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  • 知母 16oz

    知母 16oz

    知母 16oz 蚳母、连母、野蓼、地参、水参、水浚、货母、蝭母、芪母、提母、女雷、女理、鹿列、韭逢、儿踵草、东根、苦心、儿草、水须、昌支、蒜瓣子草、兔子油草、山韭菜、羊胡子根、穿地龙、虾草、马马草、淮知母   性味 味苦;性寒 功效 为百合科植物知母的根茎。 治烦热消渴,骨蒸劳热,肺热咳嗽,大便燥结,小便不利。 经脉 肺经;胃经;肾经 主治 滋阴降火,润燥滑肠。治烦热消渴,骨蒸劳热,肺热咳嗽,大便燥结,小便不利。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,6~12g,或入丸、散。 清热泻火,滋阴润燥宜生用;入肾降火滋阴宜盐水炒。 注意禁忌 脾胃虚寒,大便溏泄者忌服。   Common Anemarrhena Rhizome, Rhizome of Common Anemarrhena / Zhi Mu 16oz Because anemarrhena brings moisture and coolness, it will bring relief to excessive internal heat and dryness symptoms such as fever , thirst, irritability, racing pulse, cough, bleeding gums, night sweat, insomnia , and hot flashes . In TCM the herb is used internally for a variety of disorders, including congestive fever, high fever, chronic bronchitis, excessive sweating, dry throat, cough, dizziness, lumbago ( benefits: Chronic bronchitis, Diabetes, Tuberculosis, Oliguria, High blood pressure, Ulcers of the mouth and/or bleeding gums ( Bitter taste; Effects; cold in natureIt is the rhizome of Liliaceae plant Anemarrhena. It has been used to cure fever and diabetes, inflammatory joint pain, cough with lung heat [thick yellow phlegm] dry stool, difficulty in urination. It enters the Meridians of Lung, Stomach, and Kidney Channels.Indications: Nourishes yin and lowers fire, moisturizes dryness, and smooths intestines. Dosage Oral administration: decoction, 6~12g, or into pills or powder. To clear away heat and relieve fire, nourish yin and moisturize dryness, it is suitable for raw use; when entering the kidneys to reduce fire and nourish yin, it is appropriate to stir-fry in saltwater. Cautions: Avoid use with spleen and stomach deficiency and cold, loose stools


  • 盒)

    祁白芷 片(16 oz/盒)

    祁白芷 片 苻蓠、泽芬、晼、白茞、香白芷 性味 辛,温。 归经 入肺、脾、胃经。 功能主治 祛风,燥湿,消肿,止痛。治头痛,眉棱骨痛,齿痛,鼻渊,寒湿腹痛,肠风痔漏,赤白带下,痈疽疮疡,皮肤燥痒,疥癣。 【食疗方】 白芷炖燕窝 白芷9克,燕窝9克,冰糖适量。将白芷、燕窝隔水炖至极烂,过滤去渣。 加冰糖适量调味后再炖片刻即成,每日1~2次。 具有补肺养阴,止咳止血作用。  Dahurian Angelica Root /Bai Zhi  Angelica dahurica is also commonly known as Chinese angelica, the garden angelica, root of the Holy Ghost, and wild angelica, as well as its Chinese name, bai zhi (白芷). The medicinal properties of the Dahurican root has been dated back to Ancient China as early as 400 BC. Zhang Cong Zhen (1156–1228), a famous physician in the military, believed that diseases were caused by (external evil”) pathogens that entered the human body. He listed Bai Zhi as an herb that purge the body of any negative influences such as heat, clamminess, dryness, and cold on the skin. Today, the roots are used for other numerous treatments of illnesses such as headaches, relieving nasal obstruction, detoxification of the blood, as a pain reliever, an anti-inflammatory, a laxative, sedative, anti-fungal cream for skin, as well as treating swollen gums and toothaches.  The seeds are often used as a seasoning condiment in food as well as a source of flavoring in liqueur. Another popular usage for this herb is its ingredient in cosmetic products.  Cautions: Aside from the medicinal properties that this plant offers, this species also may increase skin sensitivity to sunlight and may cause dermatitis. A compound called the angelicotoxin, is an active ingredient within the root which has an excitatory effect on the respiratory system, central nervous system, and the vasculomotor system of the body. It is known to increase the rate of respiration, blood pressure, decrease pulse rate, increases saliva production and may induce vomiting. In large doses, the toxin can induce convulsions and paralysis. Bai Zhi influences Stomach, Large Intestine, Lung. Disperses wind and expels dampness. Unblocks the nasal passage and alleviates pain. Reduces swelling and expels pus. (  

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  • 10% OFF
    Dang Shen/Radix Codonopsis (8oz)  党参 永合丰 Dang Shen/Radix Codonopsis (8oz)  党参 永合丰

    精選 黨參(8 oz/盒)

