also having a spiritual sustenance and cultural inheritance. During the process of tea tasting, you can savor the gentlemanly demeanor contained in bamboo and feel the broad and profound traditional culture, allowing your soul to be nourished and sublimated in the fragrance of tea and the charm of bamboo. At the same time, this gaiwan is also an excellent gift for relatives and friends, conveying beautiful meanings and blessings to the people around you, so that they can also feel your thoughtfulness and care when tasting tea.

    I. Elegant Appearance with Long-lasting Bamboo Charm

    This hand-painted bamboo horse-hoof-shaped gaiwan features a unique shape resembling a horse's hoof, with smooth and natural lines, fully demonstrating the beauty of simplicity and elegance. The body of the gaiwan takes a light beige color as the base, which is smooth and delicate, just like mutton fat white jade. On it, bamboo patterns are meticulously hand-painted. The bamboo leaves are painted in a fresh blue color with delicate and smooth brushstrokes, making the forms of the bamboo leaves vivid as if they were gently swaying in the breeze. The bamboo joints are upright and strong, fully showing the tenacity and nobility of bamboo. The edges and bottom of the gaiwan are decorated with a circle of antique brownish-yellow glaze edge, adding a touch of the charm of time. The overall appearance gives people a feeling of being fresh, refined, peaceful and far-reaching, as if being in the depths of a bamboo forest and enjoying the serene environment.

    II. Exquisite Craftsmanship and Extraordinary Quality

    1. High-quality Materials: It is made of superior porcelain clay and fired at high temperatures. The porcelain is solid and fine, with a warm and comfortable hand feel. After high-temperature firing, the porcelain body is dense, having good heat preservation performance, which can better retain the fragrance of tea, allowing you to fully experience the mellow taste of tea when tasting. At the same time, the excellent quality of the porcelain also ensures the durability of the gaiwan, able to withstand the test of time and accompany your tea-tasting time for a long time.
    2. Hand-painting Art: The bamboo patterns on each gaiwan are purely hand-painted by highly skilled craftsmen. With delicate brushstrokes and a unique artistic perspective, the craftsmen perfectly present the charm of bamboo. Every bamboo leaf and every bamboo joint are filled with the craftsmen's efforts and emotions, making each gaiwan a unique work of art with high artistic value and collection value.

    III. Practical Design, an Excellent Tea Set

    1. Gaiwan Combination with Complete Functions: This gaiwan consists of three parts: the body, the lid, and the saucer, each performing its own functions and complementing each other. The body has a moderate capacity, suitable for individual quiet tea tasting. The wide mouth of the bowl is convenient for the tea leaves to fully unfold and release a rich tea fragrance; the lid can be used for heat preservation and fragrance concentration, and can also play the role of filtering tea leaves when pouring tea, making the tea soup clearer and more translucent; the saucer serves as heat insulation and provides stability, making the placement of the gaiwan more stable and protecting the table surface from being scalded, creating a comfortable tea-tasting environment for you.
    2. Ergonomic Design: The curvature design of the body conforms to ergonomic principles, providing a comfortable grip and easy handling. Even during long hours of tea tasting, you will not feel hand fatigue. Whether you are savoring the fragrance of tea alone at home or enjoying good tea with friends in a tea room, this gaiwan can be easily handled, allowing you to fully enjoy the pleasure of tea tasting.

    IV. Cultural Connotations, a Gentleman's Utensil

    Bamboo has profound significance in traditional Chinese culture, symbolizing the qualities of a gentleman, such as integrity, humility, and tenacity. Owning this hand-painted bamboo horse-hoof-shaped gaiwan is not only having a practical tea set but also having a spiritual sustenance and cultural inheritance. During the process of tea tasting, you can savor the gentlemanly demeanor contained in bamboo and feel the broad and profound traditional culture, allowing your soul to be nourished and sublimated in the fragrance of tea and the charm of bamboo. At the same time, this gaiwan is also an excellent gift for relatives and friends, conveying beautiful meanings and blessings to the people around you, so that they can also feel your thoughtfulness and care when tasting tea.



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