Search results for "百合"
紅粉佳人 工藝茶#1162
红粉佳人 工艺茶#1162 Red Queen is made with jasmine green tea with a singular red strawberry flower. It brews fruity and floral with a honey-sweet taste. Entice your senses with these small rosettes that are individually hand-crafted by skillful artisans. Each one blooms right before your eyes into a beautiful bouquet of tea leaves and flowers, bringing along a myriad of flavors unique to each floret. 4oz contains about 10 to 15 bulbs. 工艺茶系列为精选上等福建白毫银针茶为原料与脱水鲜花(千日红、黄菊、茉莉花、百合花、金盏花、康乃馨等)经独特的手工艺与现代技术相结合精制而成。汤色浅绿微黄,清澈明亮,滋味鲜浓醇和,回味甘甜。叶底嫩绿。有提神醒脑,清热解毒,清肝明目,清心润肺的功效,又有一定的欣赏性。
$28.00 - $110.00
濃情花語工藝茶#1256 工艺茶系列为精选上等福建白毫银针茶为原料与脱水鲜花(千日红、黄菊、茉莉花、百合花、金盏花、康乃馨等)经独特的手工艺与现代技术相结合精制而成。汤色浅绿微黄,清澈明亮,滋味鲜浓醇和,回味甘甜。叶底嫩绿。有提神醒脑,清热解毒,清肝明目,清心润肺的功效,又有一定的欣赏性。 Harmony Bliss Blossoming Tea #1256 Harmony Bliss is made with white tea and carnation. It brews a fragrant floral aroma with a pleasantly clean finish. Entice your senses with these small rosettes that are individually hand-crafted by skillful artisans. Each one blooms right before your eyes into a beautiful bouquet of tea leaves and flowers, bringing along a myriad of flavors unique to each floret. 4oz contains about 10 to 15 bulbs. White tea is low in caffeine and especially high in antioxidants. It is mild and refreshing. Carnations grown, cultivated, and dried into tea brews have been used to treat minor depression and fatigue. In Europe, folk medicine relied on infusions or teas brewed of carnations to help relieve nervousness and some coronary disorders, as well as for nausea caused by seasickness.
$28.00 - $110.00
東方美人工藝茶 #1254
東方美人 工藝茶 #1254 工艺茶系列为精选上等福建白毫银针茶为原料与脱水鲜花(千日红、黄菊、茉莉花、百合花、金盏花、康乃馨等)经独特的手工艺与现代技术相结合精制而成。汤色浅绿微黄,清澈明亮,滋味鲜浓醇和,回味甘甜。叶底嫩绿。有提神醒脑,清热解毒,清肝明目,清心润肺的功效,又有一定的欣赏性。 Oriental Beauty Blossoming Tea #1254 Oriental Beauty is made with white tea and carnation. It brews an aromatic and delicate floral blend, soothing and refreshing. Entice your senses with these small rosettes that are individually hand-crafted by skillful artisans. Each one blooms right before your eyes into a beautiful bouquet of tea leaves and flowers, bringing along a myriad of flavors unique to each floret. 4oz contains about 10 to 15 bulbs.
$28.00 - $110.00
杏林 通宣理肺片 96片
杏林 通宣理肺片 96片 解表散寒 宣肺止嗽 成份:紫苏叶、前胡、冬花、桔梗、枳壳、陈皮、葛根、百合、甘草等。 服法用量:口服,每日服二次,每次2-4片,温开水送服,孕妇忌服。 **根據美國醫藥衛生條例,以上的聲明和中醫藥理,並未有經過美國食品和醫藥管理局(FDA)的正式評估。本產品不宜作藥用注解,不適用於針對診斷、治療、治愈或預防任何疾病。