    精选 特级 党参(8oz/盒) 性味 甘,平。 功效 本品为桔梗科植物党参、素花党参(西党参)或川党参的干燥根。 主治脾胃虚弱,气血两亏,体倦无力,食少便溏,内热消渴,久泻,脱肛,肺虚喘咳,气短自汗,气微两亏诸证。 经脉 归脾经、肺经。 主治 补中,益气,生津,益肺。治脾胃虚弱,气血两亏,体倦无力,食少便溏,内热消渴,久泻,脱肛,肺虚喘咳,气短自汗,气微两亏诸证。 注意禁忌 有实邪者忌服。不宜与藜芦同用。 【食疗方】 1.玉竹党参粥 玉竹20g,党参30g,大米50g.先将玉竹、党参煎煮取汁,去渣后放入大米,再加适量水煮粥。每日服2次,趁热食用。 功效:益气养阴。主治气阴两虚之疲乏无力、自汗、心悸怔忡、胃纳不佳、口干、手足心热或盗汗、少寝多梦等症。感冒、腹胀纳呆者暂停用。 2.参米茶 党参30克,粟米100克。将党参、粟米分别淘洗干净,党参干燥后研碎,粟米炒熟,同置于砂锅内。加入清水1000毫升,浸渍1小时后,煎煮20分钟停火,沉淀后倒入保温瓶内,代茶饮用。 功效:补脾养胃,益气滋阴。主治脾胃虚弱、食欲不振、胃脘隐痛等。 3.归参炖母鸡 当归15克,党参15克,母鸡1只、葱、生姜、料酒、食盐各适量。将母鸡宰杀后,去毛和内脏,洗净,将当归、参放入鸡腹内,再将鸡放进砂锅,加入葱、生姜、料酒、食盐、清水各适量,再将砂锅置武火上烧沸,改用文火煨炖,直至鸡肉粑烂即成。食用时,可分餐吃肉,喝汤。 功效:补血壮体。适用于肝脾血虚之慢性肝炎和各种贫血。 4.参枣米饭 党参10克,糯米250克,白糖50克。将党参、大枣放在砂锅内,加水泡发后煎煮30分钟左右,捞出党参、大枣,药液备用。将糯米洗净,放在大瓷碗中,加水适量,蒸熟后,扣在盘中 ,将党参、大枣摆在糯米饭上,药液加白糖,煎成浓汁后浇在枣饭上即成。可作早餐食用。 功效:健脾益气。主治体虚气弱,乏力倦怠,心悸失眠,食欲不振,便溏浮肿等。 5.参芪首乌精 党参250克,黄芪250克,制何首乌200克,白糖500克。将党参、黄芪、制首乌洗净,用冷水浸透,加水适量煮沸,沸后改为文火,每半小时取一次药液,共煎3次;将3次煎液混合,去药渣,再继续用文火煎熬浓缩,到稠如膏时停火待。 6.参杞酒 党参15克,枸杞15克,米酒500毫升。将党参、枸杞子洗净,干燥后研为粗末,放入细口瓶内,加入米酒,密封瓶口,每日振摇1次,浸泡7天以上。每次服15毫升,早晚各服1次。 功效:益气补血、宁心安神。主治心脾两虚、心悸失眠、夜寐多梦、食欲不振、肢体倦怠等。 7.参芪汤 党参250克 黄芪250克 白糖500克。将党参、黄芪洗净,以冷水泡透,加水适量煎煮,每半小时取药液1次,共煎煮3次,然后合并药液。将合并的药液用文火煎熬至稠粘时停火,等浓缩液冷却后,加入白糖,使之吸净药液,混合均匀,再晒干,压碎,装入玻璃瓶。 服法:用沸水冲化后服用,每次10克,每日2次。 功效:补益肺脾之气。适用于气虚型心悸气短、食少便溏、脏器下垂、浮肿、气喘、头晕等症。 Selected High-Quality Codonopsis/Dang Shen (8 oz/Box) “Codonopsis seems to stimulate the central nervous system. It also seems to promote weight gain and increase endurance, as well as increase red and white blood cells counts and promote blood circulation.” (, “Codonopsis is an herb. People use the root to make medicine. Codonopsis is used to treat HIV infection and to protect cancer patients against side effects of radiation treatment.” ( From the manufacturer:  The taste is sweet and its nature is neutral [neither warming nor cooling] This product is the dried root of Codonopsis pilosa, Codonopsis pilosa (West Codonopsis) or Codonopsis radiata. Indications: Weakness of spleen and stomach, deficiency of both qi and blood, body fatigue, loss of appetite, loose stools, internal heat. It is used to reduce thirst, chronic diarrhea, prolapse of the anus, lung deficiency and cough, shortness of breath and spontaneous sweating, and micro-circulation deficiency.  It enters the Spleen and Lung meridians.  Indications: It nourishes the middle [digestive center], nourishes qi, body fluids and nourishes lung. It is used to cure spleen and stomach weakness, qi and blood deficiency, body fatigue, poor appetite, loose stools, internal heat. It reduces thirst, chronic diarrhea, prolapse of the anus, lung deficiency and cough, shortness of breath and spontaneous sweating, and micro-qi deficiency. Cautions: Since codonopsis “raises qi” for prolapsed organs, avoid use for people who are dizzy, violent, or have fever. It is not suitable for use with Veratrum (false hellebore.) Diet Therapy   Polygonatum, Codonopsis Porridge   Ingredients: Polygonatum odoratum 20g, Codonopsis pilosula 30g, and rice 50g. First, decoct Polygonatum odoratum (Solomon’s Seal) and Codonopsis pilosula to get the juice. After removing the residue, add the rice, and add some water to cook the porridge. Eat it 2 times a day while it is hot. Efficacy: Replenishing Qi and Nourishing Yin. Indications of fatigue, weakness, spontaneous sweating, heart palpitations, poor appetite, dry mouth, hot hands, feet, and night sweats, insomnia and excessive or troubled dreaming. Suspend the use of this recipe during colds, bloating and anorexia.   Codonopsis /Dang Shen Rice Tea   Ingredients: Codonopsis 30 grams, 100 grams of rice.  Wash the Codonopsis and rice separately, grind the Codonopsis after drying, fry the rice, and put them in a casserole. Add 1000 ml of water, soak for 1 hour, decoct for 20 minutes, stop the fire, pour it into a thermos after precipitation, and drink it instead of tea.  Efficacy: nourish the spleen and stomach, nourish qi and nourish yin. Indications: Weakness of the spleen and stomach, loss of appetite, and dull pain in the stomach.   Angelica & Codonopsis Stewed Hen   Ingredients: 15 grams of Angelica (tang kuei) 15 grams of Codonopsis, 1 hen, green onions, ginger, cooking wine, and salt.  After the hen is slaughtered, the hair and internal organs are removed, washed, and the angelica and ginseng are put into the belly of the chicken, and then the chicken is put into the casserole, adding the appropriate amount of green onion, ginger, cooking wine, salt, and water, and then placing the casserole on the fire. Bring to a boil and simmer until the chicken is cooked. Serve.  When eating, you can eat meat and soup in separate meals.  Efficacy: nourishing blood and strengthening body. It is suitable for chronic hepatitis and various anemias of liver and spleen blood deficiency. Ginseng date rice Ingredients: 10 grams of Codonopsis, 250 grams of glutinous rice, 50 grams of jujube date, and sugar.  Cook the codonopsis and jujube for about 30 minutes, and set aside the liquid medicine for later use. Wash the glutinous rice, after steaming, add the Codonopsis and jujube pieces. Add cane sugar to the liquid medicinal solution and pour it on the jujube rice. Serve. Can be eaten for breakfast.   Efficacy: invigorating the spleen and qi. Indications for physical weakness, fatigue, fatigue, palpitations, insomnia, loss of appetite, loose stools and edema.   Codonopsis & Polygonum multiflorum Cream    Ingredients: 250 grams of Codonopsis, 250 grams of Astragalus, 200 grams of Polygonum multiflorum, 500 grams of sugar.  Wash dangshen, astragalus, and shouwu, soak in cold water, add water to a boil, change to simmer after boiling. Drink the liquid medicine every half an hour, and decoct 3 times; mix the 3 decoctions, remove the medicine residue, and then continue to simmer and condense, and stop cooking when it becomes thick as a cream. [Use this as a tonic extract] Ginseng wine   Ingredients: 15 grams of Codonopsis, 15 grams of wolfberry (aka goji berry), 500 ml of rice wine. Wash Codonopsis and Chinese wolfberry fruits, dry them and grind them into coarse powder, put them in a narrow-necked bottle, add rice wine, seal the mouth of the bottle, shake once a day, and steep it for more than 7 days.  Take 15 ml each time, 1 time in the morning and evening.  Efficacy: To replenish qi and blood, calm the mind and spirit. Indications: for deficiency of the heart and spleen, palpitations, insomnia, sleepless nights, loss of appetite, fatigue, etc.   Codonopsis & Astragalus Decoction   Ingredients:  Codonopsis 250 grams, Astragalus 250 grams, 500 grams of sugar. Wash Codonopsis and Astragalus, soak thoroughly in cold water, add appropriate amount of water to make a decoction. Drink some of the liquid medicine once every half an hour. Make a decoction 3 times in total, and then combine the liquid medicine batches. Simmer the combined liquid medicine until it is thick and then stop cooking.  After the concentrated liquid has cooled, add sugar to absorb the liquid medicine, mix it evenly, dry, crush, and put it into a glass bottle.   Dosage: Dissolve with boiling water and take it, 10 grams each time, 2 times a day.   Efficacy: For replenishing the Qi of the lungs and spleen. It is suitable for symptoms such as qi deficiency, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, poor appetite, loose stools, organ prolapse, edema, wheezing, and dizziness.  


