

187 products

  • 20% OFF
    雲南七子餅茶 青饼 中茶绿印 2004年

    雲南七子餅茶 青饼 中茶绿印 2004年

    雲南七子餅茶 青饼 中茶绿印 2004年  中國土產畜產進出口公司雲南省茶業分公司   Yunnan Chi Tse Beeng Cha Raw Pu'er Tea Cake 2004(357g) The name "Chi Tse Beeng Cha" (or Seven Wafers of Yunnan) replaces the old name "Yuan Cha" (or Round Tea from Yunnan) and is now on the circumference tea cakes.  Yunnan Qizi Cake Tea, Chinese Tea Green Seal, 1990 Limited Edition Pu’er is a fermented tea with a flavor that deepens with age. Quality Pu'er teas are collected and traded for high prices like fine wine... Generally speaking, Pu'er can be sweet, bitter, floral, mellow, woody, astringent, sour, earthy, . . . A combination of tastes appears in one single steeping. Bear in mind that the taste also changes as the tea ages. ( Arbor tea trees are ancient with a complex root system that gives depth to the taste and health effects of Pu'er tea. In China, Pu-erh tea has long been sipped to achieve a variety of health benefits, such as improvements in heart health and reductions in cholesterol levels. It's also said that Pu-erh tea can help promote weight loss, enhance eyesight, stimulate circulation, and soothe hangovers.


  • 20% OFF
    老班章 名山古树 2015生茶 普洱茶饼(357 g) 老班章 名山古树 2015生茶 普洱茶饼(357 g)

    老班章 名山古树 2015生茶 普洱茶饼(357 g)

    老班章 名山古树 2015生茶 普洱茶饼(357 g) 雲南老倉古茶   喝山頭好茶  喝老倉古茶 老班章,一個號稱普洱茶王的山頭;它是普洱茶的一張耀眼的名片,普洱茶界公認的“茶王”。 老班章茶树大多种植于1476年,距今五百多年岁月,高龄古树茶的茶叶极为珍稀。位于西双版纳世界茶王之乡勐海县布朗山,布朗族后裔(属古代濮人的后代),是世界上最早栽培、制作和饮用茶叶的民族。海拔1700米至1900米,山峦起伏连绵,沟谷纵横交错,北部因有哀老山和无量山的屏障作用,天成“冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,四季如春”、“冬春两季多雾”的气候特点,常年云雾缭绕,原生态植被多样性保存完好,特别适合古茶树的生长。 从古至今,老班章村民一直沿用传统古法、人工养护古茶树,从鲜叶的萎凋,慢火手工杀青、揉捻等19道工序制作,古法精制而成。 普洱茶之王,老班章历经百年沧桑,造就口感丰富的香气,独特的兰香引人入胜,浓厚润滑、喉韵深、回味悠长的普洱茶。本品选料上乘,无论品饮、鉴赏或是收藏,都是顶级珍茗佳品。  


  • 10% OFF
    燕窝(4oz) 燕窝(4oz)

    印尼爪哇 天然原色燕盏/燕窝(4oz)

