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羅布麻葉(16 oz)








本品为夹竹桃科植物罗布麻的干燥叶。 主治心脏病,高血压,神经衰弱,肝炎腹胀,肾炎浮肿。








  • ①治肝炎腹胀:罗布麻二钱,甜瓜蒂一钱五分,延胡索二钱,公丁香一钱,木香三钱。共研末,一次五分,一日二次,开水送服。(《新疆中草药手册》)
  • ②治神经衰弱,眩晕,脑震荡后遗症,心悸,失眠,高血压,肝硬化腹水,浮肿:罗布麻一至三钱。开水冲泡当茶喝,不可煎煮。(《新疆中草药手册》)
  • ③降压茶:罗布麻叶6克、大山楂15克、五味子5克、冰糖适量,肥胖者不放糖,以开水冲泡代茶用。 功效 此药膳茶平肝熄风,活血化瘀,滋肾敛肺,可治高血压,失眠,头晕,降低血脂,此茶还可防治冠心病。


Apocynum venetum/Luo Bu Ma (16 oz/bag)

Apocynum is a Chinese herb that has a long history of use in Europe as a tea for supporting normal blood pressure levels. This herb also contains antioxidant properties. Luo Bu Ma Pian is recommended for those with water retention and for supporting normal cardiovascular function.

Luo Bu Ma Pian may be used for the following:

  • Supports normal cardiovascular function
  • High blood pressure
  • Water retention
  • Constipation


From the manufacturer: 

The taste is sweet, bitter, and it is cold in effect. 

This product is mostly shrunken and curled, and some are broken. After the intact leaves are flattened, they are elliptical-lanceolate or ovoid-lanceolate, 2.5cm long, 0.5.2cm wide, light green or gray-green, with a blunt tip and blunt or wedge-shaped base. It is finely toothed at the edges, often recurved, glabrous on both sides, leaf veins protruding from the lower surface; the petiole is thin, about 4mm long. It has a crisp fragrance and is tasteless.

This product is the dry leaves of Apocynaceae plant Apocynum. Indications: for heart disease, hypertension, neurasthenia, hepatitis, abdominal distension, nephritis and swelling. It enters the Liver meridian. Dosage  3-10 grams. Decoction in water; or brewed instead of tea.

Cautions: Use with caution for those with spleen deficiency. [weakness, diarrehea, nausea, poor appetite, etc.]

The classical use of Luo Bu Ma 

Treatment of hepatitis and abdominal distension: simmer with watermelon seed, corydalis, clove; twice a day, served with boiling water. ("Xinjiang Handbook of Chinese Herbal Medicine")     

Treatment of neurasthenia, dizziness, sequelae of concussion, palpitations, insomnia, hypertension, liver cirrhosis, ascites, edema: apocynum venetum one to three dollars. Brew in boiling water for tea, not decoction. ("Xinjiang Handbook of Chinese Herbal Medicine")     

Antihypertensive tea: 6 grams of Apocynum venetum leaf, 15 grams of hawthorn, 5 grams of schisandra, appropriate amount of rock sugar, without sugar for obese people, use boiling water to make tea instead. Efficacy This medicated tea can calm the liver and eliminate wind, promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, nourish the kidneys and restrain the lungs. It can cure high blood pressure, insomnia, dizziness, and reduce blood lipids. This tea can also prevent coronary heart disease.


Product form

罗布麻叶(1磅/包) 性味 甘、苦,凉。 性状 本品多皱缩卷曲,有的破碎,完整叶片展平后呈椭圆状披针形或卵圆状披针形,长2~5cm,宽0.5~2cm,淡绿色或灰绿色,先端钝,有小芒尖,基部钝圆或楔形,边缘具细齿,常反卷,两面无毛,叶脉于下表面突起;叶柄细,长约4mm。质脆。气微,味淡。 功效 本品为夹竹桃科植物罗布麻的干燥叶。 主治心脏病,高血压,神经衰弱,肝炎腹胀,肾炎浮肿。 经脉 归肝经。 用法用量 3~10克。水煎服;单味浸泡代茶服。 注意禁忌 脾虚慢惊者慎用。 罗布麻叶的药方 ①治肝炎腹胀:罗布麻二钱,甜瓜蒂一钱五分,延胡索二钱,公丁香一钱,木香三钱。共研末,一次五分,一日二次,开水送服。(《新疆中草药手册》) ②治神经衰弱,眩晕,脑震荡后遗症,心悸,失眠,高血压,肝硬化腹水,浮肿:罗布麻一至三钱。开水冲泡当茶喝,不可煎煮。(《新疆中草药手册》) ③降压茶:罗布麻叶6克、大山楂15克、五味子5克、冰糖适量,肥胖者不放糖,以开水冲泡代茶用。 功效 此药膳茶平肝熄风,活血化瘀,滋肾敛肺,可治高血压,失眠,头晕,降低血脂,此茶还可防治冠心病。... Read more