  • 醇舊肉蓯蓉片(45克)


    精选 肉苁蓉片(45克) Cistanche deserticola/Rou Cong Rong 肉松蓉、黑司令、纵蓉、地精、马足、马芝、大芸、寸芸 男性滋补佳品 性味 味甘;咸;性温 功能主治 为列当科植物肉苁蓉的肉质茎。补肾,益精,润燥,滑肠。治男子阳痿,女子不孕,带下,血崩,腰膝冷痛,血枯便秘。 经脉 归肾经;大肠经 用法用量 内服:煎汤,10~15g;或入丸、散;或浸酒。 注意事项 胃弱便溏,相火旺者忌服。 1.《本草蒙筌》:忌经铁器。 2.《本草经疏》:泄泻禁用,肾中有热,强阳易兴而精不固者忌之。 3.《药品化义》:相火旺,胃肠弱者忌用。 4.《得配本草》:忌铜、铁。火盛便闭、心虚气胀,皆禁用。 食疗方 1.肉苁蓉粥 做法:以肉苁蓉30克,粳米30克,共煮粥,每日服用1次,连服1周。功效:可补肾、润肠、通便,也可治疗老年多尿症、肾虚和便秘。 2.巴戟苁蓉鸡肠汤 做法:巴戟天12克,肉苁蓉12克,鸡肠1具。将鸡肠剪开,清洗肠内、外壁,再用盐擦洗,洗净后切成段;将巴戟天,肉苁蓉用纱布袋包好,扎紧袋口,与鸡肠共入砂锅中,加水,放入精盐、姜片。先用武火煮沸,再用文火煎熬60分钟即成。喝汤食肠。 功效:温补肺肾,固精止遗。用治肺肾阳虚气弱,阳萎,早泄,遗精,滑精,遗尿,夜尿多,气短喘促。 3.肉苁蓉羹 肉苁蓉30克,甘薯50克,羊肉100克。葱、生姜、精盐各适量。将肉苁蓉刮去鳞,用酒洗,去黑汁,切成薄片,甘薯、羊肉洗净后各切成薄片,共放入锅中,加入姜片和水适量,先用武火煮沸,再用文火煎煮35分钟,放入葱、盐即成。 功效:温补肝肾。主治肾阳虚衰、肝血不足所致的阳痿、腰痛、头晕目暗、耳鸣等。 4.牛膝当归蜜膏 牛膝50克,肉苁蓉500克,当归50克,蜂蜜适量。牛膝、肉苁蓉、当归加水适量浸泡透发,再加热煎煮,每20分钟取煎液一次,加水再煎,共取3次,合并煎液,再以小火煎熬浓缩成稠膏时,加蜂蜜1倍,至沸停火,待冷装瓶备用。 功效:温阳通便。 5.鸡肉炖苁蓉 小公鸡1只,肉苁蓉30克。将小公鸡宰杀,去毛及肠杂,洗净,切块;肉苁蓉洗净,滤干,放入纱布袋内,扎紧袋口,与鸡肉共入砂锅内,加入料酒和适量清水,先用武火煮沸,再用文火慢纯,以鸡肉熟烂为度。加入精盐调味,当菜或点心食用。 功效:补肾助阳益气。用治肾阳虚衰,阳萎,早泄,滑精,尿频或遗尿。  出自: Desertliving Cistanche/Rou Cong Rong (45 g) The active ingredients isolated from Herba Cistanche have three main biological functions: improvement of brain function, immune-boosting effect, and nourishing aphrodisiac effect. Cistanche deserticola is used for constipation, tetanus, infertility and many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses. . .Cistanche deserticola contains chemicals that act as antioxidants. It also contains chemicals that might modify levels of hormones in the body. From the manufacturer:  The taste is sweet, sour, and salty; It is warming. It enters the Kidney and Large Intestine meridians. Function and Indication: It nourishes the kidney and nourishes essence, moisturizes dryness, smooths intestines. It has been used to cure men's impotence, women's infertility, exhaustion, blood collapse, cold waist and knee pain, and dry constipation. Dosage Oral administration: decoction, ~11.16g: or made into pills or in soup Cautions: Avoid use with a weak stomach and loose stools. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should consult their doctor or health specialist.    Diet Therapy Cistanche Black Chicken Soup   Ingredients:  black-bone chicken (500g), cistanche (20g), white yam (8 pieces), codonopsis (20g), astragalus (20g), wolfberry (1 spoon), red dates (8), chestnuts (10), water (2200ml)  Seasoning: salt (appropriate amount)  Cut the black-bone chicken into large pieces, wash the cistanche and smash into pieces, wash the codonopsis and cut into small sections, wash the red dates and remove the pits, peel the chestnuts, and wash the astragalus, yam and wolfberry.   Boil the water to blanch the chicken to remove the blood and excess fat.   Put all the ingredients in the soup pot, add water and bring to a boil over high heat and change to low heat. If it is a pressure cooker, boil it for another 40 minutes, if it is another pot, boil it for another 2 hours.   After the soup is cooked, add salt, stir evenly with a spoon, and then eat.      Efficacy: The soup is used for invigorating the liver, kidney, spleen and stomach, replenishing qi and blood. It is suitable for the loss of essence and blood caused by the deficiency of the liver and kidney, weakness in the waist and knees, male impotence, female infertility, etc.