    永合豐 印尼爪哇 天然原色燕盏/燕窝(4oz/盒) 產品信息 品牌: 永合豐 品名: 印尼爪哇 天然燕盞 產地: 印度尼西亞 爪哇島 色澤: 原色 未漂白 發頭: 8-10倍 保質期: 三年 淨含量: 4Oz 等級: 一級 含水率: 5%-10% 儲藏方法: 陰涼乾燥或41℉以下儲藏 適合人群: 孕婦,男女老少皆宜 每日用量: 日常保養2-3克,孕婦每天3-5克 燉煮方法: 泡發2-4小時,清理換水,隔水燉30分鐘即可。 此燕窩產品為純天然手工加工產品,會有輕微絨毛殘留。由於此產品未經過任何漂白和漂洗,更適合孕婦滋補食用。請在食用前多清洗兩到三次。如果有任何顧慮,請勿購買此產品。 永合豐集團對下屬的燕窩工廠所生產的燕窩產品有嚴格明確的量化指標 讓您買得放心吃的舒心  質量規定 特級 一級 二級 燕條、燕絲 色澤標準 象牙白,顏色均勻(雜色不超過10%) 米白色、暗紅色、金黃色,顏色均勻(雜色不超過20%) 白色、橙紅色、黃色,顏色均勻(雜色不超過30%) 白色、黃白色,顏色均勻 外形標準 完整(破損小於1%) 較完整(破損小於3%) 適度完整(破損小於5%) 條形或絲狀 尺寸標準( in.) 長度≥4  寬度≥1  長度≥3.5  寬度≥1  長度≥2.7   寬度≥1 - 清潔程度 無肉眼可見雜質和異物 稍有可見絨毛 稍有可見絨毛 有細微絨毛,但無其他外來雜質 含水率 % ≤12 12-14 14-18 12-15 唾液酸含量 % ≥10 7~10 5~7 5~10 蛋白質含量 % ≥50 40~50 30~40 30~50 質量偏差率 允許10%的燕窩達不到特級要求,但符合一級要求 允許15%的燕窩達不到一級要求,但符合二級要求 允許15%的燕窩達不到二級要求,但不影響食用加工 -   For over 1,200 years, Asian people have enjoyed processed swallow’s nests prepared as a soup. The nests have high nutritional and medicinal value, with anti-aging and anti-cancer properties. Some people use the soup to improve complexion quality, due to the high collagen content, and to improve concentration and raise libido. Bird's Nest is also a good supplement for growing children: Bird's Nest contains proteins, amino acids and minerals essential for healthy development. According to TCM, traditional Chinese medicine, regular consumption of Bird's Nest helps prevent colds and flu. Wing Hop Fung Brand Natural Bird’s Nest, First Class Grade, is unbleached. The origin is Indonesia from Java Island. Net content:  Store in a cool, dry place or below 41°F. Shelf life is three years.Bird’s Nest is highly suitable for pregnant women, as well as men and women who wish to remain healthy and beautiful. It is rich in glycoprotein, collagen, amino acids, antioxidants, hormones and various minerals. Have Bird’s Nest soup on an empty stomach or ½ hour before meals to enhance absorption. It is “neutral” in temperature, neither too heating nor cooling for the body. It enters the lung, stomach and kidney meridians.Daily dosage: 2-3 grams for daily maintenance, 3-5 grams per day for pregnant women. The method of stewing: Soak for 2-4 hours, clean and change the water, and simmer for 30 minutes.This bird's nest product is purely natural and hand-processed without bleaching and rinsing. It is darker in color which is a suitable tonic for pregnant women. Please wash two or three more times before eating. If you have any individual concerns, please do not purchase this product.Wing Hop Fung Bird’s Nests are cultivated in protected estates where quality is guaranteed. The ecology yields a productive environment for these rare birds to produce this highly valued delicacy.REFRIGERATE All BIRD'S NESTS. They are shipped Same Day Shipping or 2nd Day Shipping. Other shipping options are risk deterioration of the product. Purchases are not refundable.


