
永合豐 蜂蜜/蜂王漿

10 products

  • 罐) 罐)

    永合豐 鲜皇浆/鲜王浆/蜂王浆(1000克/罐)

     永合丰 鲜皇浆/鲜王浆/蜂王浆(1000克/罐) 蜂皇漿是蜜蜂提供給新蜂后幼蟲的食物。蜂皇漿營養豐富,它含有多種的人體所需的蛋白質、維生素、礦物質、與及氨基酸等,有效促進人體新陳代謝,強身健體。 性味--甘酸,平。 经脉--肝;脾经 功效--滋补强壮,益肝,健脾。治病后虚弱,小儿营养不良,老年体衰,传染性肝炎,高血压病,风湿关节炎,十二指肠溃疡。 注意禁忌: 湿热泻痢者禁服,孕妇慎服。 食用方法: 最好将蜂王浆放入舌下而不是直接口中含服,慢慢咽下,使人体充分吸收。不可用热开水冲服,成分遇热否则会大量营养损失。如不适应蜂王浆的味道,可用蜂蜜2份,鲜蜂王浆1份混合后冲服,与蜂蜜蜂花粉同时食用也行,但最好是单独食用。 温馨提示:蜂王浆冰冻,冻成冰块直接舌服咽下比解冻之后吃的口味要好很多。解冻后的口味比较差,有些人受不了。 (1)蜂王浆是天然物质,可直接食用并被人体吸收。一般早、晚各一次,常人保健一天不得超过5克,空腹服用效果更佳。 (2)年老体弱及病状较重者,可适量增加,剂量增大时不会产生副作用。 (3)蜂王浆的口感特殊,为改善口感和使营养更全面、品质更稳定,可配制成王浆蜜食用。一般1000克蜂蜜100-200克王浆混匀,早晚各一次,每次10-20克,温开水送服,配制的王浆蜜不用时可放在冰箱的冷藏室保存。 (4)含服,取少量鲜王浆(2-5克)含于舌下,效果较明显。 (5)用于保健:选1000克优质蜂蜜加入100-200克鲜蜂王浆,进行充分搅拌后,置于冰箱,每日1-2次,每次20克,温开水送服或冲服,若有不适,可在饭后服用(每次服用时最好进行搅拌或晃匀,因蜂王浆比重小,易上浮)。 保存方法:蜂王浆要求在低温下贮存,贮存温度以-5—-7℃为宜。实践证明,在这样的温度条件下,存放一年,其成分变化甚微,在-18℃的条件下可存放数年,不会变质。胶囊和片剂可以在常温下可保存2年。


  • 20% OFF
    永合豐 瑪露嘉 蜂蜜 UMF10+ 250g

    永合豐 瑪露嘉 蜂蜜 UMF10+ 250g

    永合豐 瑪露嘉 蜂蜜 UMF10+ 250g 瑪露嘉 蜂蜜中含有一种独特的活性抗菌物质——独麦素,它具有很强的抗菌及抗氧化作用,可以促进机体伤口自然愈合,尤其在调养胃肠道方面表现极佳。   WHF Manuka Honey UMF 10+ Manuka is the native New Zealand tea tree. It is renowned and valued for its curative powers. WHF ® brand Manuka Honey is dark amber honey and has a texture and aroma that is quite unique. The taste is slightly bitter with an herbaceous flavor, suitable as a spread, or can be used to enhance your cooking. Alternately, combine it with cider vinegar or lemon juice for a refreshing and healthy drink. UMF® stands for ‘Unique Manuka Factor, a measure of the unique type of biological activity which is naturally present at varying levels in honey made from the nectar of the Manuka bush (Leptospermum scoparium), native to New Zealand. The mark UMF® is followed by a number that indicates the strength of the UMF® activity in a batch of UMF® Manuka Honey. The higher the UMF® rating, the more potent the product.