  • 河南淮山 5枝(16 oz) 河南淮山 5枝(16 oz)

    河南淮山 5枝(16 oz)

    原色 河南淮山 5枝(16oz) 薯藇、署预、薯蓣、山芋、诸署、署豫、玉延、修脆、山薯、王薯、薯药、怀山药、蛇芋、白苕、九黄姜、野白薯、山板薯、扇子薯、佛掌薯 性味 甘;平 功效 为薯蓣科植物山药的块茎。 主治脾虚泄泻,久痢,虚劳咳嗽,消渴,遗精、带下,小便频数。 经脉 肺经;脾经;肾经 主治 补脾养胃,生津益肺,补肾涩精。用于脾虚食少、久泻不止、肺虚喘咳、肾虚遗精、白带过多、尿频、虚热消渴。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,15~30g,大剂量60~250g;或入丸、散。 外用:适量,捣敷。补阴,宜生用;健脾止泻,宜炒黄用。 注意禁忌 有实邪者忌服。 食疗方 1.山药粥 干山药50g(或鲜山药100g),粳米100g。将山药和粳米淘洗干净,加清水,先以武火煮沸,继以文火煎熬20~30分钟,以米熟为度。作早晚餐,温热服食。 功效:补益脾胃,滋养肺紧。主治脾胃虚弱所致的食少、久泻久痢和肺肾亏虚所致的干咳少痰、潮热盗汗等症。 2.山药茯苓包子 山药、茯苓各100g,面粉200g,白糖150g,猪油、青丝、红丝各适量。将山药、茯苓研粉,加水浸泡成糊状。另取面粉发酵作包子面坯。再将山药、茯苓上笼蒸半小时后,调入面粉、白糖、猪油、青丝、红丝,拌匀成馅,作成包子,再把包子上笼蒸熟即可。每天早晨随意食用。 功效:益脾胃、补气阴、涩精气。主治脾气虚弱所致的食少、便溏、消渴、尿频、遗尿、遗精等症。 3.山药桂圆粥 鲜山药100g,桂圆肉(龙眼肉)15g,荔枝肉3~5个,五味子3g,白糖适量。先将山药去皮切成片,与桂圆、荔枝、五味子同煮,加入适量白糖。每日晚临睡前1小时食之。 功效:补益心肾,止渴固涩。主治心肾之阴不足而引起的消渴、小便频数、心悸失眠、腰部酸痛等症。 4.山药蛋黄粥 山药30g,鸡蛋黄2个,大米120g。先将山药洗净蒸熟,切碎备用。把大米淘净入锅,加入山药同煮,待煮熟快起锅前,将鸡蛋黄打入碗中,去掉鸡蛋清,将蛋黄打散,倒入粥中搅匀即可。每日作早餐食用。 功效:补益脾胃,养心安神,补血养阴。主治脾胃虚弱所致心烦失眠、手足心热、心悸不宁、久泻、脱肛等症。健康人食用能增强记忆力,增强体质。   Dioscorea opposita Thunb/Chinese Yam 16oz Chinese yam (Dioscorea polystachya or Dioscorea batatas) is an ornamental vine that is native to Asia. It also grows in North America, but it isn’t related to the sweet potatoes called yams that are popular there. Other names for Chinese yam are cinnamon vine, and shan yao. Chinese yam is used in Chinese herbal medicine, traditionally to treat disorders related to the stomach, spleen, lungs, and kidneys.  As an herbal treatment, Chinese yam is mainly used to target the stomach and spleen but is also thought to help the lungs and kidneys. It can help treat: poor appetite chronic diarrhea asthma dry coughs frequent urination diabetes Chinese yam contains allantoin, a natural compound that can accelerate the growth of healthy tissue and reduce healing time. People with conditions related to the stomach, spleen, kidneys, lungs, or skin may benefit from Chinese yam. In addition to these uses, promoters of the herb claim it can be used as a remedy for many conditions, including: hot flashes associated with menopause postmenopausal vaginal dryness premenstrual syndrome (PMS) gallbladder problems rheumatoid arthritis menstrual disorders osteoporosis fatigue digestion disorders dry or chronic cough asthma A study on gastrointestinal function shows that Chinese yam extract not only aids in digestion but can help turn some intestinal flora in the stomach into helpful bacteria. Chinese yam also has antioxidant properties. The study concludes that Chinese yam contains trace amounts of zinc, manganese, iron, copper, and selenium and that taking it as a daily supplement is beneficial as an antioxidant.