  • 10% OFF
    墨西哥刺參 #697 墨西哥刺參 #697

    墨西哥刺參 #697

    墨西哥刺參 南美刺参16oz 海参富含蛋白质,烟酸和核黄素,并含有影响人体健康的一些物质,包括:硫酸软骨素(存在于人类软骨中)腔积液(其功能类似于人白细胞)棕榈酸,硬脂酸和亚油酸(具有强抗氧化作用的脂肪酸)角鲨烯(充当类固醇前体的化合物)三萜类化合物(一类化合物被认为可以减缓癌症的生长)海参可预防多种疾病,包括关节炎,心血管疾病,便秘,勃起功能障碍,牙周炎,牙龈疾病和某些类型的癌症。海参可抵抗炎症,促进伤口愈合并减缓衰老过程。传统用途:海参具有滋阴养阳的功能,如滋补肾,精,滋血,润燥,滋养胎儿,促进劳动。它可以提高男性的内分泌能力,改善女性的新陈代谢,促进性激素的分泌,并改善性功能。注意事项:海参具有稀释血液的作用(它会降低有害的胆固醇)。对贝类过敏的人应避免食用。在怀孕和哺乳期间避免使用它或在医生的指导下使用。   Sea Cucumber #697(1Lb) Sea cucumbers have been on earth for 500 million years. Sea cucumbers are ocean dwellers, though some inhabit the shallows and others live in the deep ocean on or near the ocean floor—sometimes partially buried beneath it. The dish is a prized seafood delicacy throughout south Asia, the Philippines, Japan, Australia, the Pacific, the Caribbean, France (beche de mer) and Portugal (pepino do mar.) The preparation takes several days of soaking and cooking and their nutritional value is exceptional. Sea Cucumber is often cooked in elaborate Chinese New Year soups.  Sea cucumbers are rich in protein, niacin, and riboflavin and contain substances that influence human health, including:  Chondroitin sulfate (found in human cartilage) Coelomic fluid (which functions similarly to human white blood cells) Palmitic, stearic, and linoleic acid (fatty acids with potent antioxidant effects) Squalene (a compound that acts as the precursor to steroids) Triterpenoids (a class of compounds thought to slow cancer growth) Alternative practitioners prevent and treat a wide range of health disorders with sea cucumber, including arthritis, cardiovascular disease, constipation, erectile dysfunction, periodontitis gum disease and certain types of cancers. Sea cucumber fights inflammation, promotes wound healing, and slows the aging process.  Traditional Uses:  Because sea cucumber is warm in nature, it has the functions of nourishing yin and yang, such as nourishing kidney and essence, nourishing blood and moistening dryness, nourishing the fetus and promoting labor. It can improve the endocrine ability of men and improve the metabolism of women, promote the secretion of sex hormones, and improve sexual function. Cautions: Sea cucumber has blood thinning effects (It reduces harmful cholesterol) It should be avoided by persons who have shellfish allergies. Avoid it or use under the direction of a doctor during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


  • 10% OFF

    永合丰 精选 印尼 天然燕丝 经济装(8oz/盒)