SKU: 400214ORIGIN: China

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    本品为夹竹桃科植物罗布麻的干燥叶。 主治心脏病,高血压,神经衰弱,肝炎腹胀,肾炎浮肿。








    • ①治肝炎腹胀:罗布麻二钱,甜瓜蒂一钱五分,延胡索二钱,公丁香一钱,木香三钱。共研末,一次五分,一日二次,开水送服。(《新疆中草药手册》)
    • ②治神经衰弱,眩晕,脑震荡后遗症,心悸,失眠,高血压,肝硬化腹水,浮肿:罗布麻一至三钱。开水冲泡当茶喝,不可煎煮。(《新疆中草药手册》)
    • ③降压茶:罗布麻叶6克、大山楂15克、五味子5克、冰糖适量,肥胖者不放糖,以开水冲泡代茶用。 功效 此药膳茶平肝熄风,活血化瘀,滋肾敛肺,可治高血压,失眠,头晕,降低血脂,此茶还可防治冠心病。


    Apocynum venetum/Luo Bu Ma (16 oz/bag)

    Apocynum is a Chinese herb that has a long history of use in Europe as a tea for supporting normal blood pressure levels. This herb also contains antioxidant properties. Luo Bu Ma Pian is recommended for those with water retention and for supporting normal cardiovascular function.

    Luo Bu Ma Pian may be used for the following:

    • Supports normal cardiovascular function
    • High blood pressure
    • Water retention
    • Constipation


    From the manufacturer: 

    The taste is sweet, bitter, and it is cold in effect. 

    This product is mostly shrunken and curled, and some are broken. After the intact leaves are flattened, they are elliptical-lanceolate or ovoid-lanceolate, 2.5cm long, 0.5.2cm wide, light green or gray-green, with a blunt tip and blunt or wedge-shaped base. It is finely toothed at the edges, often recurved, glabrous on both sides, leaf veins protruding from the lower surface; the petiole is thin, about 4mm long. It has a crisp fragrance and is tasteless.

    This product is the dry leaves of Apocynaceae plant Apocynum. Indications: for heart disease, hypertension, neurasthenia, hepatitis, abdominal distension, nephritis and swelling. It enters the Liver meridian. Dosage  3-10 grams. Decoction in water; or brewed instead of tea.

    Cautions: Use with caution for those with spleen deficiency. [weakness, diarrehea, nausea, poor appetite, etc.]

    The classical use of Luo Bu Ma 

    Treatment of hepatitis and abdominal distension: simmer with watermelon seed, corydalis, clove; twice a day, served with boiling water. ("Xinjiang Handbook of Chinese Herbal Medicine")     

    Treatment of neurasthenia, dizziness, sequelae of concussion, palpitations, insomnia, hypertension, liver cirrhosis, ascites, edema: apocynum venetum one to three dollars. Brew in boiling water for tea, not decoction. ("Xinjiang Handbook of Chinese Herbal Medicine")     

    Antihypertensive tea: 6 grams of Apocynum venetum leaf, 15 grams of hawthorn, 5 grams of schisandra, appropriate amount of rock sugar, without sugar for obese people, use boiling water to make tea instead. Efficacy This medicated tea can calm the liver and eliminate wind, promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, nourish the kidneys and restrain the lungs. It can cure high blood pressure, insomnia, dizziness, and reduce blood lipids. This tea can also prevent coronary heart disease.




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