  • Sliced Shan Yao/Dioscorese   永合丰 刨淮山片(16oz) Sliced Shan Yao/Dioscorese   永合丰 刨淮山片(16oz)

    刨淮山片 7枝(16 oz/盒)

    刨淮山片 7枝(16oz/盒) 薯藇、署预、薯蓣、山芋、诸署、署豫、玉延、修脆、山薯、王薯、薯药、怀山药、蛇芋、白苕、九黄姜、野白薯、山板薯、扇子薯、佛掌薯 性味 甘;平 功效 为薯蓣科植物山药的块茎。 主治脾虚泄泻,久痢,虚劳咳嗽,消渴,遗精、带下,小便频数。 经脉 肺经;脾经;肾经 主治 补脾养胃,生津益肺,补肾涩精。用于脾虚食少、久泻不止、肺虚喘咳、肾虚遗精、白带过多、尿频、虚热消渴。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,15~30g,大剂量60~250g;或入丸、散。 外用:适量,捣敷。补阴,宜生用;健脾止泻,宜炒黄用。 注意禁忌 有实邪者忌服。   食疗方 1.山药粥 干山药50g(或鲜山药100g),粳米100g。将山药和粳米淘洗干净,加清水,先以武火煮沸,继以文火煎熬20~30分钟,以米熟为度。作早晚餐,温热服食。 功效:补益脾胃,滋养肺紧。主治脾胃虚弱所致的食少、久泻久痢和肺肾亏虚所致的干咳少痰、潮热盗汗等症。 2.山药茯苓包子 山药、茯苓各100g,面粉200g,白糖150g,猪油、青丝、红丝各适量。将山药、茯苓研粉,加水浸泡成糊状。另取面粉发酵作包子面坯。再将山药、茯苓上笼蒸半小时后,调入面粉、白糖、猪油、青丝、红丝,拌匀成馅,作成包子,再把包子上笼蒸熟即可。每天早晨随意食用。 功效:益脾胃、补气阴、涩精气。主治脾气虚弱所致的食少、便溏、消渴、尿频、遗尿、遗精等症。 3.山药桂圆粥 鲜山药100g,桂圆肉(龙眼肉)15g,荔枝肉3~5个,五味子3g,白糖适量。先将山药去皮切成片,与桂圆、荔枝、五味子同煮,加入适量白糖。每日晚临睡前1小时食之。 功效:补益心肾,止渴固涩。主治心肾之阴不足而引起的消渴、小便频数、心悸失眠、腰部酸痛等症。 4.山药蛋黄粥 山药30g,鸡蛋黄2个,大米120g。先将山药洗净蒸熟,切碎备用。把大米淘净入锅,加入山药同煮,待煮熟快起锅前,将鸡蛋黄打入碗中,去掉鸡蛋清,将蛋黄打散,倒入粥中搅匀即可。每日作早餐食用。 功效:补益脾胃,养心安神,补血养阴。主治脾胃虚弱所致心烦失眠、手足心热、心悸不宁、久泻、脱肛等症。健康人食用能增强记忆力,增强体质。 DIOSCOREA OPPOSITA THUNB/Sliced Chinese Yam(16oz) As an herbal treatment, Chinese yam is mainly used to target the stomach and spleen, but also thought to help the lungs and kidneys.It can help treat: poor appetite. chronic diarrhea. asthma. dry coughs. frequent urination. diabetes. ( “Preliminary tests in vitro revealed that YP-1 could stimulate ConA-induced T lymphocyte proliferation and its branches are extremely important for the expression of the enhancement of the immunological activity.” - Structural features and immunological activity of a polysaccharide from Dioscorea opposita Thunb roots Dioscorea, Chinese white yam, is often combined with herbs used to treat chronic digestive and/or menstrual issues. For example Sweet Soup 清補涼 (Qing Bu Liang Herbal Soup) cooling, cleansing, tones digestion, improves breathing, weight loss,  From the manufacturer:  The taste is sweet and mild. It is the tuber of the white yam of the Dioscoreaceae plant. Indications: for spleen deficiency, diarrhea, chronic dysentery, cough due to fatigue, thirst, nocturnal emission, bleeding, frequent urination. It enters the Lung, Spleen and Kidney meridians. Indications: Nourishes the spleen and stomach, nourishes body fluid and lungs, nourishes the kidney and astringes the Jing essence. Used for spleen deficiency, poor appetite, chronic diarrhea, lung deficiency and cough, kidney deficiency, nocturnal emission, excessive leucorrhea, frequent urination, deficiency heat and thirst.  


  • Sliced Round Shan Yao/Dioscoresa opposita (16oz)  圆淮山片 圆淮山片(16oz)


    圆淮山片(16oz) 薯藇、署预、薯蓣、山芋、诸署、署豫、玉延、修脆、山薯、王薯、薯药、怀山药、蛇芋、白苕、九黄姜、野白薯、山板薯、扇子薯、佛掌薯 淮山药指的是目前广东、江苏、安徽等地所产的山药,它的茎通常带紫红色,含淀粉和蛋白质,可食用。 淮山药作为高营养食品含有大量蛋白质、糖类、B族维生素、维生素C、维生素E、葡萄糖、粗蛋白氨基酸、胆汁碱、尿囊素、及碘、钙、铁、磷等人体不可缺少的无机盐和微量元素等营养成分。 性味 甘;平 功效 为薯蓣科植物山药的块茎。 主治脾虚泄泻,久痢,虚劳咳嗽,消渴,遗精、带下,小便频数。 经脉 肺经;脾经;肾经 主治 补脾养胃,生津益肺,补肾涩精。用于脾虚食少、久泻不止、肺虚喘咳、肾虚遗精、白带过多、尿频、虚热消渴。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,15~30g,大剂量60~250g;或入丸、散。 外用:适量,捣敷。补阴,宜生用;健脾止泻,宜炒黄用。 注意禁忌 有实邪者忌服。   食疗方 1.山药粥 干山药50g(或鲜山药100g),粳米100g。将山药和粳米淘洗干净,加清水,先以武火煮沸,继以文火煎熬20~30分钟,以米熟为度。作早晚餐,温热服食。 功效:补益脾胃,滋养肺紧。主治脾胃虚弱所致的食少、久泻久痢和肺肾亏虚所致的干咳少痰、潮热盗汗等症。 2.山药茯苓包子 山药、茯苓各100g,面粉200g,白糖150g,猪油、青丝、红丝各适量。将山药、茯苓研粉,加水浸泡成糊状。另取面粉发酵作包子面坯。再将山药、茯苓上笼蒸半小时后,调入面粉、白糖、猪油、青丝、红丝,拌匀成馅,作成包子,再把包子上笼蒸熟即可。每天早晨随意食用。 功效:益脾胃、补气阴、涩精气。主治脾气虚弱所致的食少、便溏、消渴、尿频、遗尿、遗精等症。 3.山药桂圆粥 鲜山药100g,桂圆肉(龙眼肉)15g,荔枝肉3~5个,五味子3g,白糖适量。先将山药去皮切成片,与桂圆、荔枝、五味子同煮,加入适量白糖。每日晚临睡前1小时食之。 功效:补益心肾,止渴固涩。主治心肾之阴不足而引起的消渴、小便频数、心悸失眠、腰部酸痛等症。 4.山药蛋黄粥 山药30g,鸡蛋黄2个,大米120g。先将山药洗净蒸熟,切碎备用。把大米淘净入锅,加入山药同煮,待煮熟快起锅前,将鸡蛋黄打入碗中,去掉鸡蛋清,将蛋黄打散,倒入粥中搅匀即可。每日作早餐食用。 功效:补益脾胃,养心安神,补血养阴。主治脾胃虚弱所致心烦失眠、手足心热、心悸不宁、久泻、脱肛等症。健康人食用能增强记忆力,增强体质。 Dioscorea opposita Thunb/Sliced Round Shan Yao(16oz) As an herbal treatment, Chinese yam is mainly used to target the stomach and spleen, but also thought to help the lungs and kidneys. It can help treat: poor appetite. chronic diarrhea. asthma. dry coughs. frequent urination. diabetes. ( “Preliminary tests in vitro revealed that YP-1 could stimulate ConA-induced T lymphocyte proliferation and its branches are extremely important for the expression of the enhancement of the immunological activity.” - Structural features and immunological activity of a polysaccharide from Dioscorea opposita Thunb roots Dioscorea, Chinese white yam, is often combined with herbs used to treat digestive and menstrual issues. For example: Sweet Soup 清補涼 (Qing Bu Liang Herbal Soup) cooling, cleansing, tones digestion, improves breathing, weight loss,  From the manufacturer:  ​​Shan Yao Yam refers to the yam currently produced in Guangdong, Jiangsu, Anhui and other places. Its stems are usually purple-red, contain starch and protein, and are edible. As a highly nutritious food, yam medicine contains a large amount of protein, carbohydrates, B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E, glucose, crude protein amino acids, choline, allantoin, and iodine, calcium, iron, phosphorus, salt, trace elements and other indispensable inorganic materials for the human body.  