  • 20% OFF
    永合豐 新西兰 紫苜蓿花蜜 500g 1 WHF Clover Honey - Liquid (500g)

    永合豐 新西兰 紫苜蓿花蜜 500g

    永合丰 新西兰 三葉草蜂蜜(液体) 三葉草蜂蜜,它的主要功效是止血,而且也是眾多蜂蜜種止血功效最好的一個。人們食用三葉草蜂蜜以後,對於身體體內多種出血症狀都可以得到很好的緩解和根治,比如胃出血、吐血、咳血和大便帶血等,都可以通過食用三葉草蜂蜜進行調理。此外,三葉草蜂蜜還是一種純天然的外傷用藥,這種蜂蜜的消炎、殺菌功效都是非常的出色的,再加上它理想的止血功效,可以對人體的多種外傷傷口可以起到止血、消腫、防止感染等作用;如果當人們受到外傷傷害的時候,那麼可以直接把這種蜂蜜塗抹在傷口處,起到殺菌消炎的作用。 WHF Clover Honey - Liquid (500g) The main clover species in New Zealand is white clover (Trofolium repens). Clover Honey is one of the world's prime honey. WHF ® brand Clover Honey has a light color and delicate flavor, making it the most popular of all the fine honey produced in New Zealand. Clover honey is high in flavanols, antioxidants that can help to regulate your blood pressure, which in turn helps to protect your heart health. Flavanol content also leads to better blood flow, as well as transportation of oxygen and nutrients throughout your body. (webMD) 


  • 永合豐 新西兰 卡瑪喜 蜂蜜 500g

    永合豐 新西兰 卡瑪喜 蜂蜜 500g

    永合豐 新西兰 卡瑪喜 蜂蜜 500g 永合豐 卡瑪喜 蜂蜜產自新西蘭的原始森林。Kamahi蜂蜜含有天然的礦物質和微量元素,純天然,無添加,是你養生的好夥伴。   WHF Kamahi Honey - Liquid (500g) The recent interest in Manuka honey has been driven by a range of scientific studies. In the 1980s, researchers discovered that Manuka honey has very high levels of methylglyoxal (MGO) and have linked this to a number of health benefits, including antioxidant and tissue regeneration... Many people would be surprised to hear that Kamahi honey has higher levels of minerals and nutrients than Manuka. Like all raw honey, it has a host of enzymes and antioxidants that are good for us. . . When it comes to taste, Manuka has a strong earthy flavor while Kamahi honey is more like toffee, with a hint of vanilla. Many people prefer its lighter taste. ( WHF brand Kamahi Honey is made from flowers of the Kamahi plant found in the forests of New Zealand. It is a rich, golden hue and has a lingering sweet, buttery aroma. It is also known to aid in beautifying one's appearance. Try it in recipes that call for a distinct honey flavor.


  • 20% OFF
    永合丰 新西兰 苜蓿花蜂蜜(膏体) 2 WHF Clover Honey - Creamed (500g)

    永合丰 新西兰 苜蓿花蜂蜜(膏体)

    永合豐 新西兰 三葉草蜂蜜(膏狀) 三葉草蜂蜜,它的主要功效是止血,而且也是眾多蜂蜜種止血功效最好的一個。人們食用三葉草蜂蜜以後,對於身體體內多種出血症狀都可以得到很好的緩解和根治,比如胃出血、吐血、咳血和大便帶血等,都可以通過食用三葉草蜂蜜進行調理。此外,三葉草蜂蜜還是一種純天然的外傷用藥,這種蜂蜜的消炎、殺菌功效都是非常的出色的,再加上它理想的止血功效,可以對人體的多種外傷傷口可以起到止血、消腫、防止感染等作用;如果當人們受到外傷傷害的時候,那麼可以直接把這種蜂蜜塗抹在傷口處,起到殺菌消炎的作用。   WHF Clover Honey - Creamed (500g) The main clover species in New Zealand is white clover (Trofolium repens). Clover Honey is one of the world's prime honey. WHF ® brand Clover Honey has a light color and delicate flavor, making it the most popular of all the fine honey produced in New Zealand. Clover honey is high in flavanols, antioxidants that can help to regulate your blood pressure, which in turn helps to protect your heart health. Flavanol content also leads to better blood flow, as well as transportation of oxygen and nutrients throughout your body. (webMD) 


  • 永合豐 新西兰 達華麗蜂蜜 500g 1  WHF Tawari Honey (Liquid)

    永合豐 新西兰 達華麗蜂蜜 500g

    永合豐 達華麗 純蜂蜜(液體)500g 永合豐 達華麗 純蜂蜜的蜜源是新西蘭北島的Tawari樹的乳白色花朵,這種蜂蜜擁有金黃色的色澤和奶油糖果的美妙味道。 WHF Tawari Honey - Liquid (500g) The source of this pure honey is the milky white flowers of the Tawari tree on the North Island of New Zealand. This honey has a golden color and a wonderful taste of butterscotch. Tawari honey is also good for you, giving you instant natural energy, and enhancing general health. It has an anti-biotic activity that is peroxide-based, and as light honey, it better suits the taste and skin of some people, for treatment purposes. (


