




  • 陈皮村陈李记陈皮普洱茶小罐 陈皮村陈李记陈皮普洱茶小罐


    陈皮村陈李济 陈皮普洱小罐茶礼盒 (96g)

  • GANOHERB USDA 有机灵芝绿茶包 (20 包) GANOHERB USDA 有机灵芝绿茶包 (20 包)

    GANOHERB USDA 有机灵芝绿茶包 (20 包)

    GANOHERB USDA 有机灵芝绿茶包 (20 包)


  • 有机灵芝茶 (25包) 有机灵芝茶 (25包)

    有机灵芝茶 (25包)

    有机灵芝茶 (25包) 健康益处:我们的灵芝茶因其有据可查的健康益处而闻名。它能增强免疫系统、促进整体健康、舒缓神经、促进安稳睡眠、作为天然止痛药和抑制过敏反应。灵芝是一种优质草药,可以长期服用而不会引起副作用。 纯正有机: GANOHERB 的灵芝在经过认证的农场中种植,农场位于无污染的森林中,经过无缝流程,将种植、生产、研发、销售和服务整合成一个综合产业链。此外,我们的灵芝已获得美国官方有机认证。 天然和素食:我们的灵芝茶 100% 纯素食且不含麸质。我们致力于在灵芝的整个种植、加工和生产过程中避免使用人工合成材料,例如农药、化学肥料和激素。 100% 满意保证:您的满意是我们的首要任务。我们为我们的产品提供 30 天退款保证。如果您对我们的灵芝蘑菇胶囊不满意,只需将其退回,我们将无条件全额退款。 使用方法:用热水冲泡一袋茶,泡上 1-2 分钟,即可泡出一杯健康的茶。微苦与甘甜的余味交织在一起,令人愉悦,有益健康。 使用方法:将 1 个茶包放入杯中,加入热水。建议每日使用量不超过 2 杯。 不适用于治疗用途。


  • 2022白牡丹白茶饼 80克 2022白牡丹白茶饼 80克

    2022白牡丹白茶饼 80克

    2022 牡丹白美人白茶饼 80g 生晒古树白茶白毫显露温润甘甜 白茶工艺的最大特点是简化了制作流程,保留了茶叶最纯的风味。采用云南古树,精选一芽一叶或一芽两叶制作,高品质,整个制作过程中尽量减少人工干预,萎凋、干燥,确保茶叶内质不被破坏,最大化发挥茶叶品质。白茶料保留了丰富的茶多酚酶及活性,有利于后期的转化。 古茶树根系发达,枝干成熟粗壮,储存的营养物质丰富。 与普通白茶相比,古树白茶的有效浸出物更多,茶汤更加浓郁,香气浓郁且持久,耐泡性也更强。 紧压的茶饼松紧练习,外观圆润,灰带黄,白毫显露。茶汤入口温润如玉,果蜜香填充口腔,鲜爽无比自然。陈化后的茶叶,口感更加丰富、层次感更强。 尤其是白牡丹白茶,由于不揉不炒,茶中的茶多酚和营养成分含量较高,具备独特的保健功效。干茶敷淡雅花香,泡出的茶汤清淡甘甜,添浅黄明亮。白茶适合长期存放,随着时间的推移,味道会愈加醇厚。 2022白牡丹白茶饼 80克 白茶工艺的特色在于其极简的生产过程,保留了茶叶的纯正风味。这种高品质的茶叶采用云南优质古茶树制成,精心挑选一芽一两片叶子,几乎不经过人工干预。让叶子自然枯萎和干燥,确保其内部品质保持完整并得到充分优化。白茶富含多酚和活性酶,保留了这些重要成分,支持其随着时间的推移而自然演变。 古树茶树根系发达,枝干成熟粗壮,蕴藏着丰富的养分,相较于一般白茶,古树白茶可萃取物质更多,茶汤更饱满,香气更浓郁持久,泡饮更持久。 茶饼的制作从散茶开始,先蒸熟茶叶,使其变软,然后将其压成圆饼状。蒸熟和压榨过程增强了白茶的发酵,使其风味加深,颜色更丰富。随着时间的推移,茶的品质会逐渐演变,变得更加复杂和精致。 压制的茶饼硬度均衡,外观光滑圆润。其颜色呈灰绿色,略带黄色,白色绒毛清晰可见,外观独特。冲泡后,茶香丝滑,口感浓郁,蜂蜜香气浓郁,口感清新活泼。随着自然陈化,茶味加深,变得更加浓郁和有层次感。 白牡丹白茶以其独特的加工方法脱颖而出,既不揉捻也不炒制。这使得多酚和氨基酸的浓度更高,具有明显的健康益处。干叶散发出淡淡的花香,冲泡后,茶味清淡、甜美、清爽,呈现出淡淡的亮黄色。这种白茶非常适合长期陈化,随着时间的推移,茶味会变得越来越醇厚和浓郁。