  • 防風 16oz

    防風 16oz

    防风 16oz 铜芸 回云 回草 百枝 百种 屏风 风肉 文风 回风 北风 关防风 东防风 口防风 山防风 黄防风 青防风 茴芸 百蜚 茴草 性味 辛、甘,温。 功效 为伞形科植物防风的根。 主治外感风寒,头痛,目眩,项强,风寒湿痹,骨节酸痛,四肢挛急,破伤风。 经脉 归膀胱经、肝经、脾经。 主治 发表,祛风,胜湿,止痛。治外感风寒,头痛,目眩,项强,风寒湿痹,骨节酸痛,四肢挛急,破伤风。 内服:煎汤,5~10g;或入丸、散。 外用:适量,煎水熏洗。 一般生用,止泻炒用,止血炒炭用。 注意禁忌 血虚痉急或头痛不因风邪者忌服。   Divaricate Saposhnikovia Root/ Fang Feng 16oz Saposhnikovia divaricata (Turcz.) Schischk., a perennial herb belonging to the family Umbelliferae, is widely distributed in Northeast Asia. Its dried root (Radix Saposhnikoviae) is used as Chinese herbal medicine for the treatment of the immune system, nervous system, and respiratory diseases. ( Increases sweating, The root of Saposhnikovia divaricata Schischkin (Umbelliferae) has been widely used in traditional medicine for the treatment of headache, pain, inflammation, and arthritis in Korea and China. (  One of the ingredients of Jade Screen which is a traditional herbal combination of Huangqi, Bai Zhu & Fang Feng (astragalus, white atractylodes and fang feng) used to promote immunity to colds and flu. Astragalus enhances T cells, atractylodes is digestive and fang feng increases sweating to rid the body of exogenous cold chills, aches and germs. Dosage Oral administration: decoction, 5~10g; or into pills or powder. External use: appropriate amount, fumigated and washed by decoction. For general raw use, for antidiarrheal frying, and for hemostasis frying charcoal.  Cautions:  Those with blood deficiency, cramps, or headaches should not use it due to wind evil [nerve irritation.]  


  • 龍牙百合(8 oz)

    龍牙百合(8 oz)

    龙牙百合(8oz) 性味 甘;微苦;微寒 功效 本品为百合科植物卷丹、百合或细叶百合的干燥肉质鳞叶。 主治肺燥或阴虚久嗽,咳唾痰血;热病后余热来清,虚烦惊悸,神志恍惚;脚气浮肿。 经脉 心经;肺经 主治 养阴润肺,止咳,清心安神。治肺燥或阴虚久嗽,咳唾痰血;热病后余热来清,虚烦惊悸,神志恍惚;脚气浮肿。 (1)润肺止咳:用于肺燥或阴虚之咳嗽、咯血,常配川贝。 (2)清心安神:用于热性病后余热不清、虚烦不眠、神志恍惚,常配地黄。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,6~12g;或入丸、散;亦可蒸食、煮粥。 外用:适量,捣敷。 注意禁忌 风寒咳嗽及中寒便溏者忌服。 Dry Lily Bulb/ Long Ya Bai He  (8 oz) Pleasant tasting, sweet; slightly bitter;  Its actions are slightly cooling. This product is called dried succulent lily bulb, leaves of lily plant, lily of the valley, or lily. It treats lung dryness or chronic “yin deficiency,” coughing, spitting bloody phlegm, following fever with residual inflammation, anxiety, palpitations, dizziness and edema. It enters the Heart and Lung Channels.  Indications  Nourishes Yin (enhances fluids and tissue in lung, stomach and kidney,) nourishes the lungs, relieves cough, and calms the mind. It improves chronic lung dryness.  Major herbal combinations:  (1) For cough and hemoptysis (bloody nose) from lung dryness or yin deficiency, it is often used with Chuan Bei Mu (Tendrilled Fritillaria Bulb) (2) For Clearing the mind and calming the nerves, “turbid heat” mental confusion after fever, insomnia, mental confusion it is often used with Rehmannia glutinosa.   Dosage: Oral: Jiantang, 6~12g; or pill and powder; steamed or porridge.     Topical: Appropriate amount, apply. Cautions: People with cough and cold and diarrhea should not take it.