    永合丰 精选 印尼 天然燕丝 经济装(8oz/盒) 品牌: 永合豐 品名: 天然精選燕絲 经济装  產地: 印度尼西亞 色澤: 原色 未漂白 發頭: 6-9倍 保質期: 三年 淨含量: 8 oz 等級: 燕絲 含水率: 10%-15% 儲藏方法: 陰涼乾燥或41℉以下儲藏 適合人群: 孕婦,男女老少皆宜 每日用量: 日常保養2-3克,孕婦每天3-5克 燉煮方法: 泡發2-4小時,清理換水,隔水燉30分鐘即可。 燕盞的燕囊或掉下來較大粒的絲碎。燉後口感腍滑及乾淨。 燕窩是中國自明代以來開始被食用的傳統名貴天然滋補品,傳統上是皇帝與貴族養顏護膚的有效補品。燕窩主產於泰國、印尼、越南、馬來西亞等地。燕窩是雨燕科動物金絲燕或同屬燕類由口中吐出的唾液凝結而成。燕窩略有蛋白味,氣味清香飄逸,咀嚼時稍帶有黏滑感。燕窩自古以來,被人們奉為美食佳品及滋陰養顏之聖品。 ● 永合豐企業於印尼巴厘島自設燕窩加工場● 高於同業三倍的人力與衛生設備,確保安全可靠● 100%純天然、無任何漂白、無添加劑、無防腐劑  永合豐集團對下屬的燕窩工廠所生產的燕窩產品有嚴格明確的量化指標 讓您買得放心吃的舒心 質量規定 特級 一級 二級 燕條、燕絲 色澤標準 象牙白,顏色均勻(雜色不超過10%) 米白色、暗紅色、金黃色,顏色均勻(雜色不超過20%) 白色、橙紅色、黃色,顏色均勻(雜色不超過30%) 白色、黃白色,顏色均勻 外形標準 完整(破損小於1%) 較完整(破損小於3%) 適度完整(破損小於5%) 條形或絲狀 尺寸標準( in.) 長度≥4  寬度≥1  長度≥3.5  寬度≥1  長度≥2.7   寬度≥1 - 清潔程度 無肉眼可見雜質和異物 稍有可見絨毛 稍有可見絨毛 有細微絨毛,但無其他外來雜質 含水率 % ≤12 12-14 14-18 12-15 唾液酸含量 % ≥10 7~10 5~7 5~7 蛋白質含量 % ≥50 40~50 30~40 30~40 質量偏差率 允許10%的燕窩達不到特級要求,但符合一級要求 允許15%的燕窩達不到一級要求,但符合二級要求 允許15%的燕窩達不到二級要求,但不影響食用加工 -   Bird's Nest Strips (8 oz/box) Bird's nest is a traditional precious natural tonic that has been consumed in China since the Ming Dynasty. It has traditionally been an effective tonic for emperors and nobles. Bird's nest is mainly produced in Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia and other places. The bird's nest is formed by condensing saliva from the mouth of the swiftlet sparrow or the same genus. The bird's nest is high in protein, with a delicate fragrance and a slight stickiness when chewed. Since ancient times, bird's nest has been regarded as a fine food and precious product for nourishing yin body fluids and beauty. ● Wing Hop Fung enterprises set up bird's nest processing plant in Bali, Indonesia ● Three times more manpower and sanitation equipment than the same industry to ensure safety and reliability ● 100% natural, no bleaching, no additives, no preservativesWing Hop Fung Natural Selection, Color: Unbleached, Grade: Five Stars, Net content: 8 oz Shelf life: three years Storage method: Store in a cool, dry place or below 41°F. This products is suitable for everyone: pregnant women, men and women. Daily dosage: 2-3 grams for daily maintenance, 3-5 grams per day for pregnant women Method of preparation for the swallow's sac or the shreds of larger grains: Soak for 2-4 hours, clean and change the water, and simmer for 30 minutes. It tastes smooth and clean after stewing.Wing Hop Fung Bird’s Nests are cultivated in protected estates where quality is guaranteed. The ecology yields a productive environment for these rare birds to produce this highly valued delicacy.All BIRD'S NESTS MUST BE REFRIGERATED. NEXT DAY SHIPPING or 2ND DAY SHIPPING. Other shipping options cause deterioration of the products. Purchases are not refundable.  


  • 10% OFF
    古韻留芳 古樹春茶 陳國義先生作品 普洱生茶 茶餅(400 g) 古韻留芳 古樹春茶 陳國義先生作品 普洱生茶 茶餅(400 g)

    古韻留芳 古樹春茶 陳國義先生作品 普洱生茶 茶餅(400 g)

    古韵留芳 古树春茶 陈国义大师监制 普洱生茶 茶饼(400 g)   Rhythm of Vintage Aroma Raw Pu'erh Tea Cake (400 g) Smooth, crispy with a sweet aftertaste. Health Benefits of Pu-Erh Tea include:  Increases Energy and Mental Focus Promotes Heart Health Cleanses Toxins and Free Radicals. Prevents Cancer.  Protects Bone Health.  Aids Digestion Aids in Weight Loss. Reduces Stress. Prevents Illness


  • 40% OFF


  • 10% OFF
    永合丰 南美特大蝴蝶花膠 鱼肚 #458 (16oz) 磅)

    南美特大蝴蝶花膠 鱼肚 #458 (4-5頭/磅)