  • 果味橙子 #1402

    果味橙子 #1402

    西柚香橙 清新爽口,汤色鲜红亮丽,唇齿留香。成分:玫瑰茄、白玫瑰茄、菊花、苹果干、葡萄干、香茅、橘皮、皮橙、胡萝卜、薄荷、食品用香精。 橙皮、橙片、玫瑰果、干苹果、菊花、葡萄干、柠檬草、胡萝卜、薄荷和天然香料的混合物。酸味浓郁,带有清新的柑橘皮味,富含抗氧化剂和维生素 C。 趁热享用,加点香料或蜂蜜。若想加冰,我们建议用沸水冲泡,加入少许甜味剂和新鲜水果作为点缀,然后加冰饮用!这款咖啡不含任何咖啡因,也非常适合儿童饮用 产地:浙江 酿造:淡红色 口味:果味、酸味,带有柑橘味 咖啡因:0/5

    $13.99 - $49.99

  • New Product
    Big Red Robe Gift Box Big Red Robe Gift Box

    Big Red Robe Gift Box

    正岩大红袍礼盒 品牌 Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地 Origin: 福建武夷山Wuyishan, Fujian 茶类Sort: 清香型乌龙茶Fragrant Oolong Tea 等级Level: 特级Premium 采摘Season: 春秋两季Spring and Autumn Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆ 【茶品简介 Tea Description】 香气馥郁,高香且持久,岩韵极显。The aroma is rich and fragrant, high-spirited and long-lasting, with a very distinct rock rhyme. 【干茶描述 The Dry Tea Leaves】 条索紧实,色泽绿褐鲜润。The strips are tightly knotted, with a fresh and lustrous green-brown color. 【茶汤描述 Tea Liquor】 汤色橙黄,明亮。The liquor color is orange-yellow and bright. 【风味 Tea Taste】 茶水醇厚,顺滑度极好,回味感十足The tea is mellow, with an extremely good smoothness and a strong aftertaste. 【健康益处 Health benefits】 铁观音茶具有降脂减肥、预防心血管疾病,降脂减肥,提神醒脑,杀菌抑菌,抗衰老,预防老年痴呆症等功效。Old Bush Shui Xian tea can improve skin allergies, prevent aging, brighten and refine the skin, and help prevent plaque and cavities. It also helps dissolve fat, contributing to weight loss and slimming effects. Additionally, it has anti-tumor properties and can prevent aging, while eliminating harmful reactive oxygen species that damage beauty and health. 【适合人群 Recommended for】 老少咸宜。Suitable for all ages. 【冲泡器具 Brewing tools】 盖碗。Chinese Gaiwan 【冲泡方式 Brewing method】 投茶量8g克一泡,高温沸水冲泡!第一泡快速醒茶,第二泡10秒出汤,之后每一泡顺延10-30秒出汤。For each infusion, use 8 grams of tea leaves and brew with high-temperature boiling water! Quickly rinse the tea in the first infusion. Drain the tea soup in 10 seconds for the second infusion. Then, extend the pouring time by 10 - 30 seconds for each subsequent infusion.