野生原色 小金川/ 川貝母(1.33 oz/1两)
野生原色 小金川/川贝(1.33 oz/1两) 性味 味甘、苦;性微寒 功效 川贝为百合科植物川贝母、暗紫贝母、甘肃贝母、梭砂贝母的干燥鳞茎。 主治虚劳咳嗽,吐痰咯血,心胸郁结,肺痿,肺痈,瘿瘤,廉疬,喉痹,乳痈。 经脉 归肺经;心经 主治 清热润肺,散结,化痰止咳。治虚劳咳嗽,吐痰咯血,心胸郁结,肺痿,肺痈,瘿瘤,廉疬,喉痹,乳痈。 用法用量 内服:煎汤,3~9g;研末,1~1.5g;或入丸、散。 注意禁忌 脾胃虚寒及寒痰、湿痰者慎服。反乌头。 【食疗方】 1.贝母甲鱼 甲鱼1只,川贝母5克,鸡汤1000克,料酒、盐、花椒、生姜、葱各适量。将甲鱼切块放入蒸钵中,加入鸡汤、川贝母、盐、料酒、花椒、姜、葱,上蒸笼蒸1小时即成。有滋阴补肺之功。佐餐食。 功效 适用于慢性支气管炎、肺结核患者,秋季咳嗽气喘、低热、盗汗,也是各种慢性疾病至秋天出现干燥症状的滋补品。 2.贝母梨罐 原料:川贝母,荸荠,梨,莲子。 将梨去皮挖空,川贝熬成药液,荸荠、莲子切成丁,青红丝切丁。贝母汁、荸荠丁、莲子丁、青红丝丁用冰糖拌匀,装入梨罐内,上笼蒸1刻钟。取 出后,熬冰糖卤浇在梨罐上即可。 功效 清宣肺气,止咳化痰。主治痰热咳嗽,咳痰不爽。平人食之胸胁舒畅,声音洪亮。 3.贝母酿梨 川贝母12克,雪梨6个,冬瓜条100克,糯米100克,冰糖100克,白矾3克。先将糯米蒸熟,冬瓜条切成黄豆大颗粒,川贝母研成粉末,白矾溶化成溶液。再雪梨去皮,由蒂把处切下作盖,挖出梨核,浸没在白矾溶液内,以防变色。然后将梨在沸水中烫一下,捞出放入凉水中冲凉后,放入碗内。再将糯米、冬瓜条粒、冰糖屑拌匀,再将川贝粉和入,分别装入雪梨中,盖好蒂把,放入碗内,上蒸笼蒸约60分钟左右,至梨扒烂即成。另在锅内加清水300克,置武火烧沸后,放入冰糖,溶化收浓汁,待梨出蒸笼时,逐个浇在梨上。每日早晚各吃梨1个。 功效 润肺化痰,止咳止血。主治肺阴虚证的干咳无痰或痰少难出、肺痈咳嗽咯血等症。感冒咳嗽、痰饮喘咳,凡痰多清稀易咯出者不宜服用。 4.川贝母雪梨 川贝母5~10克,雪梨(莱阳梨、花梨亦可)1只,冰糖少许。将川贝母捣碎,冰糖捣碎,雪梨去皮切两半,挖去中央的核,将川贝冰糖末纳入所挖的孔中,两半梨重新合好,用新竹签固定,放碗内隔水炖60分钟。梨熟烂后食梨及川贝母。每日1剂,连用1周。 功效 滋阴润肺,清热化痰。主治感冒后期,咳嗽日久不愈,痰少而粘,咽干口渴。婴幼儿及老人用之尤宜。 5.贝母枇杷膏 枇杷叶70克,川贝母7克,麦芽糖70克,蜂蜜适量。枇杷叶煎水2次,滤取浓汁,加川贝末、麦芽糖、蜂蜜熬成膏即可。每日2次,每次10毫升,开水冲服。 功效 宣肺化痰止咳。主治慢性支气管炎等症。
茉莉仙桃工藝茶 #1250
茉莉仙桃工藝茶 #1250 工艺茶系列为精选上等福建白毫银针茶为原料与脱水鲜花(千日红、黄菊、茉莉花、百合花、金盏花、康乃馨等)经独特的手工艺与现代技术相结合精制而成。汤色浅绿微黄,清澈明亮,滋味鲜浓醇和,回味甘甜。叶底嫩绿。有提神醒脑,清热解毒,清肝明目,清心润肺的功效,又有一定的欣赏性。 Floral Crown Blossoming Tea #1250 Floral Crown is made with green tea, chrysanthemum, jasmine, and globe amaranth. It boasts a unique floral aroma with a clean, dry finish. Entice your senses with these small rosettes that are individually hand-crafted by skillful artisans. Each one blooms right before your eyes into a beautiful bouquet of tea leaves and flowers, bringing along a myriad of flavors unique to each floret. 4oz contains about 10 to 15 bulbs. Summary of Health Benefits: Red Amaranth flower: Vitamins, anti-inflammatory, antioxidants, PMS Chrysanthemum flower: Cooling, headache, eye strain Jasmine flower: Improves fever, liver pain, and abdominal pain Lily flower: Improves cough, body heat, wrinkles, calming Marigold flower: Alleviates cramps and aids digestion. Relief for nausea, stomach ulcers and menstrual discomfort, improves sleep Carnation flower: A healthy daily tea; contains many kinds of natural minerals. Carnation Flower Tea improves blood circulation and strengthens metabolism. A natural cleanser that breaks down toxins in the bodies.