    南美 特大 蝴蝶花膠 鱼肚 #458 (4-5頭/磅) 鱼肚食疗功效高,含有丰富的蛋白质、胶质、磷质及钙质,女士视为养颜珍品。对身体各部分均有补益能力,是补而不燥之珍贵佳品。 鱼肚味甘、性平,入肾、肝经; 具有补肾益精,滋养筋脉、止血、散瘀、消肿之功效。   Dried Fish Maw #458 (4-5 pcs/ lb) Fish maw has a high therapeutic effects and is rich in protein, collagen, phosphorus and calcium. It is regarded as a treasure for women. It has the ability to nourish the entire body. It is a precious food that is nourishing, moisturizing and rejuvenating. Fish maw is sweet, mild and rejuvenating for kidney and liver and their meridians. It invigorates the kidney and Jing essence, nourishing muscles and veins, stopping excess bleeding, removing blood stasis, and reducing swelling. Fish maw is a delicacy served during special occasions like Chinese New Year. However its nutrition is valuable year round: Rich in collagen, fish maw is a Chinese beauty secret for youthful skin. Fish maw contains rich proteins and nutrients. It nourishes 'yin' which means it replenishes the tissue, moisture and fluids of lung, stomach, liver and kidney. It boosts stamina and helps prevent burnout.  Furthermore, fish maw does not contain cholesterol and therefore it is a very valuable health enhancing ingredient suitable for long time consumption. Fish maw is the dried form of fresh, high quality air bladders of fish, which are rich in gelatin. The air bladders are taken from large fishes and is graded according to sex: male bladders are considered better than female ones. Among them, there are shark's tripe, Pollock maw and premium fish maw. Fish maw (aka swim bladder, gas bladder, or air bladder) is an internal gas-filled organ that contributes to the ability of many bony fish (but not cartilaginous fish) to float, i.e., control their buoyancy, and thus to stay at their current water depth without having to waste energy in swimming. Here is a simple recipe for two. Fish Maw Soup Ingredients:  2 chicken thighs 1 clove of garlic cooking oil 1 tablespoon raw ginger 1 cup dried fish maw pieces chicken soup stock or low sodium bouillon  1 package Sweet Soup/Qing Bu Liang Soup Rinse the fish maw in cold water. If it is hard, soak it for 30 minutes. Brown the chicken in oil and set it aside, brown sliced garlic and ginger in the oil until they become fragrant. Add back the chicken. Add the dry Sweet Soup ingredients. Cover the ingredients with chicken stock and simmer for 30 minutes or until the dry ingredients are soft. Add the fish maw and simmer for another fifteen minutes or until the fish maw is spongy soft and tender not dissolved. Season with soy sauce and garnish with chopped scallions. 


  • 20% OFF
    雲南七子餅茶 青饼 中茶牌 绿印 2000年 经典

    雲南七子餅茶 青饼 中茶牌 绿印 2000年 经典

    雲南七子餅茶 青饼 中茶牌 绿印 2000年 经典 中國土產畜產進出口公司雲南省茶業公司   Yunnan Qi Zi Bing Cha Tse Beeng Pu'erh Tea Raw Cake 2000(357g) The name "Chi Tse Beeng Cha" (or Seven Wafers of Yunnan) replaces the old name "Yuan Cha" (or Round Tea from Yunnan) and is now on the circumference tea cakes.  Pu’erh is a fermented tea with a flavor that deepens with age. Quality Pu'erh teas are collected and traded for high prices like fine wine... Generally speaking, Pu'erh can be sweet, bitter, floral, mellow, woody, astringent, sour, earthy, . . . A combination of tastes appears in one single steeping. Bear in mind that the taste also changes as the tea ages. (


  • 10% OFF
    盒) 盒)

    印尼爪哇 纯天然原色 大三角 燕盏/燕窝 (8oz/2.65oz/盒)