  • New Product
    Cinnamon Oolong Tea Gift Box

    Cinnamon Oolong Tea Gift Box

    牛栏坑肉桂礼盒 品牌 Brand: 永合豐 雀石茗茶WHF Twin Birds 产地 Origin: 武夷山牛栏坑Niulanshan, Wuyi Mountain 茶类Sort: 清香型乌龙茶Fragrant Oolong Tea 等级Level: 特级Premium 采摘Season: 春秋两季Spring and Autumn Caffeine Level: ☆☆☆ 【茶品简介 Tea Description】 桂皮香气息明显,香气新锐悠长。The aroma of cinnamon is distinct, with a fresh, long-lasting fragrance. 【干茶描述 The Dry Tea Leaves】 条索均整,茶条整齐。The tea strips are uniform and neatly arranged. 【茶汤描述 Tea Liquor】 橙红明亮。Bright orange-red. 【风味 Tea Taste】 汤感饱满,回味极好。The mouthfeel of the tea soup is full, and the aftertaste is excellent. 【健康益处 Health benefits】 铁观音茶具有降脂减肥、预防心血管疾病,降脂减肥,提神醒脑,杀菌抑菌,抗衰老,预防老年痴呆症等功效。Old Bush Shui Xian tea can improve skin allergies, prevent aging, brighten and refine the skin, and help prevent plaque and cavities. It also helps dissolve fat, contributing to weight loss and slimming effects. Additionally, it has anti-tumor properties and can prevent aging, while eliminating harmful reactive oxygen species that damage beauty and health. 【适合人群 Recommended for】 老少咸宜。Suitable for all ages. 【冲泡器具 Brewing tools】 盖碗。Chinese Gaiwan 【冲泡方式 Brewing method】 投茶量8g克一泡,高温沸水冲泡!第一泡快速醒茶,第二泡10秒出汤,之后每一泡顺延10-30秒出汤。For each infusion, use 8 grams of tea leaves and brew with high-temperature boiling water! Quickly rinse the tea in the first infusion. Drain the tea soup in 10 seconds for the second infusion. Then, extend the pouring time by 10 - 30 seconds for each subsequent infusion.


  • New Product
    CHENPICUN Ben Wei Tangerine Peel Pu-Erh (500g) CHENPICUN Ben Wei Tangerine Peel Pu-Erh (500g)

    CHENPICUN Ben Wei Tangerine Peel Pu-Erh (500g)