$27.99 - $109.99
正官庄高麗人蔘(切蔘)六年根 高麗蔘的最佳生長條件是在在北緯36°-38°之間,氣候寒冷濕潤,土地肥沃,排水良好的地方。「正官庄」的高麗蔘,依據千年傳統古法種植,每塊蔘田收成後,都閒置十年的時間天然施肥,確保土壤有足夠養分才再次種植人蔘。 風靡全球的高麗蔘 高麗蔘如此受歡迎,是因爲它有獨特的自然健康功效,其他草藥無法比擬的。在自然健康食品界被稱為百草之王,高麗蔘有助於: 增強免疫系統 提高記憶力 提高精力,活力和耐力 舒緩疲勞和壓力 抗氧化抗衰老 促進血液循環 高麗紅蔘被譽為“百草之王”,相比其他等級的人蔘品種,只有高麗蔘擁有超過30多種有保健作用的植物皂苷(以及只存在於高麗蔘中的人蔘皂苷),經過6年生長期的人蔘,其天然有效成份得到最大化。 種植六年的高麗蔘,其栽培難度比3-4年根高。高麗蔘有效成份到6年才達至顛峰,所以6年根的高麗蔘功效最顯著。而韓國人蔘公社保證所有的蔘根生長期必須是6年,在苛刻的耕種條件下培育出世界最高品質、最有信心的人蔘產品。 根據嚴謹的監控程序,按高麗蔘的大小、形狀、色澤、條子、盧頭等,進行篩選,正官庄高麗蔘可分為天、地、良、切四個等級。 切蔘--選用出產時挖斷的人參,混合了天、地、良級別的斷塊,營養豐富,價錢相宜大衆化,自用最適合。
$249.00 - $475.00
天仙獻福 #1255(4oz)
天仙獻福 工藝茶#1255 工艺茶系列为精选上等福建白毫银针茶为原料与脱水鲜花(千日红、黄菊、茉莉花、百合花、金盏花、康乃馨等)经独特的手工艺与现代技术相结合精制而成。汤色浅绿微黄,清澈明亮,滋味鲜浓醇和,回味甘甜。叶底嫩绿。有提神醒脑,清热解毒,清肝明目,清心润肺的功效,又有一定的欣赏性。 Glorious Paradise Blossoming Tea #1255 Glorious Paradise is made with Green Tea with Easter Lily and Jasmine. It brews a flavor of sweet apricot and peach with a light clean finish. Entice your senses with these small rosettes that are individually hand-crafted by skillful artisans. Each one blooms right before your eyes into a beautiful bouquet of tea leaves and flowers, bringing along a myriad of flavors unique to each floret. 4oz contains about 10 to 15 bulbs. Easter Lily is a caffeine-free tea known for aiding stubborn coughs and chest ailments by its ability to moisten the throat and lungs. It also promotes skin health, offering a clear complexion and reducing the appearance of wrinkles dark circles. Jasmine flowers are sweet, delicious, and soothing for stress and jasmine tea is good for you: Bursting with antioxidants. ... May aid weight loss. ... Could protect your heart. ... Promotes good oral health. ... Could boost brain function. ... May protect against Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. ... May lower your risk of type 2 diabetes. ... May reduce your risk of certain cancers. The crafted tea series is made from selected fine Fujian Baihao Yinzhen tea as raw materials and dehydrated fresh flowers. Among them: (Amaranthus red, yellow chrysanthemum, jasmine, lily, marigold, carnation, etc.) combined with unique handcrafted and modern technology. The liquor is light green and yellowish in color, clear and bright, the taste is rich and mellow, and the aftertaste is sweet. The bottom of the leaf is tender green. It is refreshing, clearing away heat and detoxification, clearing the liver, improving eyesight, and clearing the heart and lungs.
$27.99 - $109.99
, by Web Admin 增強免疫力和長壽
增強免疫力和長壽 中醫認為,在乾熱季節,我們需要更多的水分來滋潤臟腑和生津。
, by Web Admin 保護你的肺部
保護你的肺! 如今,許多吸煙者、超重者、老年人和幼兒特別容易出現肺部感染、咳嗽和呼吸困難。因此,是時候用治愈肺部的草藥和食物來保護生命能量和免疫力了。
, by Web Admin 與永合豐共慶春天
慶祝春天 春天的花朵激發了詩人、畫家和哲學家的靈感。永合豐以療愈鮮花、優質茗茶和珍稀美食慶祝春天。