  • 永合豐 蕾華莉 純蜂蜜 液體(500G)

    永合豐 蕾華莉 純蜂蜜 液體(500G)

    WHF Rewarewa Honey - Liquid (500g) WHF ® brand Rewarewa Honey is made from New Zealand honeysuckle flowers found on the North Island. It is classic dark honey rich in caramel flavor. Perfect as a complement to your recipes, this honey may be used as a spread or sweetener. The honey color is amber, the taste sweet, it does not easily crystallize. It has a delicious longan aroma. Its protein content is the highest among single flower nectars, reaching 1.699%.  TCM effects: It is used for nourishing blood and calming nervous tension, enhancing appetite, and replenishing the spleen. It is enjoyed for its skin benefits: clearing heat (inflammation) and moisturizing dryness. It invigorates digestion and replenishes qi. It has secondary effects of reducing palpitations and insomnia caused by deficiency of the heart and spleen qi and blood. It is thought to be especially suitable for women.  


  • 永合豐 瑪露嘉 蜂蜜 UMF20+(250g)

    永合豐 瑪露嘉 蜂蜜 UMF20+(250g)

    永合豐 瑪露嘉 蜂蜜 UMF20+ 瑪露嘉 蜂蜜中含有一种独特的活性抗菌物质——独麦素,它具有很强的抗菌及抗氧化作用,可以促进机体伤口自然愈合,尤其在调养胃肠道方面表现极佳。   WHF Manuka Honey UMF 20+ (250g) Manuka is the native New Zealand tea tree. It is renowned and valued for its curative powers. W ® brand Manuka Honey is dark amber honey and has a texture and aroma that is quite unique. The taste is slightly bitter with an herbaceous flavor, suitable as a spread, or can be used to enhance your cooking. Alternately, combine it with cider vinegar or lemon juice for a refreshing and healthy drink. UMF® stands for ‘Unique Manuka Factor’, a measure of the unique type of biological activity which is naturally present at varying levels in honey made from the nectar of the Manuka bush (Leptospermum scoparium), native to New Zealand. The mark UMF® is followed by a number that indicates the strength of the UMF® activity in a batch of UMF® Manuka Honey. The higher the UMF® rating, the more potent the product.


  • 20% OFF
     永合丰 新西兰 麦卢卡蜂蜜(膏体) 2 WHF Manuka Honey - Creamed (500g)

    永合丰 新西兰 麦卢卡蜂蜜(膏体)

    永合豐 瑪露嘉 蜂蜜 膏體 (500G) WHF Manuka Honey - Creamed (500g) Manuka is the native New Zealand tea tree. It is renowned and valued for its curative powers. WHF ® brand Manuka Honey is dark amber honey and has a texture and aroma that is unique. The taste is slightly bitter with an herbaceous flavor, suitable as a spread, or can be used to enhance your cooking. Alternately, combine it with cider vinegar or lemon juice for a refreshing and healthy drink.


  • 20% OFF
    永合豐 蕾華莉 純蜂蜜 膏體(500G) 2 WHF Rewarewa Honey - Creamed (500g)

    永合豐 蕾華莉 純蜂蜜 膏體(500G)

    永合豐 新西兰 龙眼蜂蜜 桂圆蜜(膏体) 蜜色呈琥珀色,食味甘甜,不易结晶,具有浓烈的龙眼的香气,在单花蜜中其蛋白质含量最高,达1.699%。它有养血安神、开胃益脾、养颜、清热润燥、补中益气之功效,对心脾血虚引起的心悸不安、失眠记忆力减退有辅助疗效。特别适合女性食用。   WHF Rewarewa Honey - Creamed (500g) WHF ® brand Rewarewa Honey is made from New Zealand honeysuckle flowers found on the North Island. It is classic dark honey that is rich in a caramel-like flavor. Perfect as a complement to your cooking recipes, you can also use this honey as a spread, drink sweetener, or for your baking needs. TCM effects: It is used for nourishing blood and calming nervous tension, enhancing appetite, and replenishing the spleen. It is enjoyed for its skin benefits: clearing heat (inflammation) and moisturizing dryness. It invigorates digestion and replenishes qi. It has secondary effects of reducing palpitations and insomnia caused by deficiency of the heart and spleen qi and blood. It is thought to be especially suitable for women.



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