Search results for "罗汉果"
黃金羅漢果 大(1個/包)
黄金罗汉果 大(1枚/包) Golden Monk Fruit Fruit of Golden Grosvenor Momordica Size(inch): 2 x 1. 6 Golden Lo Han Guo (羅漢果), also known as "Monk Fruit", used in TCM over thousand years. Chinese loves to use it to make herbal tea or stew soup for the treatment of cough, sore throat caused by lung infection or by a cold due to seasonal weather variations.1. Crush 1 pc Lo Han Gou shell2. Add about 1 liters of water in the pot,3. Put in the crushed Lo Han Gou (shell and seeds) into the the water and bring to boil under high heat4. Once boiled, turn to medium heat and boil another 20 ~ 30 minutes.5. After cold down, filter with strainer, the dross can be boil for the second time from 45 to 1 hour.6. You can enjoy when it warm, or you can store in refrigerator, it can keep about 2 ~ 3 weeks.7. Please note that the Lo Han Gou is sweeter than the sugar. If you find it's still too sweet, you can add hot or cold water to dilute.8. Some people will boil it with other herbs, such as goji berries, dried longan, chrysanthemum. 为葫芦科植物罗汉果的果实。 性味 味甘;性凉 经脉 归肺经;脾经 主治 清肺利咽,化痰止咳,润肠通便。主肺热痰火咳嗽,扁挑体炎,急性胃炎,咽痛失音,肠燥便秘。 注意禁忌 脾胃虚寒者忌服。
生津润肺茶(金银花,罗汉果,菊花 茶饮) 無任何人工添加、自然甘甜味、 是秋季滋陰潤燥最佳首選飲品 清热解毒 清肝明目 润肺止咳 生津止渴 成份:1.金银花:清热解毒、散结消肿、抗炎止血,对牙齿周围组织的炎症有控制舒缓的作用,有助排毒美颜2.罗汉果:化痰止咳、清肺润肠、生津止渴3.杭菊花:清肝火、明目 做法:食材略洗,加入1000cc清水,煮滚后,转中小火续煮20分钟左右。关火焖15分钟风味更浓。可热饮或冻饮,各具特色。做法简单,不需要加糖,味道清香甘甜,特别清热解渴。 **根據美國醫藥衛生條例,以上的聲明和中醫藥理,並未有經過美國食品和醫藥管理局(FDA)的正式評估。本產品不宜作藥用注解,不適用於針對診斷、治療、治愈或預防任何疾病。
三金 西瓜霜清咽含片(16片装)
三金 西瓜霜清咽含片(16片装) 清热解毒,消肿利咽。Clearing away heat and toxins, reducing swelling and relieving pharynx. 【成分】西瓜霜, 西青果, 罗汉果, 麦冬, 南沙参, 乌梅, 陈皮, 甘草, 桉油, 薄荷素油, 薄荷脑, 冰片【用法用量】含服, 一次1片, 一日6次【Using Suggestion】 Buccal, 1 tablet each time, 6 times per day.【规格】每片重1.8克。【Specification】 1.8g each tablet.
羅漢果 大(3個/包)
罗汉果 大(3枚/包) Fruit of Grosvenor Momordica Lo Han Guo (羅漢果), also known as "Monk Fruit", used in TCM over thousand years. Chinese loves to use it to make herbal tea or stew soup for the treatment of cough, sore throat caused by lung infection or by a cold due to seasonal weather variations. 1. Crush 1 pc Lo Han Gou shell 2. Add about 1 liters of water in the pot, 3. Put in the crushed Lo Han Gou (shell and seeds) into the the water and bring to boil under high heat 4. Once boiled, turn to medium heat and boil another 20 ~ 30 minutes. 5. After cold down, filter with strainer, the dross can be boil for the second time from 45 to 1 hour. 6. You can enjoy when it warm, or you can store in refrigerator, it can keep about 2 ~ 3 weeks. 7. Please note that the Lo Han Gou is sweeter than the sugar. If you find it's still too sweet, you can add hot or cold water to dilute. 8. Some people will boil it with other herbs, such as goji berries, dried longan, chrysanthemum. 为葫芦科植物罗汉果的果实。 性味 味甘;性凉 经脉 归肺经;脾经 主治 清肺利咽,化痰止咳,润肠通便。主肺热痰火咳嗽,扁挑体炎,急性胃炎,咽痛失音,肠燥便秘。 注意禁忌 脾胃虚寒者忌服。
廣西 大羅漢果(20枚/盒)
广西 罗汉果 大(20枚/盒) Lo Han Guo (羅漢果), also known as "Monk Fruit", used in TCM over thousand years. Chinese loves to use it to make herbal tea or stew soup for the treatment of cough, sore throat caused by lung infection or by a cold due to seasonal weather variations. 1. Crush 1 pc Lo Han Gou shell 2. Add about 1 liters of water in the pot, 3. Put in the crushed Lo Han Gou (shell and seeds) into the the water and bring to boil under high heat 4. Once boiled, turn to medium heat and boil another 20 ~ 30 minutes. 5. After cold down, filter with strainer, the dross can be boil for the second time from 45 to 1 hour. 6. You can enjoy when it warm, or you can store in refrigerator, it can keep about 2 ~ 3 weeks. 7. Please note that the Lo Han Gou is sweeter than the sugar. If you find it's still too sweet, you can add hot or cold water to dilute. 8. Some people will boil it with other herbs, such as goji berries, dried longan, chrysanthemum. 为葫芦科植物罗汉果的果实。 性味 味甘;性凉 经脉 归肺经;脾经 主治 清肺利咽,化痰止咳,润肠通便。主肺热痰火咳嗽,扁挑体炎,急性胃炎,咽痛失音,肠燥便秘。 注意禁忌 脾胃虚寒者忌服。