    陈皮村 本味大红柑普洱茶 500g 陈皮村本味大红柑普洱茶,将新会大红柑与云南普洱茶完美融合,以其独特的风味、精湛的工艺和高品质的原料,成为茶饮爱好者的不二之选,开启一场柑韵茶香的美妙之旅。 一、原料上乘,品质之源 陈皮村本味大红柑普洱茶,精选优质原料。大红柑源自新会核心产区,这里独特的水土条件与气候环境,赋予柑果浓郁的香气和丰富的内涵物质。每一颗大红柑都饱满圆润,在成熟之际采摘,保留了最佳的风味与营养。云南大叶种普洱茶,经过精心发酵,茶叶条索紧结,色泽褐红,内质丰富,为这款茶的醇厚口感奠定了坚实基础。 二、工艺精湛,匠心独运 在制作过程中,遵循传统工艺与现代技术相结合的方式。将成熟的大红柑掏空,填入优质的普洱茶叶,经过晾晒、干燥等多道严谨工序,让柑皮与茶叶充分融合。这一过程不仅保留了大红柑的天然果香,还使普洱茶吸收了柑皮的独特韵味,形成了独特的风味。每一个步骤都严格把控,确保茶叶的品质和口感达到最佳状态。 三、口感醇厚,韵味悠长 打开茶罐,浓郁的柑香与茶香扑鼻而来,瞬间让人感受到大自然的馈赠。冲泡后,茶汤红浓透亮,如琥珀般诱人。入口醇厚顺滑,柑香与茶香在口腔中交织,既有大红柑的清新果香,又有普洱茶的醇厚回甘,层次丰富,回味无穷。细细品味,仿佛能感受到新会的阳光雨露和云南茶山的气息,给人带来一种身心愉悦的享受。 四、包装精美,品质保障 采用 500g 金属罐装,金色的外观设计精美大气,彰显品质与格调。罐身印有精致的图案和标识,不仅具有观赏性,还能有效保护茶叶。良好的密封性可以防潮、防异味,确保茶叶在储存过程中保持新鲜和品质稳定。无论是自己享用还是馈赠亲友,都十分合适。 五、饮用便捷,养生佳选 无论是在忙碌的工作间隙,还是休闲的时光里,都可以轻松冲泡一杯本味大红柑普洱茶。取适量茶叶放入杯中,用沸水冲泡,等待片刻,即可享受这份醇厚与清新。大红柑和普洱茶都具有一定的保健功效,长期饮用有助于促进消化、提神醒脑等,是一款兼具口感与养生价值的茶饮。 CHENPICUN Ben Wei Tangerine Peel Pu-Erh (500g) Chenpicun Ben Wei Big Red Mandarin Pu - er Tea perfectly combines Xinhui big red mandarins and Yunnan Pu - er tea. With its unique flavor, exquisite craftsmanship, and high - quality raw materials, it has become the best choice for tea - lovers, starting a wonderful journey of mandarin aroma and tea flavor. I. Premium Raw Materials, the Source of Quality Chenpicun Ben Wei Big Red Mandarin Pu - er Tea selects high - quality raw materials. The big red mandarins are sourced from the core production areas of Xinhui. The unique soil and water conditions and climate environment there endow the citrus fruits with a strong aroma and rich internal substances. Each big red mandarin is plump and round, picked at the peak of ripeness to retain the best flavor and nutrients. The Yunnan large - leaf Pu - er tea, after careful fermentation, has tightly - knotted tea strips, a brownish - red color, and rich internal substances, laying a solid foundation for the mellow taste of this tea. II. Exquisite Craftsmanship, Ingenious Spirit In the production process, it combines traditional techniques with modern technology. The ripe big red mandarins are hollowed out and filled with high - quality Pu - er tea leaves. Through multiple rigorous procedures such as sun - drying and drying, the mandarin peels and tea leaves are fully integrated. This process not only preserves the natural citrus aroma of the big red mandarins but also allows the Pu - er tea to absorb the unique flavor of the mandarin peels, forming a unique flavor. Every step is strictly controlled to ensure that the quality and taste of the tea reach the best state. III. Mellow Taste, Long - lasting Aroma When you open the tea can, a rich citrus and tea aroma rushes to your nose, instantly making you feel the gifts of nature. After brewing, the tea soup is rich red and translucent, as tempting as amber. It tastes mellow and smooth when sipped. The citrus aroma and tea aroma interweave in the mouth, with both the fresh citrus aroma of the big red mandarins and the mellow sweet aftertaste of the Pu - er tea, presenting rich layers and an endless aftertaste. When you savor it carefully, you seem to be able to feel the sunshine and rain in Xinhui and the atmosphere of the tea mountains in Yunnan, bringing a pleasant physical and mental enjoyment. IV. Exquisite Packaging, Quality Assurance It is packaged in a 500g metal can. The golden appearance is exquisitely designed, elegant and grand, highlighting quality and style. The can is printed with delicate patterns and logos, which are not only ornamental but also can effectively protect the tea. Good airtightness can prevent moisture and odors, ensuring that the tea remains fresh and stable in quality during storage. Whether for personal enjoyment or as a gift for relatives and friends, it is very suitable. V. Convenient to Drink, an Excellent Health - promoting Choice Whether during a busy work break or in leisure time, you can easily brew a cup of Ben Wei Big Red Mandarin Pu - er Tea. Take an appropriate amount of tea leaves and put them in a cup, pour boiling water over them, and wait for a while to enjoy this mellow and fresh taste. Both big red mandarins and Pu - er tea have certain health - promoting effects. Long - term drinking helps with digestion, refreshing the mind, etc., making it a tea beverage that combines taste and health - promoting value.