  • 生地片 幹地黃 6oz

    生地片 幹地黃 6oz

    生地片/干地黃(6 oz/包) Drying Rehmannia Root 干地黄、原生地、干生地 性味 味甘;苦;微寒 功效 为玄参科植物地黄的块根。用于热病烦渴,内热消渴,骨蒸劳热,温病发斑,血热所致的吐血,崩漏,尿血,便血,血虚萎黄,眩晕心悸,血少经闭。 经脉 归心经;肝经;肾经 主治 滋阴清热,凉血补血。主热病烦渴,内热消渴,骨蒸劳热,温病发斑,血热所致的吐血,崩漏,尿血,便血,血虚萎黄,眩晕心悸,血少经闭。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,10~15g,大剂量可用至30g;赤可熬膏或入丸、散;或浸润后捣绞汁饮。 外用:适量,捣敷。 注意禁忌 脾虚泄泻、胃虚食少、胸膈多痰者慎服。 【食疗方】 1.三味地黄酒 生地黄(切)100克,大豆(炒)200克,牛蒡根(切)100克,酒2升。将药用白纱布袋盛之,置于净器中,入酒浸泡,密封,5日后开启,过滤后装瓶备用。不拘时,随量饮之。每日1~2次,每次饮服1~2小盅。 功效:补肾除烦,祛风止痛。适应症肾虚,心烦,关节疼痛。 2.桃仁粥 桃仁、生地各10克。桃仁浸泡后,去皮弃尖,加入适量冷水,武火煮沸,改文火慢煎。30分钟后,除去药渣,将洗净的粳米洗净加入药汁中煮粥。粥熟加入桂心粉(药店有售)2克,红糖50克。每次食1小碗,每天3至4次。 功效:活血止痛、滋养脾胃;适用于消化性溃疡出血停止后或无发生出血者。** 3.百部炖团鱼 百部20克,生地20克,地骨皮12克,知母10克,团鱼(甲鱼)1只,葱姜佐料各适量。将团鱼头宰下,放血,入沸水锅中略氽,当裙边与甲壳分离时捞出,去粗皮与内脏,宰成块,中药放纱布袋内封口,锅置旺火上,加清水,下垫鸡骨,加入团鱼,烧开后撇去血沫,加中药包、姜、葱、绍酒,移至小火上炖至熟软,除去鸡骨、葱、姜,加入精盐、味精调味即成。 功效:滋阴清热,润肺止咳。主治肺结核,肺虚咯血,阴虚潮热盗汗等症。 4.海带生地绿豆瘦肉汤 取海带30克,生地18克,绿豆100克,陈皮3克,瘦猪肉100克。将海带洗净泡发切丝,猪肉、陈皮洗净切丝,与生地、绿豆同置砂锅内,加水适量用小火煲2小时,加食盐少许即可食用。服法:煮粥服用。 功效:此药膳具有清热解毒、凉血养阴之功效,常服可治疗粉刺反复发作。 5.人参地黄粥 人参10克,栗米100克,生地黄30克,冰糖适量。水煎人参、生地、去渣留汁,入栗米煮粥。将熟加冰糖适量,稍煎待溶即成。酌情服食,温凉为宜。 功效:益气养阴。 6.琼玉膏 人参120克,生地黄汁800克,白茯苓245克,蜂蜜500克。将人参、茯苓粉碎成细末,生地黄捣取自然汁(捣时不用铜铁器),用绢过滤蜜,将四物合并搅匀,装入瓷罐内,用20~30层净纸封闭。取大铝锅一口,盛装净水,将药罐放入铝锅内,先用武火,后用文火,隔水煮熬,三天三 夜后取出,用蜡封罐口,入水中浸去火毒10日,再入原锅内煮一天一夜即成。 服法:早晚各服1次,空腹服,每次1汤匙。 功效:补气养血,填精生髓。主治作为中老年人平时的保健食品。 出自:   Drying Rehmannia Root /Sheng Di Pian(6 oz/Bag) Rehmannia root clears heat, cools blood, nourishes yin, and promotes body fluids production. Rehmannia root is often used in conditions like fever, fluid exhaustion, consumptive diseases, bleedings, anemia, dizziness, palpitations, and menstrual disorders...  Rehmannia root contains sterol, glycosides, and polysaccharides, its active components are mainly iridoid glycosides, such as catalpol, rehmanniosides A-D, leonuride, aucubin, melittoside, jioglutoside A-B, 6-O-E-feruloyl ajugol, rehmaglutins A-D, glutinoside, purpureaside C, echinacoside, jionosides A1 & B1, cistanosides A & F, and acteoside. Its polysaccharides include stachyose, raffinose, glucose, sucrose, fructose, manninotriose, galactose and rehmannia glutinosa polysaccharides (RPS-b). Rehmannia root also contains over 20 kinds of amino acids, as well as alkaloids, phosphoric acid, organic acids, adenosine, trace elements, lecithin and vitamin A.  The actions of Rehmannia root include regulating blood sugar, blood pressure, and immune functions. It can also affect the pituitary-adrenal and thyroid secretions, as well as anti-inflammation, cooling body, diuresis, anti-tumor, anti-aging, liver protection, promoting blood clotting, stimulating blood cells growth and gland secretions From the manufacturer:  The taste is sweet, bitter; and it is slightly cold in effect. It is the root tuber of Scrophulariaceae plant Rehmannia glutinosa. It is used for fever polydipsia, internal heat, it is used to reduce thirst, bone steaming [inflammatory aarthritis] and fatigue, febrile plaque, hematemesis, uterine bleeding, blood in urine, blood in stool caused by blood heat, blood deficiency, and chlorosis, dizziness, palpitations, blood loss, and amenorrhea. It enters the Liver and Kidney meridians. Indications: It nourishes yin and clears away heat, cools, and nourishes the blood.  Dosage: Oral administration: decoction, 10~15g, large doses can be used up to 30g; It can be used to make an ointment or pills or powder, or pounded juice after infiltration. External use: appropriate amount, pound and apply.   Cautions: Use caution with patients who have spleen deficiency, diarrhea, stomach deficiency, loss of appetite, and excessive sputum in the chest, stomach, and lungs.  