    印尼爪哇 纯天然原色 大三角 燕盏/燕窝 5-8 片/兩 品牌: 永合豐 產地: 印度尼西亞 原料: 一级 天然燕窩 色澤: 原色 未漂白 發頭: 7-8倍 保質期: 二年 含水率: 10%-15% 儲藏方法: 陰涼乾燥或41℉以下儲藏 適合人群: 孕婦,男女老少皆宜 每日用量: 日常保養2-3克,孕婦每天3-5克 燉煮方法: 泡發2-4小時,清理換水,隔水燉30分鐘即可。 此燕窩產品為純天然手工加工產品,會有輕微絨毛殘留。由於此產品未經過任何漂白和漂洗,更適合孕婦滋補食用。請在食用前多清洗兩到三次。如果有任何顧慮,請勿購買此產品。 永合豐燕窩的金絲燕是在受保護的莊園培育,良好的生態環境為這些珍稀鳥類提供了一個舒適的環境,以產生這種高價值的燕窩,有質量保證。所有的燕窩都需要保持冷藏,當天發貨或第二天發貨。建議UPS 2nd Day Air®或UPS Next Day Air®,使用其他運輸選項導致產品運輸途中變質,不予退還。 永合豐集團對下屬的燕窩工廠所生產的燕窩產品有嚴格明確的量化指標 讓您買得放心吃的舒心   質量規定 特級 一級 二級 燕條、燕絲 色澤標準 象牙白,顏色均勻(雜色不超過10%) 米白色、暗紅色、金黃色,顏色均勻(雜色不超過20%) 白色、橙紅色、黃色,顏色均勻(雜色不超過30%) 白色、黃白色,顏色均勻 外形標準 完整(破損小於1%) 較完整(破損小於3%) 適度完整(破損小於5%) 條形或絲狀 尺寸標準( in.) 長度≥4  寬度≥1  長度≥3.5  寬度≥1  長度≥2.7   寬度≥1 - 清潔程度 無肉眼可見雜質和異物 稍有可見絨毛 稍有可見絨毛 有細微絨毛,但無其他外來雜質 含水率 % ≤12 12-14 14-18 12-15 唾液酸含量 % ≥10 7~10 5~7 5~10 蛋白質含量 % ≥50 40~50 30~40 30~50 質量偏差率 允許10%的燕窩達不到特級要求,但符合一級要求 允許15%的燕窩達不到一級要求,但符合二級要求 允許15%的燕窩達不到二級要求,但不影響食用加工 -     Wing Hop Fung Java Original Bird's Nest A beautiful gift or precious treat for your health and beauty. Bird’s nests (yàn wō) are a rare Asian delicacy that has been passed down by generations of beautiful women. It has high protein content (about 70%), namely collagen. The main health and beauty benefits of bird's nest soup are: Skin health and repair. Easy to digest (for absorption of nutrients) Postnatal health supplement. Reduces fatigue. Enhances nerve functions. Increases immunity. Anti-aging Super-food supplement. Restores damaged cells and stimulates new cell growth.   Wing Hop Fung set up bird's nest processing plant in Bali, Indonesia  Three times more manpower and sanitation equipment than the same industry to ensure safety and reliability  100% natural, no bleaching, no additives, no preservatives Color: Unbleached Grade: Five Stars  Shelf life: three years  Storage method: Store in a cool, dry place or below 41°F. This product is suitable for everyone: pregnant women, men, and women. Daily dosage: 2-3 grams for daily maintenance, 3-5 grams per day for pregnant women  Method of preparation for the swallow's nest: Soak in cold water for 6 hours or overnight, change the water twice, and clean any lasting foreign particles. The nest expands after soaking. Simmer in a double boiler for 30 minutes. It tastes smooth and clean after stewing. It can be cooked with sweet fruit such as an Asian pear or add red dates and goji berries.  Wing Hop Fung Bird’s Nests are cultivated in protected estates where top quality is guaranteed. The ecology yields a productive environment for these rare birds to produce this highly valued delicacy.   All BIRD'S NESTS MUST BE REFRIGERATED. NEXT DAY SHIPPING or 2ND DAY SHIPPING. Other shipping options cause deterioration of the products. Purchases are not refundable.

    $279.00 - $689.00

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