  • 包)

    原個大生地 L(16 oz/包)

    原个大生地 生地黃 L(16 oz/包) 性味 味甘;苦;微寒 功效 为玄参科植物地黄的块根。用于热病烦渴,内热消渴,骨蒸劳热,温病发斑,血热所致的吐血,崩漏,尿血,便血,血虚萎黄,眩晕心悸,血少经闭。 经脉 归心经;肝经;肾经 主治 滋阴清热,凉血补血。主热病烦渴,内热消渴,骨蒸劳热,温病发斑,血热所致的吐血,崩漏,尿血,便血,血虚萎黄,眩晕心悸,血少经闭。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,10~15g,大剂量可用至30g;赤可熬膏或入丸、散;或浸润后捣绞汁饮。 外用:适量,捣敷。 注意禁忌 脾虚泄泻、胃虚食少、胸膈多痰者慎服。   Drying Rehmannia Root /Sheng Di (16 oz/Bag) Rehmannia is commonly found in herbal combinations used in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Rehmannia is used for diabetes, metabolic syndrome, obesity, kidney disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), "tired blood" (anemia), fever, weakened bones (osteoporosis), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and allergies. ( This is raw, unprocessed rehmannia, sheng di huang, is energetically cold, sweet, and bitter. It works in the heart, kidney, and liver channels. ... It also works in the heart, kidney, and liver channels, and is said to tonify the blood and nourish the yin. . .There are two preparations: raw rehmannia, called Sheng Di Huang, and prepared rehmannia, called Shu Di Huang. Both raw and prepared rehmannia nourish yin and blood; however, the raw sheng di huang is used more to dissipate heat, allowing the body to generate more fluids, while the prepared shu di huang is used more to nourish the body when deficiencies of yin qualities of cool and moist result in too much heat or dryness in the system. The taste is sweet, bitter and it is slightly cold in effect [anti-inflammatory] It is the root tuber of Scrophulariaceae plant Rehmannia glutinosa. It is used for fever polydipsia, internal heat diminishment, bone steaming and labor [inflammatory and rheumatoid arthritis], febrile disease spots [rash], hematemesis, uterine bleeding, hematuria, blood in the stool caused by blood heat, blood deficiency and chlorosis, dizziness, palpitations, blood loss and amenorrhea.  It enters Guixin [Lu 9 acupuncture pt], Liver and Kidney meridians. Indications: Nourishes yin and clears away heat, cools and nourishes blood.  Dosage: Oral administration: decoction, 10~15g, large doses can be up to 30g; Or can boil ointment or pill or powder, or mash and drink after infiltration.      External use: appropriate amount, pound and apply.  Cautions: Patients with spleen deficiency and diarrhea, stomach deficiency, poor appetite, and thoracic and diaphragmatic sputum should use caution.  


  • 玄參 16oz

    玄參 16oz

    玄参 (16oz/包) 重台、正马、玄台、鹿肠、鬼藏、馥草、黑参、野脂麻、元参、山当归、水萝卜 性味 味甘;苦;咸;性微寒 功效 为玄参科植物玄参的根。清热凉血,滋阴降火,除烦,解毒。治热病伤阴,舌绎烦渴,发斑,骨蒸劳热,夜寐不宁,自汗盗汗,津伤便秘,吐血衄血,咽喉肿痛,痈肿,瘰疬,温毒发斑、目赤、白喉、疮毒。 经脉 归肺经;胃经;肾经 用法用量 内服:煎汤,9~15g;或入丸、散。 外用:适量,捣敷或研末调敷。 注意禁忌 脾胃有湿及脾虚便溏者忌服。 食疗方 玄参炖猪肝 玄参15克,猪肝500克,菜油,葱,生姜,酱油,白糖,黄酒,水豆粉各适量。 1.将猪肝洗净,与玄参同放铝锅内,加水适量,煮1小时,捞出猪肝,切成小片备用。 2.将锅内加菜渍,放入葱、姜,稍炒一下,再放入猪肝片。 3.将酱油,白糖、料酒少许,加原汤少许,收汁,勾入水豆粉 4.将透明汤汁倒入猪肝片中,拌匀即成。 服法:佐餐食功效 养肝明目。 适用于肝阴不足之目干涩、昏花、夜盲、慢性肝病等症。 出自: Figwort Root/ Xuan Shen (16oz/Bag) Figwort is a good diuretic and blood cleansing herb. It has mild laxative and analgesic (suppress pain) properties. It helps stimulate the liver, heart, and blood circulation. Used to treat skin disorders the herb is often combined with yellow dock (Rumex Crispus). Also known as the Chinese figwort, Scrophularia grows in the Zhejiang and Sichuan provinces of China. The root is used medicinally and is harvested in the winter... It clears heat toxins, eliminates nodules, and benefits the throat. . . . Scrophularia should not be used in cases with weakness of the spleen and stomach, especially when the patient has a poor appetite or diarrhea is present. It also should not be combined with the herb black hellebore (li lu). As always, make sure to consult with a qualified health care provider before taking Scrophularia or any other herbal remedy or dietary supplement. From the manufacturer:  The taste is sweet, bitter, salty; it is slightly cold in nature and its effects. It is the root of the Scrophulariaceae plant Scrophulariaceae. It is used to clear heat and cool blood, nourish yin and reduce fire, eliminate troubles, and detoxify. It has been used to cure fever, yin [deficiency], polydipsia, spotting, bone steaming, restless night sleep, spontaneous sweating, body sweating, constipation, vomiting and bleeding, sore throat, carbuncle, scrofula, warm toxin spotting, red eyes, diphtheria, sore toxin. It enters the Lung, Stomach, and Kidney meridians.  Dosage: Oral administration: Decoction, 9~15g; or into pills or powder. External use: appropriate amount, mashed or pulverized to apply.  Cautions: Those with wet spleen and stomach and loose stools with spleen deficiency should not take it. Diet therapy   Figwort stewed pork liver   Ingredients:  15 grams of Figwort, 500 grams of pork liver, vegetable oil, green onions, ginger, soy sauce, sugar, rice wine, water soy flour, each amount [according to taste]       Wash [and soak] the pig liver, put it in an aluminum pot with Figwort, add the appropriate amount of water, cook for 1 hour, remove the liver, cut into small pieces for later use.      Add vegetables to the pot, add green onions and ginger, simmer for a while, and then add pork liver slices.      Add soy sauce, sugar, a little cooking wine, add a little original soup, collect the juice Pour the transparent soup into the liver slices, mix well and serve.   Nourishes liver and improves eyesight. It is suitable for dry eyes, dim vision, night blindness, and chronic liver disease with insufficient liver yin.



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